• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2022


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  • 228 weeks

    Good morning/afternoon/evening, wherever you are.

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  • 232 weeks
    Merry Christmas! (Also, news and gifts...)

    Hello, Every pony!

    Wow, what a year it has been, but it has been a good one for me, and I hope it's been a good year for all of you! Can't believe that the series is now over, except for that Pony Life thing, but meh, you all know what I mean.

    Anyway, here's some news, which I'm wondering how some of you will take... I may be working on a new story.

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  • 254 weeks
    Writing Soundtrack

    Nothing beats writing an (hopefully) epic battle scene than listening to songs from the newest Sabaton album 😀

    For those that write, do you listen to music while writing, or do you prefer to write in silence?

    Hope to get another chapter out within a month or two :pinkiehappy:

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  • 302 weeks
    I'm Back

    It's been nearly 4 years since the last update, and much has changed for me since then. Been to Uni, got a job, left that job, got a GF, started a career in reenacting, and much more besides.

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  • 493 weeks
    Story updates, future plans, and stuff.

    Good evening/morning, how are we all? I am really sorry for my moments of silence lately but things have been busy for me, if any of you didn't know.

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Merry Christmas! (Also, news and gifts...) · 7:58pm Dec 17th, 2019

Hello, Every pony!

Wow, what a year it has been, but it has been a good one for me, and I hope it's been a good year for all of you! Can't believe that the series is now over, except for that Pony Life thing, but meh, you all know what I mean.

Anyway, here's some news, which I'm wondering how some of you will take... I may be working on a new story.

Now, put away your pitchforks and let me explain. I'm sure you all know it's been a few years since my last update before the recent one, and that's because I had a bit (well, I say bit, it was quite big, actually) case of writers block, plus there was so much in the way that I couldn't have the time to do anything. So now the time has come to go back into writing, but I still had block, or undesired to get back into it, mostly cause how daunting LOTD: AGMGTW is.

So that's where this new story comes in. To get me back into writing! And believe me, it's been a blast to write! I've decided to write it in its entirety first and foremost, so when the story is finished, then readied, it can be put up on a week by week basis. And I'm already 9 chapters in of 24, so I'm making progress.

As a Christmas gift, I decided to give you all a taste of what the story will be like. Here is a short excerpt from my latest story, though I won't say what it's called; you'll have to judge for yourselves :D

On the ninth day since the first sighting, me and my friends went for a lovely walk through Horsewell Common, having a fantastic catch-up, and a wonderful picnic courtesy of Applejack and Pinkie Pie. It had been a few days since I had seen them all, and it was a fantastic way of getting the previous night’s woes off of my mind, for the entire day I was grinning from ear to ear, laughing at Pinkie’s jokes, and putting with Rainbow Dash’s typical bravado.

Once the last of the food had been eaten, the stars were beginning to reveal themselves, and the six of us laid out on a hill overlooking Ponyville, watching the stars come together.

“Over there, that’s the constellation of Orion, and that’s his shield,” I said, pointing.

“Ooo, I see it, I see it!” Pinkie squeaked, who laid on her back to the left of me. “it’s the big shiny thing there, isn’t it?”

“Pinkie, that’s the moon,” I replied, giggling. I took hold of her outstretched leg, and pulled it towards myself. “That there is Orion.”

Her pupils widened to the size of saucers, and a loud, “Ooooooooo,” emanated from her.

“Um, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked, tapping me on the shoulder. I turned to face her. She was laying to the right of me, then pointed up towards Orion. “Is Orion holding something else? I can just make it out.”

“That is Orion’s sword,” I replied, grinning. “You’re learning fast, Fluttershy.” To that, the pegasus blushed and looked away.

I looked away from Orion, and looked to the west. “And over there is the most beautiful of the constellations: Andromeda.”

To that, Rarity perked up. “Now that is a beautiful name, darling. Say, if I were to find a new constellation, could I name it whatever I wanted?”

I nodded, giggling. “Yes, Rarity, you can name it whatever you wanted if you discovered it.”

“Oh fantastic, I’ll be famous!”

“Uh, you’re famous enough as it is, Rarity,” Rainbow remarked. “How can you get any more famous than that?!”

“Oh, Rainbow, darling, I’m sure there are many ways to be even more famous than one already is. Surely you want to be world renowned as the greatest Wonderbolt there is?”

“Eh, I already am,” Rainbow smirked, stretching her legs. “My awesomeness is probably known to everything in the universe.”

Rarity simply ignored her, and began looking at the constellations. A few minutes later, she began pointing at one in particular. “Oh, oh, that one, I don’t think that one is taken!”

I giggled again, this time a bit less polite than I would have liked. “That’s the Fly, Rarity,” I said, grinning. “But it doesn’t have a proper name so you’re welcome to it.”

At that, Rainbow and Applejack burst into fits of laughter, while Rarity simply paled and retracted her leg. Pinkie and Fluttershy were a bit more polite with their laughter. “Are you sure that’s a thing, darling?” she asked. “It looks too pretty to be a smelly fly.”

“Yes, it is a thing, my old astronomy Professor told me,” I said. “It was my favourite subject, second to magic, of course.” I then looked to the east of me, and stared towards that part of the heavens. I pointed to what like a bright star, larger than most stars in the sky at that time. “And there is Olympus,” I said, my smile turning into a frown, my humour slowly fading. “Right now, it's where all the telescopes in the world are pointing.”

Hope you liked that. And for those waiting for LOTD, here's some more, just a few paragraphs of the next chapter to keep your spirits up.

The first thing Fluttershy heard when she awoke wasn’t the cackling of the fire going once more, or the smell of breakfast. Instead, it was the sound of horns blaring across the Steppes, the clanking of plate armour on moving bodies, the rustling of hauberks as their bearers walked, and the continuous thud of thousands of hooves marching together.

It was the unnerving sound of an army on the march.

The Dragonlord’s eyes opened up wide, her vision blurred, but quickly cleared, whilst her mind raced with horrendous images of what could be outside. The Grain family were awake, and were huddled together in fear, visibly shaking. Cadence, Trixie and Spike were still asleep, but were gradually stirring, their ears twitching at the sound of the marching soldiers.

A horn suddenly blared – which sounded as though it were blown right in her ear. The pegasus shot up, and was about to let a screech in surprise, but before she could, a hoof clamped down over her lips, sealing them shut. Fluttershy looked down at the hoof in her mouth, eyes wide in surprise and briefly feared it was the hoof of a soldier from the Royal Guard. She looked up, and her heart leapt in relief to see the leg belonged to Luna, who pressed her free hoof against her own lips and whispered, “Shh.”

Merry Christmas, and hopefully see new stuff from me in the new year!

Best Wishes

Comments ( 1 )

I'm excited. Writer's block is a pain, and I can see how jumping straight back into something like Last of the Dragonlords would be daunting, so take your time. It's better to take it at your own pace, to ease into it, and hey, new story, that's cool! Either way, It's nice to see one of the first writers I ever followed on this site return to writing after such a long time.

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