• Member Since 1st Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen April 28th

Quick Fix

Just a guy from the British Isles with a crazy idea in his head.

More Blog Posts55

  • 205 weeks
    Thoughts on Pony Life: Is This how People saw S8?

    Well then. I feel like it's pretty safe to say that ever since FiM ended, the world's gone to hell in a hand basket and I haven't been able to piece enough of anything together to post any writing. Coincidence? Probably, but that link's always fun to claim. Anyhow, we've all heard about the G4.5 spinoff Pony Life by now. I imagine protozoa on the surface of Mercury could hear the uproar when it

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  • 209 weeks
    Thoughts on Friendship is Forever: One Last, Slightly Stumbling Trip

    You ever had one of those moments where everything's going to hell, you're feeling low and all the good stuff in life seems to have abandoned you, only for a small someone to come completely out of left field and lift you back up enough to keep going? With everything going on in 2020 and my personal situation not getting any better. Out of a nowhere that relied on me not seeing the leaked scripts

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  • 241 weeks
    Thoughts on S9 Grand Finale: They Broke Me

    In late April 2012 I was housesitting and had a weekend of nothing to do. I was aware of ponydom but had dismissed it as an invasive species toward my favourite artists online. I have no idea how my thought process went during that morning but, at some point I ended up going to youtube and saying to myself "Might as well see what all the fuss is about." Seven and a half years later (or yesterday)

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  • 243 weeks
    Thoughts on S9 Part 12: Going out on a High Note

    The regular episodes of the show have been a funny thing. We got our first one a little over nine years ago with The Ticket Master and, it's kind of surreal to think how much has changed and how far the lead 7 have come since then. There've been good episodes, bad episodes, funny eps, emotional ones and everything in-between (I never really thought about it but I don't think my top 10 episodes

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  • 244 weeks
    Thoughts on S9 Part 11: The Right Amount of a Good Thing

    Welcome to the end game. Just seven episodes to go until G4 wraps up and...I'm excited. Sad. Exsaded. I may be getting ahead of myself a bit but, there's a real chance this final run could end up being the longest streak of good episodes in the show. For me the record currently stands at 9 in a row (S5's midseason, Amending Fences to Hearthbreakers), going into these we're sitting at 4 with a

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Thoughts on S9 Part 10: Some Ships Happen, Some Don't · 10:51pm Sep 8th, 2019

So, I decided to look at the writer list for the season (since that's not really much of a spoiler) and turns out pretty much everyone's had their last chance already. With the exception of Haber, Dubuc and Vogel's power trio, every writer in this season only got one episode. Aside from Joanna Lewis and Kristine Songo but when it's a 2-parter, it's basically the same. The point is, a lot of good (and okay) writers have already wrapped up their time with the show and I had no idea. It's quite sombre to think about...At least that adds a little more appreciation, both to the ones already past and the few that are still left. Like these two.

There's something about spoilers here, but at this point pretty much everyone's seen these by now.

Episode 18 - She Talks to Angel:

After 3 seasons and rising from an episode that used to be in my bottom 10, this is the final episode for my arguably favourite writer, Nick Confalone. And his final outing is finally shedding some light on Ponyville's favourite little asshole, Angel. That said, turns out he actually hasn't changed all that much over the years. He's still pretty much the same to everyone besides Fluttershy, heck, he has no qualms with potentially ruining her reputation and livelihood until she's directly affected. Plus he really got the easy end of the swap. He was able to half-ass the chore list and I'm pretty sure he's never had to wander the Everfree alone.

And yet that's exactly what poor Flutters had to go through, thanks to a little freaky friday flip. Yep, this may also be the final episode for Zecora as well and she was finally going to be a plot driver. Sure she probably went a bit extreme, and really gave Fluttershy a raw deal that almost got her killed. At least twice. All because ultimately Angel refuses to talk to other animals. Yeah, I wouldn't let him anywhere near her sanctuary at this point, or the rest of the episodes for that matter.

Don't get me wrong, this was still a fun episode overall. We got an insight into a lot of Fluttershy's home life nowadays (plus, Sandra is the most wonderful being ever to be in her care). More Zecora and Dr.Fauna. Some adorable bonding and a whooole lotta fuel for the Fluttercord fire from Angel, I'll take it! It just doesn't feel balanced with Angel being a pure snot though, too much of that and by the end I'd probably trust him even less.

Not every Confalone episode can be at the level of No Second Prances or The Washouts, but I'd still say he ended his run on a positive note. Thank you sir.

Episode 19 - Dragon Dropped:

I did hear a few whispers about this episode during the period of China releases, nothing spoilery but enough to make me believe that this episode may finally deal with the whole Spike/Rarity issue once and for all. Thank god they were right. Spike's crush was kinda fun at first but during season 4 (especially Inspiration Manifestation), I realised it was one sided and Rarity was basically exploiting it for her benefit, while fully aware of Spike's feelings. So I'm glad Spike's finally shaken that off and started showing a bit of interest in others his age. Like, say...Gabby! She's back and while I don't quite see Spike/Gabby as a ship yet, the potential is definitely there. I'll just cling to my adult Spike/Twilight ship...

Shame we had to see Rarity go slightly insane over losing her love slave friend's undivided attention, up to and including breaking Spike and Gabby apart willingly. This actually isn't as bad a case as last episode because, personal resonance points. Granted it was in a more genuinely romantic context but, I get what Rarity was going through. Unlike her though, I accepted the circumstances and carried on as friends a bit quicker and with much less malicious interference and disregard for my former partner's feelings, so points off for that. Still, I already see myself being easier on her than quite a few people.

I'm going to diverge from the main plot for a moment and go back to a scene near the start of the episode. The latest in the first thing from this season I genuinely don't like...Applejack. This isn't like they got a rookie in for this, Josh Haber's writing this one and AJ's last episode was written by Dave Rapp. And yet it seems the writers have just stopped looking at her position and stuffed her into the role Spike used to occupy during the earlier seasons: Ignored reason at best, butt monkey at worst. And we've been seeing more of both since Going to Seed. Come on guys, she's the most level headed of the group, making her look like an idiot and silently going 'it's ok, it's on the same level as Pinkie' isn't good enough. She's former best pony for gods sake, can you give her a little dignity back in these last few episodes?

That one big gripe aside, this was a pretty solid episode. Finally closing the book on a character point that's been lingering since the very first episode and leaving its advancement open to interpretation, this is what I've been hoping for out of these last episodes. Add in Gabby's full return (along with the implication things are improving for the griffons), a Derpy cameo, Spike getting some more development and freedom, and just a general positive vibe going forward. This could have ranked higher but, I'm still happy with it.

4 good eps in a row. The record still sits at 9.

Episode Rankings:

1 - The Summer Sun Setback
2 - Frenemies
3 - The Last Crusade
4 - Sparkle's Seven
5 - A Trivial Pursuit
6 - She's All Yak
7 - The Beginning of the End
8 - Dragon Dropped
9 - The Last Laugh
10 - Between Dark and Dawn
11 - Student Counsel
12 - She Talks to Angel
13 - Common Ground
14 - The Point of No Return
15 - Sweet and Smoky
16 - Uprooted
17 - 2, 4, 6, Greaaat
18 - Going to Seed

S9 Bingo: 10/25 (Checking off Zecora Episode and Spike/Rarity Episode. They've added a few more than me but, I don't think we've had a proper Discord episode yet and, much as I'd like to, Angel's word isn't enough for Canon Mane 6 Ship)

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