• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
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"Every story ever told actually happened. Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten." - Dr. Who.

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  • 128 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

    I hope everyone is staying happy and healthy!

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  • 136 weeks
    Just keep swimming everybody!

    Hello everyone that is still around! What a doozy of a year (or two)! Still here and still writing. After Cure for a Toxin and Sub-Level Five are finished, I'll likely have a few more stories to churn out at a slower pace and are more fluffy/not as large as those. Those two are the last 'big' projects I plan on doing for Fimfiction/MLP in general, especially since Gen 5 has launched/will be

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  • 207 weeks
    Cotton Candy Thoughts

    Pretty crazy time we are all living in! Hope everyone is staying safe.

    Currently active and anticipated to be a very, very, long, story: Cure For A Toxin

    Hope everyone is hanging in there,

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  • 243 weeks
    End of an era, beginning of a new one!

    Hello all! Just a blog post to mark the end of one era, and the beginning of a new one! Funny enough, I find myself moving both states and jobs at this time, and I think it's rather fitting this is also the end of G4, but the beginning of a new era for the MLP fandom.

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  • 262 weeks
    Just chugging along!

    Been aaaages since I had a blog post. So here's a placeholder! I'm alive. Writing, working, and just toodling along! Trying to balance masters courses, work, and writing!
    Currently active stories: Timeless, Of Stars and Sails, Pedal Powered Hearts,

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End of an era, beginning of a new one! · 4:04am Oct 14th, 2019

Hello all! Just a blog post to mark the end of one era, and the beginning of a new one! Funny enough, I find myself moving both states and jobs at this time, and I think it's rather fitting this is also the end of G4, but the beginning of a new era for the MLP fandom.

I've still got stories to write, so I'm here for the long haul! I'll copy and past my thoughts from the comment thread of the final episode/epilogue below (SPOILERS, YE BE WARNED!)

"Alright, let me say first off I was VERY hesitant about viewing these final episodes since the writing has been degrading from a literary standpoint.

Seriously. I was expecting these final 3 episodes to be horrible. I have a serious bone to pick with the 'canon' and writing of season 9.

And yet....I was blown away.

Truthfully, with how spotty the writing has been, I see these episodes as semi-canon just from a literary standpoint.

That said, there are so many things that are clear and obvious nods to the fandom, I think these were equal parts a MLP episode and a tribute/thank you to the fan base, similar to episodes earlier when Mrs. Faust was involved. Apple/Dash? Fluttershy/Discord? Pinky and the Brain references, and other things that younger individuals just wouldn't get but were things born of a more mature fandom.

Yes, there's stuff that doesn't make sense, ships that I personally don't like, plot holes and things to pick apart but that's irrelevant for this finale. What this episode and the past two did was leave me feeling good, and that has been something lacking from MLP personally as of late. Especially the finale, it radiated that same feeling of when I was first discovering this fantastic show. It was lighthearted, uplifting and just wholesome.

I'm glad to have been part of this fandom and hope to continue talking with you all. I'm sad that Generation 4 may have concluded, but I'm glad that it wasn't dragged out anymore. Honestly, I'd say the core fanbase is going to continue on for years to come. I'm certainly here to write my stories, and think the universe Mrs. Faust started is a fantastic medium to do so.

Report RadBunny · 541 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

I and so many others have said the same things in blogs and comments; it's sad that the show is ending (i cried a few times, honestly), but it's best to conclude the series with a great finale than to spiral into further depths of cruddy writing like so many shows that should have ended much earlier.

I fully agree. I honestly have a bone to pick with the writers from a literary/world building standpoint, but it's better to end now than continue a spiral. I did think it is a worthy send off. It was the most 'MLP' feeling episode or two I've seen in ages, tbh.

I was disappointed on how certain things went in the finale honestly.
Such as how things went for the Royal Sisters there.

The ending felt well.. emotional even though I was only in the fanbase for about some months by the time it aired.

Oh, as things have progressed as have my issues with the Finale grown. I generally disregard the majority of Season 8/9. I went in with it to have a lighthearted view of it- and as long as I didn't recognize it as hard canon/trying to make it fit with everything else, it left a good impression.

Trying to fit it all together/examining the writing closely, however, is where it falls apart.

What stuff from season 8/9 you disagreed with?

For me, I didn't like the whole retirement thing.
Specifically for Luna since she just got back from the moon and didn't rule anywhere near as long as Celestia did.
And with how things went for them in the finale made the retirement worse for me.

Retirement, the way they introduced Twilight to take over, etc. It all fell flat. Which is why I fundamentally disagree with how they did it. Makes more sense to lead in the background, introducing a bit more responsibility vs 'OK HAVE FUN BYE!'

....and honestly, Celestia ruled the nation for over 1k years, from tribes to an industrialized nation. Do we really think she'd just pass it on so easily? :trollestia: Especially with Luna JUST getting back and acclimated.

We also have no idea if Twilight is ageless. Considering L. Faust never intended her to become an Alicorn, this makes sense why the writers bungled it.

One episode that solidified the lousy writing for me, tbh, was the one with Gabby and Spike. They were adorable. The element of witchyness, however, just made that episode awful. Pretty much didn't want to watch after that.

I felt like Luna was still in Celestia's shadow too.
Never got to properly shine over her during her return.
Yes, the ponies are paying some attention to Luna now but it still felt like ultimately its not as much as Celestia had gotten.
Another issue about the retirement bit.

Just.. felt pretty bitter inside on how things went for Luna there.
Celestia too but hurts more about Luna's case.

Yup. I totally agree. Luna got sidelined to be a secondary character vs co-ruler. So much potential...
....which is why I have a story dedicated to her 'life' per say :pinkiehappy: So much room for exploration!

I see

What are your thoughts on how the writers handle the Royal Sisters in general?

^does that sum it up? :rainbowlaugh: They could have obviously handled it better, but they ARE two technically 'minor' characters. Which is a shame. I'd say after Season 6-7, the writing quality really took a dive in general. Like HTTYD 3, it being a 'kids show' is just used as an excuse for atrocious writing/story continuity.

Its pretty annoyed the writers labeled them as "minor characters" like that.

Just hated seeing Celestia and(especially) Luna getting worf effected(not sure if that is an appropriate way of describing the issues the writers handle them during crisis stuff but will still use it anyway).
It hurts worse for Luna's case since she returned from the moon only to repeatedly fall flat on her face or get sidelined.
Not exactly saving the day directly not even once.

Seemed a rather awkward way of handling of them. Way too much left unexplained.

Certainly goofs up on how powerful Alicorns are supposed to be.
Especially natural ones.

It's never established, and part of the problem. Cadence, Celestia, Luna...then Twilight? Just glossed over.

What other stuff you wished the show did?

Eh. Haven't really thought about it too much. More of just wrapping up loose ends, having some episode continuity, etc. The writing was just all over the place.

Like what loose ends? :0

As we were talking about. What in the world does an Alicorn mean in terms of age/power, etc. I disliked the 'here's what happened 20 years later' thing too. Good move would be to leave it ambiguous.

Wished they touch on where did Luna and Celestia came from.

What else you wished they could have explored?

The world in general. There's plenty 'what if's', but I generally just went along for the ride of what WAS given to us.

Wished they touch on stuff like about Nightmare Moon and such.

They do in the comics; which is where a lot of stuff is explained/contradicted. Is an AU thing I think.

Prefer Nightmare Moon being something of Luna's inner dark powers and such.
Rather than some random entity from out of nowhere(Nightmare Forces)

Either way could have used more fleshing out.

Would have love to see Luna ultimately accepting those dark powers/Nightmare Moon in order to protect Equestria and such.

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