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  • 103 weeks
    I know there's anime nerds on here.

    So I made a thing.

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  • 124 weeks
    General Writing Announcement

    Hi guys,

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be suspending my long form fic writing for a bit (hopefully just a couple of months) because...

    I'm going to try to write an actual original novel.

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  • 141 weeks
    Reorganization Complete. Access Granted.


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  • 141 weeks
    Reoganization under way.

    Okay, so, I have decided to relocate my erotica stories to their own dedicated account. So if you see any of my saucier works disappear from this profile, don't panic. They're still around, just in a different place.

    Once everything's finalized, I'll let everybody know where they can go to find them.

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  • 145 weeks
    Once more with feeling...

    So, yeah, I need some financial help again. This time, however, it isn't quite as dire. I just came up short on money for my rent and a couple of bills that get automatically deducted from my bank account. I'm already halfway to my goal, so if any of you could help push it over the top, that woul dbe great. Any amount helps. Thanks.

    Thank you!

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Equestria Girls Headcanon Nonsense: Rarity · 8:34pm Feb 16th, 2018

Continuing with our favorite overdramatic fashionista.


Age: 16-17

Sexual Orientation: Romantic Demisexual. While Rarity adores the idea of being swept off her feet and romanced like a heroine in all those trashy romance novels she shares with Sunset Shimmer, in terms of sexual attraction, she hasn't really felt it for anyone yet, but has had a few "ooh!" moments here and there with chance encounters. Although she hasn't figured it out yet, Rarity has to form a bond with someone on something other than just a physical level before she'll feel any sort of sexual chemistry with them.

Vehicle: Rarity's family has a fairly high income level. Enough so that Rarity does have her own car, a modest midnight blue sedan (Roughly the equivalent of a Mazda 3). And despite her reputation in hating to get dirty, her father insisted she learn some basic car maintenance once she got her license and the car. As such, Rarity can change a tire, change the oil, and do other basic things needed to keep her car looking as pristine as she does. (She'll rip her tongue out before admitting it, but sometimes she truly does enjoy working with her hands on her car, viewing it as the same sort of things to make her car beautiful that she would do to make one of her dresses beautiful.)

Income: As mentioned, Rarity's family is fairly well-to-do, but she does work part time at Prim Hemline's boutique, although she's there more to try to get a foot in the door in the fashion industry than any real need to have spending money.

Music: As befits her need to be up on all the latest trends, Rarity does have knowledge of whatever the current popular music is, but in her off time when she's by herself, her tastes run more to classical and smooth jazz. On the guilty pleasure front, she unironically loves disco.

Entertainment: Trashy teen primetime dramas are Rarity's bread and butter. If "The Vampire Diaries" and "Riverdale" exist in this world, she's got every episode DVR'ed and will rain down righteous fury on anyone who deletes them. Of course, with her love of the Shadow Spade series of novels, mystery series and movies are also on her radar. Again, if we assume real world shows exist here, Rarity loves "Elementary," and was an avid viewer of both "Castle" and "Veronica Mars." She has the complete DVD collection of the latter two. In her one concession to immaturity, she loves anything to do with The Muppets, even the ABC primetime series that only lasted one season.

Other: Rarity's greatest fear is people thinking she's far lower class than she likes to appear. Her family is well off now, but it wasn't always like that, and she remembers the days when her family had to scrimp and save for almost everything. While becoming successful hasn't really changed her parents, Rarity worries constantly that something will happen to take it all away, and the entire family will be back living in the trailer she has vague memories of growing up in around her kindergarten years. Nothing makes her angrier or breaks her heart more than to be referred to as "trailer trash," not because it reflects badly on her, but because it belittles all the hard work her parents did to make a better life for her and Sweetie Belle.

Rumors that she has a fantasy of swimming naked in an Olympic sized pool filled with gems like Scrooge McDuck are, of course, absolutely preposterous. (Although, if you know where one might be able to do such a thing, could you possibly send her a text?)

Next: Rainbow Dash

Comments ( 1 )

Rarity is my favorite character

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