• Member Since 28th Sep, 2018
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The Original Gaston

When I was a lad I ate 4 dozen eggs every morning to help me get barge. And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs so I'm roughly the size of a large!

More Blog Posts8

  • 87 weeks
    Weird glitch with Frostpony

    I updated the story today with a 13th chapter today, but from the readers I keep in contact with it seems that it's already marked as "Read" for them. Additionally, the story wasn't added to the updated list until I unpublished and republished.

    It doesn't matter that much, but just wanted to say that the story has indeed updated if any of you wanted to read the latest chapter.

    0 comments · 165 views
  • 100 weeks
    Accidental Update

    Accidentally pressed "Publish" on an unfinished chapter and immediately unpublished it. Still resulted in it going into "Recently Updated" feeds without any actual updates lmao.

    1 comments · 186 views
  • 104 weeks
    me rn

    bad meme made proudly in ms paint

    2 comments · 164 views
  • 163 weeks
    I'm a very harebrained individual.

    I haven't done shit for an entire year.

    Just checked. I last updated Subnautica: Sparkle in the Deep on July 7th last year. I guess I owe some explanation as to what I've been doing to the people who care about that story.

    Read More

    2 comments · 357 views
  • 244 weeks
    It's canonical.

    So... Below Zero has a statue of the Precursors in it now.

    Guess what? They have four legs. Boom. Canon. Theory proven. Thank you for listening to my presentation. Take some cookies on the way out.

    2 comments · 384 views

The Twilight Sparkle Show's Rewrite · 9:44pm Jan 7th, 2019

Okay, so anyone reading this post probably has read my biggest work: The Twilight Sparkle Show.

So... about that.

I'm the biggest idiot there ever was.

I, being a first time, amateur, untrained writer, did not plan The Show's plot at all. I never expected it to be so successful, so I didn't take it very seriously.

And I know, that's not very good of me, I should treat every story I author like one of my children. I know. I know. I know.


People liked it. People liked it A LOT. When other people started pointing out discrepancies in the plot (like Ri2 mentioning the inconsistency between the amount of Seasons in The Show as well as Twilight thinking it was all real life. No, I did not plan for that, obviously), I realized that I was terribly unprepared for this.

I DO have a plot written out, and I was planning on following through with it until I ran into a big old roadblock.

Due to my unpreparedness, I started WAY too early in Season 2. I had tons of episodes to cover, and I realized I couldn't have too many things happening left and right. I didn't have enough material to write out fifteen chapters about the entirety of the body of Season Two.

I couldn't continue with this current train of thought. I just couldn't. I knew I would either have to completely rewrite, or The Twilight Sparkle Show would be doomed to die on top of the hundreds of other great ideas that got cancelled due to the authors getting bored of them or stuck up with their plots.


I'm not letting the TTSS die!

Therefore, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to rewrite every. Single. Chapter. Until my story is on the right track.

The new version will be... betterly written nicely-like. If anything good's gonna come out of this rewrite, it's the fact that the prologue's gonna get a refit (that thing's a living nightmare every time I reread it for inspiration). I'll try to be less redundant, and... well...

Other than plot fixes, I'm not actually changing around anything in terms of the world building and characterization. The Confederacy's still gonna be the same. The Twilight Sparkle Show's going to be fairly similar (except for the fact that My Little Twilight never happened and it was always The Twilight Sparkle Show, that's a plot inconvenience that I'm going to be glad to be rid of). Rarity's still gonna have her problems to deal with. Rainbow's still gonna be a money-crazed jerk (What, did I not make that clear enough in characterization on this version? Something I'll have to deal with during the rewrite!). Fluttershy's still gonna be... Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie's still gonna be five steps higher that Twilight Sparkle in terms of academics. Applejack's still gonna be a lazy pro gamer. And Twilight Sparkle still gonna be the clueless purple unicorn we all know and love.

So, please be patient. And please forgive me for not taking Twilight Sparkle seriously.

Also, if you're a new reader and you've been directed to this announcement and are wondering why my entire story is under construction, this is why. Please only take the rewritten chapters as canon.

Comments ( 3 )

So long as it doesn’t take as long to rewrite as ‘A Trusted Friend In Science and Ponies’, if we ever get that rewrite at all :ajbemused:

Don't worry. I've already started on the first chapter ("Nightmare Prologue").

A word of warning though, the next two weeks will be very stressful for me. Not gonna guarantee any progress for that time.

But don't worry, it shouldn't take me more than three months, but no promises.

The Twilight Sparkle Show's really my only big project that isn't related to beating the Plague Inc: Pandemic custom scenario without killing any humans...

I din’t know you played Plauge Inc...

Anyways, I’m glad it won’t take forever.

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