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Updates and bug fixes [Fimfiction Advanced 3.11.6] · 9:10am May 19th, 2016

FimFiction Advanced
Fixed a whole bunch of bugs relating to the banners.

· Fancy banners should no longer jump horizontally when the page is very thin.
· Fixed Avatar/Story Covers being misplaced in some cases
· Fixed the reset banner button not doing anything. (it looks like knighty removed the code for that)
· Made the parallax effect a bit more noticeable

On the more technical side, I've changed how the parallax, and other effects based on scrolling are applied. It will either run smoother, run the same, or run slower. (Tell me if it runs slower)

The script now also includes a fix for knighty's patchy code, that sometimes displays this error message:

Thank you ultraimg.com
So much nicer than imgur

This occurs when you leave the page whilst an outstanding ajax request is in progress. It gets cancelled and knighty treats that as an error.

Extra Emoticons

I finally looked at the download page for emoticon packs and updated the images.

I'm also dropping support for the MinecraftForums pack. No one likes that site anyway. If anyone wants to download it they can ask me for a link, or find it on my github, but I won't be updating it any more.

And the kaomoji emoticon pack also has a new thumbnail, since the old one disappeared.

Script download pages:

Comments ( 16 )

Just tested out the emoticons! They all work, I love 'em and they're wonderful! Thank you! roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/kind-of-yall.png

Haven't gone through anything else yet (like the banners and logos and such), but oh, I'm going to, I assure you! sollace.github.io/emoticons/fimfic/nerdgasm-d72140i.png

Thank you SO much for all of this! It is wonderful! orig09.deviantart.net/e3f6/f/2012/363/c/f/clapping_pony_icon___applejack_by_taritoons-d5pkxsu.gif

Well that answers it. I've been curious as to why the kaomoji icon was broken.

3956219 Oh hey cool! Nice to finally see another Fimfic Advanced User using the emojis! sollace.github.io/emoticons/fimfic/fitwi-d7252jt.png
Before then, it was only ever been me that I've seen using them. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Emoticons/misc_Bonbon_gaze.png

Quick question, though: where do I go to change the site logo up in the upper left hand corner? I'd love to be able it use the one with Applejack's Cutie Mark on it, but don't know how to change it atm.

Thankies in advance.

Also, of ANYONE here knows where I can go to change the background color on my account, PLEASE let me know where to go to do it, okay?

It's solid black now (due to me getting it too dark wherever the site was that I went to to do it), and I don't like it very much now.

I'd like to make it a bit brighter, and more colorful.

The little logo can't be changed, sorry.

For the background, if you've used another tool to change it then it will likely clash with FimFic Adv's background settings. My guess is you're either using a userstyle of userscript to do it. You can just disable/remove them to restore default behaviour.

3956476 Okay, thanks.

Would that be the one one the site's main page that would be changed?
Just curious. you understand.

Okay, thanks again.

Now all I have to do is just remember where the heck I GOT them from, but it's been literally MONTHS since I did that, so I don't really remember which site it was.
And I really don't want to go digging back through all the blog posts in my feed, but I may have to.

:twilightoops: sollace.github.io/emoticons/fimfic/twieww-d72140f.png roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/ajuh.png roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/rariaah.png

The logo that changes is the one included in the banner. That's because the site used to have the banner on by default, and that's what the features were written for.

3956523 Okay, thanks again.

And that's the one that I wanted to change. The l'il bitty one up in the corner is fine.

And I found where I turned the "MLP Dark Theme" on, but I have absolutely NO idea HOW to disable/remove it.

I'll figure it out sooner or later, I guess.

Oh sweet. That 'Request Failed(0)' bullshit was getting old.

Yeah. Sometimes I wish knighty would fix the stuff that actually needs fixing, instead of whatever he's doing now.

Will this all be updated for the newly updated site? Its causing a LOT of errors right now


Well, exam first, and then soon.

Works for me, until then I need to keep them all disabled, otherwise I cant post ocmments, bring up the other pcture packs, see the banners, etc.

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