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Toleration Of Intolerance Leads To Nothing But Intolerance · 9:34pm Jun 4th, 2020

Black lives matter. All lives will not matter until black lives matter. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck the police. They are currently committing war crimes and have been a fascist-state paramilitary force committing atrocities for ages up until now. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck fascism. It is rising again all across the world, and is threatening to consume us. If you disagree, fuck off.

Trans rights matter. Fuck TERFs. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck homophobia. If you disagree, fuck off.

Feminism and women's rights matter. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck classism, billionaires, and landlords. If you disagree, fuck off.

Fuck Jetfire and his stupid pathetic stunt. What he did was disgusting and to be quite honest I can't help but appreciate how cruelly hilarious what happened to him as a result is. Shoulda studied the blade more, buddy. Or maybe gone the fuck outside and made some friends so you and the rest of us wouldn't have ended up here. if only there was some cartoon about that...

I used to do this a lot a couple years ago, and recently have become very lax about this. But it's time to clean house:

We can not afford to not be political anymore. That's what got us here in the first place. And if you overtly support the police or oppose the protests, fucking get out of here. I don't want to see you again. (not that I expect a large portion of you are since I've always been pretty lefty even if I've been an edgy asshole in the past)

I've gradually been attempting to move my work and stories and attitude away from a very poisonous and downright lazy and pathetic form of apathetic and vitriol-filled comedy and tonality. Base shit to appeal to the most smooth-brained and idiotic of posters.

We all have to grow up sometime. If you're not interested in that, get out of here.

I know most of us aren't in a position to do much, but please, if you have the means, do consider donating to help the cause. If you don't, you don't have to worry about it. Even so much as a simple show of solidarity can do wonders.

I'm not looking for arguments here. Consider it a parting of the ways if you feel like any of these things fluster your sensibilities.

You won't be missed.

And for those of you who stick around
love you, forever and always :heart:

EDIT: I'd like to share some excellent blogs that were made regarding this matter by various wonderful users of the site:
Flutterpriest's for a look on how a lot of previous frequent posters on /mlp/ became disenfranchised with the board (Cynewulf has a similar blog on the topic)
The Albinocorn's for an in depth look at his viewpoint on the matter
Aquaman's amazingly well written and brutal metaphor for the situation at the present
Patchwork Poltergiest's view on the situation and its associated work
WandererD's blog about his view on the situation from several angles, but especially as a father
and of course Present Perfect's rousing blog which inspired me to make this in the first place after spending nearly a week flip flopping back and forth on whether or not I should

Report Regidar · 1,257 views · #Black Lives Matter
Comments ( 65 )
R5h #1 · Jun 4th, 2020 · · 7 ·

Thank you for posting this. I hope your message can reach people.

Black lives matter!

Great blog, Regi. Thank you. :heart:

Excellent post. :heart:

I hate what happened to Greoge Floyd. I hate the riots that killed David Dorn and Marie Kelly. I hate that All lives don't matter to some people. I hate that bad people are becoming cops. I hate that this is the world we live in. We could change that but first people to grow the fuck up and see that they are adding more hate while saying they are against it.

Thanks for saying this!

Very eloquent and to the point:heart:

Bless you for speaking up, Regi :heart:

I agree with all of what you just said Regi

I do wish to add something however.

If there are people who agree that the more vandalizing and criminal Riots are the same thing as a protest, yes there are actually people who say this, then they should go fuck themselves as well. I really wish I didn't have to say this but I feel like with everything going on it needs to be said.

A lot of the violence and property damage was incited by police afaik


But what about the ones that had people fire bomb stores or looting places or other things that ended up doing even worse shit? You wanna say THOSE are okay?

R5h #14 · Jun 4th, 2020 · · 5 ·

What about the cops who've shot store owners, or smashed up the Autozone, or incited violence by tear gassing peaceful riots? Do you wanna say THOSE are okay? If you wanna play the 'whataboutism' game.

Black Lives Matter, and fuck fascists.

Okay so people who get dragged out of their cars and beaten up for being in the wrong place at the wrong time should be considered fascists? The people who were looted and vandalized by rioters, not the cops RIOTERS, are fascists to?

Look I hate what's happened as much as anyone but I'm not talking about the riots that the cops started, those cops are an insult to what they SHOULD stand for, I'm talking about the ones that were started out of nowhere by people who only want to spread chaos and misery.

1) Rioting and property damage are both a valid form of protest if targeted against oppressors (Target for example has lobbied for harsher punishments for shoplifters and funded police unions).

2) Rioting has also been instigated by undercover police officers.

3) https://twitter.com/i/status/1268314929179668480

I hate myself every day and I just thought that for once I could not hate myself by pointing out there are riots going on that have nothing to do with George Floyd yet get ignored by people in favor of ones that cops started. I was clearly wrong and apologize for wasting everyone's time.

Welp sorry for just wanting some common decency then. I'll see myself out then.

It's not bullshit if one of those places was near where I live but okay then.

Please don't spread misinformation.
With regards to item 3

The cops aren't doing the riots. It's the people that are mad. Yeah what happened was upsetting and Terrible by all means but causing violence because of an act of violence is still wrong. That is not on the fault of the police force. That is the fault of humans.

"Acts of violence are still wrong"
our nation only exists because of an act of violence. A war, in fact! the revolutionary war. And there are plenty of other times violence has been the only justifiable response. No one ever got what they wanted from their oppressors by asking nicely.

Okay then.

Martin Luther King was so successful they killed him for it. Peaceful protest does indeed work. The riots may cause immediate change, but that will come with lingering resentment and hate. This was an issue everyone in the country agreed on, shitty cops are a huge problem. We need to fix it. But instead of working together to solve the damn problem, it was immediately made into a black vs. white issue. Now we are divided. Fighting amongst ourselves instead of focusing on the real issue. The fucking shitty police.
Edit: when you protest through civil disobedience, you accept you may be arrested, or caught up with other people getting their ass whooped. That's always been accepted.
Real police brutality against protesters is what is happening in Hong Kong or France. They wish it stopped at tear gas.
Same as above. When you start looting, you accept that you value my possessions more than your own life.
March down the road, wave your signs, scream until your blue in the face. Convince me.

But when people start burning shit, beating and killing people in the street, I will start shooting.
The locals in these areas aren't even the people doing the crazy shit, they hate it. They have to pick up the pieces. Meanwhile the people starting fires and shit live miles away. Burning a black neighborhood while shouting black lives matter is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

Some may be cops. But most of them aren't. And it ain't the police fault that they are.

you're right, the police wouldn't be rioting if people weren't protesting them killing yet another unarmed black man

So act like the oppressors to no longer be oppressed? Got it. It's okay to fight back when it comes to defending yourself. The riots aren't happening to defense anyone.

A lot of people I follow are posting BLM blogs on the same day, which for some reason also happens to be the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Not sure what to make of this.

Some may be cops. But most of them aren't. Most of them are just people who are hurting other people and killing them and calling it justice by stealing TVs and burning buildings.


The riots aren't happening to defense anyone.

my brain is expanding past the confines of my skull

I agree with you for the most part, but I would like to include that Martin Luther King was only successful in spreading his message due to the fact that more extreme action incited by Malcolm X and The Black Panthers (as well as various racial riots in the fifties and sixties) lead people to realize that his message needed to be listened to. No one would have listened to his message (and in a lot of cases, a lot of people didn't) if the climate had not allowed for it. And like you said, he got assassinated over it, simply for having a peaceful message. These are the kinds of people we are dealing with here.

Why? Because someone is saying that violence is bad and the fact that innocent people are dying because of a riot is awful? Because someone actually is saying to stop violence with violence is ridiculous?

I think not to want violence is a good thing.


Because someone actually is saying to stop violence with violence is ridiculous?

You're so, so close to figuring it out.

I think some are forgetting that people being KILLED because of this riot

God I hate Tom Cotton so much. He's such a reactionary tool.

Black lives matter. All lives will not matter until black lives matter.

This. This sums it up so well.

Thank you, Regi.

That may be so, but from what i understand of it violence back in the day was more targeted. Hell even as far back as the Boston Tea Party when more extreme action was taken people were careful to keep people they are fighting for or the uninvolved out of it. Target can rebuild, auto-zone can rebuild, the hundreds of family businesses and homes are gone for good. Insurance doesn't cover riots. What we have now is a free for all with no unifying goal. These communities may never recover.
i support the protest, im ecstatic the 4 officers involved with Floyd are getting charged, and we should work to continue bettering the system. But currently the riots are so bad people WANT the military involved, that's the last thing we need. Once the Federal government jumps in they will never want to leave. Instead of burning the neighborhoods to the ground, we should be helping build them up. People NEED to take part in the local elections, keep track of what mayor or police chief or governor does what, and get the good people in there and keep them there. Ignore what they say, focus on what they have done. Real change is possible, we just need people to care all the time, not just when there's a trending hashtag.

You don't like violence? Great, tell that to all the police who are shooting and beating innocent people of colour and peaceful protestors. Tell that to the white supremacists who are using the peaceful Black Lives Matter protests to commit vandalism and looting and assault.

And damn well tell that to all the people who insulted, harassed, blackballed, and assaulted all those who were peacefully protesting police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem; thus ensuring that the problem continued, and making more radical protests necessary.

Seems you don't know much about Dr. Martin Luther King if you can say that.

“Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention”
- Dr. Martin Luther King

great. So it's okay when black people do it? Got it?

You realize you're just proving my point here, right?

Incidentally, you should go read what the FBI says about the looting and vandalism. According to the FBI, it's almost entirely white supremacists and other white people doing the looting and burning, using the protests as a cover, in order to try and start a race war. It's not black people doing it, but your assumption it is says a whole lot about you.

Sent me a link to where you got that information.

I am not saying black lives don't matter. I am saying all lives matter and the cop who killed George needs to pay for his crimes. But I am also saying that the riots that are killing people are bad. That not all cops are bad and Police brutality is an issue that needs to be focused on everyone.

Every time anything happens the system blames "white supremacist". Don't believe those morons, same people who go on the internet to 'anonymously' encourage rascism, screenshot it, then claim 4-chan or whatever is the source of all evil. With all the talk of them, you'd figure I'd met a white nationalist.
Especially here in the south. Its not just neonazis that are starting the rioting, it's the same dumbass kids who are at every riot in recent years. Some are from antifa, some were just bored randos. I wouldn't be surprised is they were actually a few nazis starting shit, but there's a lot of groups that love riots. Every group has it's extremist. To call out only one side causes more problems and division. The main perpetrators in the current affairs are the same upper middle class college kids who go on and on about minorities, then go and burn down the uninvolved black neighborhood a city over while claiming black lives matter.


Okay so people who get dragged out of their cars and beaten up for being in the wrong place at the wrong time should be considered fascists?

Considering it's almost entirely police who are doing that in particular... yes.

Glad we agree.

Sorry, but anyone on the ground can see just how much bullshit that is. I've been watching the protests, I've seen the white power tattoos, the Proud Boy and Identity Evropa insignia, on the people starting fires and busting windows. There's a small number of opportunists, of course, there always are; but anyone with eyes can see what is really going on here; and what is going on is a whole lot of neo-Nazis out trying to keep willfully ignorant people like you blaming the victims. It's not going to work. White supremacists are not the innocent victims of scapegoating, they are the problem; both the open white supremacists smashing and looting, and the covert white supremacists covering and making excuses for them.

SQA #47 · Jun 5th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Its high time we removed the Republicans and Democrats from power.

Amen pal. Also, who's Jetfire, and what did he do?

I get what that means. But people don't think like that. If George was white, no one would be talking about this. You know why? Because the media know that people won't even pay attention to it. It's not what black lives matter wants to hear. what I'm saying is all lives matter and we should pay attention to all of it. Right now we are going to pay attention to the man who was killed that happened to be black. But when a police officer kills a white person, we should pay attention to that as well.

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