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Nothing special here, move along, nothing to see, just ignore the lump under the sheet and the red stuff...

More Blog Posts481

  • 5 weeks
    Letters arc complete and posting Monday with Chapter 10 of The Knight, The Fey Maiden, and the Bridge Troll too

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    EA Total Eclipse Of The Fun
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    Estee · 38k words  ·  908  10 · 13k views
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  • 21 weeks
    New Year 2024- New Projects 1939

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New chapter of Farmer Bruener, Question on Letters From a Little Princess Monster · 8:11pm Aug 10th, 2020

I'm publishing the most recent chapter of Farmer Bruener Has Some Ponies, and I've got a question for my readers: I have four more chapters in the latest arc of Letters From a Little Princess Monster done, right up to the busy parts of Monster's Third Task, but no further. (Slow writing) So I'm taking a vote to see if I should publish what I have, or hold on until the arc is done. See the first comment below, after the post-birth teaser from Letters where I disprove a commonly assumed theory.

(Spoiler for last written and complete section of Letters)

Trixie took a short look at Shining Armor and Cadence engaged in the really disgusting and highly nauseating task of cleaning the infant. The tiny princess was nursing away, ignoring the licks in favor of nutrition. And speaking of nutrition…

“Pinkie, I think this calls for a party,” said Trixie. “Where are the cupcakes?”

To Trixie’s shock, the perky pink party pony did not jump on the open invitation. Out of curiosity, Trixie took off her own hat, held it out for a moment, then dropped it.

A party did not ensure.

A tiny thread of doubt began to work its way into Trixie’s good mood.

“Sunburst,” she began slowly while looking around the sparkling city, “did you happen to defeat some sort of powerful evil named Sombra on your trip here? Maybe Cadence blasted him, or you dropped a house on him?”

Sunburst shook his head and shivered. The breeze was slightly cool, but it was far better than the raging snowstorm outside of the city’s dome, and she had just run farther than her usual exercise. So Trixie tried to relax while looking around at the various sparkly inhabitants of the city as they began peeking out of doorways and easing their way down the streets in their direction.

There were no obvious threats visible in the strange city, either beings of living darkness or anything really ‘Sombra-shaped’ about. There were some things missing, however. The box of cupcakes, for one. And the mess involved in a birth, secondly. And Sunburst’s cloak, come to think of it. And her own cloak, as well as her hat, which she managed to get a brief glance of as it vanished into Cadence’s mouth with the chewing motion of powerful alicorn jaws.

“Still hungry,” murmured Cadence before continuing to lick the foal.

Rarity looked positively horrified, but Applejack could not have been more smug. Or at least until Cadence cast a desiring glance at her hat.

“We need vittles for the Princess!” shouted Applejack, sprinting into the city. “Anypony got something to tide her over?”

“Good idea, Applejack!” Trixie moved as quickly as she could to jab at Pinkie Pie, who was still staring horrified at a tiny scrap of cardboard on the ground with a teeny bit of pink icing still left on it. “Pinkie! Go ask everypony about getting a party set up for our newest princess. With food.”

“Right!” In a flash, the Pinkie Pie that Trixie had learned to dread was back, and vanished in a pink blur.

“Rarity, go take—” Trixie waved abstractedly at Sunburst, who was still looking glazed in more ways than one “—him off to be cleaned and dressed. I swear he looks naked without that cloak. And Fluttershy.”

“Eeep!” The shy pegasus backed away from the nursing princess, although Trixie was not sure if it was because she had called for her, or if Cadence had actually growled. Or maybe it was Her Highness’ stomach.

“You and Rainbow Dash have the most critical job,” said Trixie quietly in a near hiss. “Go talk to all of the animals around here. Find out what happened. I don’t know if we can trust the crystal ponies to tell us bupkis, but the animals at least shouldn’t be able to lie to you. Can you do it?”

An actual smile showed up on Fluttershy’s face, brief but highly obvious, and she nodded, leaving Trixie feeling a little less like a babbling fraud in charge of a train wreck as the two pegasi darted away on their assigned task.

By this time, a crowd of the sparkling crystalline ponies had gathered around, looking both curious and terrified at the spectacle of a nursing alicorn until one whisper rose above the others.

“The Crystal Princess.”

It was too good a line to pass up, and Trixie reared up to call out, “Behold, the Crystal Princesses!”

It was a little like lighting a fuse, because she could hear the echoes of her proclamation all through the odd city, caught up and repeated by every one of the sparkling ponies. It would have made her feel better if there had not also been a tiny hint of mocking laughter just barely at the edge of her hearing that followed.

“Twilight Sparkle,” murmured Trixie to herself as the glittering citizens crowded in closer to behold their new princesses. “Hurry up saving my dumb husband and get your star-spangled rump here to help.”

Comments ( 12 )
Georg #1 · Aug 10th, 2020 · · 6 ·

Vote Box:

Upthumb if you want me to go ahead and publish the next four chapters in Letters From a Little Princess Monster this week.
Downthumb if you want me to wait until I'm all the way done with the arc.

Well, this isn't an easy choice. But I'm going to vote in favor on the basis that wherever you've stopped, you probably have one heck of a cliffhanger there.

5333072 Would I hold my readers in suspense? I mean I even brought in friendly, happy, lovable Thorax.

Within the tiniest fraction of quantum time, held motionless by his contact with the pregnant alicorn, Thorax existed for hours inside of a split-second, eons of experience in less time than it takes to blink an eye. And inside of that microscopic universe, there was only one sensation.

Thorax burned.

Unimaginable amounts of love poured out of the large alicorn, coursing through his transformed body and burning away the impurities that it had acquired in the shadowed city. It was more than just a simple washing in the fire of love, but something that swept through every cell, every muscle and bit of chitin, seeking out and destroying that which would destroy others in turn. And yet, no matter how much it hurt, even though he could feel every stab and spasm of agony from the alicorn’s labor, he could not help but remain frozen with his nose against her flank, like a bug roasting inside a lamp.


Would I hold my readers in suspense? I mean I even brought in friendly, happy, lovable Thorax.

Yes, yes you absolutely would. Especially if you could do so on the perfect cliffhanger moment. Or if it was amusing to do so. Or if it was a day ending in "y."

Sorry, where do you want me to Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?

I vote for publish, BTW.

I vote for beer.

A vote for beer is always a correct choice. Perhaps not the only correct choice, but It certainly is one of them.

Sorry... perhaps I missed the question? I swear these cravings since I started the Keto diet make me crazier than Twilight at a “Buy One and Only One of These Unpublished Works by Great Authors” convention.

Farmer Bruener is creeping up on 200K words. Is it going to hit complete any time soon so I can finally get started on this Odyssey? :twilightsheepish:

5333307 Go ahead and fire it up. No idea if/when I'll ever get done.

JUST happy to see more PONY words from you

I love all your stories but Monster is the one that keeps me crawling back no matter how much time passes.

.... This is what I get for falling asleep before the sun sets... I missed my chance to vote on a Georg story publishmentation! Ah well, can't wait good sir! Monster is still my absolute favorite story set on this site and I don't see that changing any time soon.

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