• Member Since 7th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen May 14th, 2020


More Blog Posts3

  • 303 weeks
    From the Vault #1

    A brief interlude I wrote for after the pirate fight, pulled when I ditched a subplot in favor of our main one. It's unedited, meh (my opinion), and definitely not for everybeing. Thought I would clear it out of my files and give everybeing a idea of what the gods are like in my universe.

    Next real chapter is almost ready, enjoy in the meantime:twilightsmile:

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    2 comments · 610 views
  • 313 weeks
    "I'm the Villain?!" Chapter update.

    The following is the original chapter, see the actual story for the updated version. It has less grammar and spelling errors. Not to mention less introspection and more dialogue.


    Canterlot Castle, Equestria


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    8 comments · 585 views
  • 338 weeks
    Saving Equis Edits are Coming.

    Hello readers and followers,

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    5 comments · 427 views

"I'm the Villain?!" Chapter update. · 2:58am Jun 12th, 2018

The following is the original chapter, see the actual story for the updated version. It has less grammar and spelling errors. Not to mention less introspection and more dialogue.


Canterlot Castle, Equestria


Their carefuly crafted masks of calmness were broken, thrown away by the poison laced icing covering the cakes. A fact I didn't linger on for long. Their eyes were clearly and honestly disgusted with the taste of my trap and one step away from sealing their path to change...Or my death.

I couldn't tell what they planned to do from the bulging eyes.

And as such, I couldn’t have been a more nervous wreck. Suddenly very aware that so much could go wrong still. So much had gone south already...Enough that I wasn’t completely sure if Icouldchange their minds with such a Equestria centered mindset they held. Would they care that minotarian families were losing their homes and livelihoods? That the changelings had lost theirs already...I didn't know but I hoped so, if not there was always the fact that their country would eventually fall to mother nature as well.

Still nothing came from their end.

"Ah, s-so the recipe is a keeper then?"

Magenta eyes stared back at me as I leaned forward, wide and panicked. Not growing any calmer as I watched their bulging cheeks with bated breath.

Did they know what was in it? Would they swallow it?It didn't look like they would. I felt my heart sped up as I leaned forward even further to watch them.They knew about my time on the coast...But how much?

A loud gulp echoed into the room as both throats bobbed, bulges disappearing as they gave me a small smile. I could hardly believe it. Were they really unaware? Were they-.

No, that's okay, that's actually good, now for the rest of the plan.

Relaxing my stance somewhat, I listened to Celestia’s attempt at questioning me, her muzzle moving slowly and out of sync. Looking beside her I could see Luna was fairing no better. Her ears twitching as she blinked rapidly against the sudden urge to sleep, the drowsiness she was no doubt feeling was still all too familiar in my memory, and thankfully that level of sedation didn’t allow for any threat to be made from the odd string of movements. It had felt like swimming through syrup soaked cotton balls. Basically it was uncomfortable, hard to fight, and…And Celestia wasn’t going down. At least not like her sister was.

I turned my attention to her, starting babble on and on about the ingredients, in hopes to ease the suspicions that she had to have by then. Why else was she trying so hard?

Come on, just relax already.

But she didn’t, instead her energy continued to be put into staying awake,conversingwith me. Celestia would need some help it seemed. But...Ah! That could work. Equines had the same instincts across the board.

So, I pictured Lyric’s smiling face when I got home,calm, her eyes lighting up brighter than when she found the pond, and my muzzle curved upward with the nerves gone. But Celestia didn't seem to see the disarming smile I was aiming for.It's okay. My muscles relaxed even further at the thought of the mirror, it was here. Everything was so close. I was not even bothered by the hen that might be waiting for me. She was on my side...The world would be saved.

A big smile grew wider as the confused princesses continued to fight the effects of the drug. Thankfully, Luna was losing that battle. But Celestia appeared to be winning if the lack of drowsiness was a sign.

Just smile.

Luna’s head fell onto her plate with a loud ‘plonk’ a second later, but I didn’t comment or draw any attention to her. In fact, her sister didn’t even seem to notice it.

One more, my smile grew slightly strained as home crept ever closer in my mind, Night Court did as well. But, we would be gone long before any Thestrals arrived.Breatheand smile…And convincing them couldn’t be that hard. The evidence I had to show them was pretty damning if I do say so. Stay positive.

Celestia snorted but I didn’t stop smiling.

Home...Peace, and cute foals.

Another snort followed soon after. But, I focused on the light buzzing that filled my being instead of it, the excitement that was almost in the air itself as the mare finally bobbed her head. An action I reveled in it after nearly stumbling through that meeting knowing that I was sitting across and at one point beside murders, the next meeting would be in my court of sorts.

So, what did I have to fear now? Nothing. Celestia’s head was already dropping as I watched. It was only a matter of time now, less time if I gave her a littlepush.

Moving to sit between the mares I felt a frown starting at my instincts that popped up at the proximity. Traitorously they sent contradicting messages again, at least they contradicted with my morals. My body was unfortunately slightly receptive to the urges, craving comfort that it found in mares...Almost...As if the god had added this to my new equine programming. I wouldn’t put it past him. Because, logically, I didn’t want to sniff them no matter how nice their scents were, impressing the royal sisters with my wingspan wasn’t even part of the plan, and I wasnotnuzzling them no matter how insistent my equine mind chimed in to comfort them. That would imply that I wanted to be any sort of friendly relation with planet dooming murderers, which I didn’t. I wanted a peaceful life, some foals, and a happy reunited herd. Sounded simple, right?

Not with that god's meddling it wasn't, it had to be him.

I turned my head away from the flickering manes and exhaled behind me, frowning as the urge to take in a deep whiff of their vanilla and blueberry scents grew.

Think of Chrissy, she would be furious. They, no, Celestia executed her father for crying out loud! They would gladly banish her...No, hurt her...And Lyric.

And with that my morals won over my instincts, the urge to protect my marefriends thankfully stronger than the one to check these new ones out. Okay, I know ‘morals’ wasn’t the right word for it. But it the best word for the unique situation I had danced around the entire time I had been here, this whole journey to be exact.

God expected me to ‘breed’ them, a laughable request at best. He had to know that I didn’t have sex with completestrangers, much less unsavory beings like these two. That twisted bastard had known enough about me to go to the molecular level to change my gender and species for crying out loud!

I couldn’t help but fume silently as I waited for the inevitable to occur, my presence acting as a catalyst to Celestia's drowsiness guaranteeing it. The process still slow in my eyes but perhaps that was a good thing as my thoughts were running away on me again, the melancholy of the full spectrum returning with the thought of the end of my mission.

Chrissy and Lyric didn't know about me, the whole daunting task of saving the world and changing nearly everything had taken my entire focus, and that would be ending soon. The first one anyway...Yet, the idea of telling them both was terrifying and somehow needed. Sure, I could keep fudging the truth, skirting around the issue of my human words and references that would eventually slip in. But...I didn't want to have to tell half truths for what would be thousands of years.

"Ar..E," Celestia tried to form words and failed, the sound odd and quiet as my mind looked at the last alicorn mares.

Damn...There was that too.

I had to restore the Alicorns. Which I sort of was doing already, by accident mind you…My foals would behalfAlicorn. Unplanned bundles of joy with mares I hadn't even had a date with yet...I needed more time. This was way too much.

First though, I had to contend with these two royal pains.

And pain was no exaggeration. Celestia was still trying to raise her head when I returned to the present. The clock was ticking onward, loud to my nerves as I sighed down at her, settling them somewhat.

I don't think I could ever love her.

Killing ambassadors that came asking for help, continuing to meddle with Mother Nature after their parents died while still explicitly knowing what they were doing…And allowing slavery through poor international relations or blatant acceptance put them in aspecialspot in my mind. Her really, Luna had been banished to the moon. Not to mention they had- I paused in my thoughts as it hit me- they had the mirror of worlds or whatever it was called that had Lyric’s family imprisoned.The point was that it was literally in this castle now…


A dull thump brought forth the urge to groan aloud, Murphy having caught up to me.

My eyes found the princess’s heads already slumped forward.No, please no!Luna’s muzzle was half opened in a weak gurgle as salvia pooled. Her eyes already closed under the effects of the drug. Meanwhile, the elder sibling and the only pony that knew where the mirror was was blinking rapidly on the tabletop as panic widened her eyes impossibly more.


Ivory wings started twitching as I moved in closer, placing my muzzle and flank hard against her, rocking her to the side in my haste.

Her wings stilled.

My lips hovering beside her ear as I silently thanked the instinct similarities that all equine shaped beings seemed to share. Touch was like a tranquilizer.

“Hello Celestia,” her magenta orbs shakily found mine and I frowned at the distant look growing in them. “I was wondering where the mirror is?” I let out a long breath in her face, watching and hoping she was lucid enough to understand and answer me. My scent should get her attention.

Convincing them was sure to be hell already without this on top of it.

Nostrils flared and her muzzle opened as if to try and answer me, but my hopes were soon dashed with the flickering of her eyelids. Her ears were twitching in the same manner her sister’s had done, that was when I knew god hated me. He must have heard me.

Her eyelids dropped down.

“Of fucking course,” I muttered to the quiet room.

I was teleporting home without the mirror that held my mare’s happiness hostage, not even the room’s location available as a clue, and two mares that were sure to beparticularlyunhelpful.

Sighing, I grabbed the magic inhibitors and key from my saddle bag, briefly thankful that they were untouched despite the aerial adventure I had had previously.

At least this part was going along perfectly.

Looking at their eyes for any twitch or sign of awareness I slowly lowered the metal cuffs down their horns, stopping once I heard the delicate clink of metal against metal. Yet their tiaras stayed in place, despite their slumped forward position and new accessory.

The guards were still silent from their posts outside the doors and the princesses were dead to the world. So, without any further ado I brought the key to the base of Celestia’s horn, the first gate, and started to smile.


A sharp click filled the air as I thought that, slightly muffled as it traveled around the room. My eyes shot to the key in the lock, stationary in my magic. Just like I feared…I hadn’t quite turned the key yet. In fact, the noise sounded like it was from behind me. My smile faltered as my ears swiveled back.

Fucking Murphy.

I looked behind me only to lock gazes with a grey pegasi colt. He looked like I had told him Santa Claus wasn’t real. His eyes were wide, ears going sideways, and jaw dropping as I watched in mirth. The only catch here was that this pegasis wasn’t little anymore; he was an adult and a fully trained solar guard if the armor was accurate. And there I was sitting behind two clearly unconscious princesses with two custom made magical inhibitors in the process of being locked in place over their horns. A fact that I knew wouldn’t go over well, especially if the slack jawed look he was sporting was a good sign of what was to follow.

My body wouldn’t move a muscle in the stare off, my mind miles away at the sight before me.

Godreallyhated me...Or more likely, more calming a thought, the guards were regularly patrolling the windows and I hadn't learned the invisibility spell or how to control my mind when I get nervous...

His wide eyes locked onto mine.

Logically I saw his course of action as one of two options. Option one, that open mouth would erupt into an unholy scream for help and I would be soon surrounded by hundreds of little pony guards. Or the greatly preferred and therefore stupider option in his book, the one where he uses the pony length spear strapped to his side and charged through that window to face me stallion to stallion.

Guess which one was more likely given my obvious height and magical advantage.

His wings were already proving my theory correct as they started to change their beat, faltering for a second as I narrowed my eyes at the guard, mentally cursing once more before he banked hard to the right and doubled back to spread the word. And I couldn't just grab a guard out of the open air, other guards would see me.

The click of the first gate closing followed as I watched him escape, my magic almost acting on its own as a fear filled my senses once more.

I guess they are smarter than Chrissy thought.

Snorting my fear out at the shrinking golden speck I turned back to the princess, moving onto the next gate with a shaky breath in and out. I had a lot of gates to go still and very little time, less time if the guards actually believed that the only Alicorn stallion was cuffing their princesses up like criminals.

This would prove my suspicions about their masks at least. The faster the guards responded the more likely they knew what I was sure theyhadto know. I mean…Echo knew where to go and he was sent byLuna. Just because he didn’t know about the slaves, murders, and climate disaster taking place outside his country didn’t exclude the rest of the guards. I mean, even Blueblood knew I had been on the coast…

And Echo would be crushed if I was correct about them...No...More importantly, I couldn’t just teleport these murdering mares onto my ship without them being restrained. Who knows how long the drug would last for or what teleportation did to drugged Alicorns? I sure as hell didn't know and I wasn’t in the mood to test that with my herd’s lives.

With a deep breath in I refocused on the mares before me.

Cuneal writing joined with an audible click, twice, thrice, and onward it continued as an almost dizzying display of ethereal pastel colored mane grew before me, moving faster and more erratically in my face as I passed the third gate. But my eyes were unflinching as they watched the ivory mare.

I snorted as a growing din reached my ears, already coming down a hallway nearby.

My point was proven then. It had been less than a minute and they were already coming. They knew I was a danger to their lifestyle...And I needed to leave before they showed me how they felt.

Wind whistled under the door the waiter ponies had come from, momentarily filling the air with the sound as I clicked on. The speed at which I closed the gates continued to increase until I hit gate number seven. That one made my magic falter as my eyes widened.

“Preposterous,” was exclaimed by an unfamiliar voice in the hall, followed with muted clangs and whispers.

But, my eyes were glued to the scene before me.

Her almost living mane and tail just dropped like they were suddenly soaked. Not only did it become as limp as my own but the pastel rainbow colors flickered away like a hologram to reveal a singular pastel pink underneath, almost the shade you would see in strawberry ice-cream, and not a trace of ethereal nature left in it. Suffice to say I was speechless at the effect, faintly acknowledging that ethereal manes truly must be an effect of magic discharge, and furthermore that I was weak then.

What do you say to hair dying magic anyway? Much less when a squad of guards was on their way.

It took me a second and the familiar whiny echo from the hallway behind me to snap me out of my wonderment. The faint and familiar “Perfectly” that I caught spurring me into action once more.

That damn colt was coming too.

Gate eight through eleven proved to be uneventful. The last and twelfth gate was another story. By that time I was rushing through the process of enter, turn, and click like a seasoned guard might have.

Thankfully they moved at a snail's pace.

“-utterly ridiculous-,” snippets of conversation drew my ears to my head, “-Tell-,” and I closed the gate that lay near her tip and moved the small key to the base of Luna’s magic inhibitor. However, before I could begin the process a small rumble caused me to freeze.

What now?

It wasn’t from behind me.

Above me the crystal chandelier started chattering as the crystals hit one another, but my gaze looked around for an enemy in confusion. It wasn’t coming from any of the four doors; they were even momentarily silent from the sudden movement. My gaze narrowed at the room in suspicion, the possibility of enchantments briefly coming to mind. But I quickly dismissed it as I gave the entire space another perusal. The practicality of a enchantment that shook a room was lost on me, and the room was normal, nothing glowed with magic. Above me, the roof was domed making it was impossible to be from anybeing marching up there, definitely not enough to produce this room shaking volume and power. Yet the almost seismic like motions only increased with time. Eventually to the point that it jostled Luna’s inhibitor up and down with metallic clinks. A thought hit me then, this could be aearthquake, and following that train of thought, that I didn’t want to be around when Equestria had its first earthquake.

It was the only possibility I could see, I guessed planet was closer to doomsday than I had thought.

“-That? What is that stallion doing?! I thought you-” He called out, blaming the earthquake on me of all beings. As if I could do much beyond foal magic…Not that he knew that.

More partial sentences reached me as I snapped to attention. “Y-yes, but-,” a particularly strong movement sent the speaker clanging and the chandelier shattering crystals on the floor.

The planet paused.


My heart raced as everybeing paused with it and then the shaking started to return, faster though, and more insitant at dislodging us from it.

Still, Blueblood’s angry voice reached me again between the equally loud crashes in the hallway, those priceless vases now priceless shards, “-Don’t care! Call in the bolts, the bats,anyponywe can get! Get-,”I didn’t pay attention after that. Closing the rune encircled locks with a new speed, ignoring his conversation, and forcing my heart and magic into a race against his rapid and increasingly loud clip clop of hooves.

I have to escape!

A hushed reply beyond the door eluded me but the response nearly stopped my heart, “Of course I meantthem!” It was the way he said it, like 'them' was the equivalent to something big, bad and a thing I clearly didn’t want to stick around to see.

Gates…Lock gates.My mind swam as I turned my broken focus back to Luna.

Like with her older sister her mane went increasingly wild, except against my forelegs rather than my face, but I pressed in closer, caught between the two mares and already counting down the gates to my escape.

Nine left.

One ears swiveled to the opposing hallway as the faint metallic clanging or armor reached my ears, just what I needed on top of an earthquake.

Eight, seven, six, and five left. They went by in rapid succession. The seventh gate turned her mane from a starry expanse to a light pastel blue that hung limply across her neck. Definitely magic related. But it didn’t slow me down that time; I could already hear the distant clanking of a running guard somewhere in this cavernous building.

Back up was coming…Joy.

I rushed through the remaining gates, grinding my teeth against the great thumping shakes that suddenly had started, replacing the shudders in a grim progression of earth based power. My ears ignored the rushed sound of hooves, the clatters, and small shards of crystals that were raining onto us in favor of the finish line I could literally see.

A big breath escaped me as the last gate closed.

Suddenly the room gave a final thundering rumble and shudder before slowing down to a constant low grade vibration that had my feathers quivering. I eyed the ominously creaking death trap above the table and snorted once more. Now all I had to do was-.

A click echoed in the room, followed by a hum of magic, and I tried not to panic. I tried to react rationally and teleport away since I had both princesses touching me. But I failed, the key slipped from my magic hold, and my mind scrambled in a familar nervous panic to respond to my most prominent thought and ignore the urge to run.

The ship, focus on the ship.

“Now what was the meaning of that..,” the words froze like I had begun to at the sound of the door’s handle, my eyes widening at the reality I had just found myself in. It felt like a bad dream come to life, the niggling churning in my stomach returning with a dash of ice water for my veins. My magic didn’t seem to hear me then as it converged on my leg’s channels.

Run, run, run...

“I had a feeling it would come to this…But I really had expectedmorefrom the princesses...,” He trailed off again as I could almost feel his eyes on my horn. The speaker was Blueblood, his family’s services being not so innocent if his off handed comment had meant anything. A gust of air and sweat accompanying him promised company, the clanging armor wearing variety. “It is ashamethough…”My fear turned it's head at that familiar tone he responded in. No...

Arch…BiteI agreed with my instincts. This was different than before though.

“Princess Luna…” The eager voice came in muffled as I snapped my eyes up to watch the opposing entrance, my eyes narrowing at my luck.

Focus…Just Focus on home. He won’t attack you with the princesses as meat shields.

My body still wouldn’t move to face the surely shocked ‘prince’ or focus on teleporting as it stayed turned to the door across from me, my focus more on redirecting my errant magic. Their arrival didn't help matters. The grand entrance opened wide to reveal a darker furred, more familiar fear of mine, and I found myself unintentionally gulping in response. Thestrals, the hall held a small squad of six. The ebony armored bat-like ponies stood stock still as the solar guards opening the door for them also froze before trading pointed looks. Pointed tufts twitched with their large ears as I made eye contact with the newest arrivals, all came in a range of purple, gray, and dark blue. Surprise and shock dominated their expressions as I processed my own surprise, no, it was more like trepidation.

I was nearly surrounded...There was still two - I nearly jumped at the bang reverberated around the room -. The kitchen door had been blown open by the wind that rushed in unhindered. My eyes watched the door as I waited for something to appear, but nobeing did…Breathe…Then it closed with slam, sending a shiver down my back I tried to get back to focusing on escaping.Teleport. The thought hit me like a bolt of energy and fired me into action, pulling my focus back on directing my crackling magic back to my horn.

“Well, are you going to assist us? Thisvagabondhas-,” I tuned out the suddenly whiny voice of Blueblood as I focused on my ship, charging my horn with the image of the dinning cabin in mind. Somebeing said something before I felt eyes return to my flank and heard the crunch of crystal. “-And here I thought we could work with you.”Yup, that is why you were calling everybeing you could think of.Slitted eyes watched my glowing horn as their hooves reached back to their spears.

But no pony was willing to make the first attack...Not that I was complaining.

I willed the princesses and I to be teleported, calling up the sensation of my molecules pulling apart and coming together in the safe walls of my ship.

Oop-ssy,” was whispered from behind me as more crystals crunched.

And all I could do was frown as my magic crackled restlessly against an invisible barrier.

“But I suppose that was a tadnaïveon my part,” several Solar guards humphed in response to his continuation, but the Lunar guards didn't even appear to react to it. Evil eyes directed at me. “I'm sure you know the feeling though. Given what you are known for and the rumors circulating yourheinousactions...The fact that you still came to carry out your evil plan.” Bat-like hissing came from the beings in front of me, their eyes darting between their princess and me.Heinous, I know I killed beings but they were slavers…A long snort reached me, confident in my silence, and closer to the vildkatt’s tone than I was comfortable with. “Well, are you going to let them gonow? You aren't leaving here you know, in case that wasn't obvious to your small mind.”

He wasstillbehind me, spouting nonsense no less...And my dining room was nowhere in sight. My herd was still very far away.

“Fuck,” I squinted my eyes harder, trying again.

Heat pooled around my gold encased horn, muffled giggles reached me as the energy crackled and pounded in forehead with a steady pressure filled beat. My second attempt at teleporting had also got me nowhere. I realized then with a sense of dread that I had underestimated the security of the castle, that my attempts were getting me nowhere fast.

My magic had nowhere to go to.

Of course they would have anti-teleporting runes placed somewhere on the expanse of polished marble made available to them.

“Now thatwordwas uncalled for,” the clip of a hoof moving closer had me turning my upper body to face the approaching honorary prince, ears pinning back as I noted a cowering mass of guards in the doorway. Half were pegasi and the other unicorns, with not an earth pony to be seen. They were looking me up and down with fear, glancing with wide eyes at their rulers...And their weapons. What now? They had families...But they were also all against me. Not to mention that they wouldn’t blink if they killed a changeling…Or a desperate ambassador apparently.

I squared my shoulders and scanned the crowd.

"It is rude to keep a prince waiting."

Keeping an eye on the swords and spears clipped to their armor I snorted back at Blueblood. My words escaped me so I let the magic go in a flurry of golden sparks, a flurry of hooves backed up as I frowned at his increasingly confident smile and the tone he had used. I was anAlicorn, not some snarlingpuppyto admonish.

“Fuck off.”

“Oh, I'msoscared,” he adjusted his bowtie with his magic.Why wasn't he scared?“But not surprised at your vocabulary for an uncouth colt such as yourself.” In the corner of my eye I could see the Lunar guards silently inching forward from the hall, braver than their solar counterparts and more prepared with their wings half unfurled already. I stomped a hind hoof at their nice but futile move, as if my puffed up wings could manage more than a flap with the ice water in my blood.

But flying might be my only option.

I hadmorethan enough enemies now. The clangs of more guards sounded from far behind him confirming that as he watched me. What else could I do?

Nothing came to mind, nothing except that this had to be a set up.

They seemed to know what I had done the whole time, he had said my plan as if he knew it. The way his eyes had grown cold when we stared off...And the princesses had to know as well then. Everybeing had been playing along till I revealed my hand,hoove. And I fell for their ‘breaking’ decorum acts hook, line, and sinker. It wouldn’t surprise me if half the castle knew what was happening already, the guards were certainly prepared to react so quickly even if they didn’t quite know what I would be doing to their rulers. Everybeing was ready to fight me.

This wasn't going to be easy...

“Said thecolt,” I retorted, my frustration coming out in the pitiful schoolyard style insult, with no idea if I could even break the windows to fly away I felt paralyzed to my spot. There might be runes stopping that as well.

Blueblood simply tossed his mane at my words, radiating confidence as he nodded to the guards. As if to say I wasn't a threat.

And that was when a new urge hit me, my instincts louder than ever at his proximity again. I wanted to grab him by the neck and drop him to the hard floor, make him squeal in fear just like many other beings had done. The ice quickly faded from my veins as I snorted at him. The cold sensation replaced by a righteous simmer as I let the flooded lands, displaced families and thousands of surely already dead slaves fill me instead.

Hurt, bite...

I agreed with my instincts. I could fight my way out instead, I could still use magic after all.

Hurting the prince and guards wouldn’t be too bad; they obviously don’t possess enough empathy to see the help the ambassadors needed. They had magic whatever-you-call-it steel embedded in them after all…And I wouldn’t kill them.At least I told myself that.

"Move colt." I prodded him, wishing his hooves forward. The adrenaline already adding a pleasant sensation to my racing heart. It was just like old times, except the drunk asshole was replaced by a racist pony prince.

Wow, that sounded wierd.

"Colt?" The twitching and narrowing of his eyes did not reveal what he intended to do in retaliation, but I had an idea that delayed execution was close to the mark. They did need an heir after all. After that it was anybeing’s guess.

The vibrations slowed as we held each other’s gaze.

"Yup, a over confidentcolt." I added a little cheer in it, loving every second of his controlled anger. I would crush him stallion to...Colt. I could practicallywalkover him.

“Really,” the word was more than a question when he spoke it. It was the urge to pommel one another that flowed between our eyes, the sheer equine rage that I had felt towards Arch and the rest rising once more. My tail whipped against the princesses as I raised an eyebrow at him.

I just wanted to hurt him then. He made me angry, Blueblood had even tried to push me over the edge before. Taunting me with ‘How was the Narrow sea’. Yes, how was a slave producing, sea serpent filledhellhole? It was a world ofpainI had wanted to shout at him, but I maintained my composure, filing away the fact that it was one that he seemed to be okay with.

The stand off cemented it, I was the villain for wanting to change the world...Putting a stop to their perfect weather.

As if the last chime of the quivering chandelier was a signal his entourage of nine guards slowly filtered in on shaky legs, determination filling their uniform blue and brown eyes as they fanned out across the wall.

Blueblood stepped closer with a crunch, less than four feet separated us then, and his own horn had charged light blue during the bold move.Really? You want to go against me in a magic battle?My instincts piped up in with disgust at his ever encroaching presence. It was worse than the urge to bite Echo or keep away from Azure, and I was in no position to move from my captives, they were the reason I wasn’t in pain yet. Though, the Lunar guards certainly wanted to take more risks, their actions bolder and slightly independent from the soldiers behind the prince. It was only a matter of time till they made a move.

His eyes left my horn and neck once more shining with confidence, like the anger had never been there.

The confidence briefly puzzled me. He wasone pony. A racist colt that was half my size and most probably half my magical core orless. His idea of a threat was to ask me how the Narrow sea had been. Which was more an admission to his knowledge of the slavers in my book than anything, or an attempt to cow me into backing down when our eyes met; it was kind of hard to read him when he went from petulant child to cocky prince within a hour. The latter had shined through then as he had then followed that question with a quietly comment, almost whisper bragging to me. 'I wouldn't, I have special training, special training you could only dream of'. What was I supposed to take from the fact that he had been in a special training program? It had only increased the unexplained urge to push away his seat, an urge that had actually started as soon as he sat down beside me. Not to mention, it clued me to what services his family was known for. ‘Special’, yah, and ‘integral to Equestria’s history’, yes, I could imagine what he did. The look in his eyes then and in that moment was one I had seen not even a week ago in a vildkatt’s eyes. Perhaps that sadistic pleasure he found in controlling my actions was why he was here like this. He was sure he had an alicorn with the fifteen guards he had slowly surrounding me.

He was wrong.

I had killed a crew of fifteen without blinking; disarming these racists wouldn’t be that hard.

My lack of response had him prodding me again, falling right into my bid for time. “Are you really trying to pretend you didn’t sink a fleet of ships?”Sink?

“…What,” was all I could say in response, more than a little off guard at such a statement. What rumors had he heard? Actually, who would have…Never mind, there was that call for help.

But he was on a roll it seemed, “You threatened a merchant captain and took his wares for your own wealth?”Oh, merchants were they?

Snorting I arched my neck to meet his approach, turning my body to face him fully, with my fur bristling at his blatant lies.I was trying hard to save this screwed up world!“Funny words coming from a racist such as yourself,” my wings unfurled with a snap that caused the solar guards to jump in place. A pegasi stallion backed up into the window with a gulp and clink.

However, Blueblood just raised an eyebrow at the display of size, eyeing my short whipping tail and bald patches before quickly tapping the floor twice with his right hind hoof. My eyes followed his action with a frown. Nothing happened so I pressed on.

"I mean, if killing a lot of beings got everybeing the title of ‘prince’ then I wouldn’t be so quick to call othersuncouth, colt.” I smiled as the eye twitch and a frown grew on his face. Not to mention, the way his eyes flicked between me and the guards behind me worriedly, like they were going to save his sorry ass. But they were silent, only a light rustling coming from the wall that had the kitchen door.Just what I needed, the waiters were probably listening in again.“Andmerchants? Is that ajoke? Those were-,” I was forced to duck as a blur appeared in my peripheral, forcing me to duck, “-You fucker!”

A feathered dart was sunk halfway into the table, quivering from the power behind it.

I looked around in confusion.

The Thestrals had paused in their approach to look at me closely, frowning as their ears twitched at the left corner by the kitchen…Interesting. But as I looked at them I saw they didn’t have anything to hold darts. Same with the Solar guards, although they looked significantly more confident with the dart coming out of nowhere and continued to fan out though as I waited for his next move, an ear now directed to the left. It appeared to be empty but I knew better than to trust my senses in this magic land.

A snort answered my insult, his ears pinning back at me before he continued. “Why Inever,” but the blue eyes across from me didn’t match the sentiment his words and ears sought to invoke in our audience. “That means little coming from a…,”Go on, I dare you, “Apiratesuch as yourself!” A whole barracks worth of golden guards turned the corner at that moment, breaking into a brisk trot as they saw my wings held out and over their slumped forward leaders.

“Flank the prince,” One shouted to the others.

But their appearance didn’t quite register in my mind then.

I am going to have to buck that muzzle in before I leave. It was the only solution I could think of for his confidence. When I got out of the castle I could theoretically teleport again but till then it was a 'any way out' sort of moment.

“Now, you are clearly,” Blueblood continued to move his muzzle but my instincts were rising and I agreed with them.Pirate…He just calledmea pirate. Words failed me at first, thoughts stalling and ability to plan fizzing out with such a contradicting statement rattling around my head. I had lost everything, set to work to save my new home...And I getthis?!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I muttered as it came home. They didnt care, maybe didnt know of the state out there, but they certainly wouldnt care from what I saw.

What did sparing their lives really do? What was the point in convincing them? Why save the alicorns? I just wanted to hit something, but my legs wouldnt move, everybeing seemed glued to the prince's words. The compass on his flank taunting my inabilty to make the final step and act against his persuptious rump.

Still, that was wierd. No pony seemed to know what to do in the standoff. The Solar guards watched me closely, tense and determined. But they were largely immobile. Many had already gripped the bases of their roman short swords and spears in preparation for a fight. While the Lunar guard were sending off narrowed looks and nods, ear twitches forming a strange pattern of sorts as they were traded between the ebony gilded guards.

But words didn’t fail me for long, my anger boiling over the strange sensation as I focused once more on the prince before me.He was painting me like the villain to them, “Don’t go fucking twisting this onto me Blueblood!” The scowl deepened, offence clearly taken to something, and his hoof tapped the floor once again. “I am not the bad guy here! Freeing slaves,” the clang of armor filled the room in an ear folding cacophony of noise, my words almost a whisper in comparison. “That does not make me a pirate!," I rose my voice to be heard over the din, "It is you-,” I halted at the sound of a flap of leathery wings and something whizzing through the air.

The smile in front of me fell into a scowl as it hit me, well, hit my magic really…

He was playing me...Darts...Stalling for time.That was where his confidence came from! I stomped another hind hoove down, my desire to cause him pain overriding the urge to fly momentarily. Buck him, then fly.

But as several more darts bounced off my hastily conjured shield I heard a shuffle behind me. Turning around I looked back in time to see the cause. Only a hollow ‘Clunk’ echoed above the noise as my focus narrowed.

One dark furred Thestral had made that particularly loud step towards the princesses. The intent was clear. He glanced between his armored hoof touching the table and the outstretched hoof reaching for Luna, or the key on the table, I didn’t really care as the slitted eyes met my face again. The dark gray muzzle dropping as I let my anger flow out.

I couldn’t kill them,the faint reminder didn’t slow my body. My golden shield disappeared as the crackling in my head traveled downward at a breakneck pace.

Whipping around to face the conniving pony before me I bunched up my muscles as I watched the smug look on Blueblood’s face with a single minded focus, roaring out my frustration as it slowly drained away as reared up before him. Landing with a shudder, a grimace producing thud sending him scrambling back in fear.

This farce was over!

I missed the over inflated head before me, but his light blue magic did sputter out, and the sour smell of urine hit me.

The crowd of guards reached the room in that second as well, but they hastily stepped back into the hall from the brief growth in my shadow. Fear etched in their eyes as I looked at them with a pained scowl.

A clink brought my attention behind me a second later, not waiting to aim I tucked my rump down and shot my hooves back. A manly squeal told me I was either too slow or he was too quick. Take your pick. Either way he was still alive, but not near my princesses anymore, wait, no -never mind-.

I had had enough, this wasn't the point of coming here. I was only digging myself a hole now.

Scooting back betweentheunconscious mares I kept my wings outstretched over them and returned my gaze to the wide eyed noble who was still several steps back from my range after that experience. And that dripping on the marble was the icing to my cake.

Time to go, that colt won’t be approaching me anytime soon.

But as I raised my wings higher I hesitated, internal conflict growing as I watched the guards with doubt, my mind to the hole the prince had started and I had probably grown. They were going to think I was evil or something with what he had said…Some could be innocent to the knowledge of this apathetic regime, Echo had been.

Exhaling I faced the crowd, “Blueblood, don’t go confusing me for the slavers I was stopping-,” my words were cut off as I was suddenly looking at a bright blue bolt of magic. A shield appeared out of instinct, deflecting it at the last second with a resounding shatter of glass and clatter of armor as guards threw themselves to the sides of the window I had shattered. Grunts echoed among the sharp sound of glass shards on marble.

A jagged hole looked back at me through the golden shield, metal cross supports bent outward from the power.

He was done playing too.

Perhaps that wasn’t bragging when he mentioned his special training…I glanced back to the prince, slightly happy to see him panting from the effort.And maybe I was magically powerfulwith giant ass wings.

There was flying to do.

Before I could get a flap in I found my smile dropping as leathery snaps sounded in the air behind me. A smug nod was sent my direction.

"Really?" No response came from him, but his actions said 'really, really'.

He lowered his horn to me and I couldn’t help but count the various magic infused horns also being lowered in my direction, twenty to be exact, and the pointy spears rising from the pegasi guards were even more numerous.

I eyed the princesses, myself, and jagged hole in brief calculation…It was possible, if only just, and I couldn’t mess up the entry angle or I would be cut up…But it sure beat the pain I felt coming my way.

Already the pegasi guards were unfurling their wings in unison to mimic their night time counterparts behind me; the newly arrived guards had also regained their bravado and followed the lead of the already present ponies, more horns charged, pegasi ready for liftoff, and all were waiting for either Blueblood or myself to make a move.

Letting my eyes stray behind me, I could already see more dark armored guards joining the small amount that had turned up to escort Luna to Night Court, and their spears looked extra pointy in the sunlight.

Too many guards, they would block me, tackle me to the ground...I needed a bigger hole.

Charging my horn I looked at Blueblood, his own horn was sputtering a charging spell as well as he met my gaze, fear still present in his gaze.Fu…“Bye-byecolt,” and I released the small drop of power up into the dome before he could get his off, A hunk of marble taller than me crashed down before I could blink, the sheer weight of the monstrocity sending chunks of tile and dust flying around the room. But I didn’t stay to watch his next move as I ducked the flashes of light that were aiming where my head had been. Holding a shield over my flank I made a break for it, taking several tingling hits as I turned and grabbed each mare around their barrel. The room rang with clangs of metal, crashes, hums of magic, and flapping as dust and feathers filled the air. With a glance back at the flurry of noise covered in dark grey debri I gave a powerful thrust up.

And I nearly choked on the air as my body was filled with an unexpected heaviness, ripping me down, and forcing me to channel more magic to my forearms. The magic now evenly divided between my legs and wing channels. This was going to interesting.

Dust and stone continued to fly around me as the room shook, the ceiling half crumbling still from the force of my poorly charged spell as I rose. But the larger hole where half the ceiling had been was perfect for my wingspan and too wide for the guards to block me if they did overtake me.

I angled my body to the unmistakable opening as many guards could be heard following suit, my plan not being exactly subtle. Luckily for me Pegasi couldn’t shoot magic.

"GET HIM," and they tried to comply with their prince's demand.

However, most of my concentration was on staying airborne then. Even as twenty odd flashes of rainbow colors continued to seek me out in the dust cloud the room had become I powered on. The awarness that my forelegs certainly weren't prepared for this coming to the forefront of my mind, even with a migical boast of strength they strained under the combined weight.

Smalls grunts of protest escaped them as I manoeuvred with the dead weights in my forelegs, the magic resisting me as it fought to rejoin the stronger focus of my wing channels. Staying straight was akin doing two things at once, namely that I could do it, just not well. Celestia had to beat leasta hundred pounds heavier than her sister.


My wings faltered for half a second, knocked off course by a falling rock before i straightened out. I had to focus. I had to get higher, faster!

Kicking a hoof back into the air in frustration at the lack of height I was gaining I felt something hard connect with it before a metalic crash sounded behind me. Guess they weren’tcompletelyuseless guards. Of course, it wasn't surprising that they could catch up without two mares weighing them down.

“Release the princesses!”

Surprisely they weren't overtaking me.

More hooves attempted to grasp after that as I ascended. Soon joined by spear tips attempting to prod my rump and forearms as I maintained my lead.Why?They should have been able to over take me, disable my wings by now…I mean, the powerful ascending thrust I had put into the first flap had only brought me to a quarter of the usual distance I would travel.

What were they up to?

As I climbed higher I could already feel my wings were already working double time to reach my slowest ascending speed. A glance down at my chest showed me my muscles were bulging under the new weight. To top this mess off it was slightly unbalancing sensation I had mentioned. Tilting me already with just a glance down at my purserers. But, the filtered light was still growing closer despite my slow ascent.

“Halt,” another one screamed, just inches from my tail, "Halt,horseapples!"

Leathery flapping caught my attention as the feeling of warm breath on my hocks disappeared suddenly. Wh-.


And then a dozen spears began to fly from the air on the far side of the room, sailing over my head by millimetres it felt like, my fur moving with each projectile’s passing. One even thwacking my ear on it's way down. "Fuck!"

"Princess!" The unearthly bat war screeches following them adding a burst of adrenaline to my beating wings.

"Halt!" A spear skimmed over my dock as I thanked the single use nature of throwing spears.

Warm air buffeted my hocks seconds later as more flapping joined the chaotic lightshow once more, but I didn’t break my pace to look back again. Something was up and the screeches were a very convincing encouragement thatdemandedI make it out of castle.

There couldn’t possibly be runes outside the castle for teleporting as well.

Come on, just a little more, then I can teleport!

A spear flew by my muzzle, grazing my nose and sending iron dripping into my open muzzle as I focused harder on the filtered light. More cries of 'stop' reaching me just as I broke into the sunlight and saw the gardens from what would usually be a breathtaking view. But the dozens of hurried wings not far behind me impeded that, only encouraging me to continue to pump my wing muscles harder against gravity.

Sneaking a look back I could see dozens of angry faces, some less than a flap away from my hooves with their open hooves outstretched. More than a few thestrals tickling the underside of my hoove during my brief look back, their faces telling me that wasn't what they were going for. Only once I escaped their hooves could I teleport.

I flapped faster towards the sun, breathing easier knowing that shouldn’t be lo- I nearly froze at what I saw in the sky.

What was that?

Comments ( 8 )

halfway through I got bored from the constant monologue but kept reading, it definitely needs a bit of editing on some parts but the main problem was the sheer wall of text mainly made up of monologue, I know it's needed but you had such a large amount of it with no breaks what so ever

Same. I am legit surprised i didn't fall asleep while reading it. (I read it in bed)

Was the new version better? The blog post is the old version.

btw i know i kinda sound like a dick saying this but your only hurting your story by having him be hurt or surprised by being seen as a villain, he knows blue blood is a bad outright evil fellow and that the guards could even be in on it, does he really need to feel the need to be seen as the good guy so much that he can't bare to have the bad guys call him a villain? it's kinda like a kid getting upset a bully is telling the teacher that you're the bully, it's just kinda petty and not expected from an adult.

and this isn't really that important but when you see a bad person and you want to hurt them but you don't want to kill people, you can still hurt them, just because you want to hold the moral high ground like Batman and not kill anyone except in self-defence, doesn't mean you can't hurt them, at the worst you could break his horn off or at the very least punch him in the face, you don't have to stand there and refuse to fight back becuase your not a killer.

btw i have not read the story yet but since your actually taking my advice to heart unlike some stubborn authors i will read the entire thing

It does kinda suck for him, though, as it wasn't his idea, and everyone is trying to make him the evil (assuming his facts ARE complete -- there's lots of bad stuff going on, but was the ''god'' telling the full truth?) when he's trying to fix stuff. Not everyone can stand being falsely accused.

It was a bit better, but i lost focus a few times reading his thoughts. If you where trying to convey what the mind is like during a panic, then you did good! At the end it cleared up and got my hyped for the next chapter! :)

I guess, it just seems kinda weak-willed, to be upset over being seen as evil, especially if the ones looking at you that way could possibly be the ones doing all the bad shit

It was MUCH clearer than the previous version and I look forward to the next chapter. I do have one question though: where is Echo?

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