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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 2 weeks
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 3 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 6 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs, December 8th: Sunset Shipping edition 2! · 8:40pm Dec 8th, 2018

It's been a trip, but here we are again, my friends. The Sunset Shipping Contest returns, with a new focus on journeys and established relationships. 66 entries were written, totalling 476k words. (And 25 pages of review. c.c) 476k! That's longer than Background Pony! D: Which I still haven't started reading…

I'd like to say a couple things first. For starters, I am really impressed with this contest's output. I enjoyed the previous one as well, which was why I wanted to get to this sooner than later, but man, there are just so many good stories here. The entrants should pat themselves on their collective backs.

Now, of course, these are all of a kind: the EQG and Shipping/Romance tags are assumed for all reviews. If you, the reader, are not into Equestria Girls, you may still want to check out reviews of the following stories, which take place mostly in Equestria or other locations:

Uncommon Ground by Undome Tinwe
Shimmer Run 1981 by Hoers Incognito
Show Me the Way to Go Home by MagnetBolt
A Queen's Vows by GaraTheAuthor
Floral Transplant by FanOfMostEverything
A Walk in the Park (If the Park Was Tartarus) by SashimiPony
Rosebuds and Blueblood by Unified Dreams
Down the Laundry Chute by Tethered-Angel
Hearthfire & Wintertides by Deathscar
The Road to Us by BoredAuthor817
Quenchless Fire by Impossible Nunmbers

If you're not into shipping, though, well, pity poor you, there's not going to be much for you here. :/ I'd still urge you to check out Driver's Side by DrakeyC, Rosebuds and Blueblood by Unified Dreams, and maybe A Study in Violet by MaxKodan, where the shipping is really underpronounced, if still visible.

One really good thing was the prompt. "Journeys" led to some similar themes — going to Equestria was a big trend, not that I'm going to complain about more stories about that! — but nowhere near as many samey fics as "Changing Seasons" (and nowhere near as many prompt drops). I think that went a long way towards my overall enjoyment. :) Also, this contest convinced me Sunflower is just as natural a ship as Sunlight. (Also, stop calling Sunset a redhead. <.< Her hair is bright red and yellow. Adagio's more of a redhead than she is.)

That said, oh boy, I'm burnt out. x.x I think I'll be going back to audiobooks and/or tackling my RIS and some of those enormous stories I tend to ignore for years on end, and sticking with those for a while. Apologies to anyone who's waiting on me to do Aragon's comedy contest; I really wanna, but geez, this was a bit much, even if I did enjoy it. The next larger-than-normal blog I do will likely be my year-end top ten, sometime early 2019.

Regardless, you guys can expect lots of titles to bolster your dwindling RILs, because I'm sure those are things that you have. :V Onward!

H: 12 R: 22 C: 20 V: 4 N: 10

Journey Into the Heart of the Desert by Celestias_Disciple
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Adventure/League of Legends Crossover
Twilight and Sunset scour Egypt for secrets.
I want to believe there's a good story at the core of this. The way it's written lends an otherworldliness to the proceedings, and it's nice to see someone using Egyptian mythology for once. There's so much Greek and Roman on this site, after all. But the A/N greets us with acknowledgement that the story needs an editing pass… and I don't think that's going to be sufficient to solve its problems. The narrative is exceedingly rushed, and that otherworldliness only works for the imagery; in every other instance, this story just becomes confusing. I mean, I couldn't even figure out what Twilight this was, outside of reading the character tags. Worst of all, though, is the being they encounter. I had initially supposed the author was using an obscure name for Anubis, and my Egyptology knowledge was just really low. But no, Nasus is actually a character from League of Legends. And I just… Fuck's sake, if you're going to have characters explicitly go to Egypt and learn about Egyptian stuff, use actual Egyptian mythology! I'd be less angry if the author had called it Neighgypt, no lie. Point being, this is a mess.
Not Recommended

Sumnambula by the Autumnlayer
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Genre: AU
Somnambula must decide between her country and her love.
How strange is it that the first two stories take place in Egypt? Though this one, by comparison, is set, I believe, in ancient Egypt, with Somnambula as a Cleopatra sort of figure. Also, the author knows a lot about Egyptian mythology, not to mention how Egypt works in Humania, and wants to tell you all about it. That kind of thing can definitely be overdone, and here it has been, as we're given long info-dumps about the backstory of How We Got Here. The flashbacks, the first one especially, tend to head-hop, and they really break up what's going on in the present, which is a pretty decent personal drama. I especially like how Somnambula has this explicitly political marriage to Flash Magnus, who is basically her Mark Antony, except he's boinking Stygian on the side, and so he's one of the few people she can confide in about her 'illicit affair'. But as much as the story seems to enjoy reveling in its characters' gayness, it's also hung up on the whole exocitism thing, which... that's kinda ehhh. I guess my one real issue is that the ending feels very abrupt, and I think that's just a consequence of this entirely interpersonal kind of story being interrupted by an epic tale — complete, no less — of Somnambula and Sunset facing down Apep to help Ra. Like, that's just leagues away from "Am I too gay for Egypt?" and left me with conflicting expectations for what this story would ultimately be about. If nothing else, it's probably the first Sun-nambula fic ever!
Recommended for Somnambula Fans

Driver's Side by DrakeyC
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Genre: Slice of Life
A cross-town drive home from work means being stuck in a car with your significant other and her problems.
Okay, kiddies, listen up: this is what a relationship looks like. No, it's not 'romantic' in the slightest; that's kind of the point. Romance and passion and attraction and lust are all for the infancy of a relationship; after that, you forge a commitment. You know how that gets thrown around a lot when referring to marriage and why people don't want it? Yeah, a relationship takes a lot of work. You have to commit to sticking by a person, through all the bad stuff as well as the good, that's why classic wedding vows sound the way they do. This shit is serious, and we as a society have lost sight of what it's all supposed to mean, instead being content to hate our spouses and laugh about it at the bar as we drink ourselves to death. Not okay. All that seriousness isn't to say there isn't canon stuff to enjoy here, either. Like, the only movie we've seen so far in Humania was Daring Do, but why wouldn't there be a Power Ponies Cinematic Universe? I'd be shocked if that didn't happen for real in the next year of the series. I'm already so hyped! (Plus, you gotta love who the one named actress is!) My point is, this is great. This is what I want to see from Romance-tagged fics. Escapism just fills your head with unreal expectations for things. So if you're young, if you've never had a relationship, and especially if you've never had a relationship that lasted, reading this story is so, so important. And then read it again and figure out why it works.
Highly Recommended

We Made It, Wallflower by Psyga315
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Genre: Adventure/Emotional
Mount Aris: an exciting place for a honeymoon. Maybe not the best attempted in a blizzard.
Is SunFlower a popular ship now? I'm sure this will hardly be the only entry to feature it. Anyway, this is cute at its core, but I question a lot of what goes on. The backstory, for instance, is dumped at high speed about a quarter of the way in. I don't think the steps taken to avoid hypothermia are terribly realistic ('boiling water' in someone's face?) And the ending is meant to be a twist that just does not work at all, due to some very small details. Plus, I mean, they struggle up the mountain, and then they just stop and go back, and this is told to us in a single sentence, after which they talk about death and then go back up the next day, which also takes barely more than a sentence. So this is all over the place, and sadly doesn't succeed at anything it was going for.
Not Recommended

Camping Trip by Cirrus Sky
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Genre: Future Fic
Sunset and Rainbow take their kids to Camp Everfree.
My point with Driver's Side is that if you read too many stories like this one, where everything's sweet and happy and loving and domestic all the goddamn time, it becomes easy to forget that not every day will be a good one. (For all that it's also easy to forget the opposite.) That said, there's nothing wrong with stories like this, and I quite enjoyed this. Yes, it's a bunch of fluff with a ton of backstory shoved in, but if nothing else, this is one of those stories that's just really excited that its two characters are together, yet actually does something with that enthusiasm. The writing was decent, if floopy, with a certain excitement over words that's entirely a positive thing, but a tad taxing to read if you've passed that stage of writing yourself. Honestly, the only negative here is the continuous head-hopping. This was good!
Recommended If You Enjoy Domestic Fluff

Uncommon Ground by Undome Tinwe
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Genre: Drama/Adventure
Go figure the Cutie Map calls you for a friendship quest with your marefriend right after you both broke up.
What a great mix of drama and adventure. Sunset and Starlight, in Equestria, doin' a map quest that they've already done once, while trying to figure out just where they stand with each other because they have nothing in common. It ends with one of the most original villain plots I've ever seen, not to mention a fantastic message and a hilarious scene with the three of them discussing the relationship. Yes, I mean including the villain; it was great. A few typos here and there, but nothing awful. This was great.

Best in Slot by SamRose
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Genre: Video Game Action
No way is Sunset about to let her girlfriend feel like a failure.
Playing video games is always more exciting in stories than in real life. <.< That said, for all that I really liked the last story, a fic that's just about playing video games doesn't really appeal to me. It's weird that suddenly, everyone from EQG is playing this game. Like, can you seriously see Rainbow Dash of all people animatedly organizing a raid? Plus, I could never quite tell what was going on. Are they interacting IRL while watching the game scenery? Is this VR? An elaborate roleplay? Or have they fallen into an isekai become one with the gaaaaame? :B And I definitely did not care about who was what kind of DPS. That said, if this story does anything, it's present us with a potentially alien situation that matters, because it matters to the characters. Yeah, Sunny Flare still doesn't have a lot of personality, but Sunset's desire to make this the best raid ever for her means the reader has a reason to give a darn even if they don't know what 'best in slot' even means. Like me. The writing's good, if you ignore all the MMO terminology, and ultimately, this is all right. You're just going to have to put up with long slogs through descriptions of a video game fight.
Recommended for Avid Gamers

Sunset's Journey to Tolerating Twilight's Moral Questionability by Ebola-chan Ganbatte
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Genre: Random Comedy
What kind of science requires a girl to fight a dog in a cage?
It's been a while since I cut loose with a solid, character-destroying random comedy. This will have zero appeal if you're not into OOC humor, but if you are? It's a madcap romp of terrible people doing terrible things. Not to mention the hilarious, hilarious Scootabuse. :V Fun!
Recommended for Terrible People

Family Ties by RuinQueenofOblivion
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Genre: Slice of Life
With their wedding growing near, Sunset and Twilight try to track down Sunset's little sister.
Logic is not a strong point in this piece. Not just for Sunset's "oh yeah, I forgot I had a family" line, but also the sense of 'shouldn't this have come up sooner?' Granted, it feels like no time has passed since current EQG time, so maybe it hasn't. Whatever. The draw here is the identity of Sunset's sister, which ends up being a clever bit of world- and character-building that I don't think I've seen written before. If you follow show news, you'll likely figure it out soon into the story, but that's fine. I will say, I wish there had been more to this; Sunset and Sci-Twi go to Equestria, Princess Twilight helps them find sister, they all sit down for a chat and everything's fine. Screaming drama may not have improved this story, but as it is, it just feels thin, for all that I appreciated the background shipping.
Vaguely Recommended

From Time to Time by The Frank
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Genre: Adventure
Love makes you do stupid things.
You ever read a story and wonder how it qualifies as fanfiction? You might, with this one. An introduction via vague, half-remembered, dreamlike snatches dumps us right into the story of a fifty-something, bisexual horse Nazi lieutenant in the final days of World War II. Kind of a far cry from anything the tags, description or cover art suggest! It's at the halfway point where any kind of canon character comes into play, though if you know any German, you'll at least be able to pick out some of the names… Granted, I even found myself getting lost in all the military terminology, to say nothing of the text-to-speech-breaking German-accented English. Still, when this comes together, it's pretty amazing, not to mention ambitious as hell, and incredibly original. I find myself wholly taken by the none-too-subtle metaphor of love standing the test of time (and wishing there were more of this!) My only complaint is I wish the writing were cleaner; it's still not enough to keep this from being one of the most worthwhile fics I've read this year.

Things Left Unsaid by Rose Quill
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Genre: Slice of Life
It's been five years since she closed the portal to the human world, and Sunset is content with her life. That's the problem.
So this is a very nice piece about Sunset and pony Applejack going back through the mirror after a prolonged absence. I kind of wish it'd explored their relationship a little deeper, but it's otherwise a good look into Sunset's character and what she sees as home. It definitely hits what I want from my EQG fics.

Shimmer Run 1981 by Hoers Incognito
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Genre: Retro Action AU
Neighami is plagued by magicaine addiction. Sounds like a job for Shimmer Run!
I wouldn't have thought you could render 80's laserpunk aesthetic in written format. Boy, was I wrong. One part The A Team, one part Quantum Leap, one part Knight Rider, and like a hundred parts Miami Vice, this is a loving, madcap tribute to the 80's and all its wacky, wacky bullshit. You've got crooked cops, car chases (complete with universe-appropriate shoot-outs), drug smuggling, and a good message to learn at the end. My one big complaint is that it's really fast-paced, no doubt an effect of the contest word count. But, I mean, Sunset x Stygian is a unique ship, and this story takes it in extremely interesting places, considering he's trapped inside the Alicorn Amulet. I defy you to read this and not have a good time with it, warts and all. :D
Highly Recommended

Six Friends, One Lemon by Marwile
Sequel to Five Bolts, One Sunset
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Genre: Random Comedy
Sunset's friends are going to determine whether Lemon Zest is the right girl for her.
Well, I wasn't too keen on the previous story in this series, and I can't say much for this one, either. The writing has improved little, if at all, and the humor remains centered around fourth-wall jokes and pop culture references. It's all very tropey, and not particularly funny. Given that one punchline is a lengthy string of anime references, I feel confident in suggesting anime has an inordinate influence on the timing of the jokes. And for all that, no Scott Pilgrim references, for all that this is basically just Scott Pilgrim. I laughed once, but on the whole, I just don't get this author's sense of humor.
Not Recommended

The Land of the Midnight Sun by Marcibel
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Genre: Travelogue
Someone really should have told Sunset about Norway.
From the description, I was expecting a bit of light comedy; instead, the 'punchline', as it were, actually makes for some decent drama, and I end up using a tag I never thought I would. Welcome to Norway! It's rendered quite lovingly in the author's hands, and I sympathized well with Twilight, who learned Norwegian in less than a month before getting to the place and had very little luck actually using it. Strangely, for all that this definitely fits the 'fluff' category, taking no small amount of time in getting where it wants to go, it's not overly sappy or romantic. No, it's light on substance, outside of setting, but it's otherwise a nice read.

Show Me the Way to Go Home by MagnetBolt
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Genre: Comedy/Adventure
Adagio just wants to be able to sing again. Also a snack. She's really hungry.
Sunset x Siren is always a hard sell, if only because they're the only EQG villains who were never reformed. That said, when you write this good and give them chemistry this natural, it's all but a gimme. And of course, my immediate first though was, Adagio's coming back to Equestria post-S7; what's Star Swirl have to say about this? Happily, this fic provided. Then the laughter began. What's really impressive, though, for all that this is a phenomenally well-paced and hilarious comedy, is that it transitions into a thrilling action/adventure so smoothly, I never missed the comedy. I can't remember the last comedic fic I read that was this good. And the punchline isn't always vore. Just mostly. :V goddammit Syeekoh
Highly Recommended

The Last Season (Phone Call to a Pony) by PaulAsaran
Sequel to The Fourth Season
Genre: Drama
Applejack had been fine with Sunset going to Equestria. What changed?
I really liked the previous story (I even got quoted in the description, how neat! :D), but it's been a few months and I've read so many fanfics… Let's just say I'm glad you don't need to know any of the details from that one to read this. :B Anyway, this is some fantastic character drama. I can't remember the last time I saw Applejack written so fittingly self-conscious and vulnerable. The time scale might be a tad abrupt for what goes on, but I really love the central conceit about ponies needing affection and AJ constantly coming up short when she compares herself to her girlfriend. Not to mention that the bulk of their conversation wouldn't have been nearly as good if it were in person, nevermind that it's obvious AJ's wrong about what Sunset intends to do. That's honestly the point; the way it's all rendered puts you square in the mind of a girl who's just absolutely desperate and unsure of herself.
Highly Recommended

Memories Best Kept by bahatumay
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Genre: Drama
Dating Sunset Shimmer isn't easy.
If nothing else, this story is a treatise on how self-loathing and insecurities can sabotage a relationship. Picking Wallflower Blush for that was a really great idea, as her character is pretty much nothing but. This surprised me in a lot of ways; not to give too much away, but Wallflower breaks up with Sunset early on, then tries to get revenge (with help from Rarity!), putting herself into a situation she's not sure she ever wanted. The writing was occasionally flat or otherwise less-than-stellar, but overall, this was pretty good, not to mention surprising.
Recommended for Wallflower Blush Fans

For However Long, I Will Never Run Away by I-A-M
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Genre: Drama
Moving in together is a big step in a relationship.
First off, this is related to another of the author's (unfinished) stories, but you needn't worry about knowing the background, because Sunset and Gilda fill us in on some bits themselves. Also, they have marvelous chemistry; that's really the draw here, their characters are both believable, and believable together because of how well they know themselves. That said, I will note that Gilda's mode of speech is... very "overwritten Applejack", just a different accent. If nothing else, this has a really good message about how much work relationships are; I'm definitely interested in the story that spawned this now.
Recommended If You Enjoy Romance

If I Only Had a Heart by WishyWish
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Genre: Sad/Future Fic/Crackshipping
Alone and tired, Sunset Shimmer makes a desperate flight to save the only creature she ever loved.
I read the character tags on this fic, and I just had to stop and think for a few minutes about my life choices. There was a Smooze fic last time. And that one was funny! This is… actually surprisingly serious, given its premise. Once you get past the horribly overwritten introduction to the revelation that she's being chased, this turns into a decent thriller. Then it takes a long diversion to give full backstories for where the humane seven are post-graduation, many of them fraught with hardship, before leading us to a lonely beach and an unfortunately dramatic ending that I can't really fault for its predictability because it was ridiculously effective. Maybe not everyone will get the same thing from this that I did, but damn, it's really worth reading.

My Best Friend Is a Unicorn and She's Dating My Undead Mother! by Majin Syeekoh
Genre: Dark Comedy
Goddammit, Syeekoh. Everything you need to know about this, you can glean from the title. This is insanity, and the reason it works is because everything's so matter-of-fact. That's how you do dark comedy right. God, what a thing.

A Queen's Vows by GaraTheAuthor
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Genre: Humanized AU/Historical Crossover/Political Drama
A Queen is a servant, not a person, and there is no having a personal life for her.
Here's something I never thought I'd see: Twilight Sparkle cast as Edward VIII, the British monarch who abdicated during the interwar period to marry the woman he loved. And while I'm not sure of the details, that's, well, the entire plot here, which I suppose could be taken as a mark against it. But the purpose of this story, and something it does very well, is to humanize people who are normally larger-than-life. And the politics, it must be said, are gripping, the drama carrying the story and rising to a strong emotional climax in the final chapter. That said, I have two criticisms. First are the occasional, but very regular, typos throughout the story, which hopefully the author will clean up now that the contest is over. Second is characterization. Sunset, for instance, fits her role in the story, but does not inhabit it. Twilight could be just about anyone. Fancy Pants in particular is nothing like the person I know from the show. Some of the side characters, like Blueblood and especially Ms. Harshwhinny, are much more recognizable, but it's very obvious context and setting were kings here. Still, neither of those was enough to tarnish what was otherwise a thrilling and unique entry,

Why Do You Love Me? by Princess Platinum Blonde
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Genre: Meta
Why does the internet like Sunset so much, anyway?
The worst thing about this story is that Vignette Valencia is written extremely well, which is about as backhanded as a critique can get. :V I thought this was pretty funny, all things considered, as she and Sunset discuss the real-world internet's love for Sunset and all the things they tend to overlook when it comes to her character. Speaking as a rabid Shimmerfan, I found myself actually agreeing. For all that I don't generally approve of characters-as-author-mouthpiece analysis-as-fanfiction, this showed me that there's actually a lot left to consider when it comes to Equestria Girls, and I liked what it had to say. That probably isn't a glowing recommendation (and likely accounts for the poor up/down ratio), but hey, it's better than these tend to be.
Recommended If You Enjoy Metacommentary

Floral Transplant by FanOfMostEverything
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Comedy
Wallflower got to go to Equestria first out of Sunset's friends because she has no pony analogue.
So around the halfway point, when I was thinking to myself, "This is cute and funny, but did they really need to go to Equestria to have this heart-to-heart?" this story goes off the fucking rails. The plot of this story is hidden beneath layers of unassuming mundanity, kind of like Wallflower herself. Gee, that's damned clever. >.>

The Winning Formula by Bookish Delight
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Genre: Action/Drama
Twilight and Sunset may not have shared enough when they got together.
I really like the way this story is told. We begin with a fluffy, cute scene of Sunset coming back to Twilight after a week-long absence in Equestria, and lots of great girlfriend moments. Then they get to talking, Twilight comes up with an idea… and we're thrust into strong action beats bookended by longer "how we got here" scenes. Great asynchronous storytelling. Of course, at the end of one of those beats, a certain word gets dropped in that absolutely destroyed me, because this is a low-key crossover with something I'm not going to spoil! (If you follow me at all, you've doubtless picked it up by osmosis, you'll be fine.) This has good drama, great action, and some real surprises; I especially love how the last chapter is explicitly rushed, yet the action fits the time allotted to it. The metahumor may not please everyone, granted. My only real complaint is that the first couple chapters spent a lot of time rehashing the various EQG movie and special plots for no reason. But other than that? This was a ride. :V
Highly Recommended

Two Lanes by Contesting Contester
Genre: Drama
Sunset would do anything for her girlfriend. Either one of them.
Yaknow, I thought this was going to be polyamory drama, but it's actually just cheating. >.> I find that considerably less satisfying a setup, especially since the story just stops after the big reveal. I mean, what are we left with? Twilight's heartbroken, Moondancer's rightfully upset, Sunset's the bad guy. Guess I'm not seeing the upside here. :/
Not Recommended

Dog Nonce by forbloodysummer
Genre: Crackshipping
Yeah, okay, so, Sunset x Spike the Dog, and "dog nonce" means "someone who can't help petting dogs". This is still really gross, because it's all innuendo and wants you to think she's doing something else. I have no desire to know what the link to Aragon is. Reading this story honestly made my day worse. Guess I've been trolled.
Not Recommended

Down to the Roots by Baal Bunny
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Genre: Drama
Applejack just doesn't understand what any of her friends see in someone like her cousin.
So, about halfway through this contest, we finally get something different. This is a story about Applejack, but she's not the one shipped with Sunset! (Although Sunburn? Really?) And I was impressed by how the main (interpersonal) conflict is simple, but hardly simplistic; a young writer could learn a lot from this story. Though I will say it's weird what happens to Braeburn; actually, the whole scene from planning to resolving the action is a little off. But this is still really neat, and has a short passage with some solid in-depth analysis of the geodes that I've never seen before. Worth it!

Lost in Paradise by NaiadSagalotaOar
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Genre: Drama/Tragedy
Sunset and Adagio's relationship was perfect, until Adagio started remembering…
Oh boy, what a thrill. This has a fantastic concept in Adagio forgetting her past ahead of getting together with Sunset, which sets everything up for terrific tension as her memories start trickling back one by one. And maybe the best part is watching Sunset turn abusive as she desperately tries to turn Adagio off the track, to keep her being the sunny, happy person she's become. Oh, it's so hard to read, don't get me wrong, but it's fantastic! Who says interpersonal drama has to be boring?
Highly Recommended

Portrait of a Pinkie by Fylifa
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Genre: Slice of Life
Sunset and Pinkie have never painted on the roof before. That's what makes it special.
This is a very "snapshot of how their relationship would be" kind of fic, right up until the end of the first chapter. At the halfway point, this story finally decides to do something, and while it may be a little late in coming, it did elevate the whole thing and leave me with a smile on my face. That said, the narrative is a little shaky in places, the writing frequently flat and uninspired, but if nothing else, both of them are written well.
Recommended for Shippers

One Night in Buckkok by stillinbeta
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Genre: Drama
Sunset accompanies her fiancee on a trip for the most important surgery of her life.
Put together the title with the mention of 'surgery', and you can figure out what's going on here. But that's just framing story; what this is actually about is the mental stresses one goes through for a successful relationship. Like, I talked about commitment earlier; this shows it. There's a great scene in the middle, for instance, that discusses just what it means to love someone so much it hurts. And what's maybe even better is that this isn't just about Sunset supporting Rarity one-sided; her friends get in on it, too, for all that they're half a world away. In total, this is a highly successful fic that tells a story I think we need to see more of, overall. (And be sure to read the comment by Drachos after you're done; it was quite an excellent learning opportunity.)

Each Small Step by Krickis
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Genre: Character Piece/Mental Illness
Nothing good ever happens to Aria Blaze.
The moment we step into Aria's apartment in this piece, it's obvious she's suffering from major depression. So begins a rough and painful ride through her self-destruction. She's already someone who's quick to anger and lash out at others; with an empty pit inside her fueling the fire, a stubborn drive to be independent and a desire to be blameless for everything that happens in her life, she takes all that self-loathing and fires it off again and again at the people she cares about. It's heartbreaking, tragic and absolutely marvelous. The suicide tag is important to note, as this story features the best suicide attempt I have ever read, but it's one you're right alongside her for. Not everyone's going to be able to take it. Meanwhile, the only thing I would complain about is that she starts turning her life around, just a little, immediately afterward, and things aren't ever quite that easy. Still, the message in the end is that you need other people to help support you and get you out of a dark place, and I can't say the hopeful ending is otherwise a bad thing. For all that I hope the author wasn't writing from experience, we need more stories like this.
Highly Recommended

Snapshot by DragonGeek
Genre: Slice of Life
Sunset and Flash Magnus go on a hike.
I like that this is actually pony Flash Magnus, on the other side of the portal. It doesn't do a whole lot with that, granted, but there is at least some. I also like that this story is really focused on Sunset's artistic endeavors. The weird thing about it is that they seem very standoffish with another; good thing that's actually the point. With all that said, this was probably a little too fluffy for my tastes, not to mention a bit on the rushed side, but it's not bad.
Recommended for Shippers Only

Wallflower Blush, Sky Pirate! by AlexTFish
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Character Piece/Video Game Adventure/Drama
Sunset and Wallflower agree to help Twilight test out her new virtual reality game.
If nothing else, I appreciate the moment in the first scene of this story where Wallflower and Sunset explicitly rehash the "who did worse with magic" argument that I have already seen in numerous stories, but which is here presented as just another part of their relationship and used for comedy. Just in the ways they interact, we're shown they've been together for a while and are comfortable around each other, without ever being told how long it's been. Meanwhile, the meat of this piece is in Wallflower's portrayal, which is a good bit deeper and more nuanced than others I've seen in this contest. We get things like her plant-based nerdiness, not to mention her pedantic eye for detail. Once they get into their video game roles, we see her blooming when given the chance to take the lead, then worrying about Sunset's actions as she inhabits a sultry sorceress. This might be the rare fic where the shipping isn't the focus, but still necessary for the plot. I will say, I'm ever so slightly miffed by what one person described as "anime video game rules" — I don't know why this bothers me, it just does — but the game really isn't the focus here, just the glue that brings these characters together for a solid, fun drama. The more I think about this story, the more I realize how well put-together it actually is.
Highly Recommended

The Long Road by RadiantBeam
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Slice of Life
On a roadtrip with Sunset across the human world, Twilight tries to formulate a very important question.
Well, that's different: she's dating Princess Twilight. :O I haven't seen one of those since, well, Friendship Games! I guess everything old is new again. So after reading the story's description, I wasn't sure how much of a story one question stretched along 10k words would be. Happily, the answer is "a good one". Much as our main characters take a ride on Sunset's (scary) motorcycle, the reader takes a ride through Twilight's head. And while I don't think this covers any new ground, it returns to familiar haunts and lays them out well. I will say there's a bit of reliance on referents, and oh boy do eyes just do everything (it was weird), but that wasn't enough to keep me from enjoying it.

Sunset at Gifthorse Beach by Scott Curl
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Slice of Life
Something always goes wrong at a wedding. You just have to prepare for it.
Between the tags and the excellent description, I was expecting an epic comedy of errors, constantly snowballing up to a climax. Instead, I got something very focused on the slice-of-life minutiae of a wedding, with only a few laughs thrown in. Honestly, after the first couple of scenes, the comedy starts unbalancing what is otherwise a very nice story about Sunset and Rarity getting married. It's not bad, it just didn't set expectations quite right. And there's POV slips.
Recommended for Shippers

Hearthfire & Wintertides by Deathscar
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Drama
This year's Hearthfire sends Tempest back to the one place she never wanted to return: Home.
Pit Tempest against Best Pony, and I start questioning just who Best Pony really is. c.c;; So this was great, a drama-filled look into Tempest's past and insecurities, while she's also dating Sunset for some reason. I say that flippantly, for all that I don't think this would have been as strong were they just friends, because this really feels like the sequel to something. There's a lot going on that's never really explained, everything from "why is Sunset back in Equestria" to "what's a Hearthfire" and "'Element of Empathy'? Really?" If there's one thing I can say I liked about this, it's that Tempest and Sunset get into a "who has the darker backstory" shouting match, and I actually enjoyed it. Good shipping, good drama, good Tempest, it's all I ask for.

Down the Laundry Chute by Tethered-Angel
Genre: The Secret Life of Toys
An unexpected trip down the laundry chute sends a pair of plushies on a trek through the house by themselves.
This is the most adorable shit I have ever seen. :D I don't know why Adagio is a sheep, but it's great? I love the goofy plush-themed lingo they use. There's a great sense of scale, how difficult it is to do things when you're that small. I love how Adagio treats Sunset, which isn't great, yet entirely in-character for her. This is a very simple adventure, but the fact that they're toys gives it an extra dimension that makes it just so, so great.
Highly Recommended

Sleipnir's Horseshoes by Frazzle2Dazzle
Genre: AU/Adventure
Sunset Shimmer and Caballeron brave the chill of Yakyakistan, seeking the legendary horseshoes of Sleipnir.
So this is different: an AU with pony Sunset helping out Caballeron, along with being his paramour. And that's really about it. They go on an adventure that tests them. My only real complaint is that Daring Do never shows up; well, that and I wish the author had been able to find a proofreader. But it's definitely not a bad little adventure. :)
Recommended If You Like Daring Do Adventures

Secret Princess Magic in Fluttershy's Blouse by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD
Genre: Random
Sunset finds out Fluttershy's blouse skirt is magic.
When "blouse" is the main part of your title, and repeated ad nauseam throughout your story, it's kind of important to know the difference between a blouse and a skirt. This author clearly does not. They also don't know how to punctuate dialogue, let alone how to write it. :/ Even looking beyond the copious editing mistakes, I'm not sure what was being attempted here.
Not Recommended

The Road to Us by BoredAuthor817
Genre: Future Fic
Sunset and Wallflower decide to rekindle their love by taking their family to Equestria.
So, I started listening to this, got about a third of the way in, and was really enjoying it but noticing all the typos. So I offered to proofread it for the author, who accepted, and now here we are. Hopefully the writing looks a lot cleaner, hopefully the POV shifts are taken care of, but much of that is out of my hands. The one problem that remains is the writing is rather simplistic, and that's at least in part due to trying to keep under the word limit, as the A/N states. All the bad stuff out of the way, though, this is a really nice story. I got caught up in watching Sunset's kids get used to their pony bodies. Most of this is just about exploring Equestria and Sunset and Wallflower getting lots of time together (there's so much off-screen sex, oh my god), but it was a real treat. Who the kids' grandmother is was really gratifying. If I'm gonna read fluffy slice of life stories, I want them to be like this one.

The Sorceress of Canterlot by Webdog177
Genre: High Fantasy
Princess Twilight Sparkle calls upon her friends in the Knights of Canterlot to find the traitor who stole her crown.
I keep asking for 'different', and this contest continues to provide beyond all expectation. The first thing that intrigued me about this, aside from the setting, was that Pinkie is our narrator, yet not the shipped party. Her arc is all about trying to figure out how telling jokes puts her alongside some of the best fighters in her order. The writing is a little unbalanced; despite the infodumps filling out each character's skills and some of the backstory, I felt like there was a lot more that I wanted to know. Normally, that would be a good thing, you know, leave the reader wanting more and all that. But, unfortunately, it isn't to be; the ending puts everything in a new light, and, well, I guess you should pay attention to the lack of AU tag on this one, not to give anything away. I was just a tad disappointed. :/
Recommended If You Don't Mind It All Being a Dream

To Err Is Divine by Ri2
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: AU Drama
On the occasion of a feast for the Divine Empresses that no mortal knows the reason for, Twilight Sparkle isn't showing.
This was honestly scary. Sunset and Twilight are actual goddesses, and they don't just have people bowing and scraping at their every whim, they have them terrified for their lives. In the first scene alone, Sunset nearly kills an entire roomful of servants just because she's angry. Not that she's cruel or wrathful, simply that that's what you risk as a mortal in a god's presence. It was really something to behold. So my thoughts on this are twofold. First, for all that this story does an excellent job in conveying just what "is a god" actually means in its context, the problem facing Twilight and Sunset is a very human one. One could say it's trite, in fact, but the epicness of their divine powers drives home how quintessential (we believe) it is to the human experience. Secondly, it maybe got some tone issues? I mean, the climax is this intense, emotional drama, but before that we have the aforementioned near-genocide, while Spike's role is hilarious and there's more comedy at the end. It didn't quite feel balanced. Also, this story suffers from something I don't think I've ever commented on before: huge blocks of paragraphs full of exceedingly long sentences. Also POV shifts and a few typos, which is more normal. Well, however you slice it, this is definitely not your average fanfic.
Recommended If You Like Old-School Gods

Neither Rhyme, Nor Reason by Posh
Sequel to ...But It Often Rhymes
700th Review of 2018!
Genre: Drama
On the eve of their one-year anniversary, Cheerilee receives a love letter… meant for her girlfriend.
Second place! And it's the sequel to the winner from last time, so obviously Posh is cheating. :V And apparently trying to write the most uncomfortable series of shipfics ever, as we move from student/teacher relationships to Sweetie Belle having a crush on Sunset. I really appreciated the way this delves into what, exactly, Sunset and Cheerilee's relationship means, on a day-to-day basis. Meanwhile, Cheerilee is still a mess inside, two words away from irreparably sabotaging her own relationship. I don't want to give away what happens, but suffice to say not enough people are writing about that kind of thing, let alone writing it well. Also, I don't think I've ever read a fic where everyone's a weeaboo that delves into Sunset's sushi stand job before. The ending is a really strong gut-punch, too. I think, overall, this outdoes its predecessor, belying its placement in the contest. If you enjoy drama anywhere as much as I do, you will adore this.
Highly Recommended

Voices Taken by DwarvishPony
Sequel to Voices Lost
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Drama
Sunset and Adagio's road trip takes a turn for the dangerous when an old face returns.
In Voices Lost, we were introduced to a casually telepathic Sunset Shimmer who was able to get into a mute Adagio's head and win her over despite the latter's intended deception. Now, a year later, they have a thing — it quickly becomes clear Sunset has vastly different expectations about their relationship than Adagio — and Sunset takes her out on the road for seemingly no reason at all. Where in the first story, the telepathy was a little hard to swallow, here it's used particularly well. We're in Adagio's head the whole time — anyone who's had trouble with POV could stand to study this and see what third-person limited really means — and Sunset frequently responds to the narration. It was really clever to watch in action. Then, at the halfway point, things go from cute slice of life to pulse-pounding thriller, and that's not even the main conflict! I loved watching this play out, and how obvious it is to the reader that Sunset and Adagio are playing on completely different levels, with Adagio the one completely out of the loop for once. This story really captures a lot of what I think most Sundagio lacks: that sense of her having been around for a while, which is why that 'different levels' thing plays out so well. Once again, this is a really great entry, not to mention a really solid romance.
Highly Recommended

The Troubles With Trixies by Rixec
Genre: Dramedy
Sunset's proposal doesn't quite go as planned.
Yeah, so Equestrian Trixie shows up to Sunset's planned proposal to Humanian Trixie, and things quickly spiral out of control. :) I really appreciated that the drama in this is entirely tied to Trixie's character. It's a simple piece, but well considered and effective.
Recommended for Trixie Fans

Forget Me Nots by Sun Sage
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Drama
It's time for Sunset to find out why she hasn't met Wallflower's parents in six years of dating.
I'm at the point in this contest where I'm dying for anything that isn't just cute scenes of Sunset interacting with her S.O. But I think that's actually the draw here? Like, I love how Sunset is written, full of confidence and teasing flirtatiousness. I had been expecting a big headcanon reveal for Wallflower's parents, but in truth it's… Well, tw: homophobia, as they say. That was a bit disappointing, but it's also only maybe a quarter of the story. Which, I'll admit, means this is billed improperly, since that's a lot of buildup for some quick drama with no real payoff. But the message is that the loving family you choose is more important than the hateful family that raised you, and I couldn't agree more.
Recommended for Shippers

Sleeping With the Enemy by TheNewYorkBrony
Genre: Comedy
Sunset still hasn't told her friends about dating Adagio.
This could have been a lot of things — funny, dramatic, memorable — but it rushes through itself and ends up not being a whole lot of anything. I will say Adagio's kind of a hoot, definitely not reformed more than is necessary to be dating someone like Sunset, but otherwise, this didn't really leave an impression on me.
Vaguely Recommended

Learning to Be Happy, Together by Smjames
Sequel to Acting Like You're Happy
Genre: Light Comedy
Juniper finally gets to go to Equestria, and she couldn't be more excited.
This is, all things considered, a fairly cute and fluffy story about Sunset and Juniper having a small misadventure in Equestria. There's room for some worry on Sunset's part, not to mention some bonding time for the pair. Mostly, it's just fun, though the deadline was apparently an issue, and shows in the obvious typos. Still good.
Recommended for Juniper Fans

Trust and Responsibility by AliceLiz
Genre: Drama
Sunset returns from Equestria to find her fiancée crying in bed.
I compared this mentally to both Phone Call to a Pony and Two Lanes: it's not as good as the first, while actually providing the polyamory drama I'd been hoping for in the second. On balance, this is flawed — rushed pacing, typos — but at the very least lays out a nice ground plan for how to deal with relationship problems in a mature manner. Like, you can be angry and jealous, and tell your partner you feel that way, without shouting or hitting them or breaking up immediately. That's a nice change. This likely won't appeal to many unless you're into either polyamory fics or guidebooks for having a good relationship, however.
Vaguely Recommended

All the Reasons Why by AJtheRaven
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Adventure
Stuck in the portal between Equestria and the human world is not the best time to ask why your girlfriend has been distant lately.
I wish this story had done a little more with its main conceit. Getting stuck on the way to Equestria isn't something I've seen before, but here it's just used as setup to show off numerous scenes of AJ and Sunset's relationship. And like, Applejack kind of one-quarter turns into a pony, but absolutely nothing comes of it. (Though I agree with the comment about the author's decision for her design, it's a nice homage.) To say nothing of I sort of figured that what appeared to be going on wasn't actually what was going on. All told, this might just be the most standard shipfic out of this whole contest, given its focus on displaying and affirming two characters' love for each other. That doesn't make it bad, not at all, but it does limit who's going to be interested in it.
Recommended for Shippers

Family Road by aceina
Genre: Slice of Life
Okay, let's talk about young writers for a second. It's obvious, starting from the typos in this story's description, that this is the author's first fic. And, once you start actually reading it, you really get the feeling they've never written anything before now. That's fine; enumerating all the ways this doesn't work is not going to be helpful, because what they need to do right now is keep writing, and maybe ask a friend for input now and again. What I want to point out is the one spot I did like. I quoted it in a comment, so you can go find it easily; it's just a little slice of absurdity in the middle of a flashback about Wallflower nervously preparing to ask Sunset to marry her. The thing is, it works. Sure, that scene isn't particularly well set up, you don't feel Wallflower's anxiety so much as you're told about it, but that line is precisely the right counterpoint to what's going on. I was impressed; I feel like a twenty-year literary veteran wouldn't have come up with anything like it. And that's why it's important to encourage new writers rather than just rattle off a list of their mistakes.
Not Recommended

The Fabrication in the Shadows by RainbowSparkle3
Genre: Drama
Another rumor spreads about Sunset, this one bad enough to ruin her life completely.
So this is actually the very last entry I read for the contest. And I'm sorry to say, after all the stuff I've gone through in the course of making this blog, this story just doesn't hold up. The writing is stilted and explainy. Sunset, our first-person narrator, does not sound like herself. The breakneck plot jumps around constantly. The characters don't act like real people, likely related to the Anon-a-Miss vibes this gives off. I wouldn't go so far as to slap it with that label, but it comes off as maybe a sequel to one, in terms of focus. The AU elements are just thrown in without any explanation, nor any actual need. On its own merits, this is maybe okay at best, but it really just does not cut the mustard.
DNF: 3/8

Paint on the Wall by Feather Book
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Drama
Feeling Sunset's been distant, Pinkie tries to salvage their relationship with a vacation getaway.
Well thank god this isn't another story about Sunset acting distant because she's trying to work up the courage to propose. I've read at least two of those, I did not need another! Sorry to say, because I had that initial preconception, my read of most of this was rather colored by it. Happily, this absolves itself by the end. The drama is really quiet, and really heartbreaking, absolutely painful to read, and that's because this is such a close reading of Pinkie's insecurities, not to mention her flaws. I found myself thinking that Sunset absolutely should be feeling distant, because Pinkie idolizes her, is clingy, and is so childish she not only can't be content with contentment, she also doesn't realize that that's what happens to relationships after a while, which is fine. But picking things up were some impressive cameos that I never saw coming, not to mention the last-minute callback to one of the EQG shorts that I had nearly forgotten about! End of the day, this is a strong character piece, and while it's mostly focused on relationship drama, it does deliver.

Quenchless Fire by Impossible Numbers
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: AU Adventure
A fire mage and a sea shaman — as unlikely a couple as any — dive beneath the waves in search of a fire that never goes out.
Wow, where to begin with this. I don't really know what to make of the AU. By the end, there are a lot of things — the concept of 'souls', the significance of the lights — that I don't actually understand. But given Sunset's final words, this may actually be intentional, to put us in the same boat as her. And for all that there's some really great world-building right at the start, just packed right into the gorgeous imagery, it put me of a mind about the setting such that the appearance of a bowling alley and, later on, modern scuba equipment, caught me heavily off guard. The characters are a hard sell: Sunset in an AU loses all of the backstory that makes her who she is, while Sea Swirl is a background pony with less personality than even Twinkleshine. Why throw them together? Well, if nothing else, this does really well by its characters. Sea Swirl grows in leaps and bounds across the story's breadth, while the author demonstrates that you absolutely can remake the story of Sunset Shimmer, the powerful, ambitious unicorn, in a world where Canterlot only exists as the name of a fabled knight. And while this was really hard to follow by listening, through no fault of its own, and I'm therefore somewhat at a loss to evaluate it structurally, the reverse-chronological telling of Sunset and Sea Swirl's history together was really poignant, building the tragedy they've lived through up to a climax alongside the present-day adventure. So yeah, this is pretty damned good, quite original, maybe a little hard to make heads or tails of at times, but it damn well works.

Stopping by Woods on a Sunny Afternoon by King of Beggars
Genre: Sexual Dramedy
Even love found in awkward spots comes with ups and downs.
Ladies and gentlemen, our winner! And, uh… Sunset's in a relationship with Big Macintosh — pony Big Macintosh — and they talk through an interdimensional portal stuck in a gloryhole in a men's restroom at a rest stop. You can't make this shit up. c.c This story also has more T&A than I think any other in the contest, yet there's such an effortless breeziness to Sunset's character (this is first-person from her POV, fyi) that I feel like I need to apologize for even thinking the word "male gaze". If there's a reason this won, though, it's that effortlessly smooth writing. Like, look at this line:

Maybe this voyeurism on the world I’d left behind was its own kind of perversion. Taken from that perspective, I suppose I was using the gloryhole for its intended purposes after all.

This is after Sunset's sitting alone on her side of the portal, listening to sounds of the park where the other side is located. The metaphor perfectly encapsulates this story, but who would have come up with it? Ever? We're in Sunset's head the whole way, and her characterization readily carries the piece. This is just one of the most original stories I've ever read on this site, no matter how you look at it. A win well-deserved.
Highly Recommended

Wawindaji by The Albinocorn
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Zecora's family came seeking bad magic. Now the girl she loves may be involved.[/ii]
I don't know that I've seen anyone try writing Zecora into the EQG-verse. Granted, this is not quite canon, but I can't argue with the results. (I also won't give a Zecora Test verdict, on account of Zecora is explicitly trying not to rhyme most of the time.) What's going on with Sunset is unexpected, mostly because it's not related to Equestrian magic, as so many of these stories are. Instead, we get a setup for a good action scene peppered with relationship angst; not a bad combo. :)

What We Do for Love by WanderingMelody
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Anon-a-Miss
How is Sunset supposed to tell her friends about Adagio?
So, first problem, I already read Sleeping With the Enemy; granted, that didn't really wow me, but then again, neither did this. I mean, the name of Anon-a-Miss is invoked right before the declaration that meeting the Sirens again 'turned Sunset's life around'. Then she starts lying to her friends about what's going on, and all I could think was, "This is why no one trusts you." :| There's just a whole bunch of stuff that irked me, too, from the use of coy character referents — something I've been ignoring in other stories, but that here just drove me up the wall — to the superfluous second scene and how the narrative likes harping on certain things, like Sunset being taller than Adagio (something I had a hard time believing) or both of them being from Equestria. And then the drama bomb explodes, and I just… nehhh. I don't need more stories like this, I'm sorry. This is otherwise well written, but you're not gonna get anything out of it unless Anon-a-Miss means everything to you.
Not Recommended

Sunset Shimmer in the Land of Enchantment by Darkstarling
Genre: Adventure/Comedy
The Rainbooms find mystery and monsters in New Mexicolt.
First thing that really struck me about this is they end up in basically Roswell territory, and if you've never been there, it's centered entirely on alien-based tourism, which bothers Sunset to no end. Next was all the LotR references, which I had to Google. :B Third was the lack of commas in dialogue! That was annoying! And finally, I guess the sheer amount of funny character moments in a story not tagged Comedy, but that's always a pleasant surprise. So what does this all add up to? Thrilling alien-hunting investigation in the desert with some excellently-written Rainbooms, and a whole bunch of quirky twists and turns. Seriously, you won't see where this is going. The final chapter feels a little rushed, most likely due to word limit constraints, but I had a really good time with this, and advanced shippers will like what's being set up for the sequel that apparently exists!

Phantom Limbs by Absolve Apology
Genre: Drama
Sunset and Wallflower go on a quest to get Fizzlepop the help she needs.
So this is placed directly after the Storm King's assault in the human world, and goddammit, I wanna read that story. D: Not just because it would have been awesome, but that because it probably would be a lot more fun. c.c Here, we're jammed into Wallflower's head most of the time, which is not a happy place to be. She spent the whole time worrying about everything, and I spent the whole time wishing I was reading the prequel. :/ The writing was just okay. It comes to a good conclusion on Wallflower's character, but it's just okay.
Recommended for Wallflower Blush Fans Only

Separate Neighs by Super Trampoline
Genre: Super Trampoline
Boy oh boy, the judges really didn't deserve this. XD It's just a thousand words of Journey song title puns, plus drinking and wacky bullshit. The kind of thing that usually falls out of Super Trampoline's head and onto Fimfiction, in other words.
Troll Recommended

A Walk in the Park (If the Park Was Tartarus) by SashimiPony
Genre: Dark Comedy
Rainbow Dash tries to get her dead marefriend out of Tartarus.
This is not the first time I've seen the story of Orpheus rewritten with ponies, but it's doubtless the funniest. With one exception, this is just a grand time, with excellent comedic timing and nonstop jokes. It even knows when to diverge from the original story, so the ending is unpredictable. Fun!

Sincerity by DrugOverlord
Genre: Drama
A night out with friends is not the time to talk about your relationship.
There's a great moment in this where Sunset's watching Rarity dancing with someone else — the reason why is elucidated — and her reaction informs us of everything she's worried about, the full breadth of which hadn't been entirely apparent before that moment, without telling us a damned thing. That's good writing. Coming to the end of this, I had to wonder just how deep it is, though. I mean, Sunset and Rarity have some tension between them, Sunset ends up airing it out at the exact wrong time, they fight, they make up, the end. For what it is, anyway, it's definitely good, just mind the smattering of typos.

Zephyr and the Real Girl by CoffeeMinion
Read by Fimfiction
Review #5400!
Genre: Drama
Sunset's friends are certain Zephyr is cheating on her. Good thing she has a way to find out, right?
That description does not lie: it really is hard to believe Sunset would date a creepazoid like Zephyr "Worst Pony" Breeze. <.< But if you can get over that — and let's face it, it's no more implausible than any other ship we've seen in this contest — you'll find a rewarding story about the tribulations of Sunset's powers and the trouble an eighth wheel to the humane party can get up to. Also maybe porn addiction? Not sure about that one. Granted, I don't actually care if Zephyr feels left out of his (ugh) girlfriend's save-the-day activities, but I would have had it been Flash Sentry or (glurgh) Timber fucking Spruce in his position, so it definitely was worth writing about. As for the story overall, my main complaint was that I was hoping for more action — see the character tags to guess why — and Sunset's malahorseisms were actually kind of weird, if only because I'm usually all over that kind of thing. But, yeah, the drama plays out well and the use of not-yet-canon things from the show ported into EQG was clever and fun.

Rosebuds and Blueblood by Unified Dreams
Genre: Drama
If Sunset is going to gain power, she's going to do it her way.
So this is interesting: Sunset's in a relationship with Blueblood, but it comes off as exceedingly political. There's no love shown between them, no romance; it's honestly refreshing. Unfortunately, it comes in the middle of flat writing and grievous editing mistakes, which is a shame, because stories about the ambitious Sunset, before she left Equestria, are my favorites. This breezes through what is perhaps its most interesting bits, sadly. I liked it, but reading my own words is telling me that I don't find much to recommend.
Vaguely Recommended

A Study in Violet by MaxKodan
Sequel to Dappled Shores
Read by Fimfiction
Genre: Murder Mystery
When she and Sunset find a dead body in the middle of nowhere, it's time for Rarity to investigate!
Full disclosure, you definitely don't have to read Dappled Shores first; though it's really, really great, it almost has nothing to do with this story beyond introducing us to the pairing. But that said, the romance angle is strangely underplayed in this piece, which ultimately isn't quite as amazing as its predecessor, for all that it's still very, very good. In fact, my only complaint is that it feels a little short, like an act or movement was cut, but then I've been reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes and such lately, and you come to expect certain things. Regardless, this isn't rushed, and it does hold up to the classics. I'm always impressed by a writer who can turn a good mystery. :)

My Past Is Not Tonight, Either by Pascoite
Genre: Slice of Life
What does someone like Derpy get out of a relationship with Sunset?
I hereby dub this ship Slerpy. :V So this was pretty great, and Derpy fans are absolutely going to be over the moon with how she's characterized. Unflaggingly upbeat, even in the face of danger, she is a tour de force of optimism and good nature. And that, of all things, is what's got Sunset feeling so uncharacteristically self-conscious and inferior. Add in who her mom is and what her life's like; the headcanon is strong with this one, and there are plenty of call-backs to the movies and specials, as well. (I don't even know where that final image comes from!) This is just a pleasant surprise from start to finish. :)

Comments ( 42 )

Oh my, that's a bunch being added to the read later stack.

Site Blogger

All my respect, bro. You totally deserve a break or something.

Also, W00T for another HR!

Author Interviewer

You're goddamn right I do. x.x

...Which is why I started listening to Without a Hive this morning...

Dood, go have a nap or something, just reading this blog is exhausting.

Thanks for the HR. :raritywink:

why wouldn't there be a Power Ponies Cinematic Universe

That's actually a running gag in my stories - "Love and Lust on Christmas Eve" and "A Matter of Pride" both mention it, including that the Masked Matterhorn has an archenemy called Dark Vesper (who Flash cracks 'of course she's Sunset's favorite villain'), and Dr. Hooves is their Dr. Strange. My fics are all disconnected, but the PCU is a constant. :rainbowwild:

I’ll take that troll recommended.

Thanks for putting in all the effort! A lot of people put a lot of effort into this contest. We did our best to give feedback to authors after the fact, but reviews and feedback is often in short supply, and some of these stories could definitely use more attention.

Wow... this is a mountain of work and you did it. Again!!! ... I'm damn impressed! And thank you for the recommendation!!!

Well, you conquered it. Sir Hillary ain't got nothing on you!

Now for me to get onto editing...

Thank you for your kind words! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the review, I really appreciate it! And your opinion on my story is basically the same as mine, so that's good too.

And yeah, definitely some stories I saw here that I'll read which I skipped over the first time. Awesome!

Your review is easily one of the highest compliments I've gotten on my writing. Thank you.

Be sure to check out some of the great entries others wrote, fellow humans!

And that's why it's important to encourage new writers rather than just rattle off a list of their mistakes.

Well said.

The picture at the end comes from an EqG short about Rarity called (I think) "Life is a Runway." It's mostly a song, and it puts Rarity up to staging a fashion show including Derpy and Cheerilee (among others) as her models. Not much plot to it, but I thought Derpy's skirt was cute.

Thanks for the review and the recommendations! It's interesting to me that you labelled mine a 'tragedy', though, because I think it had about the happiest ending the situation allowed.

The Fabrication in the Shadows by RainbowSparkle3
Genre: Drama
Another rumor spreads about Sunset, this one bad enough to ruin her life completely.
So this is actually the very last entry I read for the contest. And I'm sorry to say, after all the stuff I've gone through in the course of making this blog, this story just doesn't hold up. The writing is stilted and explainy. Sunset, our first-person narrator, does not sound like herself. The breakneck plot jumps around constantly. The characters don't act like real people, likely related to the Anon-a-Miss vibes this gives off. I wouldn't go so far as to slap it with that label, but it comes off as maybe a sequel to one, in terms of focus. The AU elements are just thrown in without any explanation, nor any actual need. On its own merits, this is maybe okay at best, but it really just does not cut the mustard.
DNF: 3/8

Oof. The only DNF. Anyway, the not sounding like herself part was partially intentional. She's not really the same character. I kinda get what you mean with the not like real people thing.

First off, that was absolutely intentional in the case of Shadow)

(I just realized, you haven't read the last 5 chapters). And as for the guy who was a jerk to Sunset, while I tried somewhat to make him realistic, I mostly focused on him being a sort of mini Saturday morning cartoon antagonist who's just a jerk because he is. And Sunset and Rainbow, it's kinda true, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say they don't act like people. Sure, there's perhaps unrealistic stuff done with them, but I don't see it being that big a problem. I made it go in without much explanation on purpose, to cut out some of the expositionary stuff. Well, considering what was done later in the story and in general the fact that the framing device of the story was a mission, I'd say there was plenty of need. Though I do agree that this story needs plenty of work. I was too ambitious with the complexity of the story. Also, as a note, I included the magical stuff because I might create more stories in this universe.

Author Interviewer

Well heck. :O I saw that one, but I guess I never thought much of it.

I'd say start by introducing us to the universe, then, if it's going to be important. Because it didn't seem important at first, but then suddenly a whole bunch of stuff gets dropped all at once. Ease us in if you can; world-building is a hard line to walk, admittedly.

Many thanks for the review :yay: Getting reviewed like this is a rare treat for me :raritystarry:

Thank you for the kind words! I'm not sure I've ever gotten a story reviewed before, so it means a lot that the first one was so positive :twilightblush:

Thanks for putting the effort in going through all of these and pushing through even though you were getting little time for the holidays as you said before. I know personally I almost prefer a review and comments to contest prize money so it's nice to get one. I am sure some others feel the same way!

So double thank you for reading through all of mine and bearing through the flat, boring parts. I'm happy it managed a smile in the end. :pinkiesmile:

I mean, if "the happiest ending the situation allows" still isn't very happy, that's kind of how Tragedy (the classical kind) works.

Thank you for the hard work! Reading is easy, but reviewing... less so, in my experience.

I won't defend my simplistic approach to her parents too much; I should have gone more in depth there but I was running out of time to write before the deadline (given my schedule at the time). I do stand by the notion that them being a bit awful does offer an explanation for their daughter's issues. I was kind of going for a T version of a Canterlot snob couple... and let's face it they're a bit flat. Still, no excuse and it could have been done better. Eh, had fun and got some nice feedback, including this review. Thanks again for taking the time!

Author Interviewer

...I think I remember this.

Okay, yeah, I do. <.< Well, at least it has nothing to do with you personally.

Fair enough, yeah, can see that. I'll fully admit that I'm not that well-informed on classic literature and the like.

But my impression was also that "tragedy" in the literary sense has the connotation that the story's about a failure, downfall, everybody dying, etc., and to me that doesn't describe this particular story very exactly. Depends on how you view things, I suppose.

Author Interviewer

And that's not even the most fics I've reviewed at once. c.c I'm starting to wonder how I ever could.

Your story was lovely! It was the most memorably unique entry to the contest (along with To Err Is Divine), and it just had a wonderfully sweet heart to it. More people should read it!

Well, it's a failure of Sunset's morals, if nothing else.

Yay! :pinkiesmile: Many congratulations and commendations for not just reading every one of these, but also reviewing them. I considered it but the idea only struck me too late. I generally agree with your ratings remarkably closely! :raritywink:

So of course :ajbemused: I decided to go into detail on one where I disagree with you the most... Driver's Side. You wrote "This is what I want to see from Romance-tagged fics. Escapism just fills your head with unreal expectations for things."
Now, see, I think I agree with your underlying point. I don't want to see unrealistic romances. But I also don't want to see "over-realistic" stories of painful argument-ridden romances either. I want to see romances that show me the couple going through some hard times, some challenge or difficulty, and emerging stronger on the other side, yes. But I also need the fic to sell me on the romance first, or else it just comes across as two characters arguing, which is just unpleasant to read about. I know the terms of the contest meant the fic has to start the romance somewhat in medias res, but Driver's Side was too in medias conflictus for me. I'm sure the couple have lovely times when they're not stressed by travelling, but to only show the commute arguments just made for unpleasant reading. I was soured on the romance before the solution emerged, even though narratively it was obvious what the problem was and roughly how they'd fix it.

But apart from that, you and I seem to have very similar tastes. All of my favourites from the contest got at least Recommended from you: Floral Transplant, Uncommon Ground, The Last Season (Phone Call to a Pony), A Study in Violet, Down the Laundry Chute, and of course Stopping by Woods on a Sunny Afternoon - certainly a deserved winner, and the one of the judges' top ten I most agreed with. Also apparently I was totally wrong to be put off by the vore tag on Show Me the Way to Go Home and I really need to read that one.

And of course, it'd be remiss of me not to say a particularly big thank you for the Highly Recommended! :pinkiehappy: It's a huge buzz to see someone say they enjoyed my writing, and all the more so when they explain why! I did spend at least a week really thinking through Wallflower's character before starting to write anything, and I'm glad that came across. So thank you again :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

Yeah, SMTWTGH features a giant Siren eating people a number of times, but it's always played for comedy and will only titillate Majin Syeekoh the very basest of weirdos. :V

Majin Syeekoh

I’ll titillate you.


Only mired in failure for Sunset, though. Adagio escapes a bad situation, standing up for herself and breaking free. Happy ending.

Comment posted by SamRose deleted Dec 10th, 2018
Author Interviewer

Eating me won't bring back your goddamn honey titillate me, dummy. :V


I'm sure the couple have lovely times when they're not stressed by travelling, but to only show the commute arguments just made for unpleasant reading.

If you dislike the story, that's okay, but this statement is untrue - I do show them spending time together when they're not stressed and are happy. That was the point of the story, they start the day well-rested and pleasant and end the day tired and stressed, and they sometimes take it out on each other. It was presented in the format it was to reflect Sunset's focus on the bad times in their relationship and not remembering or seeing the good times.

Fair enough! My comment was written having read your fic a couple of months ago, and it seems I didn't remember those moments... Which sortof proves your point itself :twilightsmile: I apologise for an inaccurate criticism based on my hazy memory of your story. Congratulations on the HR from Present Perfect and on the prize from the judges!

I guess my story works on a meta-level too, them. Thank you very much. :twilightsmile:


Authorship for Quenchless Fire has been updated, since the alt's of no further use to me. Blue Chameleon VI's original comment copied and preserved here. Otherwise, no major differences:

FIrstly, that's 66 fics. You're insane... ly committed.

Secondly, thanks for the review! In the original fic when you talked about Sunset's story, I was really uncertain whether or not that was a backhanded compliment. It's not your fault; I've been in the wrong mindset recently, and it wasn't a fun one. So it's good to see what you meant here, more thoroughly explained. That was a pleasant surprise, and I love the review. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to do this! :scootangel:

Thirdly, that's 66 fics. Seriously. :rainbowderp:

Author Interviewer

Oh! Okay, I get it now. :B

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