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Daily Show Ponies

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  • 540 weeks
    If you're wondering why all my interviews got condensed into one story.

    All of my stories, in their entirety, will now be allocated to a single story-post. From there new stories will be added as chapters and all my stand alone entries will be deleted.

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  • 554 weeks
    Update: "No I'm not dead" edition

    Some folks have wondered why I haven't updated in quite awhile. A few reasons but first I want to apologize for making you wait so long. :fluttercry: To get right down to it the next story, which comes out tomorrow, took so long to get out to you guys because it's long. :pinkiegasp:

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  • 583 weeks
    Who should Jon Stewart interview next? (Official post)

    I figured that Instead of constantly having to put up a post asking for people to leave a suggestion I figure I should just have one official blog post from here on out, and see how that works. :twilightsmile:

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  • 589 weeks
    Who should Jon Stewart interview next?

    As my followers know I like to have a little suggestion box up on my page for anyone to comment on.

    So as always:
    Who should Jon interview next and why?

    Edit: How the hell did you people even know about this blog post...I didn't select any of my stories as notifications.

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  • 590 weeks
    [Insert name of YOUR OC here] on the Daily Show, contest!

    So it's been awhile since I've had a contest for those who read my stories, and since the last one was pretty fun I thought why not do another one. So to that end, how would you (Yes you! ) like your OC to be featured in their very own story, being interviewed by Jon? :pinkiegasp::derpyderp1::rainbowderp:

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Understanding Dr.Who(oves) · 11:32pm Oct 3rd, 2012

So here is the deal...I'm thinking about having Jon interview Dr. Whooves in an upcoming story. I've already (more or less) thought of a good way of integrating him within the story so that part is out of the way. I even have the "Intro" and "Intermission" portion of the story down in my head:raritystarry:. The only problem I have yet to tackle is the fact that I don't know anything about Dr. Who. :pinkiegasp:

From what I understand (within the fandum) Dr. Whooves is basically Dr. Who incarnate. So the way I see it anything related to the Human character can be applied to the pony character by association. But here in lies the main problem...I can't do the interview segment of the story if I don't know anything about the guy. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

Usually by now I'd have a core selection of jokes to go on but for the good doctor, I got nothing:twilightoops:. I could ask Dr.Who friend of mine, who's a fanatic fan of the show for a brief synopsis but knowing them they'd give me a 15 hour lecture so instead I think I'll just ask this subset of the Brony community. :raritywink:

Any information regarding the character would be greatly appreciated because at this point I'm only speculating. :twilightsheepish:

What I do know:
-Dr. Who is a time traveler (Duh).:facehoof:
-He has a Tardis. :derpytongue2:
-He is English. :moustache:
-He. Hates. Pears. :twilightangry2:
-Derpy and Dr. Whooves are an item. :heart:
-Something...about a pen. :rainbowhuh:
-A lot if his relationships don't turn out so well. :pinkiesick:
-Personality wise he is...serious at heart but acts deranged? :unsuresweetie:

I'll probably end up doing some more in depth research on my own but it never helps to get some direct feedback.

Report Daily Show Ponies · 963 views ·
Comments ( 43 )

do a search on Google for "sonic screwdriver." that'll give you a few hints on some jokes to make.
also, not all bronies ship Derpy and Doctor together. some simply have Derpy be Doctor's assistant, or just very good friends.

During the interview, Jon better reveal he's a fan of Doctor Who and recommend the show to Doctor Hoofs, which is how Hasbro spells it.

I don't think you should use the Doctor as a model for this character. You know you don't have to use the fan interpretation right?

Actually, a three-way crossover would be too much of a clusterfuck.

Now, loosely basing the character on the tenth doctor might work. But don't actually characterize him as the Doctor.

Watch a few of David Tennant's episodes, you'll get an idea.


You got a source for that name?

Talk to the-master. He responded to a post I left in the Dr. Hooves group about a similar matter not that long ago for some stuff in a story. Tell them I sent ya! If he has the time, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help! :yay:

Prepare for Shock and Awe...

Who is Doctor Who?
-Well for one, it's just "The Doctor", second, let's take it one Doctor at a time.
1st Doctor
Actor: William Hartnell
Best-Known Companions: Susan, Barbara Wright, & Ian Chesterton
History/Personality: The man who started it all, The First Doctor was a bit of a grump who learned from humans to be the kind fellow he ultimately grew into. He had a tendency to mangle his words, though this was due to Hartnell's memory starting to go. He fought the Daleks many times, because the episodes with Daleks had higher ratings. He died due to living more than 700 years in a single body.
Most Beloved Stories: An Unearthly Child & The Daleks

2nd Doctor
Actor: Patrick Troughton
Best-Known Companions: Jamie McCrimmon & Zoe Herriot
History/Personality: The Second Doctor made it clear that a new actor could work as The Doctor. The Second Doctor has been referred to as a 'Cosmic Hobo' who distrusted machines and liked to play the recorder. He fought the Cybermen quite often. He was exiled to Earth and forced to regenerate when his fellow Time Lords caught up with him.
Most Beloved Stories: Tomb of the Cybermen & The Mind Robber

3rd Doctor
Actor: Jon Pertwee
Best-Known Companions: Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart & Jo Grant
History/Personality: Due to being exiled to Earth, The Third Doctor sought help from a military organization called UNIT. As their scientific advisor, The Doctor called on UNIT to help repair his malfunctioning TARDIS until the Time Lords forgave him. While on Earth, he fought The Master for the first time, beginning their eternal rivalry. The Third Doctor was a suave, charming individual, who had one major difference from his fellows. He was willing to use martial arts to take down monsters, specifically 'Venutian Akido'. He died of radiation poisoning while on a planet populated by giant spiders.
Most Beloved Stories: The Three Doctors & The Sea Devils

4th Doctor
Actor: Tom Baker
Best-Known Companions: Sarah-Jane Smith, K9, & Romana
History/Personality: If you close your eyes and picture The Doctor, it's probably number 4. Lasting for 7 years on air, The Fourth Doctor was a manic, bohemian man who wore a scarf that was roughly 3 times larger than necessary. He faced almost every enemy he could during his run, with stories ranging from horror to mystery. He died preventing The Master from making the universe overheat.
Most Beloved Stories: Genesis of the Daleks & Pyramids of Mars

5th Doctor
Actor: Peter Davison
Best-Known Companions: Nyssa, Tegan Jovanka, & Vislor Turlough
History/Personality: With the strange decision to wear a cricket uniform with a celery stick in the lapel, The Fifth Doctor was the kindest of them all. However, his stories are notorious for their large body count with his final story only having two survivors, neither of whom were him. He also fought The Master on many occasions. He died saving Peri from being poisoned.
Most Beloved Stories: Earthshock & The Caves of Androzani

6th Doctor
Actor: Colin Baker
Best-Known Companions: Peri Brown
History/Personality: Colin Baker could not have been dealt a worse hand. The Sixth Doctor was a total jerk who thought he was an intelligent and charming individual. He also wore a very bad coat. Couple this with some bad stories and an annoying second season where The Doctor was placed on trial, it's hard not to feel bad for Colin. The Sixth Doctor died when a fellow Time Lord attacked the TARDIS.
Most Tolerated Stories: Vengeance on Varos & Revelation of the Daleks

7th Doctor
Actor: Sylvester McCoy
Best-Known Companions: Ace
History/Personality: Starting out as a bit of a bumbler, The Seventh Doctor evolved into a mysterious individual who believed in tricking his enemies into destroying themselves. He fought most of his old enemies during his run, and sadly brought an end to the classic era. He died in the TV movie on the operating table after The Master sabotaged the TARDIS.
Most Beloved Stories: Remembrance of the Daleks & The Curse of Fenric

8th Doctor
Actor: Paul McGann
Best-Known Companions: Grace Holloway
History/Personality: Sadly, the most short-lived of the Doctors. The Eighth Doctor woke up in a hospital and spent his only adventure trying to recover his TARDIS from the newest version of The Master. The Movie itself is pretty bad, but Paul McGann's portrayal of The Doctor makes it worth it. He's a light-hearted romantic, with a passion for high British Culture and shoes that fit.
Only Televised Story: Doctor Who The TV Movie

9th Doctor
Actor: Christopher Eccleston
Best-Known Companions: Rose Tyler & Captain Jack Harkness
History/Personality: The first Doctor of the Revived Series, The Ninth Doctor is the (supposed) only survivor of a war between the Time Lords and the Daleks. A battle-hardened soul, the Ninth Doctor is rather rough around the edges, but our favorite cheerful adventurer still lies inside. He ultimately dies saving Rose from the incredible power of the whole of the space-time continuum.
Most Beloved Stories: Dalek & The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

10th Doctor
Actor: David Tennant
Best-Known Companions: Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, & Donna Noble
History/Personality: Probably the most-beloved Doctor nowadays, The Tenth Doctor bottled up his pain from the Time War inside him. He was a quirky, happy individual most of the time, but actually carried much pain inside. He faced the end result of the Time War incredibly often, from the return of the Daleks to the ressurection of The Master. The Tenth Doctor ultimately sacrificed himself to save his friend Wilfred from radiation poisoning.
Most Beloved Stories: School Reunion, Midnight, & Anything Written by Steven Moffat

11th Doctor
Actor: Matt Smith
Best-Known Companions: Amy Pond, Rory Williams, & River Song
History/Personality: The Eleventh Doctor mostly has put the Time War behind him. He truly is happy and quirky, and believes bowties are cool. He deals with a mysterious cult called "The Silence" and a time-traveler named River Song whom he keeps meeting in the wrong order.
Most Beloved Stories: The Eleventh Hour & The Doctor's Wife

Who are The Doctor's friends?
-Well... that's probably the toughest question. We'll take this one at a time too, but not with a lot of detail. The basic concept is they travel with The Doctor, that's all you need to know.

The TARDIS: She counts. She's The Doctor's ship. She's "Sexy".
Susan: The Doctor's Granddaughter. She gets saved a lot.
Ian and Barbara: Susan's Science and History teachers. They were meant to be the Main Characters. That didn't work out too well.
Vicki: A teenage girl who survived a spaceship crash.
Steven: A man from the future who ended up marooned.
Katarina: A woman from Ancient Troy who believed The Doctor was a God.
Sara: A companion who lasted for one, very long story. She was a Space Marine.
Dodo: A young British girl who was a bit of an idiot.
Ben and Polly: A Naval officer and his girlfriend.
Jamie: A scottish soldier who became the longest-running male companion.
Victoria: A well-to-do young lady from the late 1800's who survived a Dalek attack.
The Brigadier: A head officer of UNIT, possibly The Doctor's most trusted ally.
Zoe: An astrophysicist from the 60's opinion of what the 21st century will be like.
Sergeant Benton: A down-to-earth UNIT officer.
Liz: A scientist just beginning work at UNIT, assists The Doctor during his stint there.
Jo: A woman who worked her way up the UNIT ladder through her connections.
Captain Yates: A UNIT officer who was largely the butt of many jokes.
Sarah-Jane: An investigative reporter who is possibly the most beloved companion of The Doctor.
Harry: A medical worker for UNIT. He's only qualified for maritime assistance.
Leela: A savage warrior woman who The Doctor tries to educate.
K9: A robot dog. Kids love him.
Romana: A fellow Time Lord. She once regenerated just because she wanted a new look.
Adric: A young mathematics expert who is actually pretty stupid.
Nyssa: The last of the Trakenites. Nyssa's father had his body stolen by The Master.
Tegan: An Australian flight attendant. The Doctor is desperately trying to get her back in time for work in the morning.
Turlough: An alien disguised as an English schoolboy, Turlough is an agent of the Black Guardian, Lord of Chaos.
Kamelion: A shape-shifting robot that The Doctor saved from The Master.
Peri: A supposedly 'American' girl, and daughter of a scientist.
Mel: A health-nut The Doctor hasn't met yet, but is traveling with anyway... Mel's confusing. She also screams louder than any other companion.
Glitz: A bit of a space pirate who's in a lot of debt.
Ace: A teenage girl with a passion for blowing things up.
Grace: A heart surgeon who accidentally killed The Seventh Doctor. Smooth.
Rose: A girl who worked in a clothing store who The Doctor fell in love with.
Mickey: Rose's boyfriend who she begins to ignore after she meets The Doctor.
Jackie: Rose's mom. She doesn't like The Doctor. Or anybody, really.
Adam: A kid who used to work in a museum. The only companion to be kicked out for bad behavior.
Pete: Rose's dad. He died when Rose was young, but they encounter him in the past, and in the Cybus Dimension.
Captain Jack Harkness: An omnisexual time agent from the 51st century. He begins to work for a group called Torchwood.
Martha: A medical student with an unrequited crush on The Doctor.
Donna: A woman who briefly met The Doctor once, and proceeded to hunt him down.
Wilfred: Donna's granddad. A bit of a conspiracy nut, he's exited to hear The Doctor validate him.
River: A time-traveler who The Doctor keeps meeting in reverse order. She's actually-*SPOILERS*.
Amy: A girl The Doctor met at age five, and then met again around age 22. She's upset The Doctor made her wait.
Rory: Amy's fiance. He's worried that Amy will leave him for The Doctor.
Craig: The only companion to never enter the TARDIS, Craig is a man who rented a room out to The Doctor once.

Who are UNIT?
-UNIT stands for United Nations Intelligence Taskforce. They are military group who assist The Doctor when he lands on modern day Earth. They exist to investigate the unknown. Their most well-known leader is The Brigadier, who has helped the Doctor since his 2nd incarnation.

What are Time Lords and what's with Regeneration?
- The Time Lords are the people of the planet Gallifrey. They are the oldest civilization in existence, and hold the secret to Time Travel. This is possible due to The Eye of Harmony, a singularity created by a Time Lord named Omega. Time Lord society proper was founded by Rassilon, who has about a thousand different things named after him. Time Lords have two hearts.
-Regeneration is a key part of both the series and Time Lord biology. When a Time Lord is near-death, they can completely change every cell in their body to save their own lives. They can only do this 12 times (i.e. 13 lives). When a Time Lord regenerates, their face and personality change to some degree, but the basic concept of who they are remains the same. The Doctor will always be compassionate and adventurous, and The Master will always be malicious yet brilliant. Regeneration was created because William Hartnell's health was beginning to decline and he could barely remember his lines. The production crew decided that since they had already established The Doctor was an alien, they could add this to his biology. Hartnell suggested Patrick Troughton as his replacement, and the rest is history.

Who are the Doctor's foes?
-Again, let's take that one at a time. Granted he has other enemies, but these are the main ones.

The Daleks
Fought Doctors: 1-7, and 9-11
Who are they: The Daleks are The Doctor's most persistant foes. Hailing from the war-torn planet Skaro, they are cephalopod-like creatures inside large armored shells that are the ultimate evolution of the idea of a 'master race'. Daleks believe that which is not Dalek does not deserve to exist. As such, all other life must be EX-TER-MI-NA-TED.

The Cybermen
Fought Doctors: 1-2, 4-7, and 10-11
Who are they: The Cybermen of the Classic Series are from a planet called Mondas. The Humans on planet Mondas equipped themselves with so many mechanical enhancements in order to survive, they ultimately lost all humanity. They seek to invade Earth in order to survive. The New Series Cybermen hail from an alternate universe where they were developed by Cybus Industries. These Cybermen seek to upgrade all other humans, and those who resist will be deleted.

The Master:
Fought Doctors: 3-8, and 10
Who is he: Every Holmes needs a Moriarty, and for The Doctor, that's The Master. Like The Doctor, The Master is a renegade Time Lord. The Master seeks out to become Master of all Matter, for reasons unknown. He has a great deal of respect for The Doctor, almost considering them to be good friends. The two have been known to work together when they share a common enemy, though The Master traditionally ends up betraying The Doctor at the end. In the New Series, it was introduced that he hears a drumbeat in his head at all times "Rat-ta-ta-tat, Rat-ta-ta-tat". The Doctor claims this is just a symptom of The Master's madness, but it turns out to be real. The Master's favorite weapons beyond his supreme intellect are a Tissue Compression Eliminator (read: Shrink Ray) and the ability to hypnotize people. "I am The Master, and you will obey me." Like The Doctor, he has had many actors, but each one is pretty much the same character with the same personality.

The Autons & The Nestene
Fought Doctors 3, 9, & 11
Who are they: The Nestene Consciousness feeds on proteins that can be found on Earth, but lacks any appendages with which to acquire them. In order to do so, it brings plastic to life. The most common form of this are Autons, living mannequins with guns in their hands.

The Sontarans
Fought Doctors: 3-4, 6, and 10-11
Who are they: The Sontarans are a proud warrior race of clones that live to fight in war for the sake of war. They are currently engaged with a race called The Rutans. The back of their armor has a weak point that prevents them from turning their back to their enemy. However, they consider this a point of glory.

The Silurians
Fought Doctors: 3, 5, and 11
Who are they: The Silurians, and their undersea cousins The Sea Devils, ruled the Earth during the Eocene era, and now they want it back. A Silurian story traditionally boils down to an us versus them argument, with neither side successful due to extremists on both sides.

Fought Doctors: 4-7, and 10
Who is he: Davros is a Kaled scientist who originally built the Daleks. They view him as scum since he is not a Dalek himself, but they rely on him to do things such as "have opposable thumbs". He often discusses philosophy with The Doctor when they encounter one another. Davros shares the Dalek's viewpoint, and has megalomaniacal ambition. However, he remains too stupid to create a group of Daleks who believe that he is to be spared.

The Weeping Angels
Fought Doctors: 10-11
Who are they: They're statues. But only when you're looking at them. When you look away or blink, they become incredibly fast and dangerous assassins who feast on time energy. Occassionally however, they will choose to just snap your neck.

The Silence
Fought Doctors: 11
Who are they: The most recent foe of the Doctor, The Silence are a religious cult that believe that The Doctor will destroy the universe. According to prophecy, The Doctor will be asked the ultimate question at a place called 'The Fields of Trenzalore'. He will answer truthfully and all The Silence will die. The Silence have the ability to disappear from people's memories when they look away. Through this, they have been able to use post hypnotic suggestion to manipulate humanity since the days of fire and the wheel. The Doctor and crew have taken it upon themselves to make tally marks on their arms whenever they see one of The Silence. They won't remember seeing them, but it lets them know they're in danger.

What are The Doctor's Gadgets?
-The Doctor uses many gadgets, but there are three that are more important than any others.

The TARDIS: Short for "Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space", the TARDIS is The Doctor's main form of transportation through Time and Space. The ship's name refers to the fact that it is "bigger on the inside than it is on the outside", possibly infinite. The TARDIS is technically alive, but cannot communicate the way The Doctor or his companions do. Normally a TARDIS is equipped with a device called a Chameleon Circuit that lets it blend in with the environment. The Doctor's TARDIS has a broken Circuit that makes it transform into a 1960's police box. The Doctor has grown to like the shape, and claims he no longer wishes to fix the circuit.

The Sonic Screwdriver: With as many different appearances as The Doctor, the Sonic Screwdriver is The Doctor's subsitute for a sidearm. It is incapable of harming people, but has many other functions, the most common of which is opening doors. The Sonic Screwdriver can also scan things, detonate land mines remotely, short out electrical generators, key in on teleportation frequencies, affect the TARDIS controls, and many other things that sound waves could not realistically do. The Classic Series got rid of it after awhile, but it is a major facet of the New Series.

The Psychic Paper: The newest tool of The Doctor, Psychic Paper keys into people's minds and reads whatever The Doctor wants it to. In reality, the paper is blank. People with psychic training, or enough intelligence (like William Shakespeare) can see through the illusion. The only time it failed to say anything was when The Doctor told it to read out "The Doctor is universally-recognized as a responsible adult." Some lies are just too big.

I looked up an episode of the First or Second Doctor and couldn't find it, what happened?
-Remember that Doctor Who has been around since 1963. Back then, there wasn't a home video market, and storing film was incredibly difficult. In order to save storage space, the BBC would destroy large amounts of film. There are currently 106 missing episodes, and some Third Doctor episodes exist only in black-and-white. The BBC offers a life-sized Dalek replica to anyone who can locate a missing episode. However, the audio from every episode has been recovered, and the BBC is attempting to restore the missing stories using pictures and recently, animation.

What is Big Finish?
-Big Finish is a British Company that produces audio dramas, but most famously Doctor Who ones. If you want to hear Colin Baker in a good story, or have another adventure with Paul McGann, this is the place to go.

What are Torchwood and The Sarah-Jane Adventures?
-These are spin-off shows created during the New Series run. Torchwood stars Captain Jack Harkness working for a British company called Torchwood that beats down aliens while The Doctor is away, and uses alien tech to keep themselves prepared. Torchwood is darker, bloodier, and a whole lot sexier than Doctor Who. Torchwood's name is an anagram for 'Doctor Who' and was used as a code-name during early production of the New Series. The Sarah-Jane Adventures is another spin-off show starring Sarah-Jane Smith. Possibly the most famous of the Classic Companions, she returned for one episode of the New Series which went over so well, she was given her own show. This show is more kid-friendly than Doctor Who, and features old companions, and occassionally The Doctor himself making cameo appearances. Sadly, it was cut short when lead actress, Elisabeth Sladen died of cancer. We'll miss you, Sarah-Jane.

What does Doctor-light or Companion-light mean?
-Well, that's pretty simple. A Doctor-light episode doesn't feature much of The Doctor, and a Companion-light episode doesn't feature much of his companions. The first-ever episode to bear this title was Love and Monsters, but the first to follow the formula was called Mission to The Unknown, which featured none of the main cast. These episodes happen much more often nowadays so that the main cast will have more time to film the Christmas special, as they will be filming another episode at the same time.

What's with the Multi-Doctor stories?
-Multi-Doctor stories are any episodes that feature older Doctors alongside the current one. The first one was The Three Doctors, which celebrated the 10 year anniversary of the show. William Hartnell, however, was on his last legs health-wise and could only make a cameo. The next one was a charity special called The Five Doctors. Hartnell had passed away, and was replaced by Richard Hurndall. Tom Baker also could not find time to film, and as such declined to appear, so they used some leftover footage from an unbroadcasted episode. The Two Doctors came about to boost the ratings with Patrick Troughton and Colin Baker together. There were also two charity specials. The pitiful Dimensions in Time, and the amazing Time Crash. Watch and enjoy!

What's the Time War?
- Well, that's hard to say. The Time War is something that took place entirely off-screen between The TV Movie and the New Series. It's been said that we will never see the war on-screen, because there just plain isn't enough money to show the war in all it's glory. Apparently it was a war between the Time Lords and the Daleks that The Doctor took part in. He ended the war using something called "The Moment" that killed every Dalek and every Time Lord. Of course, some Daleks survived, and at least The Master escaped, because if not we wouldn't have conflict. The Doctor's grief of being 'The Last of the Time Lords' is a major part of the New Series. Popular fan theory is that the Time War is the reason the Eighth Doctor regenerated.

Hold on, there's a Season 6B?
- Maybe. At the end of The Second Doctor's final story, he was exiled to Earth and his Companions had their memories wiped. However, in Multi-Doctor stories, it was revealed that The Doctor was aware of this happening, and so were his old Companions. Due to this, fans theorize there was a period between Seasons 6 and 7 where The Second Doctor and his Companions still traveled under the other Time Lords' watch. This theory has yet to be confirmed or denied, and with Patrick Troughton dead, we'll probably never get an answer.

What's the deal with 'Shada'?
-Shada is a bit of a legend in Doctor Who media. Written by Douglas Adams of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy fame, the serial was written and partially filmed, but ultimately was cancelled due to a production strike by the BBC. A release was created with Tom Baker explaining what would happen during the gaps in footage. An audio drama was produced with Paul McGann in the starring role, but since it wasn't Tom, it's not quite the same. A novelization is coming out soon. Clips from Shada were used in The Five Doctors.

Yeah...what he said...^^

...I thought I did, but now I can't find it. Oh well, disregard the Hooves thing.

Well, the only thing I can tell you to do in this case is to go here. Every single episode of Doctor Who (the 2005 show, at least,) is on this website. Just dedicate a few weeks to watching this and base Doctor Whooves after that.


According to the MLP wiki his name is Time Turner actually.

You don't need to necessarily make him the Doctor, you could just make him an ordinary pony who does something involving time.

Maybe he can briefly mention something about Pinkie always saying weird things about "Daleks," and "The Brigadier" to him that he just doesn't understand and annoys him.

But more than anything else, WATCH DOCTOR WHO. Seriously, it's a great show.

Did you know that BBC actually has a plot device set up for in case they want to continue Doctor Who past the 13th Doctor? Apparently, regenerations are actually distributed from some source out to any Time Lord needs it or wants it. It was limited to 12 a Time Lord, either to prevent immortality or because it was somehow limited. Since almost all of the Time Lords are dead however, there's no one stopping anyone from distributing more.

Eh, whatever explanation they use will be silly.

To anyone who's amazed by that, I made it for my friends that didn't know jack about Doctor Who over a year ago.

At least they're prepared. It would suck for the beloved series to stop because of a major bullshit plot divergence, so they had something already canon when that time comes.

I subscribe more to "River gave him 10 extra regenerations" explanation.

Heh, that's kinda like saying, "Meh, if they want to continue it in another 80 years, it's their problem." :rainbowlaugh:

I just thought of something amazing. During the interview, instead of the normal music for when a guest comes out, somehow say Jon and Comedy Central somehow were able to use either the Doctor Who theme, or the TARDIS landing sound effect.

Are you doing the 11th doctor

anyone see the latest episode

Wait a second, you have Midnight listed as one of the Tenth Doctor's most beloved stories? WTF dude? I mean, yeah, it was really good, but beloved? really? That episode was Horrifying!

By 'beloved' I mean considered the best. Midnight is a brilliant piece of horror writing. And I don't even like horror.

400750 yep! but seriously, best not to. if you do do the Doctor, best not to base much of matt smith's doctor. Not because he isnt good, but because at this point the doctor is making an effort to make sure that to the rest of the universe, he doesnt exist.


true matt does loves showing off to people he is the doctor

400598 But Hasbro recently changed his name to Doctor Hooves
That is, according to Welovefine

Also, that incarnation I believe is based of the tenth doctor, David Tennant

Dr. Who is a time traveler (Duh).

More like Time Lord. that is the name of his race, btw.

He has a Tardis.

Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. best to look up on this one, makes for good material

He is English.

Pretty much:moustache:

He. Hates. Pears.

definitely. You can make a joke where Jon offers him some, or something like that.

Derpy and Dr. Whooves are an item.

More or less. Some make em an item, others make em friends or traveling companions.

Something...about a pen.

*Impersonates David Tennent* That's Screwdriver. Any Who fan might get what i did there.

A lot if his relationships don't turn out so well.

This is something the Doctor hates the most, along with others dying. Although some end...less then desirably, the companions of the Doctor become better people after meeting him. FYI, if you want to mention some, he should become saddened if Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Amy Pond and Rory Williams. this is because their endings with the Doctor were in situations in which he could never see them again, no matter how hard he tried.

[quotePersonality wise he is...serious at heart but acts deranged? Personally i always thought he was pulling a Columbo, but that isnt important. Personality-wise he is happy-go-lucky for the most part, somehow always knows the answer to whatever problems lie ahead of him, is insanely smart, and cares for his companions more than for himself. He also needs companions, for if he was left alone long enough he could become the very thing he fights.

I hope any of this helps even the slightest. In any case, it would be best to watch the show.

400837 yeah but not publicly, as of at the very least post-The Doctor's Wife.

He's most compared to the tenth Doctor (the one played by David Tennant, lol), so doing research on that particular regeneration would be a safe bet (or rip off Doctor Whooves and Assistant, either way).


I asked some friends for help to get me into the show, but none of them had anything except telling me to watch it. To a degree I see where they are coming from. The show sounds simple but it gets so complex and awesome as it goes on that its hard to explain. So its best just to watch a few episodes.


Thats the site I use to watch them. It has all the episodes. Order shouldn't really matter, like MLP its kind of more of a problem of the day show, though there are overarching plots and villains throughout the seasons. So yeah... just watch a few episodes and you should be good to go.

Basics are as follows:
- His name is just "The Doctor."
- He acts crazy, but the insanity is usually just his brilliant brain working more quickly than anyone can keep up with.
- It's a sonic screwdriver. It can move things, open doors, and perform similar tasks. It does not work on wood.
- He always has a companion, and Derpy is his pony companion. Not necessarily an item, but that can work in some cases.
- Crazy genius.
- He reincarnates when struck with a bullet, or a similar killing blow. When he reincarnates, he changes appearance and one of his quirks becomes more prominent (e.g. he can go from being easily irritated to comedic to heroic, etc.).

His accent is usually Northern, have fun.


That news predates the release of the trading cards, that identified him as Time Turner.

...and yes, he does look like David Tennant, that's where the joke comes from.

You know what would be awesome? If David Tenant did a cameo as Doctor Hooves. It'd never happen, but it'd be awesome.

AFAIK, Doctor Hooves is his "in-staff" name, while Time Turner is his "lawyer-friendly" name.
Of course, neither of those are his real name :raritywink:


Actually, Hooves would be lawyer friendly because the only reason they dropped the 'W' was because it's too close to the original show.

...it needs to be about 20% friendlier. :rainbowhuh:


Well, Doctor Hooves is pretty generic, so they probably couldn't get the copyrights.

just watch some of the episodes and go to the tardis wiki

Funny you should call Doctor Hooves "generic".

Think about it. The Doctor uses "John Smith" as an alias when he's forced to give a name for whatever reason. This is obviously a fake name, and in Midnight they actually refused to accept it as such. It's fake... for a human.
To a pony, "John Smith" would stand out like a sore thumb, so the doc would need a similarly generic but culturally adequate fake name. He has an hourglass cutie mark.
You turn them around, and they tell the (relative!) passage of time. "Time Turner" would be nice and inconspicuous then.


Was there a point to that?

I'm sorry, was there supposed to be one? :pinkiecrazy:

Just watch the show on netflix.

400468 In other words: He's a madman (pony) in a box. :raritywink:

And that fact will save your life.

(Until Season 7)

You could also go the total opposite direction and have it be the character Sepia Tock who has become rather infamous for being some dude who just runs a clock shop with Colgate/Minuette and is baffled by everyone calling him the doctor.

As an aside I'd like to read more of your stuff but the fact that you'll make references to other interviews but not give a list of what order they were written in really makes me feel disinclined to read any more til I know the order they were in. Partly wanting to know what's being referenced and also because an author's writing style often changes as they write and it's interesting to see the progression.

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