• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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  • 127 weeks
    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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  • 127 weeks
    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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  • 136 weeks
    *eye roll*

    me checking the dislike ratio on my new story

    Glad to know bigotry is still alive and well in this fandom.

    It's glad to see some of us didn't watch the same series as I did.

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  • 139 weeks
    So where I've been

    Okay, uh... how do I begin this? Well, I suppose I should start with the obvious. Yes, I've been distracted. If you follow me on Archive that should be obvious. And if you don't, you totally should btw. Yes, I'm shameless.

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  • 145 weeks
    Final chapter up

    Been a hell of a ride, honestly. I just apologize for dragging it on for so long.

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Top Five Sith · 3:18am Feb 4th, 2020

So, because I did a Top Five Jedi, I had to go the other way around and give the villains some love. Now, I will say right out Revan is not going to be on this list. He wasn't even a Sith willingly, and to be honest, Revan fits more True Gray than anything else. Not Jedi, not a Sith. He's somewhere in the middle. More after the break. Also, mood music!

1. Darth Bane.

The founder of the modern-day ideal of the Sith, Darth Bane is possibly the Sith. He founded the Rule of Two, wiping out most of the infighting Sith and having a legacy that would haunt the Jedi and the Galaxy for years to come...

2. Darth Sideous/Emperor Palpatine

Now, if Darth Bane hadn't existed, this guy would be on top of the list. Hell, he's possibly even more of a Sith than Darth Bane. This man had the whole galaxy in his hands for the better part of fifty years, playing every side like puppets and coming out on top. A sociopathic genocidal maniac who embodies everything the Sith strived for, Palpatine came back for more one last time with his Final Order, building an entire fleet of planet killers. Truly, if there ever was a villain and the Devil of Star Wars this is him.

3. Darth Vader.

You can hear it, can't you? Possibly the single most iconic film villain in history, Darth Vader is... well, Vader. I don't need to explain anything more about him, do I? Years of pop culture stardom has never ruined the effect of this character, and he's given us the most terrifying scene in Star Wars history with his massacre aboard the IV and the single greatest film twist in one line.

"Luke, I am your Father."

4. Darth Phobos.

"When Sith have nightmares, I am the face they see."

Let it be said even Sith don't fear something, and Phobos, fittingly named, would probably even give Palpatine nightmares. It says a lot that she's a campfire story to them and required both Sith and Jedi to finally kill. And even then, rumors of her survival persisted...

5. Darth Krayt.

Sometimes the most frightening come from nothing. Such is the tale of A'Sharad Hett, a very obscure Jedi who later ruled a Tuskin tribe after the Fall of the Jedi. Later on after Palpatine's demise, he gripped the galaxy with the legions of the One Sith. And like Palpatine before him, he would come back for one more round and if not for the near-suicidal ploy of Cade Skywalker would be still with us...

So, afraid yet? I sense a pattern with Sith, don't you?

So, who are your top picks, and why?

Report The Bricklayer · 383 views · #Top #Five #Sith
Comments ( 17 )

Darth Marr, Darth Vader, Darth Plagueis, Darth Traya, and Darth Maul.

For me 1-3 is the same.

4) Darth Traya
5) Sith Lady Vestara Khai

Darth Traya is terrifying in what she nearly pulled and just how devious she was. Vestara is a dark reflection of Mara Jade and given that she nearly turned to the Light Side, was dating Ben Skywalker and completely broke his heart when she chose to embrace the Dark Side.

Darth Plagueis the Wise

What about Darth Nihilus?
Why? This boi literally survives with his ESSENCE and the dark force ALONE. No body. He didn't need NONE of that.

My list would be :

1. Darth Vader
2. Darth Malgus
3. Darth Maul
4. Darth Tyranus (Count Dooku)
5. Darth Talon
lol. Darth Jar Jar

Honorable mentions : Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos, Darth Bane, Darth Nihilus and Darth Victivus


My favorite bit about this scene is from the sheer tone in Palpatine's voice, you just know he killed his Master...

Apparently, and I'm not sure where I heard it George took Willaims or the lead writer to an opera house or something just so he could get the right mood for this scene.

....I am very curious where that Darth Jar Jar thing came from...

And please, Darth Talon's only claim to fame is being fanservice galore.

1) Palpatine. This man truly *was* a Master of the Dark Side.
2) Vader. What needs to be said here?
3) Darth Bane. Nothing against him, but Palpatine just has such prominence in my mind that's all!
4) Darth Krayt.
5) Darth Plagueis. Bastard trained Palpatine after all.


The Robot Chicken Star Wars special had it. Plus some people just took it and ran as what better part to play then the fool. Check out Darths & Droids for another great take on Star Wars. Note they should be later this year start on the sequel trilogy and they stated before episode 7 came out if they did do the sequel saga and any of it was bad they would save it. Needless to say their take on Episode 2 is far better then we got and actually makes perfect sense.

Funny thing, Palpatine almost made it to the top of the list, with Vader in second place. Darth Bane would have been number three, but I decided to put him right on top because he created the Rule of Two. Also, pleased to see Darth Krayt merits a mention from you, guy needs more... well, not sure if love's the right word.:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, for me Palpatine gets the top spot mainly because he's probably what most people think of when they think of "Dark Side master" or something. He and Vader are usually the way that people are exposed to the Sith, so for recognition's sake I gave them the top spot. I admit that Bane created the Rule of Two and, in-universe, without him there would be a Vader or Sidious, but meta-level I think that the two classics get the top spot for sheer iconic status.

No problem about Darth Krayt. I started reading Star Wars Legacy last year and I've really been enjoying it. Excellent stuff all around.

Legacy's one of those comics I love and hate in equal measure. I understand Cade's position in things, as being a Skywalker means you're going to get put through a lot of shit and the Jedi always get turned on by the galaxy. He doesn't want to be the hero, and I like it for being so different. On the other hand, he makes some really stupid choices like working with the rakghouls, Celeste Morne and Karness Muur. Man needs a good few solid punches to the face.

Ohh most definitely, no arguments there. :rainbowlaugh:
And then there's the whole "turn the woman who literally asked you to let her die into a Vader-esque cyborg" thing too. That was a move up there with Anakin at his most selfish, I'd say.

Skywalkers will be Skywalkers when it comes to the ones they love.

Pretty much, yeah. Proves he's Anakin's descendant all right.


....I am very curious where that Darth Jar Jar thing came from...

Mostly from people overanalyzing his behavior and body language during all the prequel and also wanting for Jar Jar to be something more than what he really is. A comic relief.

And please, Darth Talon's only claim to fame is being fanservice galore.

Could say the same thing about Leia during the scene with Jaba during Return of the Jedi. But in both case, they are far more the fan service.
Furthermore, it was reveal that if Disney went with Lucas' script for the sequel trilogy, she would one of the major antagonist of the movie.


Mostly from people overanalyzing his behavior and body language during all the prequel and also wanting for Jar Jar to be something more than what he really is. A comic relief.


Could say the same thing about Leia during the scene with Jaba during Return of the Jedi. But in both case, they are far more the fan service.
Furthermore, it was reveal that if Disney went with Lucas' script for the sequel trilogy, she would one of the major antagonist of the movie.

Yeah, that's more about a remark about the bikini itself than Leia who prior to that point had already established herself as a strong lead. The only things I can remember about Talon were the tattoos and the skimpy outfit. Also, if Disney went with Lucas' script, we might have had a more cohesive vision but on the other hand we might get horrible lines like:
And the worst part is, Hayden Christensen is actually a good actor. So you can't blame him.

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