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Donald John Trump is the 45th president of the USA · 7:56am Nov 9th, 2016

Technically only the president-elect (for now).

This means it's party time!

How are you all feelin' aboot this?

Comments ( 4 )

Fan-fucking-... not surprised and indifferent. The people wanted him, so... Let them have it.


The sexist racists wanted to watch the world burn. They elected the Orange 1. Now we all have to suffer because of them. The only consolation is that the racists immolated themselves far worse than they burned the rest of us. We can learn something from those voting their emotions:

The sexist racists voted for the world to burn. the Bernie Bros refused to vote because their prefered candidate lost the nomination. Many idiots voted Libertarian and Green because of their emotional idealism. If they all could have set their emotions aside, they would have realised that the way they voted was stupid:


"I know that I want the world to burn for hurting everyone not like me, but I would hurt myself to vote for the Oompa Loompa, so I shall vote for the very qualified experienced woman instead."

The Idealists with their heads in the clouds:

"This election will boil down to a contest between the very qualified experienced woman, or the sexist racist Oompa Loompa and any vote not for the very qualified experienced woman is, effectively, a vote for the sexist racist Oompa Loompa."

Bernie Bros:

"It is immature and stupid to take my ball (vote) and go home."

Surprised someone searched for a blog this far back, but here we are. Not that I feel any better about this election cycle, cause now the nominees, realistically, are the orange blob again and a guy I just genuinely cannot trust to do right by the country when his own record is very sketchy... I just want someone that isn't an asshole or constantly tripping over themselves, sheesh. :facehoof:

Sidenote though: Hillary did get the majority vote, but for whatever reason we're still using the Electoral College. They were the ones I was grieving over when it came to the final decisions.


Yes, the Electoral College is a stupid idea:

Hamilton originally envisioned it as a bunch of Gerrymanderable districts. Our current implementation of plurality in a state getting all the Electoral Votes (except for Maine) just adds noise to the system by randomizing close elections. The Electoral College also makes fraud easier:

Let is suppose that we have 2 candidates. 1 gets 60% of the popular vote and 1 gets 40%. Because of the noise of the noise of the Electoral College, the loosing candidate expects 268 Electoral Votes. In state with < (less than) 1% the population of the country, the looser expects to loose by less than (<) 1% of the votes in that state. The looser cheats and wins the 3 Electoral Votes of the State and wins the Electoral College with 271 Electoral Votes. It would have taken a fraud flipping 1 thousand times more popular votes than the Number of votes the candidate had to change in this scenario.

Luckily, this all academic, because it is not like votersuppression in 3close states caused a candidate trailing by 3 million votes to win those close states by less than 100 thousand votes when the candidate would have lost those states by hundreds of thousands without votersuppression. That did neither happened, nor could it ever happen

Just remember that any vote not for the lesser of 2 evils is a vote for the greater of 2 evils.

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