• Member Since 24th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen March 28th

Wandering Pigeon

I came here to eat breadcrumbs and indiscriminately shit on cars. And I'm all out of breadcrumbs...

More Blog Posts12

  • 211 weeks
    Life of a Project - Dear Diary

    Dear Diary got the shortest end of the stick of any story I've ever wrote. Not intentionally, but it did feel like a lot of things conspired against this one. to the point where I'm still kind of amazed that it's... over.

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    1 comments · 908 views
  • 217 weeks
    Life of a Project - The Tower

    Stallions are hard... pun intended.

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    7 comments · 630 views
  • 237 weeks
    Life of a Project - FOAL 9000

    Ah, my little epic about a mothering nursery and its three little fillies. This story is both my longest and took the longest to reach it's final form.

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    4 comments · 664 views
  • 248 weeks
    Life of a Project - The Worst

    My newest fic is an interesting experiment. I wasn't even really intending for it to become a story when I first began. It was really just a life hack to get around writer's block. Whenever I was stalling out on a chapter of FOAL 9000 or one of my one shots, I'd open up a blank page in gdocs just to vomit out one of my many ideas for other things. I didn't really feel bound by the context of a

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    1 comments · 492 views
  • 260 weeks
    Life of a Project - Cherry on Top

    The only reason you got to read Cherry on Top is because it was scaled back. Like, a lot.

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    0 comments · 454 views

Upcoming Stuff That Needs Your Input · 8:21pm Jul 3rd, 2018

Very soon, I expect to start work on what will be my longest project to date. Currently, Something to Rave About holds the record for my longest fic with 27,671 words. A lot, for sure, but I don't expect it to hold a candle to this new one.

But with that, I've also run into a problem. Something to Rave About took roughly four and a half months to publish, and longer to write given that I was kicking around early drafts of chapter 1 back in the summer of '17. With this new fic shaping up to be several chapters longer than that one, among other things, I expect the writing to consume a lot of time. This is where the problem comes in.

Over the course of StRA, and other long fics of mine like Different Kinds of Love, I got basically no work done for other projects. And that reflected in my upload rate, which was a paltry 0 during the time those fics were going up. If my upcoming fic lasts even longer than them, we could be looking a half a year or longer where infrequent chapters of a single story is the only thing I upload. And that's... kind of frustrating to think about.

So I've already been taking steps to fix that. Right now, I've got two other fics primed for posting, one that's already complete, and one that's a chapter away from being done. If I space out their uploads, it could easily provide some relief to the long wait in between chapters and the like. And that's been my plan for the past few months while I've hammered them out. But I want to know your guys' thoughts on this before I dive into this upcoming monster of a fic.

Would you rather I post the stuff I have ready now, and suffer the wait for the monster fic's chapters since they'll basically just be done whenever they're done, or would you rather I hold these finished fics and post them while working on chapters of my significantly longer fic, that way chapters of that one come out comparatively right next to each other? It's a tough call for me to make because either way there will be a wait for content, so I don't want to come to a decision without some input from you guys. Let me know what you'd prefer, okay?

Comments ( 17 )

I think it's best to push out what you've got done now. Your fans will be patient if they have to wait longer for bigger projects.

I've gotta agree with SuperPinkBrony. Besides, if for some odd reason your readers aren't patient, It's not like people are gonna find another site to read good mlp fanfictions

I'm sure your readers really wouldn't mind waiting for the huge fic. They'd appreciate it more if you know yourself that it's as good as it can be. And I know a lot of writers can get burnt out if they post chapters too early. :twilightsheepish:

I guess my concern isn't really over whether people can be patient or not, I know they will be. (A number of people, myself included, are still waiting for that next chapter of Rainbowsitting that's probably never going to come) After all, either option I offered involves a waiting period of some kind. I really just wanted to know if people wanted something out right now, or if they were okay with waiting even longer before seeing another fic from me.

Well, I'm sure I speak for everyone else when I say, we don't want to rush you or make you feel obligated to get stuff out asap. I don't mind waiting. I'm honestly okay with whatever.

I'm not really rushing anything. The only things I'm iffy about posting are things that are already done.

4894301 Almost everything you can think of has already been done at some point. The trick with writing isn't so much to do what hasn't been done before, it's taking what's already been done and putting your own unique spin on it.

Yeah, I know. It's not the originality of the fics that's got me hesitating. It's more of all the reasons stated in the blog.The question is more: should I post these things now, and let there be a wait between each chapter of the big fic, or do I post the smaller fics in between those chapters and let the current wait for content be extended.

Speaking for myself entirely here but I'd prefer reading it all at once. Or at least large chapter uploads at a time. Don't rush though, rushing only leads to poor quality haha.


Oh the chapter uploads will be large, regardless if they're close or far apart. Like I said this story is going to be massive.

So far that seems to be the consensus. I'll give the first fic another editing pass tomorrow and I guess I'll start uploading soon.

I generally prefer being able to read a complete story from start to finish, if I do choose, so I'm not necessarily a big fan of individual chapter-posting. However, I can't fault you for being worried about having a story drought between posting them and your next big project. My preference is to be able to read your stories as early as they're polished and ready, but there's merit in spacing things out as well.

Yeah, I personally like reading a completed story rather than waiting for updates too, but I've often found it tough to write longer stories to the end without getting burned out. Posting chapters usually gives me the encouragement to keep going after I know that people like them, as opposed to working on something for weeks/months and not knowing how it'll be received.

I think you should post one now, then space the rest in-between this large project

I don't mind waiting, reading padded fics is just a side enjoyment for me and I got lot of other stuff to keep me amused during the wait, don't feel pressured to post.
Also you said your new fic is gonna be the largest you posted?! I see that challange and gonna try push Nights to Rave about to be even longer!!! Expect it to be finished somewhere around 4078

I don't mind waiting, Good things are worth the wait :pinkiehappy: Upload what you have now, then we'll wait.

I'd be more into pushing what you have out; don't mind the wait, personally, and can always reread old stuff.

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