• Member Since 30th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Mister E

Eclectic observer of the odd, and the esoteric.

  • TRot
    Discord's power was something that always frustrated Twilight. All that power, with no effort, no cost. So when Discord offers her a chance to learn his secrets, Twilight quickly agrees. Unfortunatly all things come with a price.
    Mister E · 5.6k words  ·  1,563  21 · 23k views

More Blog Posts186

  • 136 weeks
    Happy Halloween!

    It's that time of year again. I hope everyone has been making the most of it! :pinkiehappy:
    For fans of Rot, if you haven't already listened to it, check out Luna Farrowe's audio reading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXEhgTO86ic
    I cannot recommend her works highly enough. It creeps ME out, and I was the guy that wrote it.lol

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    0 comments · 279 views
  • 138 weeks
    'Growth' and what it means

    So now that the Sombra chapter is out, I can talk a little about where the story is going, and why.

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    2 comments · 447 views
  • 139 weeks
    Fasten your seat belts!

    Okay lads and lasses, lets jump right on into the deep end. Within a few hours of this post the next chapter of Growth will be published for your viewing pleasure. Part of me wanted to wait until Halloween, the anniversary of Rot, but I figure you all have waited long enough.

    Now, there are a few things that I have been keeping to myself that I'd like to get off my chest...

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    2 comments · 332 views
  • 157 weeks
    Tapping away at the next chapter of Growth.

    Here's a taste of what's to come.

    “Impressive isn’t it?” He declares with no small measure of pride in his voice. “And yet it still pales in comparison to my original empire.” He adds bitterly. “Something I lost once again, thanks to you and your annoying friends.”

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    1 comments · 318 views
  • 241 weeks
    Where have I been ?

    So, no, I'm not dead, or hurt, or crazy... (and that's the problem I guess.)

    Ever since my mental collapse a couple years ago, I've had to take a certain medication to keep myself 'sane'. And it does it's job just fine. I'm more carefree, less stressed and worried about things, it does it's job fine.


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Rot Sequel · 11:56am Oct 27th, 2019

Yes, I'm finally doing it. Expect the first four chapters on Halloween.

Okay, THAT being said, I need to explain a LOT about it. Here goes.

Originally Rot was a story I wrote in less than five hours just so I could put something out for Halloween. I had no idea that it would become the biggest hit that I ever wrote. To this day I still don't understand why this little short story that I doffed off in an afternoon is still so popular, compared to 'Discord's Family Reunion' which I spent years writing and I consider to be the best thing I have posted here. I don't get it, but there ya go.
So when it was popular, everyone wanted more. I felt that the story was complete as it is. And still do. I tried to continue it, just for my fans, but Bleeding Raindrops gave me some very good advice on why NOT to. And he is right. Anything added to it would just lessen the impact of the story.
Also, I had always felt that I had said everything that needed to be said IN that story. Anything else would have been just a long afterwords. Tying up loose ends so to speak.

However, after a year or so, I considered the idea of a completely NEW story. I had hinted in Rot that there where other times in the past that Discord had attempted what he did with Twilight and failed. Who were they? And what would happen if these failures found out that he was trying again?
Turns out that I'm okay with writing a completely different story, picking up where Rot left off. And that's what I'm doing.

Now I will totally understand if fans of the original story aren't into this one. It's not 'horror', or 'sad', or 'dark'. I'm prepared for it not to be read, or liked, (The same as when I wrote Rot ironically). And it may be awhile between chapters (which I will explain in the following blog). But hopefully it will at least answers some long hanging questions, and perhaps a few of you will be into it.

Report Mister E · 530 views · Story: Rot · #Rot Sequel
Comments ( 5 )

Well I'm excited!


I wish to write a story around this concept but I want your pemisson first. Is it okay to write something like that.

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