• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 89 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 116 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 117 weeks

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    Who Wants to See Babies?

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  • 128 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

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Birthday Bios: Cucumber Melon · 4:09pm Jul 20th, 2016

The final member of the quartet that makes up the Sandwich Bros’ grandparents! I wonder why nobody has called me out for going into crazy territory for my headcanons, like having Cheese Sandwich’s grandma hailing from the Canterlot elite?

Cucumber Melon was a name I came up back in Spring-Summer 2014, and I had considered it for a potential name for Tomato’s kid should he ever have one (it was a name I considered naming Bell Pepper until a trip to the grocery store convinced me to use a different fruit that fit her personality better).

I ended up naming his maternal grandmother that instead, though the Flormato timeline has Tommy naming his second daughter after her (much like CheesePie’s eldest son Pizza Pockets is named after the Sandwiches’ grandfather). They are kind of different personality-wise.

I better stop rambling and start the bio.

Cucumber Melon was born into the prestigious Fruit Clan, legendary engineers of fruity lotions and perfumes that created the heavenly scents that permeate Canterlot so. Proud parents Citrus Wonder and Starfruit were eager to show off their newborn daughter and heiress to their fortune, and their fragrance empire. They saw a bright future over on the horizon for their little angel.

From the moment she could walk, she was groomed into behaving her high status, her trots having an air of grace and her head held high. She must mind her manners, not looking to offend the adults or soil her nice apparel. She must be quiet, as the adults were talking and not interested in childish thoughts. And no, the Grand Galloping Gala is not a carnival, and she shan’t run around as if she was on fire.

Like any other foal in her position, little Mel resented being forced to be this prim and proper little filly. While she was rewarded with whatever new fancy toy or candy was trendy at the time for behaving, she still held an itch to let loose like some of the foals from lower statuses. But, if she did, she was punished with being scolded and put in the time-out room. Oh, how she hated that room.

She was thankful that she got a brother, Lemon Lime, who could serve as a playmate, and the servants who were more lenient on them when their parents were away. Whatever mischief they got up to, the maids were sure to cover for them as long as they weren’t too destructive and made a mess too big for them to handle.

Mel and Lemon were best friends, turning to each other when their respective circles of friends couldn’t cut it. Even when Lemon was a sour colt, Mel always knew just how to make him happy. They complained about how suffocating the high society rules are, and wished that they could have the freedom of those of lower statuses, whether just slightly lower or even down to poor.

Her parents were pleased when she got her cutie mark which aligned with the family business, and expressed joy that their daughter was on the right track. It only served to irritate Mel, who wasn’t sure she even wanted her inheritance. As sweet as she was, she was very tempted to go her brother’s route of being downright sour about her parent’s restrictions on her life.

Mel’s adolescence was that of juggling her growing plate of responsibilities involving her inheritance, being the elegant young lady that her parents wanted her to be, getting caught up in some of Canterlot’s fashion, and sneaking off for some mischief with her brother. They had the fanciest schooling available at the time, which they went through for years until adulthood was reached. Mel was a gifted mathematician, which pleased her parents as that would serve her well when it was her time to receive her inheritance.

Adulthood came, and then there came another thing for Mel to dread: suitors. It was bad enough that her life was already boring and restrictive, and now she’s having these young stallions that she doesn’t really like trying to court her. She was thankful that she had some freedom to choose, but she was not pleased with the options.

A couple of them were nice, but they were just the same old cardboard cutout gentlecolts that she saw time and time again. Some were more interesting, but she could tell that they just wanted to partake in her family’s fortune to become even richer. A couple were just cold toward her, just doing it to please their parents. And then there was the one that she feared, Alabaster Trotters, as he was vicious and ruthless, using his status to pick on some of the smaller ponies and show them who the more powerful pony. He may have been good at business, like Mel’s parents liked, but he seemed to be dreadfully close to sexually assaulting Mel, which they never noticed.

She was allowed respite from the suitor nonsense when her family went on a business trip to Manehattan to check on sales there. She found that city far more interesting than Canterlot, though she found the Manehattan elite to be an odd bunch. She even noticed that her parents low-key complained about being among nouveau riche idiots.

She always considered herself a rebel, but in the midst of the big, crazy city, she discovered that she was unable to let loose and shake off the mannerisms which were ingrained in her from youth. Her mask of being the elegant, polite young mare had become a true part of her personality, which she didn’t like. She took a walk through the streets of the city to clear her head after her revelation, but soon got lost.

She had been chased by a few gangs on separate occasions that day, one of which she managed to get rid of by leading them to one of the bridges and threatening to toss them off with her magic. After that excitement, she grew hungry, and wandered in the next part of town until she came across a pizzeria. There, she met the goofy owners, twins Pizza Pockets and Macaroni.

As she ate, she was entertained by Pizza Pockets, who performed goofy tricks and played the accordion for her. She couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, and she couldn’t help but find the stallion adorable. From the gap in his grin to his curly hair, Pizza Pockets was just the kind of stallion she liked. Oh, how she wished that one of her suitors back home was like this pony. Plus, she had more fun at a restaurant than she ever did before. So, she told them that she was planning to return.

She managed to find her way back and received a scolding from her parents to wander off, and then went on to tell Lemon Lime about the pizzeria. She dragged him to it the next day, and he was entertained as well, though in his case it was by Macaroni. From then on, for the rest of the Fruit Family’s stay, Mel and Lemon slipped away to see their quirky new friends.

Even after returning to Canterlot, the Fruit siblings sent letters to the Pockets siblings, and were eager to receive responses. They had to keep their parents from peeking, though, as interacting with common folk, even by letter, was unacceptable—especially Manehattan common folk! We can’t let them think that they’re on equal footing with the Canterlot elite! Even so, Mel enjoyed her low-key rebellion, and fell more in love with Pizza Pockets with each letter.

However, through impatience with her putting off her decision with the suitors and intercepting one of Pizza Pockets’ letters, her angry parents decided that they were deciding for her. Much to her dismay, they picked Alabaster Trotters, for the sole reason of him knowing how to run a business and could keep her in line. That was the final straw, and she took to sneaking out one night and taking a train out of Canterlot.

She went to Manehattan and immediately went to the Pockets home. The family welcomed her, including a confused Pizza Pockets, who later asked her why she was there. Mel confessed about how much she hated her life and how she didn’t feel like she had any control, especially when it came to suitors. She expressed that she was making a choice in who she wanted to marry, and that was him. While Pizza Pockets was unsure about it, he ultimately agreed to it, and they were married relatively quickly.

Lemon Lime came soon afterwards and discovered what had happened. He knew it’ll rile up the Canterlot elite, which he found hilarious and decided to add to it by taking Pizza Pockets’ sister as his wife (helps that he genuinely liked her). Of course, when he returned to Canterlot, an uproar began, and Mel had to return to Canterlot so that she could repent of her sin.

Mel didn’t like having to put her sweet husband and his sister through the madness, especially since some folks were often arranging plans to humiliate the twins. Alabaster had even given Pizza a death threat at one point, which many of the elite turned a blind eye to. Even Lemon felt sick about the mess, regretting even sparking it. Things only intensified when Mel discovered she was pregnant, and her parents were begging her to abort it so that they didn’t have a “mongrel” grandfoal.

Finally, Princess Celestia got word of it and stepped in. She told them all off for their uproar, and said that she didn’t see a problem with both marriages. After giving the couples her blessing, she sent them on their ways, telling them to live happy lives and for Pizza and Mel to raise their foal well.

Of course, Mel was stripped of her inheritance, with only her immediate personal items left to her. She took those possessions back to Manehattan, and she sold some of them to help fund her husband’s restaurant and to prepare for the foal’s arrival just months away. She took to dealing with finances and décor while her husband cooked and entertained customers.

The next August had Mel going through a hard labor and birthing not one, but two daughters! Little Mozzarella and Honeydew were the joy of the couples’ life, showing endless curiosity and laughing their endless giggleds. Although Pizza and Mel had to go through a bit of trouble to keep the two babies from touching hot things (and being in a restaurant, they had a lot of those).

They took the girls around the city for inexpensive entertainment. Being unused to being kind of poor, Mel would suggest some of the more expensive attractions only for Pizza to turn it down. So, they usually ended up going to the park, the library, or any other cheap places to go. It was discovered that Honeydew liked the park and was already jokingly referred to as a mini-hippie, while Mozzarella liked the library and got to learn to read before she even started school, being praised for being smart.

However, there soon came problems with the girls, which had worsened after they met their maternal grandparents and were called “mongrels” to their face. Mozzarella grew more temperamental and bossy, and was determined to prove her grandparents wrong by bringing about an amazing new thing to improve Equestria… though she didn’t know what yet. Meanwhile, Honeydew just sulked into laziness and accepted her fate as a mongrel, wishing that their silly Canterlot society rules would just die so that they didn’t make anypony mean anymore (which soon extended into all rules, as she viewed them as just excuses for ponies to be oppressive and mean, like her sister was becoming), and just surviving life in Manehattan (even if she had to veer into dishonest territory with it).

Mel didn’t want to be like her parents, and thus, her punishments were much softer than theirs were, though it didn’t do much to deter the festering of the girls’ more glaring flaws and the butting of their heads. It grew to a head when they were just reaching adulthood, and Honeydew declared that she was leaving, blaming her parents for not reining Mozzarella’s more domineering nature in. Mel was broken-hearted when Honeydew left, and still would be until death over Honeydew never contacting them again.

Mozzarella would stay near her parents, even as she went to college, got married to Hay Burger, and started a family. While Ella’s sons couldn’t fill the void left by Honeydew, Mel and her husband still loved their grandsons. Pizza took to teaching the older one, Cheese Sandwich, how to play the accordion, while Mel would distract the younger one, Tomato Sandwich, with some math, which the little colt grasped easily.

They were concerned about Ella’s domineering nature, and tried to rein it in as much as they could for the sake of their grandsons. They managed to give the boys a balance of work and play in their lives by spoiling them where their mother wouldn’t.

However, the couple soon developed cancer, thus they started making plans to pass the restaurant down to somepony they could trust. In the middle of the paperwork, though, their condition worsened enough to land in the hospital. Ella knew that her parents’ lives were ending, and thus, she brought Cheese (Tomato was playing with friends at the time) to say goodbye.

Mozzarella wears her mother’s favorite necklace to this day, and is often trying to emulate Mel’s elegant nature. Meanwhile, while he regrets not being there to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa, Tomato still retains the mathematical knowledge Mel passed on to him, which will serve him well in his special talent.

Tomato has told himself that if he ever had a daughter with the right resemblance, he’d name her after Grandma Mel (in the same vein as his brother naming his son after Grandpa Pizza Pockets).

Report Sketcha-Holic · 520 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 1 )

I don't call you out for going into crazy territory because you do an excellent job of making it sound reasonable. Except Bighoof. Not sure what to make of him. :applejackunsure:

In any case, Mel's soft touch with her daughters does make sense given her own history with domineering parents. I can only imagine how said parents would react if they ever learned that one of their descendants would go on to become one of the country's greatest party ponies. Sometimes the best revenge is living well.

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