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The Next Part of the Story, and Coming Clean in Regards to the Slow Progress on Winds of the Past (I... Kind of Went Blind) · 11:52pm Jul 7th, 2016

And I still sort of am. I don't mean like, that my vision is gone completely, or that all I can see is darkness, just that... everything was, and now is considerably less blurry, but still blurry in my right, and my left is sorta shot. :twilightsheepish:

I had a cataract develop in my right eye back in December—unusual for a guy my age, I know (I'm 22!) It was determined that the smallest hint of a cataract was beginning to form in my left eye as well, and as of late May, its developed and become pretty dense. At the same time, I found I had retinal detachment in my right, which I knew my eye had been getting a little fuzzy, but I didn't recognize it or the little flashes of light as retinal damage since I had no idea retinal detachment was even a thing! :twilightangry2:

So I was stuck sitting / lying face-down for a good majority of June, because that's what you have to do when you get retinal surgery, and unabe to make out words, images, or details basically, because your eyesight gets temporarily worse before better again... though it was already pretty terrible before the operation. My cataract surgery isn't until July 20th, but by then, I'll have full use of both my eyes again.

And in regards to how I'm writing this if my eyesight is so horrible, my right eye has cleared up to the point where I can see most things, except if they'really far away, small, in the dark, or on a really bright surface... so I can't access my computer—it's been off for weeks. Instead I'be been relying on my phone, which I can see... if I hold it relatively close to my face, and stare down at it. :rainbowlaugh: Some luck, huh?

But I can't complain, because at least I can read, watch things, and even continue writing now, after about two weeks of depending on others and binging on nothing but a dozen audio books. (At least now I can stream Netflix, ironically season two of Daredevil being ones of the things I've watched when not wishing to write, or just wanting to rest.)

So I've been able to log on here for the past couple weeks, and even managed to write out several hundred more words thanks to all my documents being saved on FanFiction (I realize it's not a lot, I'm... not used to writing on a phone, and I'm still recovering, so...) :twilightblush:

I really thought over whether I should write this blog, and it's taken so long to too, but I am since... you guys have been in the dark long enough, and being basically blind for the past month and a half has only made me feel worse. See, progress was slow at first since I lost a little incentive, hated certain parts of the story, reworked the ending, wasn't sure if it was too out of left field, fretted over writing it, steered clear of it for awhile, and when I worked everything out, THIS happens... :facehoof: No one evens knows why for sure. Again, it's uncommon for people like me, and... I don't use steroids, I wasn't hit in the face, I don't play sports, and there's no history of it in my family. The fact they developed so quickly too is equally bizarre.

At least the retinal detachment can be linked to the surgery I had in my right eye, but yeah... I don't know. Bad luck I guess... :ajsleepy:

Anyway! Yeah, so I've been in a funk for a while, and then going blind, it made me realize how long its been, and how much longer I'd make you wait as these couple months pass. So I wanted to at least let you all know what's been going on, that I couldn't see, and give you the next part of the story. No... seriously. Not the whole chapter, but the opening of it—if you'd like to read it.

(NOTE: This is future me, coming to you from July 2019. The following story segment that I included in this blog post has been updated, to keep it concurrent with the latest chapter, as well as clean up any grammar mistakes, etc. So just know, this scene isn't the same as when it was first posted back in 2016...)

Midnight, New Year's Eve...

Day 130

Fireworks went off high above the Canterlot rooftops, lighting up the sky in a fantastic display. Ponies were seated outside at tables and upon park benches, or simply at home, watching from their living room windows.

For Twilight and Rainbow, they sat watching from their own tower balcony, with a couple of blankets both around themselves, and laid out on the lightly snow-covered surface.

"For auld lang syne, Rainbow," Twilight cheered, smiling. "It's been a fun past few months. Now, let's try and make this one even better."

Rainbow nodded from beside her, sharing in the sentiment. "Mhm!"

Twilight turned back to the sky, however Rainbow's attention lingered on her girlfriend as an idea sparked inside her head.

"Be right back, Twi," she said, leaping into the air before Twilight could get a word in edgewise, and diving towards the street below before dashing off into the city.

Seriously, Rainbow...? thought Twilight, an incredulous look written all over her face.

She sighed out deeply, pursing her lips and giving her eyes a roll as she found herself with no choice but to sit and wait for her to return.

And so she did for what ended up being half-a-minute, having—a little impatiently—counted the seconds away in her head before Rainbow came back into view, a couple frothy mugs held securely against her chest.

She grinned meekly back at Twilight, then sat back down beside her, handing over one of the two mugs for her to accept.

Twilight, taken aback at first, leaned forward to take a sniff of the frothy beverage. "Apples?"

"Cider," Rainbow explained. "Buy one, and get a second mug free. Had a couple of spare bits on me and thought, why not?"

Twilight shook her head, blushing as she gently pushed the mug back towards her. "N-no... no, Rainbow, I... You know I don't—"

"Ah come on, Twi," insisted Rainbow with a reassuring, soft grin. "It's just cider." A moment of silence passed between them as Twilight stared back at her skeptically. "Hard cider," she added, not missing a beat.

Twilight bore into her for a moment more before raising an eyebrow. "Are you peer pressuring me, Rainbow?"

Rainbow in return, gave an innocent smile and a shrug.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Twi," she replied coyly.

Twilight snorted as her gaze faltered and she gave her head a shake, a gentle grin parting her lips. "What the hay, right?" She looked back into Rainbow's eyes. "It is New Year's."

Rainbow beamed as Twilight accepted the mug into her own hooves.

The two clinked mugs, Twilight giggling after noticing the froth on Rainbow's upper lip, the pegasus having took the first drink.

"So, tell me Twi; what are your New Year resolutions?" Rainbow asked her, breaking the silence between them.

Resolutions? Twilight blinked, taken aback. "O-oh! Um..." She meekly scratched her cheek as she thought it over. "I'll admit I haven't really thought about that..." She chuckled nervously just as Rainbow threw a a deadpan look back at her. "B-but t-that doesn't mean I don't have any!" she insisted, grinning awkwardly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she explained herself.

"I just... really want to continue being the best student I can possibly be... a-and the best possible girlfriend that I can be to you too, Rainbow, she added, chuckling meekly. "I, uhm... would also like to continue being the friend that I've been to both you and Spike, and... hopefully to be a friend to ponies all across Equestria, as well as... help others who need it. Almost... almost like a..."

Twilight drifted off, looking off into the night and smiling softly at the thought.

"Princess?" Rainbow surmised for her.

Twilight's gaze snapped back to Rainbow, looking at her in stunned silence for a moment before mentally shrugging it off, instead turning the question back at her.

"Well what are your resolutions, Rainbow?"

Rainbow's brow raised in surprise. "Mine...?" she uttered softly, shying away slowly as Twilight nodded back at her.

"G-gee, um... okay, w-well one of them's kinda hard to get into without a bit of foreword first, s-so..." Her free hoof dug into her sweatshirt pocket, fishing for something to toy with as she searched for the right words. "I want to show the ponies in Ponyville that there's more to me than just a... boisterous, arrogant jerk, y'know? That... I don't know... there's more to me than... meets the eye?"

Twilight licked some froth from her upper lip before speaking. "If you need any help, I'll vouch for you, Rainbow," she said, giving her a warm smile.

Rainbow returned it, Twilight's smile working wonders on her nerves.

"Thanks, Twi, but... this is something I need to show them." She glanced down into her mug. Somehow...

Twilight nodded. "I understand," she said, following up with a small sigh. "So then... what's your other resolution?"

Her question deepened the already-present blush in Rainbow's cheeks.

"R-right, well, ah... you see..." She inhaled a deep breath, before breathing out shakily. "This isn't even all that difficult for me to say, but I can't help but still feel nervous about saying it, and... I'm so thankful for this cider right now because Celestia knows I need the confidence—"

Her ramblings came to a sudden stop, startled by Twilight placing a gentle hoof of hers over her foreleg, giving her all the assurance she needed to continue.

"R-right..." Rainbow flashed her a fast, appreciative smile. "Right. Thanks, Twi."

Twilight smiled and nodded as she leaned back.

"We uh, t-talked about this months ago, and even... sorta joked about it too, and, well, months later, I, uh... still want to go through with it and, um... hope you do too."

Twilight all the while stared back at her, when it all suddenly clicked... and it occurred to her what exactly her girlfriend was getting at. Her body temperature rose as her heartbeat quickened, her chest tightened, and her eyes slowly widened before closing suddenly in a wince, instinctively bringing a hoof to her aching head.

"I-it's not like I have any intention of ever leaving this place," continued Rainbow; "and it's not like we're ever going to break up with each other or anything either, but... I, I-I really love you Twi—to the point where I'd gladly put away my wings just so I can always walk beside you because... that's where I want to be forever and always, you know? At your side."

Twilight breathed out softly as the nauseating pain receded as quickly as it had come, and, chalking it up as the winter weather, smiled teasingly at her girlfriend. "Have you been reading romance novels, Rainbow?"

Rainbow looked back at her in surprise, before averting her eyes, her ears flopping in embarrassment. "Come on, Twi... This is hard enough already as is."

Twilight giggled, laying off. "Alright, alright... As you were saying."

"I know that we're young, and that this is probably hasty and foolish of us, but—"

Twilight cut her off, sporting a knowing smile on her lips. "Featherbrain, just ask me to marry you already."

Rainbow blinked, for a moment finding herself at a loss for words. "Alright, Egghead," she replied, snapping out of her stupor and setting her cider aside, unable to stop the smile forming on her lips as she knelt up on her hind legs. "Twilight Sparkle, would you do me the totally awesome honor of marrying—?"

Twilight tackled her to the ground, knocking the air out of her before she had the chance to say another word as Twilight proceeded to wrap her forelegs around Rainbow's upper back and neck... her muzzle deeply nuzzling the croon of her neck.

Rainbow blushed furiously, laying back and staring up the night sky, and strands of her girlfriend's mane... asking herself what just happened.

I'll take that as a yes... she decided, smiling like a fool.

A couple moments later and Twilight pulled back just enough to see Rainbow's face, and the surprised blush in her cheeks... and for Rainbow to notice the sudden, teary look in Twilight's own eyes.

Twilight lifted a hoof to dry her eyes, lowering it again to rest upon her mare's chest. "You're so foolish, Rainbow. Asking to marry a pony like me? You know how stressed and persnickety I can get. I mean, hay," she sniffled again, "it'll probably take me a couple of months just to plan everything... and another few just to organize it all!"

"Well..." Rainbow smiled up at her slyly, bringing a hoof up to stroke her cheek and calm her nerves. "We have time; and besides... that only means you're working to make it as awesome as it can possibly be."

Twilight smiled warmly, placing her free hoof over her girlfriend's, lowering her voice as she leaned in. "I'm now engaged to an awesome pegasus, Rainbow. It has to be."

The two kissed, Twilight pulling away just enough to whisper, "I love you so much, Rainbow." She leaned back in to nuzzle her cheek against Rainbow's, adding, "I w-was, a-and still am such an... awkward, unattractive mess; but you Rainbow... you never cease in finding ways to make me feel so... wanted—like I'm the most beautiful mare in the city."

Rainbow grinned, holding a hoof of hers up slightly to refute. "Two things, Twi. One, you really are anything but unattractive, though... you are a bit—or, a lot awkward. That much is kinda true." Her grin became a meek smile as she stared up at Twilight. To her surprise however, Twilight simply let out a short laugh in response.

A laugh Rainbow wasted no time sharing in.

"The... the second thing is," continued Rainbow as her laughter slowly died down; "I... wouldn't be a very good girlfriend if I didn—"

Twilight took her by surprise as she dove in for a second kiss, the feeling of a tear hitting her cheek surprising Rainbow more than the kiss itself. She shrugged it off however, her heart fluttering on the inside as she kissed Twilight back with an equal amount of passion.

The sudden, scattering sound of papers hitting the ground interrupted them. Twilight looked to the sound first, curious for a second before her smile slipped, and a look of sheer panic overcame her.


She scrambled to her hooves much to Rainbow's annoyance as she nearly trampled over her. Her heart now beating frantically and face beet red, she stood rigid, grinning tensely. "I t-thought you were out with Moon Dancer?"

Spike shook his head, snapping out of his stupor. "I... I was, but we decided it was getting late, for the both of us." He raised a claw, pointing it back at her. "How long have the two of you...?"

Twilight gulped, beginning to feel a little sick as she looked over her shoulder at Rainbow who was now on her side, returning her gaze.

She shrugged back at her, looking no more unsure than she did.

Twilight bit her lip as she turned back ahead reluctantly, letting out a sheepish chuckle and shrinking back as she asked, "Would you be angry if I said months?"

Spike didn't say anything as he simply blinked once, dumbfounded... before sighing, picking up his things and walking off.

Twilight panicked, holding out a hoof after him. "Spike!"

"Look, Spike," began Twilight, following after him hurriedly as he walked down the stairs to their rooms. "Neither of us meant to keep this from you! Honest!"

"Believe us, Spike," Rainbow chimed in, hovering behind Twilight. "I mean, you know how she can be."

Twilight looked over her shoulder, shooting Rainbow a serious look.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, crossing her forelegs. "Oh come on," she insisted. "You just admitted you know how you act a few minutes ago!"

"Hmph." Twilight stuck her muzzle up, turning back to Spike as the dragon raised his hands, wordlessly asking them to relax.

"Guys, guys... No arguing... alright? I... I don't know, I just... I need some time to think about all this, and your bickering's not exactly helping any..."

Rainbow and Twilight looked at one another—their ears folding against their heads—before gazing away regretfully, Twilight running a hoof along her other foreleg apprehensively.

"Well... gee, Spike, I..." Rainbow shrugged, bringing a hoof to the back of her head. "It never lasts for more than a few moments. I mean, since the cat's out of the bag anyway... We love each other, Spike. It's like, impossible for us to stay mad at each other for any longer than that."

She grinned softly, Twilight looking back at her with a smile of her own.

"Love—" Spike's gaze fell. "—right..." He gripped his other arm, looking back up at them apprehensively. "Have you told anyone else?"

Twilight's ears perked up, and she turned back to him. "S-several ponies," she stuttered in admittance, sheepishly adding, "The majority of the city might be aware of it as well."

Spike's eyes widened. "The entire...?" He threw his arms out at her. "How did I not know about this?"

"I honestly have no idea, Spike."

"Urgh..." Spike's head fell into the palm of his hand, his head shaking once in disbelief.

Twilight bit her lip, searching for the right words as she took a step closer to him. "If it's any consolation, Spike... This won't change a thing between us." She wrapped a foreleg over his shoulder, pulling him into a surprise hug. "You're as much a friend to me as Rainbow is," she said, her chin resting upon his opposite shoulder. "We just..." Her eyes glanced away, thinking back. "Do different things together is all."

Spike cracked a slight smile at that. "Yeah, I... can imagine." He shook his head again, pushing away from her as gently as he could. "Twilight, I'm sorry, but... really, we... we're not friends like you and Rainbow are. I mean, for crying out loud, when she wasn't around for a day, you nearly fell into a depression!"

Rainbow's brow lifted in surprise at hearing that for the first time. "You did?" she asked, peering down at her only to see that Twilight herself seemed taken aback as well.

Spike's eyes averted as he murmured, "Guess I now know why you were in such a rut..."

"I... didn't want you to know, Rainbow," Twilight confessed, looking back over her shoulder, but not at her directly. "I didn't want to worry you, or make you feel bad over leaving me, I just, well... Y-you left me hanging high and dry, Rainbow." She locked eyes with her, staring up exasperatedly. "You kissed me and ran, leaving me with so many thoughts and questions, just as I was starting to fall in love with you, that I... I-I don't know..."

She scuffled one of her hooves on the stairs, tearing her gaze away to the ground.

Rainbow's face turned wry, setting down a couple steps above her as her ears started to droop. "Gee, I... never meant to leave you hanging, Twi, I... was just trying to cheer you up."

"W-well... hey, in a way, I guess you sort of did. You let me know how you felt about me."

She chuckled as a small smile returned to adorn Rainbow's lips before turning back to Spike. "And so did you, Spike. Cheer me up, I mean. You pushed me to get up, and do something about it."

"I'm happy I could make you happy, Twilight. I just..." Spike turned away, disheartened. "I wish I could be more to you than just a shoulder to cry on."

"You are, Spike," she insisted, raising her hoof a little out towards him. "I really depend on you."

"You depend on me to pick you up whenever Rainbow's not around, Twilight."

"That's not true Spike, I..." Twilight glanced away, rubbing a hoof along her other foreleg anxiously. "I..."

"Right..." Spike scratched the back of his head. "I like to think we're all friends, Twilight. In fact, I know we are, I just..." He turned once more with a sigh, stepping foot into his room. "I wish I could be as important a friend to you as Rainbow is." He sat up on the edge of his bed, softly adding, "Friendship just... doesn't hold a candle to love though, I guess," before rolling onto his side, facing away from them.

Twilight gulped, his words cutting deeper than any knife, and causing her heart to slowly ache as her breaths began to quiver. She blinked a few times, turning and reluctantly stepping out of the room, back onto the stairwell.

Rainbow immediately stepped back a few stairs, giving the heartbroken unicorn some space to breath.

"W-well... that's a friendship lesson, I... I suppose." Her ears sagging, she wiped her eyes with a foreleg, sniffling loudly before turning to Rainbow with a hopeless look.

Rainbow wasted no time welcoming her into her forelegs, Twilight sniffling some more. "If... if only I felt happy about him learning it." She bit her lip, tightly scrunching her eyelids together. "Oh, Rainbow... t-this has all gone wrong, hasn't it?" Rainbow stroked the back of her mane, nuzzling her soft head of hair. "This... t-this should be a joyous time. I mean, we're engaged now, for Celestia's sake..."

"I know, Twi," Rainbow replied, her voice gentle. "Why don't we get some sleep?"

Twilight froze for a second, before peering up at her with misty eyes. "S-sleep?" she questioned. "Wuh... why?"

"Well... It's late, and... maybe we're all just a little exhausted. Spike's probably just not in the right state of mind, and I'm thinking we'll all feel a lot better in the morning. You can talk things out more with him, show him he really does mean as much to you as I do, and," Rainbow continued, stretching out the syllable, "we could begin planning out our future together—the three of us." She smiled warmly down at Twilight.

Twilight let out a brief chuckle at the notion, giving her a thankful smile in return. "That's... not a half-bad plan," she said, glancing away as she raised her right hoof, taking a moment to rub one of her eyes dry.

Day 131

Some hours later—after a long night of celebrations throughout the rest of the city at long last began to die down—sunlight streamed in through their bedroom curtains, warming their bed's comforter. The light lit up both their bed and their faces, their muzzles both scrunching up a little.

Rainbow came to first, rolling onto her back and letting out a pleasant sigh as she arched her back, her eyelids flickering open.

Twilight woke up with a groan, her eyelids creaking open, and her mane a slight mess.

Rainbow heard her girlfriend's groan, and noticing her body shuffling from out of the corner of her eye, rolled onto her side to greet her new fiancée.

"Hey, Twi," she happily greeted. "How'd you sleep?"

Twilight frowned, shaking her head softly against the pillow. "Not too well... It... feels like I have a headache."

"Oh..." Rainbow's ears fell flat, and she glanced away. "I... I-I'm Sorry, Twi..."

Twilight's heart swelled at the sight, despite the grogginess she felt right then.

"It's probably just the weather." She smiled reassuringly, leaning forward to kiss Rainbow's lips. "It'll pass."

A goofy smile overtook Rainbow's face once she broke away.

The two climbed out of bed, Rainbow taking a moment to stretch out her forelegs and hind legs.

Twilight set a hoof of hers on the bedside table to steady herself as she breathed in, her head still pounding lightly. That cider must have affected me more than I thought, she mused. Some herbal tea would probably work wonders. Not to mention, taste pretty good right about now...

She smiled at the thought, looking back to where her girlfriend stood on the opposite side of their bed.

"Why don't I go see if Spike would be willing to make us something?" she suggested, grabbing Rainbow's attention. "Me some tea, you some hot..." Her ears and gaze fell as the memory . "Hot..."

"Twilight?" Rainbow questioned, brow furrowing in concern... when it dawned on her. Right, she... mentioned Spike... She put the thought aside, springing into action. "Come on," she exclaimed, gliding over and setting down beside her, placing a foreleg around her. "Why don't we go see him?"

Twilight looked at her for a long moment before nodding.

The two climbed the stairs outside their room, reaching Spike's room in a matter of moments... only to end up finding it empty.

Twilight's brow lifted in panic. "Spike?" she called out into the room, then turned, and called out over the stairwell, her voice echoing throughout the tower. "Spike!"

No voice replied as Twilight waited a couple moments in eager anticipation.

Her pupils shrunk, and she fell back on her haunches, feeling her heart sink sickeningly in her chest.

"Twilight..." Rainbow lifted her hoof slightly, wanting nothing more than to console her. Her own expression saddened, and she ultimately tore her gaze away to the upper floor. "I'll find him, Twi," she promised, spreading her wings to take flight. "Don't worry."

"Wait..." Moon Dancer's jaw snapped shut, and she adjusted her glasses as they began to slip from her muzzle at the news. "You've been out here... how long again, Spike?"

"It hasn't been that long, Moon. Just a few hours before sunrise, so... if you're worried about me catching a cold, don't be." He shrugged, sitting slumped, contemplative, and staring down absently at nothing but the snow under his feet. "I just... I don't know, needed to get away for a bit?"

"Why, Spike?" Moon Dancer took a seat beside him. "You and Twilight are like brother and sister." She froze, then scrambled to reiterate. "Like, I said. Not genetically or anything, obviously." A sheepish bout of laughter followed suit.

Spike let out a breath, paying little mind to what she had said. "Moon, did... did you know that she and Rainbow are dating?"

Moon Dancer shut herself up quickly, understanding now what the problem was. "Oh. I see. She finally decided to tell you, and it sort of weirded you out a little, huh?" Spike looked up at her for the first time with a look of pure disbelief, one that immediately made her feel a little guilty.

"Or Twilight didn't tell you, and ..." She brought a hoof to the back of her neck and gazed away. "Oh boy—"

"You too?" Moon Dancer flinched at Spike's outburst. "Moon...! Why didn't you tell me?"

"It wasn't my truth to tell, Spike!"

"Well...! Yeah, but... urgh, I don't know!" He sighed and slouched back in defeat, letting both his shoulders and gaze sink. "I... I just feel like, used—like they're taking advantage of my trust or something."

Moon Dancer reached out to him, her hoof curling a bit in hesitation before coming to rest on his right shoulder. "You know that's not true..."

Spike shook his head, letting out another breath and shrugging her hoof off. "I mean, I just..." He fumbled for the right words, quickly finding himself at a loss.

"She loves you, Spike," Moon Dancer pressed, then stopped for a second. "M-maybe not as much as she loves Rainbow, but, ah, well... C'mon; you can't say she doesn't care about you as much as she does Rainbow."

Spike glanced away. "She didn't care enough to just be honest with me," he murmured bitterly.

"She gets anxious, Spike; you know that." Spike rolled his eyes, nodding a little begrudgingly. "Rainbow really gave her quite the confidence boost."

"I just don't see why I never did," he murmured. "I mean... it's like, I had no affect on her."

"Friends may not be as important to some as lovers, Spike, but... believe me, I know you've had an affect on her."

"Maybe, but... I just wish I could be equally as important, you know?"

"You sound just like my lab partner," Moon Dancer mused before dismissing the thought, returning to the topic at hoof.

"Spike... you do realize that... friendship isn't all that much to begin with, don't you? I-I mean, it can be pretty awesome and all, but I think you're exaggerating its importance. Having a friend is just basically having a buddy to waste time with, and confide your troubles in—sort of like we're doing right now come to think of it," she slowly realized, drifting back off into thought. "It's nothing compared to the tempting, intimate touch of another..."

Moon Dancer caught herself too late, quickly raising her hooves in defense. "N-not that I would know!" Another sheepish laugh followed as one of her hooves rubbed the back of her neck.

Spike turned to her with a coy expression, raising an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that you're a hopeless romantic, Moon."

"Me?" She blinked, taken aback as she lowered her hooves. "Nah, I'm just theorizing is all... b-but more so to the point! As Twilight's friend, you should just... be there for her, and support her—as she supports you, Spike." Spike bit the bottom corner of his lip, returning his gaze down to his twiddling claws. "Being a friend is really just about making the other happy, and wanting them to be happy. I can sure tell you that resenting what she and Rainbow have isn't making her any happier."

"She'll... get over it eventually, probably," Spike murmured.

"But what if she doesn't?" Moon Dancer asked in rebuttal. "Spike... Twilight doesn't deserve this. Only, if she, say, suddenly abandoned you or... disappeared without a trace, then maybe I could see that as a cause for alarm. Why, I-I'm pretty sure that I'd turn into a bitter and resentful recluse or something if that happened to me." She couldn't help herself, and let out a soft bout of laughter at the very idea. "But, it's like I said: a pony like Twilight would never do something like that." She smiled over at him with confidence. "Her or you, for that matter."

"Oh, I..." Spike looked up at her, taken aback. "I'd never leave you, Moon."

He grinned gingerly, returning her smile for a second before it fell from his face... his gaze became a little anxious. "Can I... be honest with you, Moon?" His gaze fell further, down to her hooves. "I... really think that might be my worst nightmare actually. Twilight abandoning me..."

"Then don't risk what the two of you already have, Spike." Spike felt her hoof reach out and touch his cheek, before sliding beneath his chin, raising his gaze. "Nothing in life is the way we'd like it to be, Spike. We kind of just take what we can get—like your relationship with Twilight. It'll never be perfect, but... I believe she really does value you as much as she values Rainbow, just in different ways."

Spike sighed, shutting his eyelids tightly. "Celestia, you're so right, Moon." His head fell into his hands. "Urgh, I'm such a bonehead..."

"There there, Spike," she said, running a hoof down the spikes on his head. "You're not dumb, you were just... I dunno, overwhelmed?" She shrugged her shoulders. "In either case, I think you should go see her."

Spike shook his head, his face remaining buried in his hands. "If it's all the same to you, Moon, I... would like to stay with you a little longer."

"Afraid of going back?" Moon Dancer asked. "I can go with you, if you'd like."

Spike sighed, lifting his head to turn and look at her. "I just... really value every second we spend together. We never get a whole lot of time together—not often anyways... s-so, y'know." He cracked a weary smile.

"O-oh, um...! Okay, well, we can talk for an extra few minutes, Spike... but you really should be heading back."

His smile fell, and he solemnly turned back ahead. "I know," he replied. "I know, I just..."

"Spike... by any chance are...? A-are you jealous of Twilight's relationship with Rainbow?" Her question caused his eyes to widen and a blush to break out across his face as he grew a little rigid, turning to her inquisitively. "Because I'm getting the impression your friendship with her isn't the only issue here."

Spike's gaze returned to his lap, to his twiddling claws. "I... don't think I am," he replied, thinking over the possibility. "I don't know... Do you think I am, Moon?"

Moon Dancer adjusted her glasses as she looked off with a slight, teasing smile.

"Well..." she began, "if I didn't know any better, Spike—" She scooted a little closer to whisper the next part in his ear teasingly, only to have inched a little too far. bumping her flank against his hip. Their eyes immediately met at the touch of her fur on his scales, Spike's startled gaze meeting her flustered one, and she instantly smiled, stuttering as she returned to the question at hoof.

"I-I'd s-say you were looking for a girlfriend yourself."

Spike grinned, pushing past the increasing awkwardness between them and instead teasing her back.

"And you're her, huh Moon?"

Moon Dancer's eyelids lowered, her voice becoming a little sultry. "Well obviously," she replied, and before either of them knew it, they were softly laughing among themselves.

"Even though your new manestyle makes you look exactly like Twilight?"

Moon Dancer stopped giggling, her expression turning a little sour. "So it's the mane that makes the mare for you, huh Mister?" she accused, pointing a hoof into his chest.

Spike gulped, his pupils darting back and fourth and lips curving into a nervous smile as he fumbled for his answer.

"No?" he replied in a timid, little voice.

Moon Dancer chuckled, setting a hoof on his arm. "I'm just messing with you, Spike," she assured him.

Spike breathed out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank—" He froze, realizing Moon Dancer was still sat beside him. "I knew that," he remarked, saving face.

Moon Dancer chuckled some more as she collected her composure. "So, um... what do you look for in a girl, Spike?"

"Honestly, Moon? I dunno," he replied, shrugging as he frowned in thought. "I've never really given romance much thought. I mean... it isn't like I'm not open to it, it just... doesn't really seem to interest me..."

"Yeah... I hear you, Spike. I mean, science, magic, and like... the joys of geekdom are the only things I've ever loved—and I'm proud of it! Well that, and my friends of course," she added as she corrected herself, shrinking back while bearing a meek smile.

"Whew," Spike breathed out, pretending to be in relief. "You had me worried me there for a sec." He grinned over at her.

Moon Dancer looked back at him, amused. "It's true though, Spike. You guys are like, a part of what gives my life meaning."

"So are you, Moon. You're like, my best friend."

"Aww, Spike... You're like, my best friend too." Moon Dancer wrapped a foreleg around him, pulling him into a hug.

Spike chuckled, nestled in her embrace. "Maybe we're too good of friends," he murmured in thought. "Twilight sometimes teases me, telling me that I have a crush on you."

Moon Dancer blinked, leaning back as she stared back at him stunned, her glasses beginning to slip.

"Well... do you?" she tentatively asked.

"Um... I, uh... You're a very pretty mare, Moon, I just..." He sighed, shying his gaze away. "We're too good of friends, you know?"

Moon Dancer's surprised expression became one of understanding as she nodded in agreement. "I guess it would be like dating a friend of the family... and if it's any consolation, Spike, you're a very handsome dragon yourself. Especially now that you've, ah... grown; b-but I could never ruin what we already have." Moon Dancer chuckled stiffly, and Spike rolled his eyes at her, unable to help but smile.

A passing shadow took him by surprise, causing him to jump if only because of its familiar shape.

He glanced up and swallowed nervously as he observed the dark outline of a pegasus. Rainbow... he silently dreaded, feeling his skin grow cold. From what he could tell, she seemed to have noticed him as well, as she made a sudden u-turn, gliding in his and Moon Dancer's direction.

Spike forced his gaze away, staring a little anxiously towards Moon Dancer.

"Hm?" She cocked her head back at him. "What is it, Spike?"

"I... I think Rainbow has come looking for me, actually..."

Moon Dancer lifted her brow in surprise, turning to look up at the sky. "Really?" she asked. "Where is—?"

Spike partly raised a hand of his, drawing her attention back to him. "S-she's uh, gonna want me to head back with her probably... but um, before she drags me back! Wanna hang out again sometime soon?"

Moon Dancer beamed in delight at the idea. "I would love to, Spike! We could totally use a day to ourselves, and hey, we could—! Could..."

Her ear twitched and she glanced to her left, catching wind of Rainbow as she swooped down and landed stylishly a couple feet from them.

"Hey, Moon! What's up?"

"Oh, Rainbow, hey!" she greeted her, smiling. "Nothing much. Hey, uh... Mind if I borrow Spike for a few more quick seconds?"

"Uh..." Rainbow's head cocked, and her brow furrowed in puzzlement. "Sure?"

Spike's eyes darted between the two.

"Cool, cool, so um... Yeah." Moon Dancer's attention returned to him. "So... next time we hang out, wanna grab something at Hay Burger, and watch Mane Hero 6 or something? You... never got the chance to see it, right?"

"Y-yeah, that... was a couple years ago, so no. Twilight always had me working around the clock back then." He chuckled nervously, averting his eyes.

"Yeah?" She giggled behind closed lips, bringing a hoof to them.

"But uh, yeah!" Spike exclaimed sheepishly. "Sounds good! So, how about tomorrow?"

Moon Dancer nodded. "Tomorrow it is."

Spike nodded in turn, stepping down from the bench and turning halfway, waving goodbye one last time before running on over to his other friend.

At least, he hoped she was still his friend.

"Rainbow!" he greeted awkwardly as he came to stand before her. "H-hey, I, um..."

"What was that all about, Spike?" she interjected questioningly.

"What was that all—? O-oh, um... Moon Dancer and me just had a heart-to-heart, or... something... a-and! She, uh... made me realize something..." Spike scuffed a foot through the snow as he paused for a moment. "I'm... just gonna come out and say that I'm, uh, sorry for uh... y'know." His shoulders deflated and his gaze sunk to the snow. "I know Twilight doesn't love me the same way that she loves you, but, um, that... doesn't mean that she doesn't love me."

He shut his eyes and apprehensively grew a little tense, bracing for a scolding that never came.

Instead, Rainbow wrapped a foreleg of hers around him, pulling him in for a gentle, semi-awkward, and... strangely reassuring, makeshift embrace.

"You know, Spike... Twi was pretty upset when you walked off earlier. It took a lot for her to just... fall asleep, and the sight of me has only done so much to lift her spirits. I mean, she's happy about the engagement and all, she's just... beating herself up over the fact that it lead to you catching... you know."

"I, I-I didn't mean to!" he insisted.

"I know you didn't mean to, Spike." Rainbow pulled back to look up at his brokenhearted expression. "Nopony ever means to when they goof up, believe me..." She put the thought aside, smiling up at him kindly. "Why don't we go see her, and you can tell her what you've learned."

Spike's eyes slowly widened and he sniffled, nodding in agreement. "A-alright..."

He smiled back at her as Rainbow took a couple steps back, swerving around and staring back at him from over her shoulder. "Climb on."

Spike looked at her wryly before shrugging, taking a seat on her back, and wrapping his arms securely over her shoulders.

They arrived home in a matter of moments, finding Twilight seated down below in the dining room... slouched over the table and staring with a heartbroken gaze into a cup of tea.

Her ears perked up at the sound of beating wings.

She peered up, spotting Rainbow in the archway with her head raised, using it to give Spike's back a light push, nudging him a couple steps towards her.

Her brow raised, and her heart began to swell in joy. Spike...

She got up immediately, and began to walk over, cautiously at first.

Spike himself rubbed one of his elbows as he looked down at her. "Look... Twilight, I—"

Twilight ran the remaining distance and embraced him—a little tightly for his liking, but at the same time... relief washed over him.

He eased up and hugged her back as she softly nuzzled his chest.

Rainbow chuckled, watching the scene unfold from where she stood.

"I'm sorry," Spike uttered, being the first to break the silence between them. "I had such an... overblown sense of what friendship should be, that... I didn't think to value what I already had." He grinned sheepishly. "Guess I've been feeling a little greedy."

"It's okay, Spike," Twilight assured him in a murmur. "I don't blame you for wanting more. Really, I should have told you months ago, making you feel like more a part of our lives."

"Speaking of..." Spike pulled back from out of their embrace, turning to look down at her questioningly... Twilight reluctantly letting him go. "The two of you really are, uhm... tying the knot, huh?"

"O-oh, um..." Her ears stood up intently, caught off guard by the question. "W-we would like to, Spike." She nodded and smiled shyly... before her resolve weakened and she leaned closer, asking, "Tying the knot means getting married, right? I'm not really 'hip' with figures of speech like that."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, walking up beside them. "Yes, Twi, that's exactly what it means."

Twilight blushed, shrinking back a little. "R-right..."

"So, um... what can I do to help?" Spike asked, taking them both aback.

"Help?" Rainbow repeated questioningly before Twilight cut in.

"By just being here for us, Spike," she told him, bearing a warm smile. "That's all you need to do."

"Oh, I was already prepared to do that, Twilight." He grinned down at her soflty. "Anything else?"

Twilight sniffled, shaking her head. "That's all, Spike."

"Really? Because I don't mind continuing to cook for you guys, I mean... I could totally provide the catering for you—" He gasped at the idea struck him. "I could host your bachelor party!"

Rainbow and Twilight blinked at the same time, exchanging looks of confusion with one another.

Then they broke out into a soft bout of laughter.

"What?" Spike looked between the two, beginning to fret. "Did I say something wrong? I mean, bachelor parties are something you have at weddings, right?"

"Yes, Spike, they are. Though... I think what you mean to say is bachelorette party," Twilight corrected, to which he stared blankly at her for a seconds before mouthing a silent "Oh," in understanding.

He let out a small chuckle himself, joining in on their soft bout of laughter.

...And that's the end of the scene.

Chapter progress can be found on my user page, and the good news is that they're all basically over fifty percent done. This story WILL be finished—it's just a matter of time, and I hope this shows that progress is still being made, if you had any doubts.

Until next time. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 5 )

I'm super happy to see this story continuing!

I'm sorry to hear what happened and I hope things go well! Thank you so much for sharing such a long preview despite all that~

One little mistake you might want to address though:
Spike mentions the cold night not being an issue due to him being cold-blooded, but Cold-blooded creatures aren't resistant to cold or anything like that. Quite the opposite really; Cold-blooded creatures can't produce or retain body heat very well and as such require an external source of warmth. So it's a little odd for Spike to say that.

Just something to consider
Thanks again for the lovely twidashes!

4077338 Guess I wasn't thinking when I wrote that... :twilightblush: Thanks. I'll fix it when I can.

I hope everything goes well with your eyes. :)
That sneak peek of the next chapter was great. Can't wait to read the rest. No rush though. Your health comes first. We're all rooting for you here. <3

Thanks for the sneak peek! :heart: Really curious about Spike's growth, is it pernament? Is it related to greed? Why is nopony suprised? Anyway, I really hope your eyes will get better soon :twilightsmile:

Well, well, guess I commented too soon on the actual story. I’m glad that it’s being finished because it has caught me in its threads. (that’s one of my unique phrases, it basically means that it has caught my attention)

I also hope that your disability won’t make your life any less lively. :twilightsmile:

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