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  • Sunday
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • Friday
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 1 week
    PP vs. What I've Become

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

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  • 4 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

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...Episode spoilers · 4:40pm Jun 9th, 2018

C'mon, they did another episode about my waifu Best Bug Horse, I have to say something.

This is the second, maybe third episode of this season that held my attention all the way through. I don't know if it's the best one yet, but it's pretty fucking close.

This is also one of those episodes that unveils so much content, I found myself just walking in circles, rubbing my forehead while making lunch just now.

I mean.

God damn.

So, okay, let's talk about a few things, just let our minds crap all over the page. Why has Chrysalis not succeeded at anything she's done? Her attack on Canterlot was undone by hubris. She fell into the classic villain trap of assuming that, because she beat up the sun goddess, she's the hottest shit on the planet. The whole thing was a dumb idea in the first place, lots of people have pointed out why, point is, she may have been defeated by a deus ex machina, but her plan was doomed to fail from the start.

Round two, she was wildly successful. Hubris may again have played a part in her downfall this time -- ignoring Starlight and the other third-rate characters -- but really, her plan succeeded, and the deus ex was more the cause of her ultimate defeat. No one but no one knew the changelings would turn into clown meese: not Chrysalis, not Starlight, not the changelings themselves. And if they hadn't, there really wasn't anything Starlight could have done to stop her, see also trying to knock apart the throne with a rock.

This time? I think her plan was too good. We may all have to accept that poor Chryssy is just not as smart as she gives herself credit for. We can't evaluate her plan from To Where and Back because it happened off screen. But here, she had a good idea, she had enough acting ability to pull it off, and when it backfired, it was only because the things she created were way smarter than she was willing to concede. Which, yes, points to being dumb in a different way. Point is, it worked.

Now look, all the "friendship retreat" stuff was your average pablum, the kind of thing the show resorts to anymore when they have nothing for the mane six to do. It was the B-plot of All Bottled Up. It was every scene with Twilight Sparkle in Rainbow Rocks prior to the post-credits stinger. It was boring, but it wasn't the focus here, just an excuse to get the mane six into the Everfree Forest.

...Fuck's sake, of all the places, they are camping in the Everfree goddamn Forest. c.c And I think it's not so much that it's not a threat anymore as they're all just so OP they don't give a shit. That's fine, that's cool, it's just... wow.

But okay, the mean six, the stars of the show, the title of the fucking episode. For starters? Other than Twilight, rehashes of Return of Harmony. I was disappointed by this, I won't lie. That said, for all that they were individually just one-note antagonists, we got to see a bit more of each of them than previously (and yes, some of them were at least slightly different). I also like all the details that Chrysalis got wrong, mostly the cutie marks. (Also, AJ's hair tie was green!)

For all that this was just dramedy shenanigans leading up to a final fight, it held my interest the whole time. Like, both Fluttershies helping two birds in their own, special ways, that was fun and clever, a good way to demonstrate what's going on, get regular Fluttershy separated from the group, and build tension to the emotional climax.

The climax, I should add, was the one part where I started cringing. They were really gearing up for that scene from the movie that everyone hates. Why was it Pinkie and Twilight again, I ask you? Are they Josh Haber's NOTP or something? But I was glad Twilight didn't make the "I don't need friends" ultimatum again -- I was just waiting for it to happen -- and I'm really glad the lesson was "We know each other, we don't need to do this." That's gonna make a lot of people happy, I can imagine.

But that final fight. Sweet genius. Okay, for one, I like that the main cast never figured out what was going on. I think there's another episode that was kind of like this, where everything was going on in the background -- am I thinking of Just for Sidekicks? It can't be just that -- but it's kind of amazing to think that this fiendish and brutally efficient plot was happening around them and they never realized it. Again, Chrysalis outdid herself this time.

But so, okay, the Elements turning black? I figured they were being corrupted because the spell Chrysalis used was just that powerful and they couldn't handle these facsimiles of the Bearers being so near and acting so against Element. That it was actually the Tree of Harmony going, "Okay, fuck this shit, screw y'all" and protecting itself was awesome. Like, that was probably a way better outcome than any sort of Elements of Disharmony shenanigans. Fandom's done that shit time and time again, we don't need it in the show.

But that final scene, of the mean six fucking dissolving in the Tree's grip? @_@ Top ten scariest moments of MLP:FiM. Hoooooly shit I don't know if I can sleep.

And that leaves us with an episode that's, in all honestly, completely pointless. Twilight and friends get fucked with, have an emotional blowout, resolve it, and have to go fix some shit, but ultimately have a good time doing it. Nothing actually happened. Which leaves me wondering... is Chrysalis coming back this season? This has got to be setup for something, probably the finale, though I wouldn't count on it, since they don't seem averse to dropping major things into the middle of seasons anymore.

(On that note, was anyone else laughing about Spike not having wings in the opening yet? XD)

But yeah. I haven't had this much to think about after an episode since Shadow Play. I just wanted to get it all out there, just write it all down and now I'm thinking that I could just close this tab and not post it, but, eh, I liked the episode, and unless the fandom's just like "Chrysalis? In my ponies?" I'm not gonna piss anyone off. (And also, if that's true, y'all are fucking terrible. :V)

Oh yeah, one more thing: I'd heard tell Cozy Glow was actually Chrysalis, but Chryssy had that photographer pony disguise on at the start, so I guess the spoiler supposers were mistaken? I'm going with "we dodged that bullet" and "I got mad for nothing", because it makes me feel good. :B Do not disabuse me of this notion.

Okay, two more things: Where the fuck was Chryssy's vocal modulator? D: She sounded like Trixie half the time, it was distracting!

Three more things: I was very glad this wasn't "Starlight saves the mane six again because they're useless without her". I figured Chrysalis not taking her picture initially -- again, more hubris and discounting her value -- was a sign that Starlight would be the One True Pony Not Taken In By Her Schemes, but that didn't happen? Like, her not having a clone at all shows that she's still pretty superfluous. But I wouldn't be surprised if we get a seventh Element this season OKAY ENOUGH TALKING NOW 8V

I hope that was everything. :B Brr, what does it all mean?

Comments ( 39 )
Wanderer D

If we get a Seventh Element, but Sunset doesn't get her wings I would declare that BS.

Yes. Shimmercorn, not Glimmercorn!

Author Interviewer

It's BS either way :V

I'm just worried about what Chrysalis might have done to the Tree. We never did see it again after she snarled at it... :unsuresweetie:


I'm all in for Shimmercorn. And honestly just Sunset replacing Starlight altogether... I never asked for Death, Destroyer of Worlds to become the 7th wheel on a 6 wheel bus.

fiendish and brutally efficient

We really diverge on the efficacy of Chrysalis' character, especially in this episode. :pinkiesick: Ultimately I just want them to stop bringing Chrysalis back. She is not a good villain. All her plans both succeed and fail because of massive plot contrivances, and the first one only worked so well on us because we didn't know she existed and her reveal was an awesome WHAM moment. The Evil Six melting felt like a similar attempt at titillation: a cherry on top of a cake that was just raw flour thrown onto the table more than the finishing touch on a good story, as if they knew a little shock value would make people forget what an ultimately empty episode this was.

I mean, if Cozy Glow and this episode are actually building up to something... you kinda need to make it clear that it actually is building up to something, instead of having episodes where tangentially important things just show up on the screen and are never remarked on.

Also I think Chrysalis asked them to stop modifying her voice because of like... reputation reasons, wanting her "real" voice to be out there instead. I may be wrong though.

Well, Puppy thinks that smashing the throne with a rock was a good plan anyway, she just needed practice, that's all.

Also, i'm with Wanderer here: Sunset is the next gettng wings or there will be a sad brony.

It was fun, and seeing the evil elements on display made for a lot of good laughs. I do hope they are building up to something, though. Honestly for most of the episode I thought it was going to be a 2-parter and we'd have to wait until after the hiatus to see the end. I'm glad that didn't happen at least.

Author Interviewer

Chrysalis is a great villain, what are you talking about? :V

For better or worse, I think this episode justifies her offscreen victory back in season six. I mean, I literally don't know if that's a good thing or not, but even on her own, she has the means to pull shit like that.

I had fun, but this was probably at the upper-bottom half of S8 for me.

Like, I really enjoyed that we actually saw things from the villain's perspective, I really, really like that they were as confused as the Mane 6, and I adored NotTwilight's immediate plans for betrayal. This is what I personally want in Chrysalis' return - high intelligence, low wisdom, and Team Rocket blasting off again.

I think I would have appreciated this more if the Mean 6's interactions with the mane had been a little more subdued. NotAJ lying about camping and Starlight thinking she's just boasting was fine. Her saying she made Starlight lug all that crap as a joke was a friendship-ender, leaving a sour taste in my mouth that she never learned it wasn't AJ. Same with NotTwilight blowing off Fluttershy. Would have been better with more subtle differences, or with them learning Chryssi's scheme at the end. Maybe an ironic "Now give back Starlight! You clearly replaced her with a clone who complains about camping!"

Watchable, but this appears to be a rare case where I liked an episode less than you.

(Another amusing alt would have been for the Mean 6 to seize the elements and revolt, forcing Chrysalis to turn to her erstwhile victims for help. Would have been a fun season ender.)

Boring episode rehashes something Discord did better in Season Fucking 2. These writers have seriously just given up.

Agreed. I really hope Sunset gets to make an appearance in the show proper at some point.

I saw this pointless episode when it leaked. I was so so so mad that they didn't take the opportunity to do something with their setup. Imagine how much fucking better this evil clones thing would be if, instead of just dying, evil twilight had rallied her evil friends and overthrown Chrysalis?

It could have been a story about how evenly when piled under all the twisted bullshit queen bug heaped on them, he core of our heroines still shines through (however warped) and they still "win".

But no. It had to be the most pointless story to date.

The thing I liked best:

Was the way they took a premise practically as old as comedy itself and pretty much played it as a drama.


One of my takeaways was that Evil Twilight would be one of the scariest damn villains ever. Even her imperfect clone was smarter, more devious, and more magically powerful than Chrysalis!

Oof, that’s a really good point :rainbowderp:

Author Interviewer


Well Cady won't pose for her anymore, so she's got to get her fix -somewhere-.

Man, nuts to Chrysalis. I spent most of the episode freaking out over how Rarijacky it is (I MEAN COME ON), not to mention the awesomeness that is Twilight Starscream.

This was the first thing I noticed. First time I watch the show live in over a month, and the first thing I’m doing is laughing half to death (and getting glares from my wife) due to Rainbow plot-shot. :rainbowlaugh:

I've been surprised this season by how much I've tended to enjoy things, but mostly when they keep away from things related to the school. This episode, I liked Chrysalis back, and I'm kinda with you on the whole plans working out thing and all that, but wish the setup were such that she had 1) more screentime and 2) more chance to interact with people other than the copies.

Some thoughts: Rolling in rose bushes = bad time. D:

Even as copies, the unicorns > the pegasi > the earth ponies. Notably both Raritys stole the show in terms of entertainment (and Twilight's was the only one besides Fluttershy who showed agency/did anything), and it's occurring to me that Tabitha St. Germain's excellent acting (and the fact that the character allows her to ham it up) means that she tends to be more resilient to weak writing or annoying overly drawn out bits (see for comparison: lyin' Applejack).

Yeah, Twilight, nobody could ever see Fluttershy wandering off to do animal stuff. In contrast, I loved how Applejack and Rainbow Dash were 100% on something unnatural being up front with her, even if that never led to them figuring out what it was. However I do wish they had brought it up during the fight at the end--especially since it might help put things together with Fluttershy and how pretty much the only time Rainbow's acted like that was the Discording. The others were the kind of thing that were either easier to see coming from the real character at a bad time or just never actually crossed paths with the real ones.


Butts. :D
I feel like that was one that was put in there for us. :V

my waifu Best Bug Horse

I thought Limestone was your waifu. How many waifus you got? :rainbowhuh:

But that final scene, of the mean six fucking dissolving in the Tree's grip? @_@

And that leaves us with an episode that's, in all honestly, completely pointless.

I think that bit with the Tree was the point. ^^

The episode had some good moments Present. Btw, Speaking of Chrysalis...
https://youtu.be/v33BsrmrWms i made this last night after listening to a villain song from Wonder over Wonder. I felt it fit Chryssi Perfectly.

Author Interviewer

Oh my god, the Rarijack was so strong. :D Why is it always then they're camping?

A waifu isn't something you just have one of. :V Though I think that's the limit, for me.

Even if the bit with the Tree was the point, the payoff isn't immediate. And I find that my generally positive reaction to this episode is couched in "OMG CHRYSSY <3" and an unspoken understanding that it will pay off in time... Which means I'm implicitly trusting the show staff to do something, let alone do it well, and I thought I was over that. <.<


Really now, I think you've gotten used to fan fiction written by and for adults. We're blessed with a surplus of talented amateurs, some of whom are comparable to professionals in quality (and a couple of actual professionals). Saturday morning cartoons have too many built-in limitations to ever hold up to that in the eyes of an adult reader.

What I'm getting around to saying is, I think you'd have more fun if you turned off Critic Mode while watching the show. Then you can just watch and grin like a maniac, like I did. ^^

Author Interviewer

I never used to have to do that, you know. Once upon a time, I could watch this show in full Critic Mode, as you put it, and be thoroughly satisfied, at least more often than not. Vapid entertainment is not what I signed on for, here.


Rats, then I'm out of ideas. But more and more it seems you've become a fan of the fandom these days. It's surreal, because I started out as exactly that, and our positions seem to have reversed. But I will say there's nothing wrong with it, and it may even be a better alternative, if watching new episodes feels like a chore. :ajsleepy:

Author Interviewer

The fandom has always been better than the show. :B

Another note I liked was how Chrysalis ranted about ruling a "hive" of ponies. Absolutely nothing about reclaiming the changelings or whatever, she just wants to rule someone.


Nah. Go rewatch S1 and S2. The writing has gone downhill measurably. I'm not sure if it's the second-stringers they've brought in to replace the original writing staff as they've moved on, or my endless contention that ever letting McCarthy be series story editor while also doing nine million other projects was a bad idea, but it's there.

Author Interviewer

She's crazy, I tells ya!


Maybe, maybe. And I have been meaning to take such a trip down memory lane... if I could ever find the time. :ajsleepy:

Second note: Why is she obsessed with the Mane 6? They personally were never the ones who defeated her.

Poor Chryssi, you cray-cray.

Author Interviewer

This is actually a good point, because unless I miss my guess, at first she was all "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" but then that morphed into "STARLIGHT GLIMMER!" and I think it's just one more way this episode doesn't make any sense. :B

Actually I'm just not willing to ship her with Starlight so

I think it was "I want that weapon and mane6 are the key to that weapon, so that's why I'm after them". "Get weapon" is step 1, "Get revenge" is step 2.

Author Interviewer

Step 3: ???
Step 4: Shipping Profit

You know, Chrissy would totally ship ponies. Then she'd replace one of them and feed. Or maybe replace first, ship later?

Okay, now I want someone to write a deconstruction of bad mane6 shipfics where "romance out of nowhere" is explained by some of the characters being replaced by changelings who are trying to get someone to love 'em. What was that group for writing prompts again?

Author Interviewer

Shoot, Chrysalis shipping ponies so she can feed on their love sounds like an obvious idea in hindsight, yet I don't think anyone has ever written it. D: Get on it!

It's usually Cadence who has shipping as a hobby or some such. So there's also an interesting Chrysalis/Cadence dynamic here that can be explored.

Sadly I can't get on it because I know jack shit about writing. I recall there was a group for cases like "I have a cool idea but I can't write it"; I could drop the idea there, but don't remember what it was called and don't know how to look for it without knowing the name.

But really, if you're a hungry changeling, all you need to do is turn into Princess Celestia and stroll in the streets of any major pony settlement. That's gonna give you all the love you ever need.

Hmm. New headcanon: ethereal manes are anti-impersonation measures that changelings cannot easily imitate.

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