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Writing Tip: Character Alignment Chart Made Simple · 11:58pm Oct 4th, 2016

The Alignment Chart for Me but In the Simplest Wording Possible

Lawful good: I want to do the right thing, and following society’s rules is the best way to do that
Neutral good: I want to do what’s right, and I’m willing to bend or break the rules as long as no one gets hurt
Chaotic good: I’m willing to do whatever it takes as long as it’s to do the right thing
Lawful neutral: following the rules of society is the most important thing, and that matters more to me than doing what’s right
True neutral: I just want myself and the people I care about to be happy
Chaotic neutral: I want my freedom, and I don’t care what I have to do to keep it
Lawful evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is my primary goal, but I follow my own code of morals even when it’s inconvenient
Neutral evil: to impede the protagonists (in whatever evil way) is the my primary goal, and while I’ll do what it takes to achieve it, I also won’t go out of my way to do unnecessary damage
Chaotic evil: I relish in destruction and want to do as much damage as possible while I try to achieve my primary goal

source link: http://somethingdnd.tumblr.com/post/151352545451/heart-of-darkness8-ubiquitous-pearl

Comments ( 4 )

I dunno, Paragon Shepherd is Lawful Good and he's a fucking dick.

This blog post's purpose is to just provide a simple explanation of what each morality stands for so that anybody who wants to create a character can know where to start with their morality, but at the same time I'm not claiming that characters are strictly adhered to whatever morality they have. Really the character alignments presented here are just superficial; they are merely the simple basises of personalities and we know that characters (and people in real life by extension) have the capacity to be far more complex than their morality alignment. And let's also be clear that character often do not stick with a single morality in one lifetime.

So yes Paragon Shepherd may, at his core, be Lawful Good, but that doesn't mean he's 100% goodie two shoes who can't do any wrong. There are quirks within him just like everybody else.

4240370 Well, Judge Dredd is the Law and supposedly the good guy but nobody bats an eye if he liquefies a motherfucker.

4240700 That'd make him Lawful Neutral, which honestly makes "The Rectangle of Snooze" slightly inaccurate.

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