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Blast from the past · 2:59pm Feb 27th, 2017

Nokia used to have these phones called the 3310s They were called candy bars cuz they were chunky little phones that didn't do much, had a funky ringtone and let you play snake.

They're just revived the model and updated it and damn if I'm not tempted to get one.

I had one as my first cell phone. It had a red and white canada cover and I loved that little brick. It was my lifeline to friends during a rough chunk of years. It meant i could go out late and not have my parents worry. It mean I was never completely alone. It never died or ran out of juice and It kept me awake nights playing snake. When it finally died I wept. I felt as though I had lost a dear friend, and the phone I got afterwards never quite measured up to the heavy comforting weight in my pocket that little 3310 was. It was quite heavy for a phone as I recall.

How about you guys? Have they brought back things from your past that hit you right in the nostalgia button?

Comments ( 14 )

They might, if this crowdfunding project gets off the ground. It's a spiritual successor to the Psion Series 5, which I coveted like nothing else when I was young but never quite got to own. I've not found anything quite like it since.

I never owned one myself, but they do bring back memories of school. I remember how everyone sat in groups during lunch breaks, and how they would huddle up to try and beat snake. And of course how annoyed teachers got when someone's phone started ringing during class.

Not much sentimental value for me, as it took me nearly three additional years to buy a cellphone, which was a flip-flop samsung.

I'm so incredibly tempted by the 3310. It was almost indestructible, a real workhorse and could be used as bludgeon weapon if needed.

The most recent blast from the past for me had been the remastering of Homeworld. One of the few games that make me still cry manly tears in the second mission. More than many movies and using only a couple of textured boxes and clever voice acting.

How about you guys? Have they brought back things from your past that hit you right in the nostalgia button?

Pacific Rim hits every button, nostalgia and otherwise. I was a nerdy kid growing up, switching from obsession to obsession, starting with scientific stuff. When Power Rangers came around, it was kind of normal. When I knew dozens of dinosaurs by name, it was annoying, until Jurassic Park came out. Then Pokémon, with all its monsters... I've always been a monster fan, too. Never saw the classics. My dad taking me to see Starship Troopers when I was, what, 14, ish, is still one of my fondest memories.

Then along comes Pacific Rim. The giant mechas of Power Rangers, the monsters that make dinosaurs pale in comparison, and the characters who are simple enough to follow but deep enough to like. And then that epic 'Sword. Activated." My jaw dropped. Good God, just thinking about it gives me chills. I'd also love to have been a fly on the wall for this conversation:

"So then we have this one crew who's got a cocky jock, and who's got the most kaiju kills. What are we making that one? American?"
-"Nah, our main's American."
"Why not an islander? Hawaiian or Jamaican?"
-"Nah, man, nah, we can do better, just think. We need a stereotype to really hammer it in. Now think, we're making a serious movie here. We need a people that's always ready for a fight, that's got a reputation for being violent, and preferably from someplace where everything tries to kill you, because they're good at killing monsters. *sigh* Maybe you're right, though, maybe they should be Americans. Just feels like that's missing something."
"Why not make them Australians?"

Second thing: first game I ever played on a big screen was Banjo-Kazooie. Never finished it, but enjoyed it as far as I could get. And now they're making this beauty:

And they're bringing it to pc, on Steam. I want this, and I want it to be good. I hope this turns out amazing.

I think I had that phone, or one similar to it.

And it would be a nostalgia thing but I don't think I can ever leave the smartphone ecosystem now. The sheer utility one of those gives is so...well, awesome. Telegram alone is a gift from Celestia at pony conventions.

Oh man playing Snake on the old Nokia

Those things were practically indestructible.

I too have fond memories of Snake on the Nokias my family had. I remember getting a flip phone years later as my first and hoping that, more than anything, it had snake.

As for nostalgia... a company just released a game called Shadows of Adam made in the vein of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, which was my very first video game. Even though JRPGs are a super primitive game style I am still incredibly tempted to buy it. Plus it's on Linux, and I like to support the Tux when I can.

For phones? No. But my roommate just got Rock Band 4, and I've chipped on a ton of songs, and have basically been reliving my entire childhood for days straight now. (And having my soul a little crushed because I can't do songs anymore that I vividly remember being able to crush back in my Guitar Hero 3/World Tour days. One day I'll get through Cult of Personality again without failing halfway through the big solo. One day.) Seriously basically every song I ever even mildly liked from either Guitar Hero or Rock Band made it on there and I'm *almost* worried about relapsing into the level of addicted I used to be to this game.

They also have basically every song I like from after I stopped playing that isn't from some indie band (and even some of those), so yeah, this game is heaven for me.


If you want an old one, I think I might have one lying around somewhere. Could you compose your own midi ringtones on it? I think I managed to figure out Black Sabbath's Iron Man during a recess in school.

4438804 I don't think it'd work on the new networks, let along in NA, but I appreciate the thought n_n

4438931 Ah yeah. Didn't think about that.

Didn't they also have a capacity of 15 text messages in the inbox? :derpytongue2:

Have they brought back things from your past that hit you right in the nostalgia button?

Oh, definitely!


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