• Member Since 29th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 28th, 2019


Lover of dark themes and uncertain endings.

More Blog Posts19

  • 353 weeks
    Questions for Feminists

    So I said I would probably return to political writing. While some of these questions have an accusitory tone, actually yes, I will entertain answers for them. Just don't be surprised if you don't immediately win the argument by being offended, or by just making an attempt to argue at all.

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  • 365 weeks
    Venting! Misogyny, White Knighting and Misandry

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  • 371 weeks
    Flurry Heart!

    (image from: http://imoshie.deviantart.com/)

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  • 373 weeks
    Offensive Jokes- MRA

    So I guess something has been bugging me for a while, having to do with double standards. Ya know, like how telling a rape joke involving a woman gets you all kinds of negative attention, but telling a “don’t drop the soap” joke (ie, a prison rape joke) not only flies fifty miles under the radar, but gets positive press and any attacks are defended against, sometimes

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  • 389 weeks
    I’m Returning

    Well it looks like I suddenly got another pony story in me after all. Really kinda surprised me as I had already just said on my most popular story, You’re Wanted, that I’m probably moving on. Guess that teaches me to talk like that.

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Men's Rights · 9:49pm Sep 29th, 2016

I have made a decision.

This is a declaration of intent, I do not know where the path I have decided to take will lead, but the choices have made themselves abundantly clear to me. I have no choice.

Oh and I’m done not letting the other side have it on this crap. Men are not people to you are we? When referring to your thoughts on us, I’m going to refer to us using a sufficiently dehumanizing term. Penis havers.

Top 10 reasons I have decided to identify as a men’s rights advocate.

1: Men can be and are abused by women in domestic relationships, just as often as vice versa, there are few to no unbiased studies conducted that would suggest otherwise. Even if it were true the men were responsible for “over eighty percent of abuse” (gag me, how did we arrive at a society so stupid as to believe that we penis havers are so much more evil than women? Equal in virtue, equal in vice. I am NOT your inferior! I was not born a monster!) abuse does not originate from boogey men like the “patriarchy” it comes from individual histories, bad people, psychological conditions and perversions of ideologies. Treating it as if it all comes from the “patriarchy” will likely perpetuate further abuse from poorly diagnosed men, whose real problems were not addressed. Even if penis havers were minority victims, they do not deserve to be sacrificial lambs. DOWN WITH THE DULUTH MODEL!

2: Men are abused in public by women, both physically and emotionally, study after study has shown that it’s rare ANYONE ever does anything about this when it happens right in front of them. That is not “sad”, it is not “unfortunate”, it is disgusting and we as a race should be ashamed that we treat our fellow human beings in suffering with such indifference.

3: Women constantly wine and moan about their reproductive rights and have been granted so many rights that penis havers don’t even have to be informed about the occurrence of an abortion, do not have the right to abdicate parenthood, and rarely win custody of children. When men attempted to get the right to abdicate we were told this by the Supreme Court: "the Fourteenth Amendment does not deny to [the] State the power to treat different classes of persons in different ways." Imagine that was said about your rights women.

4: Male suicide is at a record high, when MRA’s make noise about this, we’re told to be silent and wait for feminists (ie- women) to address it. Is this not a repeat of what men told women about their concerns? Wait for us to address them? Screw that! Men have the right to defend themselves! The last time feminists did anything about men dying was basically never, we don’t need to wait for women to defend us. We must not be silenced! We will not be silenced! When people do not defend THEIR OWN rights and voice their own concerns, they are begging for slavery and death.

5: I already understand that most of my detractors will likely try to tell me how men are worse than women. Equal in virtue, equal in vice. Women are NOT superior to me, they are NOT inferior to me, I refuse to listen to the idea that they are.

6. For your information women, we do know what it’s like to be cat called, it’s surprising that you would think we wouldn’t, you’re the ones doing it to us. Equal in virtue, equal in vice. Go ahead, make an impartial law against public cat calling, let’s see how many women end up in jail or fined because of it. I’m tired of being told there are crimes that men commit exclusively.

7: A woman in line to become president had the gull to say this:
"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. Women often have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. Women are often the refugees from conflict and sometimes, more frequently in today's warfare, victims. Women are often left with the responsibility, alone, of raising the children. Women are again the victims in crime and domestic violence as well."

Madam prospective president, news flash:
No gender or age group is the primary victim of something as horrible as war, everyone suffers and only a supremacist freak like you would try to say who suffers more, or- let’s just say it shall we?- whose suffering matters more. Somehow you have said something only slave owners used to say “these people are dying, think of how that makes their owners suffer!”.
To your specific “points” Hillary-
1. Husband, fathers and sons die, are kidnapped, tortured, abandoned, slaughtered and forced into combat for causes they don’t believe in with guns at their backs, waiting, pleading for the opportunity to blow their brains out for the slightest show of resistance. I would feel sorry for the women who lose them, but I guess I’m to busy being sorry that they were lost, how insensitive of me, sorry.
2. Men have to flee from the only homes they have ever known. They often aren’t counted and are treated with far less pity, because as we all know, penis havers are at fault for war, right?
3. Men are often refugees from conflict. It is to show a true ignorance of history to believe that the number of victims of war has somehow gone up from the days of Hitler, Stalin and Mao.
4. Women are left to raise children alone because their penis havers are force to fight under the threat of being killed by their own countrymen, that’s forgetting the fact that in the first world, the condition of penis havers’ child custody rights is abhorrent.
5. Men are the victims of violence in the street far more often than women and victims of domestic violence with the same frequency as women. The only difference on that second point, tell me, person about to object, how many men’s abuse shelters are there again?

8: In most first world countries, there are few to no men’s abuse shelters. That is not “sad”, that is not “unfortunate”, it is outrageous and appalling. We are human beings! We deserve shelter when we are abused as well. What exactly am I supposed to tell a male victim of abuse to do? Go to the police so he can be arrested and or laughed at, and or ignored? Go to a non-existent shelter? Take it? Too often those would be my only options, everyone reading this knows what this leads to so why not say it? When the choices given to a person to escape abuse are so terrible, there is but one real option: hit harder. Yes, I said hit. Penis havers- no, men, fellow human beings, if you are hit by a woman, hit back… is that really what I have to say? Is that really so often the only recourse? This is the world we are entering, I mourn for both genders as we enter it. We should be helping each other. Women should volunteer to help male victims, men should volunteer to help female victims and there should always be a place to run. (If someone is cornered and defends themselves, they should be pitied, yet I suspect I already know how many of you will respond to me saying “men should hit”.)

9: Two to three times as many child abusers are women as men. However, remind me, who usually wins custody? (The real reason women are so often perpetrators –equal in virtue, equal in vice- is because they have more access to children and they are NOT less capable of violence nor do they have more developed consciences. Child custody should NEVER be decided even partially by gender.)

10: Men can be raped. Being “made to penetrate” is rape, it is not “sexual assault”, it is rape. Also when small time thieves are raped in jail by hardened thugs, that isn’t funny.

Equal in virtue, equal in vice! I demand equality under the law! Equal protection, equal shelter, equal consideration. I am first an egalitarian, but men need to stand up, this has gone too far.

I’m just waiting for everyone to make sure I want to defend women’s rights too. It’s a testament to the times we live in isn’t it? Defending one, apparently means to so many, you don’t care about the others. So many MRA’s who think women are leaches, so many feminists who think men are beasts, gives new meaning to “separate but equal” doesn’t it.

It’s also a testament that I’m afraid of being banned for speaking out.

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