• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 29th

Morpheus Sandman

Occasional writer .MS

More Blog Posts32

  • 375 weeks
    LLtK complete - 04/04/2017

    It’s not perfect but it’s finished. I got to move on or I will stall forever it seems. It's not 100% but it's done. Long Live the King final chapters are now live. I'll probable come back later with another blog post with a look back on the story and how it feels to finally be done with it.

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  • 376 weeks
    Not perfect, but finished - 27/03/2017

    'allo 'allo.

    The story...is done? I’m not really sure. My stomach has been doing back-flips today. Maybe it’s all the coffee I’ve been drinking...maybe not.

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  • 377 weeks
    Blog Title Here - 21/03/2017

    *emerges from the cold vat of the existential void*

    I live!

    So! Ch. 8 “Home” (simple title I know) is feeling rather done. Yet, not done….’cause it’s rather short then what I’m used to writing for a chapter...eh. I’ll get over it.

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  • 378 weeks
    Blog Post - 10/03/2017

    Final two chapters are coming along...slowly-ish-ness-like. I’m not really sure. Don’t want to say too much about what’s in the chapters only that it’s slow moving in the writing of them. I’ve managed approximately 3,500 words through the whole week. Not a whole lot considering. At the same time though what the last few things say is pretty important since scenes are rather quick and compact so

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  • 380 weeks
    Ch. 7 online - 2/03/2017

    On Chapter 7; Magic In Magic Out, Snow Day, A Little Change (Now Live)

    I’m a little worried about the pacing for chapter 7. Or more importantly if Sombra’s character has changed too quickly. I’m probably right, if I’m worrying about it then something’s probably off. I hope that’s just me, and it’s not too glaring for readers all the same.

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Blog Update - 2/02/2017 · 5:27am Feb 2nd, 2017

A bit earlier then usual for today’s blog post. But I felt like it.

Had the last few days off from writing as finishing chapter 5 really took it’s mental toll on me. Gah.

Chapter 6 is coming along smoothly though. If I keep up the pace I’ve set and write a bit each day I can potentially get the next chapter down in about in 4-5 days. Or approximately 500-1500 words a day at best.

The whole story is more/less outlined now. Still a few minor holes that I’ll need to look over but otherwise it’s all ship shape to set sail. Which is good, direction is good, and I know where the story is going and how to get there. Yet, I’d still be surprised if I ever finish it.

I figured out, there’s roughly 4 to 5 chapters left in the story to do. I figured that it would take me (time wise) one month each to get each chapter done. So...by the end of May 2017, the story will (should, mystical forces willing) be done.

Even then. It’s SO far away >3 I really want to get this finished. It sort of feels like I've got readers wanting me to finish the story so that they can read it. So I feel responsibility in a way, which feels kind of weird as well I guess. Since I original started the story as a me thing to do, a fun idea that’d be fun.

That’s were I started out wrong.

Since an idea is fun and all. But you can’t really make a story from an idea alone. Ya need story stuff, beginning, middle, end, blah blah, conflict. I know what I’m thinking I’m just loathed to say it all. But ya know, story, structure, smart stuff.

Suffice to say, Long Live the King is one of my first stories in a long time...since probable the last 10 years where I wrote last when I was in school...and life was easier. So I’m hardly expecting that the story is going to be received well or that it will be good. It’s going to be somewhat bad. But I can accept that.

Doing this story has been an experiene. One where picking up writing again was really hard and challenging, full of emotions and anxiety. Now, I want to get it done and I want to pull myself together to just DO IT!

The story plagues my mind as something to be finished. So that’s what is going to happen. I’ll probable be all pooped and/or bummed when I do finally finish it. But it will be finished.

I will have done a thing.
It will be great because I done a thing.
Then I go from, onto the next thing ^_^


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