• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 89 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 116 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 117 weeks

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    Who Wants to See Babies?

    I'm just poppin' in to talk about our livestock.

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  • 128 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

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Birthday Bios: Berry Blast · 7:05pm Jul 4th, 2016

Happy Independence Day, fellow Americans! And for anyone who lives outside of the USA, I hope you have a nice day, too. :raritywink:

Anyway, fireworks are always a good marking of a celebration; no one knows this better than CheesePie Foal #4, Berry Blast. He’d be happy to know that he shares a birthday with a country in a completely different dimension. I betcha he’d be crazy enough to celebrate the alien holiday once he learned about it (much to everyone else's confusion).

Now, let’s pay some attention to this crazy kid.

Berry Blast was born to Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie in Ponyville, and was greeted by twin siblings Pizza Pockets and Fudge Fondue, and brother Rocky Road. They had been expecting a filly, but they took what they got and loved their new colt anyway. They were surprised that the new member of the family was a unicorn, though Cheese soon realized that it was a gene hopped over from his grandmother Cucumber Melon.

Some of the meaner and more gossipy neighbors that clearly didn't know the family that well weren’t satisfied with this explanation, and deduced that obviously, Pinkie cheated on her husband with a unicorn in town; they “wouldn’t put it past a party pony”, after all!

(Those idiots know nothing of what party ponies are about).

The mere suggestion of that angered the party couple, and they continued to point out various features that Berry inherited from Cheese—his eyes, his facial structure (especially the dimples), and even the fact that his mane bristled when he was mad. While that rumor quieted down over the years, the parents (and their friends as well) would be exasperated when it popped up.

Berry’s infancy was a wild one. When he started having his magic spurts, something was guaranteed to blow up. Dinner that Pizza Pockets made? Now a mess in the kitchen. Fudge’s collection of instruments? Now she has to either rebuild or replace them. And nopony likes to mention the time that Berry got into Rocky’s rock collection—it sent plenty of ponies to the hospital.

And then there was Berry levitating things, and running around like toddlers did. Pinkie would be chasing him around to keep him out of trouble, though she has been singed by Berry’s magic and hit with objects he’s thrown. While she has managed to catch him and calm him down (having three other foals had her getting a lot better at doing that), it wouldn’t be long until he got excited again. A frazzled Pinkie has asked for help from Twilight in keeping her unicorn son’s magic under control.

“You know that spell thingie that was cast on your niece when she was causing a lot of trouble like shooting destructive beams of death and breaking the Crystal Heart?”
“Let me guess, you want me to cast that spell on Berry.”

Pinkie didn’t admit it, but she was a bit jealous of Cheese, whose presence apparent made Berry behave. Some ponies have joked that it’s because Berry’s afraid of scaring his Dad away (as Cheese tended to travel and visited every so often for family bonding), but none of the family would be surprised if this was the case.

He was introduced to baby sister Cheesecake Chase when he was three, and he got a taste of his own medicine. He often joined in with the rest of the family in trying to catch his flying sister (who was a pegasus, thanks to Pinkie’s grandmother) and keeping her from crashing into objects. As much as he liked ‘C.C.’ and played with her a lot, he did not like how mischievous she got.

He soon started school, and he was quick to join in on fun games with the other foals, often making them laugh with a bunch of jokes in the process. However, he wasn’t exactly good at paying attention in class, due to finding a million other things interesting that what the teacher had to say, especially the fact that he could feel the magic running through his horn once again. He often got in trouble for using magic during a lesson, though he complained that he was having trouble controlling it.

Auntie Twilight stepped in on both accounts, as Pinkie worried about what kinds of disasters his magic would lead to now that it was returning. She made sure that he learned how to control and knew how to use it responsibly, and that he retained his lessons from school. Berry did not like having to sit through “extra school”, but he was afraid of what Twilight could do to cause much trouble.

When he had more control and basic understanding of magic safety, he was happy to dazzle some of the other foals with tricks he had taught himself. He has hurt himself and others on occasion where he forgot a magic safety rule and ended up lighting something on fire. Needless to say, he was in trouble a lot.

If he wasn’t practicing his magic, he was often going around town to play pranks with his sister C.C. They still laugh together at the reactions of folks to things like sudden fog in one house, furniture glued to the ceiling, or their favorite, Rarity being startled on finding the cardboard cutouts of Cheese Sandwich replacing mannequins at Carousel Boutique. Cheese especially finds the last one hilarious and jokingly volunteers to model for her next line.

Berry also liked to bug his older brothers. Depending on what he was doing, Pizza would either take the bait and play whatever silly game came up or shoo him away because he’s working at the moment and can’t play. On the other hoof, Rocky was not fond of spending time with his hyperactive brother, and rarely played with him, though those times he did were more of out of respect for his parents’ wishes than any desire to do so. If Berry tried anything, either brother would be flicking the horn.

When he was about ten, he discovered that his talents lied in the smoke and mirrors kind of stage magic rather than the straightforward wizardry Twilight leaned toward. Out of curiosity one day, he tried it out, and found it funny to fool ponies. Practicing and performing this sort of magic with his little sister as an assistant, he earned his cutie mark when he was applauded for a great performance. He didn’t win any awards for the talent show, but he was happy to have his cutie mark.

After that, he wasn’t sure what to do next. Was there a special school for stage magicians? Did he have to sign up for some sort of beginner magician program? Did he have to randomly show off to random ponies in order to get noticed? He was stumped on what path he was supposed to take from then on.

However, Cheese had an idea. With the help of Twilight’s old friendship student Starlight Glimmer, they managed to track down the Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie was unsure about taking on a colt for a protégé, but was convinced that a student to pass down her amazingness to would do wonders for her reputation. So, after Berry finished the basic Ponyville schooling in his teens, Trixie whisked him off to the world of smoke and mirrors.

Trixie wasn’t all that fond of Berry at first, and was strictly business in teaching him how to navigate the world of stage magic. He annoyed her with overeagerness and his tendency to end up setting things on fire. Still, when she’d demonstrate a trick, he’d be all eyes and ears and try to imitate it the best he could. When he got it right, Trixie couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride toward her student, and found herself growing attached to the kid.

He served as an assistant for her in her shows, sometimes even ending up in a party thrown by Cheese. Those parties served as opportunities for father and son to catch up and bond a little, and for Cheese to ask Trixie how she’s doing in teaching his son.

It was several years before Berry was off on his own, essentially “graduating” from Trixie’s tutelage. He became known across Equestria for introducing himself with a BANG, and having quite an explosive finale. He often provided fireworks in whatever celebration he was involved in, seeing as he was quite creative in manipulating them for maximum awe. As he grows older, he’ll grow more careful not to start any fires, especially in areas with dry vegetation.

He’ll visit Ponyville from time to time, catching up with his siblings and parents, and goofing around with his nieces and nephews. Sometimes he’ll try a collaboration stunt with C.C., a Wonderbolt trainee, though it usually ends kind of sloppily and sometimes with a minor injury. They’re still trying to perfect it.

All in all, Berry’s a happy guy.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 561 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 2 )

Seems like a fun guy, as long as you stay out of the blast radius. Really, it should come as no surprise that a unicorn child of two of the premiere party ponies in Equestria would have some ludicrous magic. Control's a bit trickier, but at least he's learning it.

I rather like this chap. He has a happy face :pinkiesmile:

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