• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2023

Level Dasher

You can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain; rainbows won't up the sky unless you let it rain. —Autumn Blaze

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  • 39 weeks
    Level Dasher's friends want your stories

    Hey there, I'm Level Dasher's childhood friend, Eloise.

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  • 42 weeks
    Josh's Memorial - Thank you all for your patience!

    Level Dasher's brother here! This community has meant so much to him, so I wanted to reach out about his memorial.

    We will be celebrating Josh's life on Sunday, October 15th, 2023 in New Rochelle, NY. If you are local and interested in stopping by, please reach out to joshstabilememorial@gmail.com, and we will share additional details.

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  • 59 weeks
    Level Dasher Health Update

    Hi everyone - this is Level Dasher’s (Josh’s) brother Chris. I wanted to update you all on his behalf as I know how much he cares about this community, how much you all mean to him and would want you all in the know.

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    Man, Recovery Is a -itch

    Hey, Everyone!

    A comment on my previous blog reminded me that I didn't update here yet, but it still won't be horribly long.

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  • 67 weeks
    I Live!

    But I’m on a buttload of drugs and am going to pass out.

    Surgery went great, even better than expected. I’ll elaborate more later.

    Until next time!

    — LD

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Black Lives Matter—I Would Hope You'd Get the Message By Now · 1:22am Jun 5th, 2020

I'm seeing tons of BLM blogs around, and frankly I'm happy I am. I don't understand why it needs to be said over and over and over.

I'm not someone who's had experiences that led to some aspect of everything that's happening in the US right now. I was never on 4Chan seeing how asshole-ish people can be. I've never witnessed a Black person be the victim of violence first-hand. I've never had to fight for my civil rights. I've never had those rights dismissed. I'm a white male from the suburbs; I've never been a victim of any of this myself. But I get it.

Now here's the key thing— I don't understand it.

All the medical shit I've been through in my life, very few will probably understand I how I feel. You will never understand how I feel, because you've never lived it. Sure, you'll get that I've been through a lot, but you'll never understand what it's really like.

See where I'm going?

I'll never understand how any of these people feel. Anyone that's been a victim of anything that's being focused on due to these protests, I'll never understand it. This isn't "I know how you feel," because I never will. But I get it. I know that these things are happening. I can see it on video with my own eyes. Something needs to be done about it. We can't allow this to continue.

Why don't people get that?

All lives DO matter. But you can't say all lives matter until Black Lives Matter.

Comments ( 21 )

Thank you, Dasher and so many other for saying this.

No one matters until we all matter. That's not just being equal, it's just the way we should be.

But that is what's being said repeatedly, unfortunately, for the past eight or nine years.
In this case it's 100% solid that the guy previously knew and didn't like Floyd, and was generally a cunt who threw his authority around and decided to rough the poor guy up, unfortunately resulting in his death. He 100% needs to be charged with murder.

The majority of the other cases championed on the other hand, the entirety of the argument stops at "they black". It doesn't matter that things would have gone differently if they'd peacefully surrendered to arrest instead of assaulting officers and endangering the public, it doesn't matter that they were currently in the act of committing violent crimes, it only matters that they're black, so they're innocent, dindu nuffin.

What's being pushed for, and what's always been being pushed for by people who don't see the systemic and self-sustaining cycle of crime, violence, incarceration starting at home with being raised in a culture promoting crime, violence, and conflating "blackness" with incarceration and/or gang activity. Instead of pushing to correct their own homes and communities, to let the next generation succeed instead of pulling them down because "they actin white", they just blame getting arrested or worse on the police rather than their committing of crime.


I have noticed this too and under the Obama years. I remember something like this happen and nothing happend and people just forgot and then nothing changed. Of course I could be wrong I just know this happen before. Also the fact that some groups are demanding Cops be defunded now is not good.

Don't get me wrong. This case is 100% different. The guy who doesn't deserve to be named who did Floyd in needs to hang. The city officials who let him keep his badge despite a string of excessive force and related complaints need to be held accountable as well.
The last time this happened a little white girl cop was nearly beaten to death because she was afraid of what would happen if she did anything to the guy that attacked her, a man lost his career and entire life because a city was burned down on the word of a man who lied in court under oath repeatedly instead of mountains of evidence.

The problem with the case you're making is that you assume that every other time this has happened to a Black person, they've always been in the process of committing a crime (at least that's what it sounds like, correct me if I'm wrong). Claiming that it would've been different if they'd just peacefully surrendered to arrest is all well and good, but they shouldn't have to. It sounds like you're also making the assumption that whenever this happens the so-called criminal is always the first to make an assault. They resist because the police are forceful in making an unjustified arrest. Say you were in the position of 'just surrender peacefully.' I don't know your actual race/gender/creed so I'm going to assume you're a White male like me. Say all cops went around arresting White men and bringing them to jail for [x] amount of time (for the sake of argument let's say two days) and nobody knew why. If you were sitting at a table outside a restaurant having a civil conversation with someone and a cop came up to you and claimed you were under arrest, would you say, "Well fuck, guess it's my turn" and go with them peacefully? I would assume you would want to know why. If the reason they give you is completely wrong and you KNOW it's wrong, would you not argue? You'd willingly spend two days in jail and have no idea why?
That's why they don't just go quietly. And the reason things escalate into supposed assault is because the police instigate it. They claim arrest and then move in. No standing at a distance to explain first, just move in for the kill. I hate to use that phrase because in this case it was literal.

And you talk about this kind of 'culture' starting at home. It happens because they don't have any opportunities to have it be any different. Kids are raised in environments without fathers (or any other guardian figure) because they've been brought to jail for just this reason. You can't end the 'culture' without ending the cycle.

There's more to it than we can see on the surface. I've already admitted to myself that I don't know all the facts, but what I do know leans me very favorably toward supporting what's happening right now.

See picture.


OH, now I remember also yeah this cop did it to more people than Floyd. From what I noticed this guy is one of those I can do what I want type cops. I got a friend working to be a cop right now in Utah wanting to set an example of being respectful even under harsh issues. Also what I love about my state they had protests with the cops joining them. But they said to the people who riot and loot you aren't welcomed here. They said your type will be thrown in jail quicly if you are seen.


I am sure you seen my take on this Dasher. I got my own blog post I did.

I will continue to say all lives matter because all lives do matter. Regardless what the woke far-left says, it’s not racist to say all lives matter because the textbook definition of all is literally all, yet the only time anyone makes a scene about something in this country or some European countries is when the victim is a black person. Where’s the national outrage over white on white crime? Or black on black crime? Or black on white crime? What about Hispanics, Latin, Asian, etc.? George Floyd should be a case of police brutality and I 200% stand with the PEACEFUL protesters against police brutality (no, CNN. Rioters and looters and all these people encouraging and causing wanton destruction to businesses, property, and assaulting people ARE NOT PEACEFUL PROTESTORS!!), but the powers that be want it to be a race issue instead and this is far from the first time race has been used to distract from what the real issues are. This is why racism still exists and has actually gotten worse this past decade when before that things between people were pretty cordial save for the rare extremist on either end. Until we stop looking at superficial things like race, gender, etc. and address problems for what they really are, this cycle of hatred will only continue.


I personally believe that injustice to one is injustice to all. What affects me will affect you, too.

While Ferguson was burning down four black males sexually assaulted and murdered a white female with a twelve gauge shotgun. Nobody cared.
Not every but most of the ones that hit the news.
There's a difference between the chanted rhetoric and the truth in most of the cases.
Also double wrong, I'm an ambiguously brown, headscarf-wearing Romany trans woman.

Also I've again, been incarcerated. There was numerous examples of what I'm referring to. My friend Leon became my friend after he was assaulted and ostracized from the black kids for listening to the Rolling Stones. My friend Kelly was a "white-acting uncle tom" for wanting to finish school and become a nurse instead of banging shit. (He lost his life in a driveby.)

Other newsworthy cases include a man being hit and shot after reaching into the floorboard for his gun during a traffic stop, a man sitting on a bus stop bench with a .38 caliber "book" in his lap, a kid in Ohio pointing a handgun at people and then at the responding officers instead of complying with dropping it.

5276935 5276944 5276938
I'll say this to all of you.
This is my stance. I'm sure there are other instances of crime involving other creeds that could have been mentioned over the course of time, but this is what people are being vocal about. If you're asking about whether or not Latin/Asian/Brown/Anything-Else-Pick-One lives matter, ask why they aren't being vocal about it. Like the picture says— the lives that are most commonly in danger right now are Blacks, and that's why the attention is on them. That doesn't mean the others aren't.
See, I didn't know that. I made an assumption I shouldn't have. As is going on here in a lot of cases. I won't understand what you or any of the people you've mentioned have been or went through.


Of course Dasher I respect what you think. It's a matter of how some minds see these things. Like I said before but at least we are both being calm and cool about it.

There is no historical evidence of that Winston Churchill was a racist.
There is no historical evidence of that Horthy Miklós was a Nazi.
There ARE evidence of that George Floyd was a dangerous criminal. (NO, Im not saying with a single word of mine that his death was fear. I feel sorry for him, and I dont wish this fate to any of the fellow human beings. BUT making him a Role model, a hero, is not right)

Uh... can I ask why you went through my blog to make a comment on something I posted four months ago?

That was not the part of the argument but sure you can. I feeling a little weird after the fifth private message from people of the left wing who were calling me facist, nazi, racist ( on a My Little Pony fan webside...) beacause I seems from my Bio on my profile that I am a conservative, proud european tradicionalist person.
So after I learned that politicization is an actuall thing on a webside with MLP fanfiction on it, I was curious what topics are trending nowadays on FimFiction. And I found this post.

Huh. Alrighty then.

It's a bummer that people are PM-ing you like that, but I only post stuff like this on my own individual blog (I don't tag stories); I don't single people out and attack them. If you don't mind, I don't want to get into an argument about this again. I have my stance; you can make whatever claims you want, but I stand by the BLM movement.

Aight, you have a good night!

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