• Member Since 17th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 12th, 2019


Dead as a doornail since 2014

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  • 352 weeks
    Progress Update and Free Commission

    I am happy with the progress on my stories so far since returning. All of them have been restored in one form or another and are visible on my user page. I would like to have them all on this account, but I've forgotten the password and email address I used for Sepulcher, my old vault account, and I've heard no response regarding the transfer of stories from my alt, Solecism, so I assume they are

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  • 355 weeks
    3.5 Years

    Hey. It's been a while. You may or may not remember me. If you don't, that's fine. You probably followed me after reading a story named Ghosts of the Future, Anthropomorphism, Cube Land, Kleptomania, Unknown, or The Visitor: those are the ones that were popular enough to get into that feature box, and one of those names should enliven your memory. I was active from late 2012 to early 2014. I left

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    12 comments · 806 views

Progress Update and Free Commission · 4:37am Sep 7th, 2017

I am happy with the progress on my stories so far since returning. All of them have been restored in one form or another and are visible on my user page. I would like to have them all on this account, but I've forgotten the password and email address I used for Sepulcher, my old vault account, and I've heard no response regarding the transfer of stories from my alt, Solecism, so I assume they are there to stay. This means that A Legendary Issue will likely remain unfinished, which is a shame, but at the same time relieving considering the scope of the plot and how long it would take for me to finish. Even writing 1k a day, it would take me half a year.

Unknown will likely only have a few more chapters to its name. This is probably a surprise for most people, but my original intent when I wrote it was as a gift to a friend back from my fanfiction.net days, Unknown Six, and I never intended it to be a long story. Quite honestly, I'm astounded by the fact that it is my most popular story. This popularity has led me to extend the story past where I planned for it to end, but I can only extend it so far without being dishonest to the original vision. There may be additional stories set in the same continuity. We'll see.

The Visitor may or may not receive an additional chapter(s); I am happy where it stands right now as a standalone one-shot, but this is also subject to change.

Cube Land has over 14k words unpublished on it from the original version, and I am approximately ~2k words along in rewriting it. It makes me both laugh and cry to read my old words. The new version will likely be around 40k words in total whereas the old version was roughly 30k.

I still haven't fully decided on the plot line for Kleptomania. It may end during the heist of the century or it could end in an open fashion with the possibility of side stories. We'll see.

Anthropomorphism is in the process of being entirely rewritten. It has a good premise, and was decently executed, however the quality of writing regarding showing vs. telling is drastically lower than my current standards allow.

The Collegiate Conundrum will not be longer than 20k words before it is complete. I may write the companion story I conceived when I originally wrote it, The University Undertaking, which feature another 'you' in Equestria learning about pony culture with Twilight as your caretaker. We'll see.

Those are the most popular stories. I don't want to make this a huge post, so if you have a question regarding one of my other fics that is currently unfinished, ask below and I will answer in a comment. Onward to the FREE COMMISSION.

... Is it still called a commission if you do it for free? I guess that makes it a prompt... sort of? Anyway.

Writing my old stories is all well and good, but I know what to expect and I have a predetermined idea for what the finished product will look like. I write like a picky Director, and only when I can successfully visualize the scenario and situation after reading what I wrote am I happy with it. Sometimes this makes me linger on one scene paragraph for days until I get it just right. While this is a decent enough writing formula (read: it works for me and I don't know how to change), sometimes I need a break from my own ideas and want to work on someone else's for a change. It gives me a greater freedom of imagination because I didn't think of the idea originally and have no preconceptions of what it should be, so I can instead focus on simply what it is.

If you have an idea that you would like to see written (read: ravaged) by me, send me a PM with as much information as you can. Tell me what I must include and what is optional. I will treat the idea/story like I've been commissioned to write it, except you don't have to pay me and I don't feel like a sellout. Win win.

The only limitations are as follows:

No written sex (heavy romance is fine, could not write clop to save my life)
No massive amounts of detail intensive gore (aka no gorefics)
No Equestria Girls (haven't seen it and won't see it, so unless you want to provide me with a summary of all the differences...)
Nothing relating prominently to Seasons 5 and above (I stopped watching before S3 ended, but I know what happened in the show up to S4)
Under 25k words (if I think the story is too grand of an undertaking and could only be pulled off correctly if made longer)

I will probably end up taking on only 2 or 3 stories in this manner. It is not first come, first serve. I am picky and will not make definite choices until a few days from now, so take your time and do your best to convince me that your story is worth being written. And of course, if you send me the information for your story and I don't choose it, said information will stay between us and I will not use any part of it without your express permission.

Man, I'm wordy.


Comments ( 3 )

Will Ghosts of the Past or Curator of the Stars be touched upon? It sound like it is a "no", given the missing password and email address for the account. I only ask because despite the mention of a missing password and email address, you only go on to mention A Legendary Issue being likely to remain unfinished.

I have both Ghosts of the Future and The Curator (original titles of Ghosts of the Past and Curator of the Stars) unpublished on this account due to the no duplicate story rule. I would likely continue/finish both if/when I could remove the other versions. I am unlikely to rewrite Ghosts due to its length and my StarCraft fanboyism having run dry years ago, but I would certainly conclude it to the best of my abilities.

Good to know, thanks for the response.

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