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Goodbye, Derpibooru. You don’t deserve my chairs. · 1:57am Jul 10th, 2020

Report 2Merr · 836 views · Story: Peephole ·
Comments ( 18 )

What happened?

Chairlestia is best lestia.

Saw your post. Respect.

I asked if you posted those to discord, good to see someone calling out db on here too, rip Chairlestia

The biggest of the sads

Site owner wants to rule with an iron fist.

Still need more detail

Staff chat logs here, scroll to bottom. TL;DR: site owner says "either you shits ban Aryanne and anything else I call Nazi (and let's include 4chan posters and anyone who complains about censorship) or I will take direct control and do it all myself." Bunch of staff quits, remaining staff starts banning stuff and lying to users. Remaining staff has contempt for artists, they think the artists need Derpibooru more than Derpibooru needs artists. Anyone in the Derpibooru forums/comments who quotes the logs gets their comment deleted, because "respect our authoritah! privacy plzkthx".

xoid #12 · Jul 10th, 2020 · · 2 ·

Haven’t read the chat logs, but there’s a lot more malfeasance to the story than that. Shadow filtering (think shadow banning, but with filters instead) of the Black Lives Matter tag for people who down‐voted art with the tag; “undesireables” speed was secretly throttled — and Derpi was made to time out altogether for them 5% of the time — by the site’s coder; in the space of 24 hours there were no less than three flip‐flops regarding the ban, The Smiling Pony handed the reins over to to Parasprite (TSP retains joint ownership). Parasprite undoes the censorship and other crap. Barely a few hours later the other site owner, Joey, stabs Parasprite in the back and unilaterally (i.e., against all the mods who were online at the time’s wishes) changes the rules to “no politics at all”, a site helper publicly quits and blows the whistle on the throttling, the Twitter cancel mobs agitate to team up and go after Derpi’s Patreon…
…plenty of double standards from the “right side of history” crowd, with blatant, flagrant personal attacks and other rules violations being overlooked and multiple reports ignored and/or closed until a stink was raised with screenshot proof posted in the Discord…
…and the shitstain responsible for instigating the whole thing by bringing the Atlantic’s attention to the “Nazi issue”? Banned from Derpibooru for doxxing somebody, after which both sides shat on him.

Jesus Christ, there’s so much shit going on that trying to list it all and get it in a timeline is probably the work of days. This is just what I can remember off the top of my head and is mostly in order.

edit: Forgot to mention the no less than five alternate boorus that have been started up, the substantial anti‐censorship DNP protest and the retaliatory pro‐censorship art takedowns. How the fuck did I forget to mention them?

And word is now of an incoming purge of anyone who was pro-DNP, anti-censorship, anti-politics, associated with 4chan, or otherwise undesirable. Apparently they're prepping a mass ban script to fire off later today.

Lmao they didn't deserve those chair pics

I regret never finding these chair pics, all I have now is boring ol’ horse pussy.

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