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    And It's Row, Me Bully Boys; We're in a Hurry, Boys

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    Quickdraw Blog. BANG!

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    It Cuts Like a Knife; It Might Leave You Bleeding

    Story reviews are interesting because, sure, you can use them to know if a certain book will be the right one for you? But I feel they’re more useful when the review is in itself a tool to talk about storytelling in general. You review a book, but the book is a jumping-off point to discuss what it means to have good pacing; stuff like that.

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    A Full Year of Only Mondays

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When the Hurricanes Came for Me · 1:03pm Jul 30th, 2019

Comments ( 64 )

The trick to writing comedy is to do stuff literally nobody but you will ever find funny, and making it REALLY LONG-WINGED.

In no particular order: I dig Lovecraft, I really like Hemingway, and I think I will literally never create anything else as funny as Third Eye Starlight in the rest of my life.

Actually Lovecraft came to hate his Racist views and despised his books that were about racism and actually BURNED the more explicitly racist ones. He also attended the wedding of one of his friends who was gay.

I didn't know that! That's pretty cool.

EDIT: Yeah no sources on this, and every place I look says the opposite, so. Yikes. Guess he died as he lived: an absolute fucking shitwheel.

Author Interviewer

what in the shit

#I drew this while my sister watched over my shoulder.

Extra points for maintaining your wit throughout this piece.

The revolution will not be civilized. It will, however, be impeccably dressed.

Well it's true. Not very well known sadly but still.


Actually Lovecraft came to hate his Racist views and despised his books that were about racism and actually BURNED the more explicitly racist ones. He also attended the wedding of one of his friends who was gay.

[citation needed]


Guess that explains your fetus tree comic.

There needs to be more pony comics on literary criticism.

Also, I kind of want "The real socialist utopia was the friends we made along the way" on a T-shirt.

See you at Bronycon!

I’m glad to see MrNumbers has been wearing off on you. Starlight is completely correct; Eight billionaires have as much wealth as half of the people’s on earth.
We produce enough food to feed the world population 1.8 times over, But capitalism ensures most of it is wasted or poorly distributed. Supporting this system is something only an evil monster would do. Earth is teaming with evil monsters unfortunately. Hopefully we can help them through reeducation.

Also, if we don’t extremely rapidly transition to green energy and socialism, climate change is going to kill us all in about fifty years. And even if we do, it just means hundreds of millions instead of billions will die.

Shit’s fucked.

Want to do something about that? Slide into my DMs and I’ll help you find leftists groups/organizations/causes/parties local to you, as well as answer any questions you may have about socialism.

But yeah, nice comic. You are one truly talented guy.

:applejackconfused: Don't do socialism kids. You end up with a third eye. Nobody wants that. Stop it. Get some help.

:trollestia: There's so much concentrated what in this that I don't know how to react other than to laugh.

I think that's an exaggeration. Later in life his views focused more on class than race but it takes a lot of apologia to argue he stopped being racist.

Jesus Christ, Ara, why is it that some of the weirdest shit you come up with makes me laugh the hardest? Especially when it really shouldn't....

I love how Twilight’s face never changes at the end. It’s like Rarity is all prepped to bring down the Theocracy, and Twilight’s just like “Bitch, please, don’t make me take the gun away and shove it up your bleached, perfumed ass.” XD

Lol, you’re right! It’s only Fluttershy that changes!

Hilarious! :pinkiehappy:

That would be a nice thing to note, but could you give us a source on the burnings or the wedding?

Aragon, does your book at Bronycon have any comics like these?

...... hm.... apparently I was sorta incorrect. I apologize deeply for trying to be an apologist. I was given false information. He DID improve but he still had racist views which.... sadly was common for his time.

Heh, nice. :)
And a good discussion, I think!

Though for Lovecraft specifically, I'm kind of inclined to give him a bit of a pass on the racism (personally, not necessarily the same as ignoring its presence in his works, of course) due to him seemingly being afraid of... pretty much everything? It's not like he was some otherwise well-adjusted guy who just hated Insert Color Here people. I mean, it was still there, but I guess it seems like he was kind of an equal opportunity hyphenphobe, and that makes it feel like it's not as bad?

I do recall reading somewhere, don't recall where unfortunately, that he also at least at some point in his life held the view that racism against whites by non-whites was just as justified (while still thinking that that level of justification was "very"); do you know anything on that one way or the other?

I agree. Everything just scared him and his books just happened to contain some aspects of his hate due to him thinking that's what his stories would be about.

And sadly no I do not have much else. The thing I was told about sadly came from a second hand source and I didn't think to follow up on finding it's origin. I'm sorry.

Comment posted by Narrative Style deleted Jul 30th, 2019
Aragon #26 · Jul 30th, 2019 · · 1 ·


Yeah no, immediately cutting this shit before it even starts. I don't know which part of my comic about talking birds made you think I wanted a debate instead of absurdist humor, but if that's the meaning you got, it was unintentional.

Supertrampoline's comment was cutting it but it did address shit from the comic so I let it slide, but I'm not having a goddamn political debate in my comment section. Go to PM.

Always good for a laugh, thanks Aragon!

Yeah, my impression/understanding is that basically the only people he wasn't racist against were those of exactly the right ethnicity from exactly the right rather small area, and even then he could never be sure who might be hiding something.
(Also, something from a Lovecraft review I read comes to mind. Let's see if I can find it again...
...Eh, this isn't quite the same quote, but I don't have time to keep looking, it's from, I'm pretty sure, the same review series, and while it also covers things beyond the point of the quote I was thinking of, it might actually be more relevant here than just that:
"Here we get the nadir of Lovecraft’s nastiest themes. Civilization—modern, Aryan civilization—is the only bulwark against primitive (but all-too-accurate) cults and superstitions and sacrifices—and the least tolerance of variation will let those things slip into the cracks and destroy the world. “Superior minds” are best kept ignorant of this stuff entirely, lest their understanding “threaten the very integrity of the universe.”"
The quote I was thinking of focused more on that "but all-too-accurate" bit, that actually those people Lovecraft was terrified of (well, some of them; there were, again, a lot) were the ones who were at least better-equipped to deal with the universe as it actually was, and Civilization a desperate lie needed by those people who couldn't. Which is still racist, but not exactly complimentary to the fitness of the at-first-glance "superior race".)

Ah well; thanks.
(And I wasn't really involved, but apology accepted?)

Also, people in here might possibly be interested, it occurs to me, in The Litany of Earth, or, for a longer read, John Michael Greer's Weird of Hali universe.


Don't do socialism kids. You end up with a third eye.

Yeah, I know, but what's the downside?

Stop. You're going to make Bad Horse take up cartooning, and I'm pretty sure that will break the Fifth Seal.


I was given false information.

Of course you were. Everypony is being given false information at all times of the day. It's 2019. I'm not trying to pile, I'm just saying that isn't really a useful explanation.

The trick is having information-gathering heuristics which allow you to filter most of the false information out. Very few ponies do, because most of us prefer to surround ourselves with biased ideas that comfort our desired worldviews rather than with factual data that takes effort to examine and may challenge previously held beliefs.

IIRC, it gets better. I've heard that The Shadow Over Innsmouth was inspired by his discovery that he was "hiding something" so to speak, although I can't find the source again.

Never fails to be funny, but I'm not a fan of the 2 lines you use to denote speech bubbles. It looks like a part of the sentence or random twigs. I'd stick with a single line or a whole bubble - but who can be bothered to draw whole speech bubbles?

Hi yes, this heavy-handed video only focuses on electronics, all of which have gone down considerably in price as technology improves. However, healthcare, housing, education, all things needed to thrive, have skyrocketed in cost, at least in the United States.

We've known about climate change since the 70s. The problem is, capitalism rewards bad people for doing bad things. A really simple but quintessential example is fossil fuel companies bribe congress people to do jack shit about pollution so that those companies can keep rolling in the dough. There's like a billion articles about it. Under socialism, the people own the means of production, and can direct efforts away from rich people's benefits to things that benefit the masses. Like not all frying to death.

Here's a long but good article on how Climate Change is very much a partisan issue.

Tramp, i appreciate you being a turbo leftist, god knows we agree on a lot of topics, but stop starting shit in my comment section or I'm blocking you immediately. There's a time and place for everything and neither are my fucking inbox.

Ditto to anybody who replies trying to prove how goddamn smart they are. Last warning before I start blocking folks in bulk.

I was talking about him and the dude I was talking with gave me some links to sites about Lovecraft that supposedly said he was over his racism and such. I tried to find him again but I can't. I'm sorry.

Aye, I've heard the pretty much the same, though I'd previously heard it was his family before him. An ancestor who was not "white" but was able to pass (in other words, look white, and sound and act like they were from the right "white culture", while still being "not white"; it's almost like putting this sort of importance on skin color doesn't actually make a lot of sense), I believe the hypothesis I read was.
Also potentially worth noting there that the protagonist of that story eventually decides to side with the fish people.

Yeah, that's the thing I heard. Specifically, a grandparent or thereabouts who happened to be Welsh. Still "white" in most senses, given that that's one of the United Kingdoms, but that just makes him look even more xenophobic.

Oh, horrors, the Welsh! D:
...Seriously, though, wow, yeah. I didn't get details on that part before and I guess just assumed African ancestry or... something, but... yeah. I mean, I knew that various huh-they-look-pretty-pale-you-sure populations still didn't used to count as "white", but... Welsh. As the terrible secret. Wow.

("Whiteness" sure does seem to shift with convenience. I don't recall ever, for instance, coming across a "white supremacist" expressing self-hatred over actually just being a collection of shades of light pink...)

Man, awakened people are just the worst, aren't they?

I wonder how Hemmingbird gets along with Hummingway...

And yes, this comic was an adventure, journey, and maybe even a quest. Basically an Aragon fic, distilled.

I'm willing to let it go because he's dead and can't hurt anyonr, plus I get the impression he was geniounly insane.

But I have opinions and if I don't shove them into people's faces why even have internet? :raritydespair:

And while the lack of speech bubbles does kinda annoy me, I love the reaction shots and facial expressions you use.


Ain't gonna lie: I'm bad at speech bubbles. The shape never looks like it works with the style i draw. Squiggles make me more comfortable. I think they look fine?

There's nothing wrong with them, and the colors keep everything seperate. It's really just a personal taste issue.

Majin Syeekoh

I was tested to have a 159 IQ score

When I see this sort of thing, I can only wonder if you're a genius, batshit insane, talking out your ass, or some bizarre combination of the three. And I'm not sure which answer would make the most sense.

I tend to be somewhat forgiving of transgressions of authors and artists if they were the common view of the time and if their work doesn’t explicitly focus on racism. It is difficult to cast off the teachings we receive in our formative years, more so I imagine if their are precious few actually speaking out against such thought at the time. It also helps that the dead are rather unchanging. More modern artists I will back away as soon as I become aware of the problem. It’s why I refuse to give any more money to Orson Scott Card, Scott Adams, and Nobuhiro Watsuki.

This is absolute gold...

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