• Member Since 18th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2022

Ink Ribbon - Vraddock

This may or may not be (but totally is) an alt account. Here, I write porn. Enjoy!

  • MSuck it and See
    It's Estrus week in Equestria. A boon for young couples in love, an annoyance for single ponies and those not wanting to grow their family, and for Keith... An opportunity to relive some stress, both his and others, by sucking off some stallions in a
    Ink Ribbon - Vraddock · 3.8k words  ·  167  27 · 6.4k views

More Blog Posts5

  • 176 weeks
    Minor name change (Vraddock to Ink Ribbon)

    Hey there everyone! Just updating my name/profile picture slightly for consistency with my main account. Vraddock was previously kind of faceless and anonymous, while Ink RIbbon actually has a character. Speaking of;

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  • 222 weeks
    For anyone following "Suck it and See" (Moved the story from one account to another)

    Hi there! Now, you may be confused at a few things, but first of all, I do want to assure you, I am the same writer you originally followed, and the story is completely unchanged in any way. It's simply been moved. I decided to move it from my main account to my alternate fetish account, and everyone tracking the story, anyone who put it in bookshelves, any comments, it should all be transferred

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  • 390 weeks
    Commissions update, minor scheduling change

    Oh god, I've become one of those people. The ones that just spam their journals with "opening up commissions" "Doing commissions now" "for the love of god I spent all my money on goldfish crackers somebody give me a commission so I can pay my rent"


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  • 395 weeks
    Opening up cheap commissions!

    I have recently done a dumb thing financially. Nothing life-threatening, mostly just annoying, but it presents a really good opportunity to open up writing commissions!

    I will write literally anything! I mean it! Any setting, any characters, SFW, NSFW, if you can provide refs for characters I don’t know and explanations of any fetishes I haven’t heard of, then I can write it.

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  • 403 weeks
    New Art for Daring Do and the Explorer's Tomb!

    Me and my very good friend Cainiam have commissioned some art related to one of my stories!

    I can't link to them, or the artist's tumblr directly, because rules, but I can describe them in excruciating detail, as well as where to find them! (And I've already replaced the cover art)

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    9 comments · 508 views

For anyone following "Suck it and See" (Moved the story from one account to another) · 12:22am Mar 5th, 2020

Hi there! Now, you may be confused at a few things, but first of all, I do want to assure you, I am the same writer you originally followed, and the story is completely unchanged in any way. It's simply been moved. I decided to move it from my main account to my alternate fetish account, and everyone tracking the story, anyone who put it in bookshelves, any comments, it should all be transferred over. (Aside from my old account still having the author's comments in responses, but I don't care too much about that.)

I decided to do this because I don't really feel like this story represented my writing skill or general tone, and I'm not likely at ALL to write clop quite as tame as this any more. So instead of it being the explicit outlier on an account that I plan to upload long-form fiction to in the future, I decided to make it the incredibly-tame outlier on my fetish profile instead.

So what is Suck it and See?

Back in... 2015, it seems, I was following an artist by the name of MarsMiner fairly closely, because he drew things that I was into, and was rather candid on his streams. Because of a few comments he made about blowjob fics with humans on ponies being kind of rare, I was inspired to write this story, in which a human named Keith (his name, not mine) jerks off some stallions in the bathroom of a bar.

That's pretty much all of the complexity that went into it, planning-wise; I introduced a few of my kinks into the story, which MarsMiner responded positively to, and I immediately started writing a sequel, which, at this time, is still unpublished. Only Keith and a few select pre-readers have seen it so far, though with this story being moved to a hard fetish account, that may soon change. It gets a lot more extreme, and the content fits this account much, much better. I hesitated to post the story on my main account, as despite it being a direct sequel, I worried about the hard shift upwards in fetishes throwing a lot of people off. I still kind of worry about that, in fact. To rectify that, I also planned to write a softer version, with less-extreme kinks, but that one was never finished, as I wanted to make it more diverse so people would be incentivized to read both. About midway through making the changes and additions to that is where my motivation to write the story ran dry, and so it has sat incomplete since.

MarsMiner has also toned down production of a lot of his darker kink art, which is another reason the sequel never saw release, and which I'm of two minds about; on the one hand, it's always a shame to see a fetish art producer drop out of doing that fetish art, as there's already so few, and the numbers dwindle every day. It's a niche of a niche, and while I'm comfortable here, as are many others, it is a depressingly small niche. On the other hand, it was also for mental health reasons: as near as I can tell, he was generally going through a rough time, at the time of drawing all that art, and though it's never been stated, I do suspect a lot of it may have been deeply personal vent art that he was able to corral into gore and snuff commissions. Ceasing production on those, except in very special cases, is very likely a good thing, as it didn't come from a terribly healthy place. In that sense, I am happy for him, and I wish him the best, although I won't be following him even slightly as closely any more.

I still don't know if that story will ever be finished, or if I'll ever upload the sequel. I've taken a pretty hard shift away from writing Clop in the last year or so (as everyone still waiting for Autumn Harvest Festival can attest to—I promise I will finish that one, at the very least, I'm just not sure when.) But as at least one version of the story is in fact finished, it is exceedingly likely. I'm also considering posting the less-kinky version as a second chapter to the first, an alternate take for anyone who wants to see what the incomplete story would have looked like, but that would fully cement the alternate version as "will never be finished." Still, motivation to finish that has been dry for a long time and will not be returning. As you can see, I'm incredibly divided on it myself.


Readers who are only tracking this fic, or have otherwise added it to bookshelves, but ARE NOT following Type_Writer: No action necessary, and the only change you should see is the different author name.

Readers who are tracking the fic, and ARE CURRENTLY following Type_Writer in the hopes that I will post more Clop on that account: I have no plans to do so, and non-clop fiction will be the focus on that account from this point forward. If you only follow me for Clop, then I'd recommend following me here instead. I post even more infrequently, but writing is writing, an I do hope you enjoy, even if it's not quite your bag of tea. I'd recommend starting "There and Back Again (The V-Rated Version)" for a good sampler of recent clop-writing skill and fetishes.

Readers who are NOT tracking the fic, but ARE following Vraddock: This is a story from my more normal account, and as such may be rather tame for your tastes. Still, I hope you enjoy!

Readers who are NOT tracking the fic, but ARE following Type_Writer: I'd be really surprised if you're seeing this, and it probably won't affect you at all. In any case, I hope you enjoy my upcoming work, which I should start releasing in two to three weeks! (Hopefully, writing and editing time notwithstanding.)

Report Ink Ribbon - Vraddock · 361 views · Story: Suck it and See ·
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