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All my things are horse things!

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    For the first time in a decade, you can buy a copy of Twilight's List again! And it's got a softcover option too! And and since it's Lulu, if you aren't in North America, the shipping won't kill you! I'm celebrating!

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    Small Writing Thing

    I participated in another group writing project. You can find it Over here.

    I was feeling very cross at the government when I gave Rainbow a metal pipe. I actually love her here though.


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    A thing to read


    I commissioned a short fic from Monochromatic. You can read it over on Hollow Shades.

    It’s rarity and rainbow and twilight being pals.

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Ponyfinder: gofast · 3:08am Jan 3rd, 2018

Ugh. There are too many ways to do this, but I decided to go with the one that uses a single mythic feat instead of elemental form 4, because I'd rather stay a pony. If anyone actually ever needs an alternate way to accomplish this, let me know. I have several, all similar, builds.

Sonicboom (With Rainbows)

Pegasus. I mean, who didn't see this as the race? It's a gimme.

So, the gist of this build is, get as many Dashing Flyer feats as you can (and lord do I abuse that) and then use the fact that run/mythic run technically doesn't not apply to fly speed. By that, I mean that it explicitly applied in 3.5, but PF says nothing about it one way or another. I've seen PF devs say to use 3.5 rules for gaps in the system unless they say otherwise, so... Yeah. Run. Sadly, only some species and the fly spell get the double speed while diving stuff. Most DMs would probably use the 3.5 rule that matches fly spell, but this doesn't because I'm trying to stick to technically RAW. Finally, we'll be using Riven Hourglass and the shift time talent to cheese 3 full round actions.

You'll need the practiced initiator trait, as we'll need an IL of at least 17. We'll also be (ab)using the training weapon enhancement heavily to get another few Dashing Fliers (could have a dagger held in mouth too as maybe use a body wrap as well, or 4 horseshoes), as well as advanced training to get break the hourglass.

Barbarian 1(Aerial Warrior)/Psychic Warrior 2/Incanter 1/Myrmidon 16
Yeah. You have 1 trick and it only works at level 19 or so.

Aerial warrior adds +10 to fly.
Psychic Warrior 2 is two bonus feats. We could use hustle, but we don't have enough actions
Incanter is used to grab a domain (Travel) for +10 speed. You'll also want to specialize in time for another +10 feet to speed. Sadly, we can't afford to scale it.
Myrmidon is bonus feats and to get us an IL that allows Advanced Study to pick up Riven Hourglass's capstone.
You'll also need to buy an item that can use Rainbow Wings (Cl 12, +30 fly) and an item of Increase Speed (Enhancement Sphere) at CL 20 for +50. If you can do mythic haste instead, this gets easier (+70, extra move action).

Otherwise, your feats look like this:

Race: 1 run
Character 1 mythic run
Character 3 dashing flyer
Character 5 dashing flyer
Character 7 dashing flyer
Character 9 dashing flyer
Character 11 dashing flyer
Character 13 dashing flyer
Character 15 dashing flyer
Character 17 dashing flyer
Character 19 dashing flyer
Fighter 1 dashing flyer
Fighter 4 dashing flyer
Fighter 8 dashing flyer
Fighter 12 dashing flyer
Fighter 16 dashing flyer
Psychic Warrior 1 dashing flyer
Psychic Warrior 2 dashing flyer

Exciting stuff!

trait: practiced initiator (+2 IL)
Spheres: time, shift time

Horseshoe Left front +1 training dashing flyer, training advanced study (Break the Hourglass)
Horseshoe Right front +1 training dashing flyer
Amulet of Natural Attacks (training: dashing flyer)

Item: Rainbow Wings (+30)
Item: Increase Speed (Enhance cl 20) +50


  • 30 base
  • 190 Dashing Flyer feats
  • 10 travel domain
  • 10 time specialization
  • 10 Aerial Warrior
  • 30 Rainbow Wings
  • 50 Increase Speed (enhance)

Total: 330

Without mythic run, you'll have to bite the bullet use elemental form 4 for greater air elemental. You'll take Dashing Flyer instead of mythic run, and that adds another 100 to your final move speed, bringing it to 430. Go ahead and get the final bit we'll need with an item that casts blessing of fervor for +30 untyped speed boost.

So you'v got mythic run (x7 speed when run action) and a speed of 330 (7*330 = 2310) or run (x5 speed when running) and a speed of 460 (5*460 = 2300).

Now, here's where it gets good.

First off, be in Chronal Fission stance. It says your first counter of a turn doesn't take your immediate action. Go ahead an initiate the counter Break the Hourglass to take a full round action. Use it to run (2310 feet moved).

As a free action, shift time so your next swift action happens this round.

As a swift action, shift time your next standard action happens this round.

As an immediate/swift action, initiate Relativity burst for a free move action. (Or shift time your next move action so it happens this round. It's super flexible.)

Use your free move/standard actions to run again (4620)

Use your normal actions (you forgot about those, didn't you?) to run a third time (6930 feet moved).

Sound travels 1125.33 feet in 1 second, or 6751.97 in six seconds. Compare those numbers.

Have fun with your rainbow wings and speed of sound breaking character who is pretty worthless in every other aspect of the game :rainbowlaugh:

Comments ( 13 )

This was time well spent.

Author Interviewer

Now that's how you minmax! :D

Please tell me you're gonna keep doing these.

As long as I have ideas!

If you got somepony you wanna see, let me know.

Hmm speed optimization huh? You should look up some old ToB monk throwing builds. Those builds were built on increasing your speed so you can use tornado throw(?) for stupid levels of damage. Checking that out may give you ideas that give you higher speed and get damage from it. You just need to find someplace that has the old WotC OP board threads.

All those builds are 3.5 though. This is pathfinder. In 3.5 I'd just persist extend red wizard and some other prc I forgot about for a 4 day duration footsteps of the deity then immediate dismiss the rest of the spell for 4*24*60*10*10 speed buff for one round.

the best part of this build would be using the detailed pony as you mount and then casting Saddle Surge for +1386 damage per attack. You can easily use riven hourglass too and give the mount another full round action (more damage) and just zip back and forth but end up in the same place then throw an unarmed strike for over 1k damage. But that would make it useful.

I've never played PonyFinder, but until 5th Ed came out, I played Pathfinder religiously twice a week nearly from inception. Class speed boosts were considered an enhancement bonus according to Paizo, (Monk, Barbarian, and Ninja Fast Movement comes to mind). Do the magical items and the Dashing Flier feat all specifically stack? (Looking back, I remember Fleet being untyped, so I probably just answered my own question.) I remember a couple absurd 3.5 builds that broke the speed of sound, but nothing in PF. I tried to game this after reading it but the only things I think a speed this fast would help are fly-by attacks, which you don't have feat space for. :rainbowhuh:
So thanks for that.

Dashing flyer stacks. The barbarian boost is untyped even in PFS as far as I've ever seen or read. If they want it to be an enhancement bonus they should errata it to read like monk which *says* enhancement bonus. I guess dropping aerial warrior and using blessing of fervor becomes mandatory at that point.

There's surprisingly few types of speed bonuses. Either enhancement or untyped it seems.

If flyby is a combat tagged feat, cheese it with training enhancement. The problem is, AFAIK, flyby wants a double move where as this is relying on run actions. The best bet for being useful is the be a mount for a saddle surging character.

If you go Warlord 20 instead, use dual stance to also be in the extra standard action stance. That should let you do something fun after outrunning sound.

4766003 Hmm Pinkie for her teleport, Starlight for her brainwashing (Cuz I know how much you love her), Fluttershy for her stare. Hmm, nobody else instantly comes to mind except maybe the hippogriffs for transformation/swimming boost.

I did Starlight! didn't bother listing talents because you get 24 minimum with the build already and just dump all of them into Mind. I guess I could revisit and optimize the magic half of the character too. Going for the ability to remove immunity to mind affecting spells would help.

I can work on Pinkie next. Some sort of eliciter (for emotions) and VMC bard (for improv singing) would easily do the trick.

Maybe I'll go back and hyper link rules text to the actual thing I'm using to make it easier for people without an encyclopedic knowledge of these systems.

:4766242 Clearly I meant you should optimize her and didn't simply forget. :rainbowwild

You can take a level in cleric to get an additional +10 to all movement speeds as a Travel Cleric, IIRC.

Got travel domain already through Incanter. Did a cleric domain and specialized in time.

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