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    Variably Epic Confrontations

    After several contest entries took priority, the next chapter of One of Our Twilights is Missing has gone live, featuring a number of long-overdue discussions at way-too-early in the morning.

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  • Sunday
    Friendship is Card Games: Epic (Noun) Time

    Yeah, we’re dipping into the fandom archives for this one. Literally, given that the Alligator Tub Productions YouTube channel has renamed itself and wiped its content. But the Internet never forgets (except when it does) so let’s look at some classic fan animation and see how well it holds up.

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  • 1 week
    Friendship is Card Games: Ponyville Mysteries: Schoolhouse of Secrets

    This is an interesting situation. I begin my look at the Ponyville Mysteries novel series, which predates the Ponyville Mysteries comics I reviewed back in… 2019, my goodness.

    Well, let’s get this started before my bones turn to dust.

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  • 2 weeks
    Egregious Automaton: Retract

    Ahem. So. Upon further investigation, it is possible that the primary source for the "AI voices" brouhaha may, in fact, have been full of crap. Or at the very least, does not work at Hasbro.

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  • 2 weeks
    Egregious Automaton

    You may have already heard about this from Equestria Daily or elsewhere in your personal bit of the Webbernets, but the reason behind the abrupt end of Make Your Mark has come to light.

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Time Stretch · 10:56am Oct 3rd, 2018

There's a week left in the contest... but a surprising number of people seemed to have missed the memo on the thing in the first place. Seriously, this turned out to be a Wallflower-grade announcement. :applejackunsure: Given how many people I've seen come in from links on entrants, I'm strongly considering extending the deadline to either the 15th or the 22nd to give everyone an extra weekend or two. Which would work best for you?

And to those who've already submitted your entries, this is a chance for you to polish them. Reply to my comment on your story to get my attention when you're ready for me to give it a second pass.

Comments ( 22 )

Ugh. Sorry, I think I'm gonna drop out then. I'm kinda sick of random deadline extensions on contests.

...Yeah, I still won't be entering. I do have a thought as to why you got so few entrants. The criteria seemed overly complicated when I read through them. (But that was just to me and I AM acting off just my memory here.)

Wh... Why? :rainbowhuh:

In what way is a deadline extension bad for anyone? And why would it make you drop out? If you've already finished yours, great, you can keep it in and you might still win. If you haven't, you have time to get it done. Why remove what was probably a good story just because the deadline was extended because too few people were signing up?

-GM, master of confuzzlement.

Honestly I think an extension would be great. Apart from my own potential interests, the reality is that you’ve got a fair amount of skin in this game, and you definitely have an interest in trying to make sure that the word gets out and a good number of people get in on it.

I still can’t say for sure if I’ll get one in, but any extension helps increase my odds! :derpytongue2: The timeframe here for me was just pinched on the one end by Oro’s contest, and by my own long-term story release plans on the other.

Try promoting more.

I'm going to have to echo GM. Your stance seems not just nonsensical, but self-defeating. From my standpoint, you're cutting off your nose to spite my face.

I've been promoting the thing to within an inch of its life. At least part of the problem is that no one else is. Imposing Sovereigns got dozens of signal boosts. I've barely seen anyone else mention this one outside of entries, and it feels really gauche to demand it of others.

Say no more.

-GM, master of promotion.

4947467, 4947452
I'm not trying to start a fight or be spiteful or anything, I'm just tired of every contest I enter messing with the deadline at the last minute. I feel like I got screwed over a couple times, and just don't really care to deal with it. I was hoping you'd understand, Fan, after your own difficulties with the Journeys project.

Honestly, I’ve either not had the time or the strength to write anything, much less for a contest.

But I’ll take the extension; I have an idea and I want to try. I owe myself at least that much.

I’d be glad to take an extension. I had an idea knocking around my head but hadn’t had the time. Quick question though since you said we could focus on the local counterpart does that counterpart necessarily have to be human? I had an idea involving Iron Will’s mirror world counterpart, but I wondered what would a Minotaur be on the other side of the portal.

Huh. Interesting spin. Much as nothing says a human's analogue has to be a pony, I'll allow nonhuman analogues in the human world. I look forward to seeing where you go with that idea.

I'm glad chose to write something short, as I'm sitting pretty at 2.5kish words and I'm over half done. Feels good, man.

It's unfortunate that this one didn't make a big splash. I guess they can't all be winners :applejackunsure:

While I also must admit I barely remember it, I suspect 4947452 is on to something: the criteria seemed complicated, and required using both Equestria and EQG together, and not everyone in the fandom is equally interested in both worlds :applejackunsure: I would probably have signed up if I'd gotten any good ideas, but, oh well.

This is why I didn't enter, I got nothing for it and the criteria is hella complicated and a bit much.

Well and now Cherry Cola exists so there's no hope of winning.

That’s no kind of attitude to have. I mean, Goliath doesn’t always win.

David had the luxury of a good sling-arm and having the Big Man in his corner. I don't have either.

It’s 2018; who uses a sling anymore? It’s all about keyboards now, and you’ve got at least one good keyboard-arm. Probably, at least. I guess you could just use your voice too but that isn’t the point. The point is that’s quitter talk, and PhycoKrusk don’t read stories written by no quitters. I’m reading one of yours, so therefore, you ain’t no quitter.


Imposing Sovereigns had a number of really good intrinsic "marketing" aspects to it, similar to both iterations of the "Sunset Shipping Contest." I mean you just look at the title and you either immediately get it, or it's got a strong and catchy enough hook that you want to learn more. Plus, everybody loves Princesses, and just about everybody loves Sunset.

(Not gonna lie, I've toyed with doing a similar cash-prize "Limestone Needs a Boyfriend" contest, but I just worry that the appeal isn't there.)

Still though: I think Villain Exchange is a fun idea. My biggest problem was deciphering whether my ideas for it would pass muster. Well, that and timing. But I think that you're in a position now where you can at least point at a few submissions that should help people get their brains around the concept, which should help, especially if you're good with flexing the timetable.

I mean, would it even hurt to push back to the end of the month at this point?

I'd been wondering whether I'd have enough time to get my entry finished (since I only discovered the contest a week ago or so). I would love a bit of an extension. Though I have a feeling my plot is one of the more obvious / predictable takes on the prompt... I still hope it'll be fun though.

I didn't think the criteria were very complicated, though I was confused all the way through the announcement/rules post because it doesn't actually mention Equestria Girls anywhere until the very least question. I think it's a nice balance between constraints and creative freedom.

(And an extension might make sense because Oroboro has just linked Cherry Cola from his blog yesterday :twilightsmile:)

I can finish by the original deadline, but I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if I had an extra day or two to polish my fanfic.

Well, now I'm going to be disappointed if it doesn't involve Gloriosa Daisy. :raritywink:

In all seriousness, looking forward to seeing what you've come up with.

Truest sense of "Villain / Antagonist Exchange".

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