• Member Since 30th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2018


As you can see, my name is above me, but you can call me Displace, for short. Anyway, I am looking for writers to help me out with my stories. Also, Hamster_Master, you are not permitted to be here.

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So... I've been thinking. · 9:08pm Nov 13th, 2016

I've been absent for a few days... or a month, I couldn't tell, really, but, I've been absent as of late. Why? Well, I was reading Splatoon Fanfics. Not ones on here, no, but on Fanfiction.NET.

Now, the reason why is because... I was horny and looking for sexual/smutty stories bored and looking for something to read... that is, until I found a Fic called "The Legacy of Humanity" by ChiggerD.

I, before setting up an account there (I'm now waiting for my profile to pass the 24 hour mark now, so I only have to wait four more hours for it to pass the 24 hour mark), found out that he was allowing his reader's OCs into his story (can be Inkling or Octoling, but he also has a hybrid of the two as one of the characters (not one of his reader's OCs, as far as I know) in the story, so...). I made an account on Fanfiction.NET and then gave my OC's information to him in my reviews.

Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would like me to do a Crossover story between Splatoon and MLP, where my character, a former general for the army that the main villain (DJ/General Octavio) leads (note he will not be the ruler of the entire Octarian/Octoling race, as there will be an Emperor), now a scientist/researcher, builds a portal to another world, Equis, and meets the Ponies and the other species of Equis.

Here's the character's information... well, the reviews, in order of when I posted them, that include the information:

#1: "Hey, could you include my Inkling? ... actually, they are half Inkling, half Octoling.

Anyway, could you include my character in the story, as a friend of Drake's Father? His name is Dr. H. Lecter, but his birth name is Dr. Octavious Inkswell. His name (not birth name) is a reference to Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the same Hannibal Lecter from the book series that I cannot remember the name of. He wears the Power Set both in and out of battle. His ink color is usually Octarian Purple, but, in turf wars, he's Inkling Purple. He does occasionally wear the Samurai Gear from time to time, but only in dire situations. Oh, and he also has particularly odd eyes. His eyes, no matter what, change at random from Octarian Purple, Inkling Purple, and a mix between the two, oh, and his right eye is an Inkling eye, the other is an Octarian eye.


#2: "Oh, I forgot to include my character's age and height.

His age is 25, and he's almost as tall as, surprisingly, Drake, but only by a foot. Because of this, he's taller than most Inklings and Octarians. He's also a former General of the Mariners and a former friend of General Octavio."

#3: "Oh, and Dr. H. Lecter is one of the ten that can read the Human language... and he can also understand human speech without the need of the Autotrans, but he does not know this... yet. And by the way, he's basically an Inkling/Octarian/Octoling version of Mcclain, but he's more polite, a bit more apologetic and merciful, and he's also the only living Inkling/Octarian/Octoling hybrid that has actually gained General Octavio's respect."

#4: "Damn, I keep forgetting things, but, Dr. H. Lecter wields the normal Splash-o-matic, mainly because he LOVES the Suction Bombs, more than any sub or special weapon that exists... although, he also sometimes wields the Refurbished Mini Splatling from time to time, and he also wields a one-of-a-kind Hero Heavy Splatling, but only when he doesn't have any other options available, safe for boxing, which he's rather good at, but prefers not to do it unless forced to."

#5: "Note: The Hero Splatling has the same stats as the Mini Splatling, but he has the Splash Wall and the Kraken as his sub and special weapons."

And finally, #6: "Should you include Dr. H. Lecter, here's his backstory.

One year after the beginning of the Great Turf War, a male Octoling Commander by the name of Commander Cephalo Giova and a female Inkling Professor by the name of Prof. Gastro Vani had found out that their species were not as different as they had thought- in fact, they were quite similar in biology and appearance, and they even came from the same Phylum in the Animal Kingdom: Mollusca.

Because of this, the two, separated at the time, set out to find others like them that knew this. Half a year later, they met up by complete accident and, after quite a bit of fighting, they agreed to team up and get other Inklings and Octarians/Octolings to join them and help bring peace between the two species.

Jump a year later, halfway into the Great Turf War, and they, along with some Octarian/Octoling and Inkling researchers, scientists, and soldiers, began to try and stop the war and bring peace. First, they began making weapons that were each unique in their own way. They weren't as powerful as the Great Octarian Weapons, not even close- but they were powerful enough to get the attention of both sides.

When that didn't work, they decided to began experimenting and trying to create super soldiers. They were still trying to achieve peace at the time of this, but they were desperate at this point. The first experiment, surprisingly, was a success, but at the cost of the most powerful Octoling and Inkling soldiers (One was an Octoling, the other Inkling) they had: Lieutenant Octavious and Commander Inkswell.

The result was the first Inkling-Octoling hybrid: Dr. Octavious Inkswell, or Corporal Octavious Inkswell, as he was called back then. Corporal Octavious Inkswell was a killing machine, able to take out dozens of Inklings, Octarians, and Octolings at once. However, he did have some flaws. For one, he had two split personalities: one was Lieutenant Octavious's personality, the other was Commander Inkswell's personality.

Second, he, despite being a killing machine, was actually quite merciful... unless you pissed him off, otherwise, good luck. Third, his genetics were mutated and because of this, his aging was slowed down about twice as much than the normal aging of the average Inkling or Octarian/Octoling.

And finally, fourth, he, unlike others, interprets pain as pleasure, but he doesn't interpret pleasure as pain (if he enjoys the taste of something or he feels something enjoyable, it ain't painful for him), making him a masochist.

However, he was the only hybrid to be created at the time, and when he attacked the base of the Octarians/Octolings with a group of five and himself, he killed his group and swore allegiance to General Octavio (and the Emperor). But, even with the help of General Octavious Inkswell (after a year or two and a half of being in the Octarian/Octoling army), they lost. Octavious, furious at their defeat, went rouge and was declared MIA a year after.

Time skip to when Drake and the humans were announced to the world by Drake at the concert that Marie and Callie were singing at and at that time, former General Octavious Inkswell, now known as Dr. Octavious Inkswell, after seeing the broadcast, was convinced that he had fought for the wrong side during the Great Turf War. Deciding to make up for his crimes and betraying those that created him, he donned the Power Armor of a dead Octoling soldier (one that was on patrol at the time) and, using the dead Octoling soldier's Octoshot, made his way to the Capital of the Octarians to turn himself in.

((Personalities: Commander Inkswell is arrogant and cocky in battle, but quite the joker and friendly Inkling out of battle. Lieutenant Octavious is strict and quite the killer in battle, but he is also the most polite and caring Octoling out of battle. Dr. Octavious Inkswell has both of their characteristics, but he also shrouds himself in mystery, to make others want to know more about him, and he's quite sympathetic to those who had a rough past or had to deal with a very rough event in their past.))"

Tell me what you think.

Edit: Oops! I forgot to include the link to ChiggerD's story, the one that I posted my reviews on. Heh heh... sorry! : https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7876773/ChiggerD

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