• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen February 2nd

The Bricklayer

Slow down, you're doing fine, you can't be everything you want to be, before your time... -Vienna, The Stranger: Billy Joel. (Any Pronouns)

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  • 127 weeks
    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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  • 127 weeks
    Happy New Year

    And let's make it a good one eh?

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  • 136 weeks
    *eye roll*

    me checking the dislike ratio on my new story

    Glad to know bigotry is still alive and well in this fandom.

    It's glad to see some of us didn't watch the same series as I did.

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  • 139 weeks
    So where I've been

    Okay, uh... how do I begin this? Well, I suppose I should start with the obvious. Yes, I've been distracted. If you follow me on Archive that should be obvious. And if you don't, you totally should btw. Yes, I'm shameless.

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  • 145 weeks
    Final chapter up

    Been a hell of a ride, honestly. I just apologize for dragging it on for so long.

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This shames me · 2:58am Nov 7th, 2019

This fandom shames me, because I sincerely want to watch this show and this happens. It's beyond disgusting.



Remember when friendly debates were a thing, cause I sure as hell don't. This like Steven Universe or... hell, Star Wars all over again. Now, look, I get it, not all 'fans' are this nuts. These aren't even fans really. They're just toxic little bastards who want to throw their shit around. But you know what, I want to be in these fanbases, and whenever you hear news like... well, this, it's a real turn off you know?

Now, what Rooster Teeth should do is release a statement, like say... "we are deeply saddened by this news. It's clear we let down our fans. If they could do this... We will be issuing a further statement in a few days"

Yes, it's manufactured beyond all hell, but it least it shows they're listening.

This is a classic example of toxic 'fandoms' being taken TOO FAR and what it leads to. This shit right here. I know not all fans are assholes, but some fanbases... they act like none are. It shames me today to be called a magical girl fan -because RWBY is a magical girl show in some respects- because of this right here.

Report The Bricklayer · 527 views · #This #shames #me #as #a #fan #of #any #sort
Comments ( 25 )

I saw that earlier today. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Yes, not everyone's an asshole, but it's acts like these that don't make the fandoms look good, or hell, just people as a whole.

That is beyond fucked up.

I'm not even into anime, let alone RWBY, but I find this absolutely disgusting.

........ I fucking hate people like that. If you don't like a ship. Cool. Just leave those people that do like it alone!

There are no words to describe how much contempt I have for these people.

Just finish watching HeroHei's video and this is appalling.

Those bullies deserve criminal investigations, but I also blame social media for this.

Sure, I know from the beginning of public Internet people are going at each others' throat, but since the soaring of social media, it has been open season ever since. Those companies' higher ups, devs and mods will intervene at godspeed the moment a person of influence or a protected group shed crocodile tears, but for regular Joes and those they deem problematic, they'll do jack sh*t unless force to and way often after tragedy like this happen.

This is the whole problem, people think because they have some “anominity” on the internet they can do or say anything and there are no repercussions. This is why swatting is still a thing. Nobody wants to hear something they don't like and they attack those that they disagree with. They target the ones who seem weak and think nothing of it if they ruin someone's day.

It completely sucks that this happened and my heart goes out for this persons friends and family. The only way to truly fight this is to remove the idea of being behind the screen and having a persona. However this will never fly because some people can only be truely free when we do not know who you are and they have the need to be behind that screen.

I can't believe that these people would do something like this, but I have no choice but to. I am just absolutely Disgusted by their actions, and their reason to act the way they did is just Unacceptable.

My heart goes out to this person's friends and family, for the loss of such precious life should've never happened to begin with.

There are very few things in this world that I legitimately hate.

People like this are on that few things list.

What makes this worse? This was apparently faked. The girl in question? Didn't exist.

Kinda figured it would turn out to be fake so doesn't surprise me.


Can I see a citation for this?

Arg it’s sad that fandom evolved into this. I remember when ships happened we disagreed and move on. But it’s you ship this or else.

I been a straight shipper for many years and never insulted anyone ships not straight. Why is bullying over shipping ok. You’re couple isn’t cannon so what, move on with your life. If it didn’t work out, it didn’t work out. Life will go on.

I had ships that have sunk Hell one of my most poplular is about a ship even I couldn’t explain. You think I care it didn’t go cannon. No absolutely not

I mean saw some people threaten death in this fandom . So eve this fandom isn’t from it.

Oh THAT is fucked up!

Now I don't know if Hero Hei 'took blood money' as someone remarked, but what I do know... if so many people even in RWBY's fanbase itself believed this actually happened... it's frightening and should be a bit of a hint I think.

I think it's bullshit.


... You gotta be shitting me.

I'm still trying to reconcile it in my brain. Wish I was shitting you.


So my point stands. This was a case of bullying going the other way. The person who started this did this to get back at a person or persons and did something like this to get the fastest way to start a witch hunt.

People are always quick to believe sometjing negative no matter what. It's why the phrase "bad news sells" exists. Becuase it does. People raraly buy a good news or pay it any mind. But the second negative news is reported it's a mob to try and buy it up.

Doesn't matter if it's real or not, about a person or group. Bad News Sells and people will believe it and flock to hear it over good news.

Look at the ToonKritic event. He was outed by the fandom and yet people flocked to it blanketing the entire fandom as like him and "weren't surprised it was a brony."

If people can say something negative about something they will and people will believe it especially if it confirms their already held view.


Yeah I saw the news and Hero Hei's update video.

It's really messed up to do something like this, but at least let's be glad that nobody had took their live.

Though that just reaffirm my distrust of social media. I first thought it was the sick jock of an attention seeker, but apparently the girl sent a mail at Hero Hei saying her accounts have been hack and she claim she wasn't the one who'd done it. He and I have doubt because of the timing, but how you prove it?

Has for the negative claim toward Hero Hei, don't pay to much attention. He has been target for awhile just because he stand for Vic and defend manga and anime against Twitter puritans.

:facehoof: I...I don't know what to say right now.

EDIT: I actually have something to say, and that's this: "WHAT THE FUDGESICLE?!"

This makes me more mad! You don't play with the heart strings like that!!!


I'm reminded of a hoax where someone allegedly committed suicide over getting one of the later Harry Potter books spoiled for him. I genuinely wonder if the late MythrilMoth heard about it...

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