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Cutie Mark Crusaders Forever!!!

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  • 55 weeks
    Thoughts at 6AM (didn't sleep)

    Insomnia is a bitch. I'm doing far better with my new medication, but it's also been causing me to have loads of trouble falling asleep for the last three weeks. Every day it takes longer and longer to get tired, usually ending up with me staying awake until 9AM and then crashing. Sleeping during the day sucks because there's a huge renovation in my apartment house so basically every work day is

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  • 55 weeks
    Top 10 pony songs from G4 (cliché, I know)

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  • 86 weeks
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    Yes, I mean it.

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  • 89 weeks
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  • 140 weeks
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Hi! I'm a Nazi brony! · 10:32pm Jul 18th, 2020

Yes, you read that right. After what I've read about the topic, I am indeed a Nazi, because I find Aryanne fics both cute and hilarious. That makes me a Nazi, right? But people are saying that Aryanne should be banned, and so should all of Ze Nazis be kicked out of ze fandom. Clearly liking Aryanne fics is a sign of being a Nazi.

If only that was the extent of my disgusting person, but that's not all! My evil goes far beyond that! I'm also a rapist, torturer, perverted pedophile, furry, copyright infringer and a lot more, especially if I get to do those things to horses. I hate everyone for the colour of their skin, coat, religion, gender or lack thereof. Also I've killed myself several times now. That's right! I've read all of those types of fics and even liked some of them, so that clearly means I practice those things in reality. Every time I read a Fallout:Equestria fic I just HAVE to go out, shoot a few people in the head with a high-powered rifle, loot their bodies and rape their women.

That reminds me, we should definitely start acting on the awful rape epidemic going around in the fandom. I heard that a person who had once watched an episode of the show had, indeed, raped someone else. That means there is a huge brony rapist underground that uses Friendship is Magic to recruit people into rape cults. Don't worry, I read about it on Twitter so it must be true.

This is where the sarcasm ends. First of all, my apologies for the rape comparison. I most definitely do not want to insult anyone who has had to go through sexual violence. I wanted to draw attention to the way nazism is being portrayed in the fandom, and the lack of proof of any actual nazism going on. (No, your friend reading about it on 4chan is not proof, nor is Sethisto hearing "reports" of it.) I wanted to write this blog to make people realize that every argument that is being made of these Brony Nazis can be said of any other controversial topic that the fandom seems to enjoy on a regular basis. There is no cause and effect with reading about a topic and then suddenly acting on it IRL. That's why we don't get to read about brony mass murderers or brony snuff cults. I fully believe that people have brains and are capable of using them. We can distinguish between fiction and reality.

We can find entertainment in the weirdest things, and we should do so as well. That allows us to explore our personalities, maybe use the stories to discuss even the most painful topics that we might find in life. Instead of denying the horrors of Nazi Germany, we should use the stories involving Aryanne to start discussions on what led to such a vile ideology to take hold of the masses and how we could avoid such things in the future. We should use her stories to remind us of the horrors humans are capable of and then have a laugh about it. Why laugh? Because nothing hurts an ideology as much as ridiculing it. See Springtime For Hitler for reference. But never deny it, never sweep it under the rug or ban it, because if you deny an ideology, it becomes more powerful as people want to find more about it and it becomes edgy and gets a good reaction for the trolls.. Force it into the light and point fingers at it. Tell everyone how silly Hans is being for thinking people with blond hair are better! Just say: "Brony nazis? That's just silly. What next, Care Bears Crusaders Against Christianity?" Just don't forget, because people who forget history will repeat it.

Keep calm, and Sieg Heil on.


Edit 2: I find it kinda sad that people have sent me PM's about this topic instead of talking openly about it in the comments. I'm not calling anyone out! I just find it a bit depressing when people can't say what they truly think on an MLP site where we pride ourselves on openness and talking things over.

Comments ( 28 )

I find this really heartbreaking, but I won't argue with you. You were the first fic writer I really liked and the first writer I followed on her, but if you don't care about people like me trying to explain how hurtful this is to us, then I'm just going to unfollow and block. I hope you reconsider.

You have a good point, but I am afraid to many people, this blog post may come off as insensitive. It is important to recognize that hate ideologies exist. If we refuse to have sensible conversations about all ideologies and points of view, we risk losing the podium to radicals and extremists. Which only increases the hate.

'Allo 'Allo is one of my favorite comedies, have you watched it by any chance? It essentially makes a whole farce out of World War 2 and Nazi Germany.

Isseus #3 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 9 ·

It's clear you didn't read the blog and are just commenting on the title.

Isseus #4 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 7 ·

I'd love to see sensible discussion on ideologies. Too bad that 99% of those discussions starts and ends with "If you disagree with me, you're a nazi". I'm tired of that. All ideologies exist for a reason, and most folks don't have a clue of what caused them to emerge and how a whole country would be swayed by such an ideology. Right now "nazi" has become a meaningless slur, just like "idiot" or "dumbasss". It's used to shut down a discussion so you don't have to actually see both sides of a discussion.

I do not believe in a Brony Nazi problem. It's a dumb joke that has gone too far. I'm just sad that it has hit such a fragile and vulnerable fandom which immediately sees themselves in a bad light thanks to collective low self esteem.

You have to be willfully blind to ignore the rise of modern fascism in the United States.

The saddest thing in all of this is being told that if you stand up for the equality under the rules/law of others' art then you're a nazi or a nazi sympathizer. It demonstrates an almost profound lack of understanding of the words one uses. Then again, I had two different people today call me a hypocrite for defending from unequal treatment people who allegedly wouldn't pay me the same courtesy. So misunderstanding of the words one uses appears to be something of a more general epidemic.

Isseus #7 · Jul 18th, 2020 · · 4 ·

First and foremost, fascism and nazism are two completely different things.

Secondly, the USA is not the whole world. Us folks in Europe have seen what actual nazism is and how it molded the countries around us. You US folks calling each other (and me!) nazis gives me very conflicting thoughts, somewhere between pity, sadness and hilarity.

On a brighter note, we now live in a world where several, several, several Jewish people have been accused of being nazis.

It's a brighter note because that's hilarious.

Thank you for your post, and the entrenched belief you hold that freedom to express yourself in fantastical ways, or enjoy said content, does not mean you somehow inherently support these things.

I truly hope that more people are willing to stand up and fight for this freedom sooner rather than later. An individuals freedoms can be stripped away in an instant, but the reverse is a battle far more difficult than fighting for your freedoms before they can be taken.

I understand your point of view. And to some degree I do agree with it if mocking is the point(such as Jo-Jo Rabbit) rather than trying to make the ideology more inviting. I am sure the different fics in MLP that have Nazi ponies have plenty of both categories. But mocking is A: only partially helpful in fighting against the ideology, more complex understanding is also needed. And B: which is very important is even of the intent is to fight the ideology, even if no one reads the story or sees the picture and feels the ideology makes sense. It can still be very hurtful for the people who that ideology has effected in their or their families lives. Like your picture at the bottom. I know you put it down not because you support Naziism but because you are mocking them. But it still scared me because my family was killed by them, and the horror the Nazis did lives in me. If we are going to agree that those pictures and stories are good for mocking and weakening. Then please have the writers or artists warn about the art so someone who would get scared or feel the pain of their family can avoid it.

I feel your pain. It's a 'if you're not with us you're against us' type of puritan mindset. It's really getting out of hand.


No, I did read the whole thing and I'm not impressed. The whole point of the character is to make fascism seem like a joke or palatable. You asked for us to ask how these things take root in the first place. She's a small part of the answer.


The whole point of the character is to make fascism seem like a joke

Aryanne is the joke.

or palatable


You asked for us to ask how these things take root in the first place. She's a small part of the answer.

No, it really isn't. Stories about Aryanne do not normalize or encourage nazism any more than rape fics normalize and encourage rape. Or gore fics normalize torture and murder or stories about foalcon normalize pedophilia, or hell, clop fics normalize bestiality. It really doesn't. It's a fallacy.

I understand how you feel, and how being reminded of the Nazi Germany can be painful. I understand how your grandparents may have been affected by nazism 80 years ago. I live in a country that sided with the Nazis in WW2 and our country was ostracised and basically had to work 50 years through national war reparations. I'm not trying to deny anything of the bad things nazism caused. That's not the topic here, though. It's the portrayal of a nazi caricature used to mock the ideology, and how that is treated as pro-nazism, while several more immediate and real evils are being ignored. This site is full of vielence, non-consensual sex, gore and various fetishes, enough to warrant their own story tags. A LOT of people have been touched by one or more of those topics, yet they aren't being fought over or defended. Nobody seems to care that rape fics are abundant, with at least 100 non-con fics for every single Aryanne fic. Does that mean that there are 100 times more rapists in the fandom? Of course not. Reading stories about something, or producing art about a topic, no matter how controversial, should be okay. You don't get to cherry pick your crusades and decide that just one topic is off limits if others are still okay.

About warnings and such: A lot of authors already mark theirs stories with trigger warnings. There's also a good basic level tag function for stories. Unfortunately the only way to filter stories is the mature rating. I'd personally love a way to filter out stories containing gore, because I don't think that vile stuff has a place in the fandom. But I'm not saying it should be removed, because I accept that people want to read gore stories for whatever reason. If anything, there might be a call for a new tag, say "satire" or "political" for fics that deal with more controversial or volatile topics. I think fics like that are desperately needed during these partisan times to help people start conversations about those topics instead of just shouting "U NAZI! " "NO U!" which is the extent of the majority of political discussions lately. Reaasonable, moderate, moralistic centrism has apparently completely vanished from the political spectrum, now only consisting of extreme right and extreme left. And the problem with radicalising views is that instead of solving problems, it only serves to incite more radical thoughts and actions in the opposite side. Just like how 5313957 said, the sentiment is 100% with us, or 100% against us. If you disagree even with the tiniest bit of the radicalised views of either side, you are immediately in full support of the opposition. Nobody wishes to seek compromise or act like, well, grown ups. Everyone is trying to work things out like a school playground, by calling the others names and not playing with them because they smell. It's the sign of maturity to be able to see the grey area between black and white.

Just like in this topic: I don't think nazism is 100% evil, or at least didn't start that way. There were reasons why the people were swayed by an art school dropout ranting in a pub. There's far more to the ideology than just hating jewish people or homosexuals and carrying them to extermination camps. That's what I'd love to see talked about in a rational manner, but I know that anyone who reads this will see my words "nazism isn't 100% evil" and suddenly I've said to gas all non whites. Partisan thinking, radicalisation, social media, unreliable mass media and the lack of accountability of people in power, those are the real evils in the current day. I think we'd benefit far more of talking about those topics than whether an octogenarian ideology is still relevant and active to this day as anything other than smoke and mirrors from the actual problems.


Yes, the word "nazi" is meaningless. It means "I don't like you for no clear reason and i believe you need to be silenced", that's it.

This is complelty off topic but Nazism is a form of Facism, just like Facism is a form of Totalitarianism.(I was able to separate from the conversation more and feel less immedtly in pain because of Nazi imagery(even though it was mocking imagery.)


There were reasons why the people were swayed by an art school dropout ranting in a pub. There's far more to the ideology than just hating jewish people or homosexuals and carrying them to extermination camps.

That I am sure is true, but a huge reason why Hitler and fascism is successful is it takes the real problems people have.(Such as the Germans having no economy and losing the war) and says here is the people at fault. They are the enemy, all of the problems in your life are their doing. Germans had real economic and social issues and felt humiliated after the war and treaty. Then a charismatic man told them they were superior because of their race, and all of their problems was because of the Jews.

I want to say the people who supported the Nazi's were uniquely evil and it will never happen again. But in all honesty I'm not sure if I'm in a position where I'm homeless and trying to feed my family I would not be swayed by someone charasmatic who says "Remember who the Germans are, that they are Nazis? Well the Germans are the cause of all your problems." I wish I could promise I am immune, but I think no human is immune.(Note even if I understand why people supported the Nazi party that does not mean I think it was not an act of evil. It was a horrible act of evil, but one we are all capable off.)

There doesn't need to be cosmological struggle of good and evil for every modification of the rules. The site is just better off without swastikas.

edit: same with five score/4

This hysteria about Aryanne reminds me of the game DOOM from the nineties. DOOM was full from top to bottom with occult imagery and concepts. It's obvious to everyone both in retrospect and at the time that they were just trying to be edgy. But this didn't stop ignorant (or malicious) people from accusing them of being interested in genuine devil worship.

Back then we'd hear all the same stuff we're hearing today. "Okay maybe you don't worship evil but just joking about it will corrupt other people's minds, or give them cover to sacrifice goats in the woods. Some things shouldn't be joked about," blah blah.

There will always be obnoxious busybodies who want to stifle people's artistic freedom for the benefit of their own aggrandizement and sense of control and power. This will pass just like all the others and be looked back upon with disbelief that people could be so petty and zealous.

And heavy metal. And rap. And Dungeon and Dragons. And communism. And television. And rock'n'roll. And radio. And printed word. Probably aquaducts.

Aryanne was created just to be controversial and we don't need to be romanticizing that garbage anyway. I'd have equal problems with a black face pone or a Confederate flag pony named "Dixie". The name, coat color, and symbol on her are all trash. And you like any pone with a pulse. You can make any number of German OC pones without having that nonsense attached.

I don't understand the fascination with Nazis, I really don't. And this blog post doesn't strike me as you wanting to take anything seriously. The Nazis did horrible things and your pone that you love so much is just a shining symbol to that stupidity. Why? What is it you even like about it? That she is "cute"? Tons of other cute pones. You like the controversy? You are just going to start fights.

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Hi. It's already been well over a year since browny Nazis were a thing. The Holocaustof 2022 truly was awful.

I'm guessing you didn't read the whole post or just want attention?

I did. I still don't understand where the nazi allegations started with Bronies. From my understanding, it was some morons on 4chan that started something dumb, and then everyone just assumed all Bronies were nazis from that point on. Or that we have a bunch of them running amok. :facehoof:

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