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"r5h, your story was also weird in that you had like some of the cleverest jokes in the contest and also some of the dumbest" -Aragon

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Black Lives Matter Now More Than Ever · 4:00am Jul 17th, 2020

But beyond that... have you heard about what's happening in Portland?

Because holy shit, it's turning into a literal fascist police state. Here's an article with some info. Or you can just check many many threads on Twitter to see horrifying videos in real time.

Black lives matter. Defund the police. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security.

And arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, and literal dozens of other people who've been murdered by police.

The protests haven't stopped. So please don't stop paying attention.

EDIT: I just wanna point out that the DHS has said why they're being all fascistic in Portland. It's because there's too much graffiti, according to them. Fuck these fascists.

Comments ( 11 )

I was just discussing the government kidnappings elsewhere today. That over-reaching federal government trampling on our rights that the 2nd amendment crowd is so concerned about protecting us from—this is it.

First they came for immigrants. Now they're coming for protesters. Remember when Trump accused Pelosi and Schiff of treason? He'll get to them eventually. Until then, who else will be taken?


I seem to remember letting that removing the police from several city blocks in Seattle went swimmingly. Im sure it'd be great if we did it nationwide. Its not like 30 some rapes and 10 murders including an 11 year old really matter.

Though I do agree these officers need to be held accountable for their actions.

Just yesterday I signed the LDF's petition to force the Senate off their asses and pass the Justice in Policing Act. Now I'm not certain it will be enough.

R5h #4 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 4 ·


30 some rapes and 10 murders including an 11 year old

Do you have a single fact to back that up? I know there was violence in the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, but "30 rapes and 10 murders" is not a figure I can corroborate anywhere, and that makes it sound like you've uncritically swallowed right-wing propaganda about the protest.

Defunding the police doesn't mean 'no one shows up to 911 calls, you're on your own, and it's The Purge'. It means allocating community resources away from police to a wider array of people who can deescalate violent situations, provide care, or even prevent such violence and crime from happening—for instance, by providing housing to the homeless or food to the hungry.

I am glad you understand that these officers—if they are indeed officers—need to be held accountable for their actions. However, the last month and a half, and actually the last several hundred years, show that this is not a problem that can be solved merely by arresting individual officers. We need to fundamentally rethink the way we police in this country, or black people are gonna keep getting murdered, and old white men are gonna keep having their heads cracked open against the ground, and it's going to get worse.

There were tons of violent crimes happening in Chaz and there are 8 confirmed deaths and several being investigated.

Ultimately i think the thing thats our policing bad is the cronyism and protectionism that springs up in police departments. Bring that down and we can get rid of the offenders.
Lowering police budget will only lower police wages, which are already abysmal, making it even less likely that a potential officer will choose that profession. Which will lead to a shortage of officers in a few years. Something no sane person would want.

Please provide a source for the 'tons of violent crimes'. I'd like to see the numbers myself.

We don't yet know the number, though I do believe you'll find that the seattle police department has stated that they recieved many calls from the area and were unable to respond.

"Do your own research about my unsubstantiated claims."

Haha no, fuck you, sources or GTFO.

Some people are busy my friend. Although i will state for record if you think bad thing did not occur in CHAZ then you possess a naivety near that of a child's


Okay, so R5h has done a fantastic job making his own case about those numbers but I'd like to say something a bit different.

Police currently have a total monopoly on crime, right? So they get to have it both ways; They get to take responsibilty for all crime that gets resolved, and any crime that they fail to resolve they can call for more resources to deal with. It's a ratchet effect; Their budget can be increased, never cut.

So even if those numbers were accurate - which R5h has done a great job throwing suspicion at - you're now looking at the issue that the police know that they can simply withdraw from that role whenever their authority is questioned and nobody can do anything about it. They can just... let murder cases go unresolved if you question what they're doing, or rapes, or thefts, whatever, just to prove the point. Because they know that currently they're the only option. They're all you got. They have total power.

But how safe are you with them, really? 60% of murders in Seattle in 2015 are still open cases with no arrests. Only 1% of rape cases end with a conviction.

This gives us two issues:
One: The police do not do their job perfectly and do not necessarily make you safer about the things you're worried about.
Two: But they can withhold their services whenever alternatives are suggested, or ways to make them more accountable are brought up, to ensure public support is brought back to their terms.

Therein lies the rub: It's not enough to say that crimes still happen when communities try to self-police - of course they do, and will, we're not utopians here - what you instead have to understand is that by attributing all crimes to a lack of police, you validate them having that total monopoly, total control - that federal protection racquet.

And a community-organized no-cop-zone is an extremely different thing to wanting those resources and services distributed across better organizations, and crime happening in the CHAZ doesn't mean that cops should continue to have that total monopoly of power.

R5h #11 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 3 ·

Let's just track the degradation of your argument over time, shall we?

30 some rapes and 10 murders including an 11 year old

There were tons of violent crimes happening in Chaz and there are 8 confirmed deaths and several being investigated.

We don't yet know the number

But wait, doesn't the second quote contradict the first one? Doesn't the third quote contradict the first and second?

And finally you've gone down to "bad things occurred in CHAZ", a completely unfalsifiable claim that could mean anything from "multiple homicides" to "multiple people stubbed their toes". As motte and bailey arguments go, this one has been pretty flimsy and transparent.

And you haven't provided literally a single source for any of your claims yet! You claim to be too "busy" to support your arguments, but you've had time to troll around this blog, refreshing frequently enough to provide quick responses to anyone questioning any of your claims. Clearly you can't be that busy.

I suggest you look up some left wing sources about what police defunding, disarmament, and abolition look like. In the meantime, you're blocked, since you haven't added even one valuable or verifiable comment to this blog.

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