• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
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Ice Star

🖤 i eat children 🖤

More Blog Posts445

  • Wednesday
    An Issue of Classification

    Hi, everyone. I stumbled into a bit of an issue regarding how I'm sorting a particular story of mine, and I wanted to extend my feedback to y'all, the readers. The story in question is Cryptic Coda & Obscure Odysseys, which is tagged for relevance. Here is the issue that I'm having: I envisioned this story to be an anthology of pre-history [1] stories that were otherwise complete,

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    3 comments · 63 views
  • 2 weeks
    Muggonny needs help

    My good friend Muggonny has been in dire financial straits before, and I know that most of y'all will remember my blog about that. Well, now he needs help again. Except, it's not necessarily for him, it's for his sister and her extremely young child. I admittedly don't have the funds to spare myself at the moment (I'm on a brief

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    1 comments · 72 views
  • 3 weeks
    Hey, remember that thing I wrote?

    The rough, experimental little piece about the pegasus tribe? Well, it's now a polished little piece in its own right. If you liked the early version, give this one a read, upvote, and comment. More words to follow, soon.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    0 comments · 49 views
  • 4 weeks
    Hello gamers

    I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

    Catch the SFW flavor here:

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  • 9 weeks
    Reader interaction poll!

    Please check it out here.

    Since comments are a little scarce and I’m new to long-form mature fiction, I wanted to do a quick survey. It’s all anonymous but it’s going to be very helpful because of the content slated to appear in the next few chapters. Your votes will help me gauge reader feelings and the intensity of how graphic things will be.

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Enemy of Mine & More Updates! (or, Ice Star Actually Writes Things) · 2:37am Mar 6th, 2019

It's probably been a while, or maybe I'm just too quiet lately. I'm not sure. Either way, let's talk story updates. Even though I can't write in the same way I used to (mostly because I'd need, like, more three of me to keep up with all the shit I want to do in general) I've still been getting stuff done! It may not be three stories updating near-monthly or a hecking bunch of more substantial new one-shots popping out every few weeks, but it's something. Get those below the break!

TMissing Pages & Scrawled Footnotes
Iceverse minifics. Little bits of world building, style experiments, character pieces, and such dumped in this anthology. Also, stuff I never finished and poems.
Ice Star · 143k words  ·  66  4 · 2.1k views

1) My anthology of horse-universe words has had a backlog of updates ready and kept around. Getting a new laptop and data transfer meant that I had to poke around everything all over again to see what I had. This meant that I found some 'lost' words and unfinished bits. I also ended up with some mini-fics and oneshot-type stories. This fucker has gone from no updates since last year to having three new ones (and still more to come)!

[Adult story embed hidden]

3) This hasn't updated yet. I should update it. I have some ideas. Probably. Short stuff.

TEnemy of Mine
A few years after Luna's return it seems that Equestria will finally know an era of peace and appears to be on the verge of a new renaissance. Ponies are happy. Luna is recovering. Celestia is miserable.
Ice Star · 280k words  ·  116  14 · 6.8k views

4) Hopefully this is the story you were all waiting to hear about! It updated recently, so there's 20k of words for you to read. Comments on this one are especially nice. The next chapter is edited and ready to be published! That's more months of word-work at 20k! BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! The next chapter is almost done! I know it sucks when I'm taking like three months to get these out (and for that I am sorry too) on this particular story, but that will be 20k (plus? maybe plus?) more words. All in all, that's 60k words that I hope you guys really like. Writing in a way to build up updates instead of doing whatever shit I was doing before has helped a lot with THIS FUCKING LONG LEARNING EXPERIENCE OF A PROJECT. Comments, as I probably haven't mentioned before, are nice too. Y'all are pretty quiet on this one. IT'S BASICALLY IN THE THIRD ACT, SO TO SPEAK, AT THIS POINT. THE END IS NEAR. THE SEQUEL HAS BEEN BREWING. A TRILOGY AWAITS AND THE LAST PROJECTS AND Y'ALL GET IT I THINK.

TChipping Away Dusk
Lonely nights in the junkyard are common, and Delta often sits awake through them. Staring out into the night givens plenty of thoughts the chance to invade her weary mind.
Ice Star · 1.1k words  ·  38  7 · 994 views

5) I wrote something sad about Delta Vee. Here it is.

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