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Professor Donger

Imagine not writing about ponies in the current year

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Update; How I've Been, the Status of ASATG and other things. · 12:40am Jul 12th, 2020

So Jesus, it's been what nearly 4 months since I updated A Sunset Across the Galaxy? I apologize for the delays and feel awful about it.

With that in mind I want to update you all on how I've been and just what's been going on with me and the story in general, as well as just promise you that no the story isn't cancelled, the chapters are just slow going and a pain in the ass.

So I don't have time to really write as much as I want anymore, When i first started A Sunset Across the Galaxy I pretty much had my nights free to write, I would get home at 10 O'Clock and spend the next few hours writing out a chapter, it's why the first four chapters happened in such rapid succession to each other. Now though, since I work nights I don't have as much time to write as I usually would. My schedule consists of waking up around 5pm, being a vegetable until 9, and then heading to work until 4 AM, go home, pass out, repeat. I barely have any real time to write, and the times I normally would use such as my days off, I use to decompress or am being dragged off to do something else by a family member or friend.

Covid hasn't helped either but it honestly hasn't affected me as much as it probably could have so that's a bonus.

One of the other issues I have is that I have a bit of Story ADD, I'll think of something for one story and then get inspired to think of another story, which has drawn attention away from Sunset's adventures a little bit (As you all saw with my first little fore ray into Clop)

I'm still slowly writing the next few chapters, I want to make sure the next time I update the story I at least give you guys something substantial, So I've been spending the last month getting the next Chapter done, and then began working on the next chapter after that one, I hope by the end of August to have Four or Five Chapters to update the story with and give you guys some meat to chew on while I work on the next few chapters.

Again I apologize for the wait and I thank you for your patience

Comments ( 2 )

Take your time and don't worry about it, we'll all happily wait for a story as good as this :twilightsmile:

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