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Rational Debate Changed My Mind | Iisaw · 7:00pm Jul 18th, 2020

Reblog from Iisaw.

We should all know by now that when someone says, "I'm not a racist, but..." then they are definitely a fucking racist.

I used to enter into debate with people like that, and I learned a lot from those debates, the main thing being that debating such vile people is a complete waste of time.

Ether Echoes put it perfectly here: Signal Boost

Asking for decency hasn't worked.

Protesting for reform hasn't worked... in fact, anonymous federal troops are now kidnapping citizens off the streets to terrorize them into abandoning their struggle: The Portland Disappearances

This is against the law, and against the wishes of the mayor of Portland and the governor of Oregon. I'm sure a lot of the FiMFacists would love to debate the ethics of this situation... equivocating on and on, while people keep being kidnapped.

So yes, I've changed my mind on how to approach this problem. For our own little corner of the internet, I recommend not going to the mods. They're not stupid people, they know what's going on. They either don't care or they support that crap. They only removed The Nazi Party of Fimfiction once it got widespread media attention. Now, I recommend documenting the racism and bigotry (and pedophilia) that is allowed here. Don't debate dirtbags et al, just screenshot it when they say racist shit or post a pic of Aryanne. Save it up: it's ammunition. When the time comes to use it, you'll know where to aim.

For the world at large... yes, it's exhausting and we all have only so much energy. Save it up. For those of us in the USA, November will be a bloodbath no matter how the election goes. Be ready for anything. Stay safe.

Comments ( 6 )

What was the point of reblogging this?

I think it was important and agree with what was said.

I disagree but respect your right to state your opinion. Have a nice day, buddy

I'm confused what's going on now?

Iisaw is expressing discontent with the fact that a segment of this site is alright with the Nazi's, and I reblogged because I agree with him.

For everyone leaving this as a dramatic "gotcha," I want to say that you're right! You've changed my mind! Obviously going through what someone has said or done to hold them responsible for their own actions is completely insane.

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