• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 28th, 2023

Distaff Pope

An experienced writer of limited skill and dangerous enthusiasm.

More Blog Posts80

  • 191 weeks
    That She-Ra Fanfic is Published

    Chapter one and the prologue are out. Chapter two is written. Chapter three is being written. If you want to see Catra be She-ra and a much more emotionally damaged She-ra at that, maybe click the link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Distaff_Pope/works

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  • 201 weeks
    Non pony fanfics

    So, despite saying I wanted to write original work, I realized I still love writing fanfiction. I'm also pretty solidly out of pony fanfics beyond an unsettled itch to get back into Sweetie Belle's head. Luckily, other shows exist with other damaged girls with undiagnosed Borderline Personality Disorder. What I'm saying is, I'm dabbling with a She-ra fanfic where Catara becomes She-ra and was

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  • 281 weeks
    Adapted Out

    Ok, so by now, I think I've gone through enough stories to talk about things from the source material that aren't going to be a factor. Most of the reasons why they're omitted should be kind of obvious, but I want to run through them anyway. Note: I love all the things I'm about to talk about, and it hurts me to not include them, but they're not best for this story. I'm just explaining my

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  • 281 weeks
    "Marked for Evil" is now "We Killed the Dinosaurs"

    Just a quick PSA. I've changed the title for my current story because Marked for Evil just seemed so angsty. We Killed the Dinosaurs seems less so, in contrast, and I think speaks to the heart of the work more. I'm also debating changing cover art to show the meteor hitting earth and dinosaurs looking on moments before their doom, but I want feedback on that first.

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  • 284 weeks
    A Little Rewrite

    So, someone pointed out to me yesterday that they had some issues with the magic camera. The first being how easily Sunset rolled with it once she got photographed, and also how convenient the camera was. In light of that, I rewrote a bit of chapter three and a good bit chapter four. So you don't all have to reread the chapters to see the changes, I'm posting the major changes here. The first is

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Tiny, Tasty Teaser · 1:21am Sep 9th, 2018

So, I have the first few pages of a new story. It's barely related to the story I said I was working on a few months ago, except that it's a story about magical talking horses. Hope you're ready for another trip into Sweetie Belle's head.

“I never thought I’d see you again,” I said, lighting up my cigarette and drawing the smoke into me, ash burning my throat as smoke filled my lungs, and I blew it all out into Bright Lights’ dumb face. “I never wanted to see you again, either.”

“Yes, the feeling’s mutual,” the mare who left me to die said sitting across the table from me in the dingy cafe that was practically my third home. “But circumstances change, and I want to know if you still harbor any sympathy for the mare who took care of your ever need for three years.” She smiled, trying to look like she had a soul and I wished I had more smoke to blow in her face. I took another drag, watching the paper burn away, leaving behind gray flecked with red, and my wish was answered, leaving Bright Lights coughing. “Are you going to do that every time I say something?”

“Maybe,” I said, floating the cigarette off center to get a better view of the dark blue mare. “So are you here to ruin my life again?”

She laughed. “You’re more than capable of doing that on your own, Sweetie. Three years after I leave and you’re ruining your voice with those and singing in bars and cafes whose only claim to fame is that you sang there. When we were together, you headlined on Bridleway, and now you’re doing–” She gestured at the dark, brick walls and the layer of smoke that formed a second ceiling. “This.”

I narrowed my eyes and ground my cigarette against the table. “I’m happier here than I ever was with you. Oh, and tomorrow, I’ll actually remember what happened and not have a massive headache until you give me my ‘wake-up’ pills.” What was actually in them, only Bright Lights and Celestia knew. Still, they could cure a headache.

“Please,” Bright Lights said, waving a hoof. “You’re acting a little too high and mighty for a mare who was just waving a lit cigarette around. At least my pills wouldn’t give you cancer or ruin your voice.” And I suspected that was the real reason I hadn’t started a pack-a-day habit when we were together. She wanted me to sing her songs, so I sang.What else could I do?“Honestly, why are you smoking?”

“Uhmm, because I realized when I put on a black turtleneck and beret and sit around cafes holding a cigarette, I look unbelievably cute, and I’d really like it if some mare with a soul started a conversation, but that’s not going to happen with you hanging around, so again, why are you here?”

“To ask for a favor,” she said. “You don’t want to see me again, that’s fine, I’m more than happy to return the favor and just read about your increasingly desperate antics in the trades or gossip magazines depending on how tawdry you’re acting, but please, don’t kill my career.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, eyes widening. “You left me to die, but you’re concerned a few bad interviews in the paper are hurting your career?” Like I was the first actor to ever say bad things about an ex.

“I’m concerned the youngest member of the Equestrian nobility and the mare papers are calling ‘Manehattan’s Princess’ having a public vendetta against me is hurting my career, yes. If somepony hires me, they risk courting your, your mother’s, and your step-mother’s ire. What’s the well-being of the mare who took care of you for three years compared to three princesses?” She lowered her head, almost looking hurt. Blacklist or no, the mare could act.

“I never said anything that wasn’t true, and I never asked ponies not to hire you. If they don’t, that’s their decision. If you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to get away from the Bridleway scene.”

“All I’m asking is for you to give one interview and say we buried the hatchet or just that you wish me all the best. Something. After that, you can go back to being a beatnik pony princess or whatever the hell you want your life to be and you’ll never have to think about me again. Don’t I deserve at least that much?”

“You left me to die,” I said. “If Scootaloo had been a few seconds slower, all that would be left of me is a Sweetie-shaped crack in the sidewalk. So no, I don’t feel like giving an interview. You haven’t even apologized yet.”

“Apologized?” She stood up. “I took care of you for three years, fulfilled every little desire that popped into an increasingly depraved head of yours and gave you a career ponies would literally kill for. What should I apologize for? Leaving you to try and preserve some semblance of my sanity?” She slammed a hoof on the table.

“You ruined my life!” I shouted, standing up as well. Ponies’ heads turned to look at the commotion. She’d be in the papers tomorrow. “And you don’t even get how I’d hold a grudge after everything? Are you even a real pony?”

“More than you are. I gave you everything, slaved for your happiness, and you can’t even appreciate that.” She turned to the door. “Oh, and all this new found ‘inner strength’ you’ve been talking about in the papers? You can thank me for that as well. Without me, you’d just be some dumb filly who only cared about hanging out with her friends and probably serving as Diamond Tiara’s executive sex toy. Go to hell, Sweetie Belle.”

“No thanks,” I shouted back as she opened the door. “I already tried living with you.” I ran the joke in my head again, trying to make it track a little neater. Hopefully, I’d sound smarter by the time the story got to Equestria Weekly.

“I’m so sorry about that,” a brown mare said coming out from behind the bar. “We had no idea who she was when we let her in, and I promise she won’t be coming back.” She looked to a mare build like a wall standing next to the door who just nodded.

“It’s fine,” I smiled, acting embarrassed to be the center of attention and making a polite laugh. “And for the two of us, believe it or not, that was one of our better conversations.” I looked slightly away from her, embarrassed. “I’m sorry to cause a scene. I shouldn’t have lost my temper.”

“She deserved everything you said and more, your highness. Do you want another coffee? Something stronger?”

I found I didn’t. In fact, I looked around at the ponies staring at me through the haze, watching my every movement. The only thing different from five minutes ago was that they weren’t having to act subtle about it. “No thanks,” I headed to the door, end scene, exit stage left. “I think I just want to spend some time at home.” And drop the curtains.

Comments ( 6 )

Well hello there, stranger! Long time, no see and all of that. Guess we're going on another trip into the garbage fire that is Sweetie Belle's life. Amazing what your innocent little school story turned into, isn't it?

Oh boy! I wasn't excepting this! I thought after Your Own Worst Enemy her story would be done! This is a nice little surprise. Can't wait to go back into Sweetie's insane? Life. I'm excited now! :D

Comment posted by Arararagi deleted Sep 9th, 2018

Definitely! Still, hopefully we'll see a bit more of innocent Sweetie Belle than we did in YOWE. I mean, she's had three years and she's mostly better. Still not good, obviously, but she's not a complete dumpster fire.

Can someone please teach Sweetie Belle the time travel spell so she can go kick herself before she took those pills?

Good on Sweetie Belle! I'd say she handled herself wonderfully there. Looking forward to it!

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