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About to play the REAL Resident Evil 3 for the Playstation · 1:38pm Apr 24th, 2020

I haven't bought the remake, but I've watched several youtubers complete it, and I'm not impressed.

If you look at the Gamecube remake for the first game it was exactly how a remake should be. It was basically the same game with better graphics, and it also had new areas and options added for replay value and to change up the gameplay slightly.

Besides the characters the RE3 remake has almost nothing to do with the original. You can't really call it a remake so much as a reimagining. I didn't care for it being action oriented all the way through with little time to catch your breath. Almost none of the locations are the same. They took out the choice options, which is fine since they basically break immersion to freeze the game, but even so the path is incredibly linear and there doesn't seem to be anything to add replayability other than getting "money" to use at the in-game shop. The original let you choose which locations to visit first at times, and every time you beat the game you got an epilogue for a RE character.

They also took out quite a few locations and bosses. I get some of it as wanting to remove puzzles to keep the action moving, but eh.

But my biggest complaint is with the Nemesis himself. How are you supposed to take him seriously as a threat when he gets knocked out by a rocket launcher in a cutscene the second time you see him? Or when there's explosive barrels or electrical panels everytime he's around that knock him down? There's also more forced fights with him, and it really just makes him look like a wimp. They even transform him early, where he looks closer to a real monster rather than humanoid.

In the original he was always a threat. This is partially because the dodge mechanic was finnicky, but also because he took a lot of punishment to flinch or to go down, even when you used the most powerful weapons. Even Jill herself doesn't take him seriously in the remake half the time, snarking at him. Compare that to the original where he suddenly appears, kills Brad right in front of you, then turns his sights on you to take you down next. That's how you introduce your baddie and make it personal at the same time.

That's not to say there was nothing I didn't like about the remake. I did dig Carlos' new look and personality. I think Nicholai's more ruthless personality was better than his seeming cold indifference.

Report Never2muchpinkie · 154 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Okay the new Remake isn't that bad and it's still incredibly fun. I personally wasn't a fan of the whole branching paths system so seeing one definitive storyline helped smooth shit out really nice.

Oh and here they do a better job with Nemesis' intro because he doesn't waste time. He's in your apartment. Ready to fuck your shit up. And he's all too happy to do so. The rocket launcher BTW is still the one THAT USUALLY ONE SHOT KILLS THE TYRANTS IN THIS SERIES AND YET HE TAKES IT LIKE A CHAMP AND KEEPS ON COMING! Oh and Jill jokes and shit LIKELY BECAUSE SHE IS THAT TERRIFIED but also because it's almost like SHE'S BEEN THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE THIS BEFORE.

Also the only bosses in the game were Nemesis and that pointless worm monster Gravedigger. Don't try and make it sound like they took out a shit ton of bosses because they didn't. Oh and the more action oriented shit is because JILL AND THE OTHERES WERE ON A FUCKING TIMER! And that timer is NEMESIS. Along with the nuking of Raccoon City.

Also the REmake was only impressive to me.because of Lisa. I hated, hated, HATED the Tank controls for it. They felt janky and almost useless since I had to stand still and fire slowly and hope to score a headshot. YEAH REALLY SOLID TACTIC THERE FELLAS.

5249184 I stated my opinion. Why are you going on a tirade over it?

If you liked/loved it then great. I'm happy you got more out of it than me. I'd like to respond to your post and backup what I said, but I'm not going to talk to someone who comes at me with an "your opinion is shit and my opinion is better" attitude. If you cool off and can actually talk TO me rather than DOWN to me then I'm all for going into more detail.

I don't have anything else to say right now.

5249252 I'm calmed down now.

5249184 Okay, then. I'll address your points and ignore the anger part of it.

Okay the new Remake isn't that bad and it's still incredibly fun. I personally wasn't a fan of the whole branching paths system so seeing one definitive storyline helped smooth shit out really nice.

I never said it was bad. I just said I don't think it holds up as a remake, largely because it's so radically different from the source material. You want to add in some lore with "future" knowledge of how the series is going to go(meaning the game makers know all the additions to the story between the original RE3 and the remake) that's good to an extent. Adding in people like Dr. Bard isn't a problem, since their addition doesn't really change the direction of the series. But things like Nicholai going from being an Umbrella supervisor who was killing the other supervisors so he'd get a better paycheck to being a double agent under a completely different organization does raise some eyebrows.

ESPECIALLY when his actions are completely contradictory to his stated intentions. Now he says he's supposed to make sure Umbrella was wiped out by order of his real employer. So what's his grand plan? Let's try to kill Jill, one of the survivors who wants Umbrella to pay. Let's kill Bard, who wanted to make vaccines and rebel against Umbrella. He's doing a pretty crappy job of trying to bring down Umbrella if he's actively eliminating the very people who would love to see it happen and have valuable knowledge that could aid that job along.

I'm curious what you mean about branching paths. Because technically there's only one, the choice to either push Nemesis off the bridge or jump off. That changes whether Nicholai lives or dies. The canon ending is supposed to be that he lives and escapes with the helicopter. The remake heavily implies he dies, although I've read that you can see a second helicopter in the background, so who knows. They just wanted to make it more ambiguous because he doesn't get any comeuppance if you go by the canon ending.

But if you're talking about something like visiting the Newspaper office or the kitchen first, you still have to explore both areas regardless to get the necessary plot items. And to me the choices offer replayability. Depending on choices you make you can either run into Nicholai or Carlos at the gas station or the office. These things don't affect the story in any way, but it does offer some new dialogue and interactions.

I can understand not wanting different endings, but having a game be exactly the same every time quickly makes it lose it's appeal since there's nothing new to see. I think Markiplier and Jacksepticeye basically said the same thing. I think Mark complained about the lack of additional endings, while Jack said that compared to 2 he didn't feel like jumping back in right away.

Oh and here they do a better job with Nemesis' intro because he doesn't waste time. He's in your apartment. Ready to fuck your shit up. And he's all too happy to do so. The rocket launcher BTW is still the one THAT USUALLY ONE SHOT KILLS THE TYRANTS IN THIS SERIES AND YET HE TAKES IT LIKE A CHAMP AND KEEPS ON COMING!

Well, we'll just have to disagree here. I don't have an issue with him coming right into your apartment to get you. The problem with the remake Nemesis is that he gets hit in a cutscene. In the original it's also possible to use the quick-time events to knock Nemesis out, but not in his introduction. If you compare the first two times you meet Nemesis between the two of them he seems more intimidating to me.

Original 1st: Nemesis jumps in, kills Brad, then turns his sights on you. And you are most likely going to run since you won't have the firepower, ammo, or health items to fight him.

Original 2nd: Nemesis jumps through a window to ruin your day, and this time he's got a frickin ROCKET LAUNCHER! Now he has the ability to hit you at long range, and at this point so soon after the previous encounter you still won't have the means to down him.

Remake 1st: Nemesis breaks into your apartment, and after a game of chase he brings a building down on himself.

Remake 2nd: Nemesis chases you again, and is knocked out by a rocket launcher at the end.

If you look at the original he seems unstoppable and too dangerous to fight head on. In the remake both first encounters with him end up with him down for the count, even if temporarily. Yes, the remake shows that Nemesis is certainly durable, but it really undermines the sense of menace and dread he's meant to induce when both his intro's end with him getting knocked out. In the original it isn't until your third encounter with him you get a quick-time event that'll knock him out for a bit. In the original you know you're beaten before you start and have to flee. In the remake Nemesis loses both his first encounters with you, even if Jill doesn't take him down herself.

Then there's all the environmental hazards strewn about whenever you fight him, basically trivializing the chase scenes with him. By making Nemesis a mandatory boss fight so often it only trivializes him further, since in the original it was basically always the best option to run your ass off. In the two fights after Nemesis transforms you have options to stun him when he's running around, either by shooting a mine round in the first or shooting the electrical panels in the second when he's hiding behind a tank. In the original you didn't get anything special to help you fight Nemesis. It was just you and whatever you could bring. That mandatory fight with Nemesis at the clock tower after you're infected kicks my ass basically every time I play it because he's always hard to fight.

Regardless if you want to think the Gravedigger is pointless it WAS still a part of the original game. They had plans for it but scrapped it. And even if you ignore the extra boss quite a few people have complained about the lack of locations. You never set foot in the clock tower area. It seems like they released this one too quickly to tie it in to the 2nd and benefit off it's hype.

Also the REmake was only impressive to me.because of Lisa. I hated, hated, HATED the Tank controls for it. They felt janky and almost useless since I had to stand still and fire slowly and hope to score a headshot. YEAH REALLY SOLID TACTIC THERE FELLAS.

This one isn't even a good counterargument. It's a matter of personal preference. I don't have a problem with tank controls, and it's basically been the style of every early Resident Evil game in the first place before we came to the modern era. 1,2,3,Code:Veronica. If you hate the tank controls so much then how did you even get into the series? Or were you not until the remakes came out?

The addition of the Crimson Heads made things more creepy for me, although I do wish it was a little easier to get the lighter fluid to burn them. About the only thing I disliked about the remake was that door with the flimsy doorknob that could break off. If just added more travel time, especially if you'd cleared out the monsters already going the long way.

Quick question: Is the concept of tank controls mainly about not having free aim? Like, what is your opinion on RE4, the first RE game to be able to freely aim? (Well, if you don't count the awful first person spin-off ones like Dead Aim or Survivor. Survivor was 1st person all the way through, while Dead Aim was third person but went into 1st person when you aimed since it was meant to be played with a gun peripheral)

Nicholai didn't want to make Umbrella pay. He wanted Umbrella ruined so utterly even the good people behind it, what little there may have been, couldn't get their jobs back and go work for the company that hired him. This at least makes him more distinct then when he was just Russian Wesker since that's literally all he was in the original. Oh and the ending of him being alive as canonical is a load of horseshit and nobody liked it. Least from the bunch of people I've talked to that played it way back when. Basically punishing you for trying to get some justice on that fucker.

You also seem to miss the point that it wasn't just A rocket launcher which demeans the whole purpose of what exactly hit him. It was the MRL. The thing that BLOWS UP other Tyrants to utter gibs and leaves nothing for them to heal from. He not only caught a rocket from one and sent it flying back to a cop car it also tanked one and didn't explode into gibs. Oh and this isn't taking into the fact that Nemesis still pursues you relentlessly, web swinging around and using his tendrils to trip you up... with NOTHING you have really being enough to put him down and him being stunned for a total of, and I did count this, six seconds. Oh and he infects other zombies with a variant of the parasite that made him what he is. Basically yes you can make him a 'mandatory' boss fight... but you waste ammo doing so and waste time getting to your objective which has equally dangerous zombies, some of which now have Alpha Parasites

Also this still doesn't really justify Gravedigger, in my eyes anyways. I don't mind including a boss from the original in the remake... but the fact remains that it still wouldn't have an explanation and would just be a Big Lipped Alligator Moment. Just there to please fans and that's it. It wouldn't mesh well with the story even if they did it the OG style where it was nothing more then a surprise boss fight.

To answer your last question BTW I think every RE game should have controls similar to RE 4 with RE 7 being very close behind. I just find the tankier controls to be a rather dull way to slow down momentum and make you more cautious as opposed to you having to check your front AND back. Not to mention the wonky cameras.

Nicholai didn't give a damn about anything but himself and money. That hasn't changed between the original and the remake. Your comment is worded as if he actually had some personal stake in seeing Umbrella ruined, but he was just as willing to sell out his actual employer if it meant he lived. It's clear he has no morals or loyalty and is just a selfish prick. In the original he tried to kill Jill, not for Umbrella's sake, but simply because there was a reward for her death.

He doesn't mention anything like that in the remake. There he's just using her to collect combat data about the Nemesis then tried to kill her off just for getting in his way.

Russian Wesker, huh? Never heard that one before. I guess they were both people sent in with advance knowledge of what they were in for, but Nicholai was just a mercenary in it for money. Wesker seemed to be in things for power. I guess they also play the role of the token evil teammate, but I wouldn't call them the same person.

Of course people didn't like that he survived. Who would enjoy seeing the bad guy get away scott free at the end? I think the only evidence of his survival was in bonus material anyway, so if he died in the remake then good.

Fights with Nemesis come down to two flavors: Chase scenes, and mandatory fights. In the original there are 10 encounters with Nemesis, and almost every fight with Nemesis is a chase scene. You are only required to fight Nemesis 3 times. At the clock tower, in the acid room, and the railgun room.

In the remake there are less chase scenes, and more mandatory fights. That being the case, by necessity Nemesis has to be weaker since you're expected to fight him over and over. And thus you're constantly defeating him.

Your viewpoint it that Nemesis looks badass for tanking a rocket and not exploding. My viewpoint is that being durable and being able to get back up just doesn't seem as impressive as not being able to knock them down in the first place. Seeing your supposedly invincible villain get knocked out in their introduction doesn't do much for me to make them terrifying. It says that they're more sturdy than your average tyrant, but it still shows that they're vulnerable. And showing that your baddie is vulnerable undercuts their threat level.

It also makes Jill look stupid. She sees Nemesis tank a rocket and still come after her, then tells Carlos he's dead after the flamethrower fight? If a rocket didn't stop him what makes her think a shotgun shell or grenade launcher shot will?

The gravedigger may not have been a necessary inclusion, but it also isn't JUST a BLAM. I mean, it effectively plays the role of Yawn, the giant snake from the original. When you're going through the water you see tiny leech like monsters that can attach to you and suck your blood. The gravedigger seems to be a much bigger version of them.

It even has some foreshadowing if you make the right choice. When you're going through the parking garage for the final time an earthquake causes a hole to open up in it, and crates on a van start sliding down a ramp towards you. You can just climb back up, effectively just making it a waste of time, or choose to fall. If you fall you can see the back of the Gravedigger going through a wall.

It's also a pseudo boss fight before you get to the train. How it then winds up all the way at the park later on IS a mystery, but there might be also be more than one since there's leeches there too.

There are plenty of Umbrella inspired creations with the T-virus, but there being creatures unintentionally affected by the virus getting out is something that can definitely happen. I think the mutant plant from the original was the same deal. They didn't intend to create it, but it just happened.

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