• Member Since 27th May, 2013
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https://discord.gg/HDp8sqW - I apologize if I haven't been the friend that you deserve. But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all. - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

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  • 49 weeks
    Back in the Saddle

    Hey chaps and chapettes,

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  • 157 weeks
    ... Before I Carry On....

    Hello, Chaps And Chapettes.

    How are you all doing? I hope you're staying safe. We might be on a turning point, but everything balances on a knife-edge, so only take risks if no other choice is apparent. That being said, it has been a hellish year and you all deserve something good to come out of the 2nd half of this year.

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  • 185 weeks
    Chapter 8 Is LIVE!

    Hey Chaps and Chapettes,

    That title is not lying. I want to read it one more time and post it tonight, AND THAT'S WHAT I DID.

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  • 187 weeks
    Therapy Over, But The Healing Never Ends...

    Hi, chaps and chapettes,

    Hope you are all doing well and staying safe in these crazy times. It has not been a fun year, and next year may be equally as uncertain, but look at the end of this one as an opportunity to close the book and start another. I plan on trying to make the best of these last two months and feel as though I did something productive with 2020 as much as possible.

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  • 191 weeks
    You Are Not Alone.

    Hi All,

    Apologies that it has been a while since my last response.

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All Good Things… Happy Beat The Extraterrestrials Day! · 2:50pm Jul 4th, 2020

#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings…
4th July 2020

Happy Canada Day for the first July and Happy Independence Day for the fourth, my American and Canadian cousins! Hope you each enjoy these days where, as a country, you can recognize your own self worth in the universe.

Originally posted by unexplainedthings

Of course, as a damned-it-all Limey Brit, I had no idea what Independence Day as a kid and only got the vaguest idea from the movie. Even after that, I wondered why Americans were so happy to celebrate the day the USA beat up a bunch of movie aliens and stopped them destroying the earth for no discernable reason. It wasn’t until later that I understood the true celebration.

Equally, I did not know Canada had its own day until I dated a girl from Ontario and got updates on what they were celebrating and why. I don’t believe I ever got to see one of the days out during a visit but I certainly got photos of fireworks and pies. I really, really miss real pumpkin pie...

Of course, I still do not necessarily celebrate it myself, since I live in England where the day is basically a wet, windy Saturday with not much happening. However, I do try to remember to pop a message to the friends I’ve built up in both Canada and the US recognizing their time of celebration.

While this dumb (and very lazy) British writer cannot find a good reason to join in on these days personally without looking like a wannabe, I can still take the time to appreciate how much they mean to each country. Indeed, there are many holidays that my country does not observe but I can still understand the meaning they have to other parts of the world. For example, most might only know November the fifth from the V For Vendetta comic and/or film but not realize that it is based on an event when our Parliament was nearly blown up. Some still wish they’d been successful! Every fifth November, we go out into our gardens to light bonfires or visit public displays where a scarecrow effigy of Guy Fawkes, one of the perpetrators, is burnt and fireworks are let off.

Originally posted by dcmultiverse

While this can seem like mad rambling at the moment (or, “that’s interesting” as my friends say monotonously at me after I try to tell them about, well, anything) I do have a point that these events nicely raise. Independence, personality, and courage are things many have to face every day and some struggle to find. It’s made especially harder when they are facing matters that are deep in the consciousness of the public eye or the contrasting view of who they are is fiercely taught by celebrities, teachers, and parents.

Yet we should each of us remember that where we are at the moment has been fought and worked hard for by the people who came before us. People we have never met have fought wars to keep us safe, keep us happy, and ensure our freedom remains. Others have worked dangerous jobs and still do so that we do not have to know how hard they have it. Some deserve more than the blind eye we have so easily given them.

The point of this blog is to reassure you that you are not forgotten. Somebody thought about you before you even existed. Someone will think about you when you stop existing. Somebody, as they sit here and type this, is thinking about you now.

Do not feel ashamed about being afraid of what tomorrow brings, or what is being said about the person you are, or about the community, or race, or religion, or anything that you belong to. The people who hate and do not try to understand do not matter. The ones who support you, despite not understanding you, do. But most of all, you matter. You do. Don’t you dare shake your head at me, you do! Nodding now? Good.

Originally posted by boldlygiffing

I don’t know what you are going through today or what you’ll face tomorrow, but I know good things have to come about eventually. It may take a long time and you may feel like you’ll crack long before it comes, but I want you to keep trying and when you feel like you cannot try anymore, find someone good who will try for you.

I want to close with something I said to a friend of mine who felt awful about upsetting a friend recently: “You could be bad for a day, but you’ll never be bad for a lifetime.”

All good things,
Lots of hugs,

Scara x

Link to Luna Switched: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/17...../luna-switched
Link to Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9GEhvhf

Comments ( 3 )

A happy Ungrateful Colonist Day to you my British Friend. And thank you for such a good laugh this morning.

Haha, you're welcome! I'm glad it gave you a giggle. Have a brilliant weekend!
All good things,

Being a descendant of the Ungrateful Colonist, I appreciate you understanding the holiday we celebrate here.

Even more, I appreciate the encouragement and support you have written here. They help more than you may ever know for those who are struggling. You are a good person. Thank you for being here.

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