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  • 6 days
    Did anyone actually ask for this?

    So apparently Playtonic is remastering Yooka-Laylee.

    Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?

    A few things, Playtonic:

    1. This game is only seven years old.

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    11 comments · 190 views
  • 1 week

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

    1 comments · 82 views
  • 1 week
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    7 comments · 119 views
  • 1 week
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 156 views
  • 2 weeks
    Starting to brainstorm for Extra Life 2024.

    Hey there, folks.

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    0 comments · 83 views

I don't think it's fair to say I've started social distancing. · 4:29pm Mar 16th, 2020

Because, honestly, I've been doing it my entire adult life. Work. Home. Work. Home. Work. Home. That's been my routine for the past four days.

One thing we did do frequently is eat out, and that's going to stop, at least for the next two weeks, maybe longer as we keep an eye on things. Some are saying that we're on track to be Italy in the next couple weeks.

My point is, if you have to work, fine. Work. Wash your hands and keep yourself fed. But if you're still doing things like restaurants and bars and planning your spring break vacation, I do find that a bit irresponsible. I have unfortunately seen things like that on my social media, and I've either been blocking people or calling them out.

I'd say I'm more concerned than worried. I remember when Mix messaged me early last month from the other side of the world, saying how he was getting worried at what was going on in his city. I touched base with him yesterday morning, and thankfully, things have calmed down a bit over there, and I have to believe things will calm down here too. Though I do hope that panic buyers, hoarders, and profiteers get robbed, have their pallets of toilet paper break down before they can use it, and other just desserts. They are truly scum.

So this will most likely pass. Just stay safe.

Comments ( 11 )

I think everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. It’s a flu. Unless you’re old and/or have weak immune systems, there’s nothing to worry about. Go about your day. Don’t live in fear just because CNN tells you to. I was a kid when the swine flu was supposed to end the world, and then I was a teen when Ebola was going to destroy the fabric of society. Nothing ever came of it. Kung Flu will be no different.

I'd say don't live in fear, but don't ignore fear either. It's there for a reason.

But what is there for me to fear? I’m young, I’m healthy. So is the majority of my family. If I get it, I get the sniffles for a couple days or weeks, so what?

My state just closed all dine-in restaurants, bars, and nightclubs.

I'll be on the side of treating this seriously, regardless of age.

I basically agree with everyone on this. Problem is, I've got a weakened immune system, so I'm one of the people that has to hole themselves up.

When I get to a high-up position at work, I'm going to want to see how many people have birthdays between December 2020 and January 2021. There will be like, two weeks of office celebration. May as well make it a holiday week. :rainbowlaugh:

One measure I've heard is that we'll have the same patterns as Italy, just that our timetable is 10 days lagging behind.

Though I do hope that panic buyers, hoarders, and profiteers get robbed, have their pallets of toilet paper break down before they can use it, and other just desserts. They are truly scum.

I don't think the people who stockpiled should be held in the same regards as the people who cleared full shelves just to scalp online. Right now I have a 'stock pile' that's actually smaller than it's been previously, when I've bought a 24-pack.

but if 'you' get, you'll likely not know for two weeks because of the incubation period, allowing you to spread it around. And sooner or later, that infection rate is going to cause deaths.


First of all, no, it's not a flu. They are two different viruses. Second, the problem isn't any of us getting sick, per se. The majority of us are probably young and healthy enough to shrug off the virus. The problem is who you might pass it on to and how many you might pass it on to. Me, for instance? I'd be perfectly fine, but I'm more worried about passing it on to my parents, both of whom are in their 60s with cardiovascular issues, one's a former light smoker, and the other is a drinker and asthmatic. I even have a coworker who's worried for her one-year-old daughter (though from what little everyone knows about it, covid doesn't seem to hit children nearly as hard).

Hell, last week I had a platelet donation scheduled, and I spent days fretting over that. Do I dare set foot in Manhattan at a time like this? What if I already have the virus and don't know it, either because I'm asymptomatic or still in the incubation period? Is there any risk of infecting the recipient, since coronaviruses are generally respiratory and gastrointestinal bugs and might not necessarily be bloodborne?


Though I do hope that panic buyers, hoarders, and profiteers get robbed, have their pallets of toilet paper break down before they can use it, and other just desserts. They are truly scum.

What about prospective investors? Because I've been watching the stock market, waiting for the crash to bottom out so that I can profit off of the recovery. Where do I fit on your spectrum of human trash?

Waiting to dive in? Stocks aren't food or necessary for survival. I have also wondered if I wanted to take this opportunity to start reinvesting.

So no, you're not part of the problem.

Stay safe and wash your hands, Miles.


Wash your hands. We love you.

I've been in food service for a decade. My hands are the cleanest part.

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