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Your Antagonist

Shut up. Just write.

More Blog Posts59

  • 337 weeks
    Formal Retirement From Fimfic

    What's there to say? I've had a good ole' run on this site, but I think it's time I finally close the book on my MLP fanfic career. I've made lots of progress as a writer, made some good friends and had a blast doing it, but as of late, I just don't feel compelled to type away at stories about pastel-colored horses like I used to. I've tried, but the spark just won't ignite like it used to. But

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    15 comments · 990 views
  • 365 weeks
    Haven't done that in a while.

    Still feels all jittery and fluttery when you press the submit button. Oh, and I'm not dead yet so... yeah.

    Your Antagonist

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  • 413 weeks
    Soo... Anyone else here at Bronyccon?

    Been here for a few hours and I've pretty much been confined to the game room, but I'd love to meet and hang out my fellow fimfic users... If any of y'all are present of course. That said, anyone here?

    7 comments · 567 views
  • 427 weeks
    Cancelled yet INcomplete Stories #1 Having Your Cake And Eating Her Out Too (secret scenario)

    Warning/ Disclaimer: The following chapter contains depictions of sexual acts between two female, cartoon horses, one of whom is below the age of consent in certain states and countries, but not all. If this offends you, never forget: this isn’t real and no one is making you read this, so just suck it up and make better decisions.

    Having Your Cake and Eating Her Out Too

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  • 430 weeks
    Cancelled but complete stories#2: Everything's Wrong But At Least I've Got You Chapter 2

    The second chapter of that last blog story if anyone wanted a little more of that story (and I doubt anyone did).

    Everything’s Wrong, But At Least I’ve Got You

    Written By: Your Antagonist

    And That Night, She Dreamt Of That Day

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    3 comments · 500 views

Cancelled yet INcomplete Stories #1 Having Your Cake And Eating Her Out Too (secret scenario) · 4:51am Apr 5th, 2016

Warning/ Disclaimer: The following chapter contains depictions of sexual acts between two female, cartoon horses, one of whom is below the age of consent in certain states and countries, but not all. If this offends you, never forget: this isn’t real and no one is making you read this, so just suck it up and make better decisions.

Having Your Cake and Eating Her Out Too

Written By: Your Antagonist

Off The Record #B.5: Fresh Out of Pound Cake, But How About A Slice of Pumpkin Pie? (Voyeurish Vixen's Be A Vexin')

Pumpkin sighed as she watched her younger brother climb the stairs. After sixteen years of growing up right next to him, she could tell when he was in low spirits and while tonight was far from the most dismal she’d ever seen him, it was clear that his downtrodden attitude was certain to linger for a day or two. With the issue being Sweetie Belle's engagement, it briefly occurred to her to follow Pound upstairs and offer him an open ear and a shoulder to lament his childhood crush upon, but she dismissed the thought as quickly as it popped into her head. Considering this was Pound she was talking about, she was all but certain that he'd prefer to 'work out' the issue over a hoof full of lotion and a dirty magazine.

Pumpkin rolled her eyes and grinned at her assuredly all too accurate projection of her brother’s evening. "What a dweeb…” she mumbled, dodging party guests as she made her way back to the refreshment table, which while absent of food was practically stocked with half-full bottles of hard cider and various liquors. Not exactly what she'd wandered over for, but what the hay, it was a party afterall.

She looked around cautiously for any sign of her parents or family friends. The coast was clear. Nonchalantly as she could manage, Pumpkin levitated a bottle of hard cider and began pouring herself a glass. With one last glance around, she brought the glass to her lips and allowed a mouthful of the alcohol to spill across her tongue and down her throat, giving a little grimace as the bitter liquor slid down.

She started readying herself for another swig when the very loud and deliberate sound of someone behind her clearing their throat almost made her choke on her drink. Keeping the glass hidden behind her back, Pumpkin whipped around to find herself face to face with a stern-faced Apple Bloom. “Oh, Apple Bloom! I… I was just y’know, enjoying some of this delicious party punch, heh heh.

Apple Bloom cocked an eyebrow at the teenager. "Party punch, huh?"

“Uh, yup!” Pumpkin gave a nervous little grin

“At the liquor table?”

“Liquor? Is that what this is? ” Pumpin gave a nervous chuckle and playfully bopped herself in the the head, “Heh, silly me, I thought it tasted a little weird for fruit punch. Darn, maybe we should’ve put up signs to avoid confusion.”

“Or maybe you could’ve just read the label,” Apple Bloom pointed to the rather large disclaimer that read: ‘not suitable for anyone under the age of 21’.

“Errr… well, reading’s overrated.”

“Look Pumpkin, I know what you were tryin’ to do over here and I also happen to know that fillies your age ain’t allowed to drink alcohol. So what’re we gonna about this, huh?”

“Forgive me and make me promise to never-ever do it again because you love me like a little sister or cousin or something?” Pumpkin asked hopefully, nuzzling up against Apple Bloom in an attempt to win the older mare over with her cuteness.

“Not quite, hun.” Apple Bloom said coldly, pushing Pumpkin off. “Now who do you want me to tell, your ma’ or Mr. Cake?”

“Uhh… uh…” With her back against a metaphorical wall, Pumpkin did the only thing a desperate filly could do in her situation: bluff her ass off. “H-hey, look what Scootaloo’s doing over there!” Pumpkin pointed past Apple Bloom to make her claim seem more convincing, but the older mare steeled her features to show that wouldn’t be taken in by some half-baked ruse. That is until she heard an unregulated Scoota-giggle from behind herself. Her eye twitched.

Her moral obligation to uphold justice torn between properly punishing Pumpkin or keeping Scootaloo’s chaotic tendencies in check, Apple Bloom was forced to make the toughest call of her professional buzz-killing career. “Don’t you dare move, Pumpkin.” she growled at the younger filly. “If you do, I will hunt you down, hog-tie you, and drag you in front of your parents and everypony in this party, and I will embarrass the hay out of you, you got me?”

“G-got it, ma’am.” Pumpkin stuttered in reply. Apple Bloom was certainly terrifying when she was serious.

Satisfied with the fear and intimidation in Pumpkin’s voice, Apple Bloom turned around to find noneother than Scootaloo, drunken grin on her face, nuzzling and kissing the plump posterior of a particular purple pony who’d passed out . Upon closer inspection, Apple Bloom found that regaled rump in question belonged noneother than their old elementary school teacher and long time mentor, Ms. Cheerilee. “Dagnabit, Scootaloo, that’s our old teacher you’re tryin’ to get freaky with and she ain’t even conscious!”

“And your point is..?”

“My point is that you need to get off till she can give proper consent!”

Scootaloo waved Apple Bloom’s doting away like so many gnats. “Consent, con-schment. Why don’t you just chillax and let me do me, by which I mean, let me do Ms. C.”

“Dag-nabbit, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom seethed, her accent coming out thicker by the word. “If ya don’t back off, I guarantee you’ll be sorry.”

“All right, let me make this simple for you,” Scootaloo declared, tossing her unconscious former teacher to the couch while she slid off and to her hooves. “If you want Ms. Cheerilee’s sweet ass, then you’re going to have to fight me for it!”

From where she was watching Pumpkin could quite clearly see Apple Bloom’s eye twitch at the challenge. “Run that by, me one more time?” The earth pony said as she began to size up her Pegasus counterpart.

“I said, call me a pirate because this my booty, you buzz killing bimbo!”

“Say that to my face, I dare ya!”

“How about you bring your face over here so I can… say it... to your… face... screw you Apple Bloom!”

“It’s on!”

From the sideline, Pumpkin watched in awe as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo leapt across the room at one another and collided mid-air, initiating a cat fight the likes of which Equestria hadn’t seen since the falling out of the Royal Princesses a millenia ago. She looked to her left, then her right. The collective attentions of the party guest were squarely focused on the belle’s of the slowly unfolding brawl. Not a single soul was paying her any mind. A scheming grin pulled at the filly’s lips.

Trying her best to act naturally, Pumpkin extended her magic to one of the bottles on the table and moved it behind her rump, concealing it as she ducked behind the crowd and snuck upstairs. Pumpkin cast a glance over her shoulder and heaved a sigh of relief upon finding that no one else had followed her up the stairs.

Pleased with herself, Pumpkin undid the cap on her bottle and indulged herself with a victory sip, grimacing as the fluid touched her tongue. “Ugh, whiskey. I hate whiskey. I should’ve been paying attention to what I was grabbing. Oh well, too late to take it back now…” Grumbling, Pumpkin prepared to take another swig of her bottle, but stopped herself upon hearing something odd, even by her family’s standards: a female voice coming from Pound’s room.

Pumpkin blinked twice and checked the label of her spoils making sure that she’d in fact grabbed booze as opposed to some crazy liquid hallucinogenic. After all there was no way in Tartarus that her dweeby baby brother (by eight minutes) was suave enough to overcome his awkwardness and attract a girl who would willingly go to his room… she hoped.

Curious and fueled by a big sisterly obligation to snoop on every aspect of her brother’s goings-on, Pumpkin crept towards his door which conveniently was open just a crack. Peeking in, she had to look around for a moment before finally finding her brother seated on his bed with… she pushed the door open just little more and was surprised to see Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon sitting side by side on his floor.

‘What the… why are those two in Pound’s room? They should be downstairs! What’s going on here!?’ Her curiosity nearing critical levels, Pumpkin piqued her ears and gave her undivided attention to the trio’s conversation.

“...have you made up your mind?” The question had been posed by Silver Spoon, whom, despite the stone-like expression, Pumpkin noticed was holding her other half’s hoof quite tightly, like she was nervous about something. A glance at Sweetie Belle revealed the trepidation and anxiousness that her harsh faced lover was too proud to express. Truly Pumpkin had stumbled across something big, but what?

“Yeah,” said Pound whose face was just as graven as Silver Spoon’s. The seriousness really didn’t suit her normally dorky twin, but that just went to drive the question of what could have transpired to bring him to such a state.


“I’ll do it.”

“You will?” Sweetie Belle asked, a combination of disbelief and relief evident in her voice.

Pound gave a nod in response and faster than Pumpkin could blink, Sweetie Belle had tackled Pound and wrapped him up in a tight embrace that Pumpkin was positive her brother was loving every second of. “Thank you so much, Pound, you don’t know how happy this makes me. Silver Spoon, isn’t this great?”

“Oh, joy,” Pumpkin heard Silver Spoon say in an unimpressed tone of voice, as she took a seat next to Sweetie Belle on Pound’s unmade bed. “So, now that we’ve got your consent, shall we get started?”

Pumpkin rose an eyebrow at the conversation her eavesdropping little ears had just stumbled into. Her obnoxious little brother making Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon incredibly happy? What was he making his mind up about? What exactly did they need his consent for? Just how much context was she missing here? And why had the atmosphere of the room taken a sudden turn for the awkward? The three looked like they were contemplating the best way to tell a child that their dog had been diagnosed with some terminal illness.

To top it all off, as if it wasn’t already hard enough to hear what they were saying, the three had taken to mumbling, much to Pumpkin’s annoyance. With a slight scowl, Pumpkin closed her eyes, held her breath and leaned her ear closer to the crack in the door, focusing intently on the hushed tones of her target’s voices.

“...you’re a stallion aren’t you?” From the snide tone the question had been posed in, it was obvious that one had come from Silver Spoon.

“What does that have to do with anything?” Pound this time.

“It means that you’re supposed to know what to do, so hurry up and fuck me already.”

“What the fu—” Pumpkin quickly her hooves over her mouth, hoping that the three in the room hadn’t heard her little outburst. A moment passed, but not a single head turned her way. She was safe. Safe, but so very confused. She had no idea what to make of this. Sweetie Belle and her fiance just randomly propositioning her brother for sex out of the blue? It sounded like the plot of some trashy, cheesy romance novel—

“Well? What are you waiting for?” Silver Spoon impatiently snapped. “Let’s go.”

—okay, maybe it was less romance novel and more femdom erotica, but that didn’t change the fact that this was actually happening before her very eyes.

“Are you going to do this or not? We don't have all night.” Silver Spoon bellowed bossily

“Yeah, sure, but I just, y'know, I need a moment.”

“Pound, is something wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked, her sweet voice a welcome reprieve from Silver Spoon’s busting of Pound’s chops.

A silence fell over the room as Pound looked between the two mares and sighed before coming clean with his feelings. “The thing is… I'm nervous, okay?”

“You're nervous?” Sweetie Belle gently rested a hoof on Pound’s thigh. “Why are you nervous?”

“Well... the furthest I’ve actually ever gone with a girl was making out with some random filly at a party before Pumpkin jumped in and screwed everything up. She does that a lot for some reason… can’t even talk to girls...”

Pumpkin winced and gave an uncomfortable little cough at her brother’s words. She knew exactly what he was talking about. She’d, for lack of a better term, cock-blocked her brother and ruined his fledgling attempts at romance on multiple occasions. Not exactly her proudest of moments, but her interference, while outwardly cruel, was more often than naught an incredibly roundabout way of protecting her brother’s feelings.

She personally knew most of the girls that Pound—bless his dweeby little heart— had tried to hook-up with, and she wasn’t about to let Pound end up another notch on one of those immoral bimbo’s bedpost. Not his first time. As far as Pumpkin was concerned, his first time was going to be something special that he’d share with somepony who truly cared about him and, more importantly, whom she as his big sister approved of.

“So it’s your first time huh?” asked the soothing, sweet voice of Sweetie Belle. “Are you sure that you’re okay sharing your first time with myself and Silver Spoon?”

With a sigh, Pumpkin shook her head and rubbed her temples. She had no idea how she was supposed to feel about this. The one requesting his virginity was Sweetie Belle, the one mare who’d occupied Pound’s heart and mind the since they were foals. And yet, while Pumpkin couldn’t think of anypony better suited for such an important moment in her brother’s life, there was something… bittersweet about the whole affair.

Sixteen years. She’d grown up right next to that bumbling idiot for sixteen years, and in all that time she’d watched him make the transition from a snot-nosed, crybaby momma’s boy to a crybaby momma’s boy with a slightly cleaner nose. All the cock-blocking she’d done for her beloved brother’s sake had been leading up to this moment—or something along these lines— , but even the solace of knowing she’d succeeded didn’t make the inevitable “Yes,” from Pound any easier to swallow.

Pumpkin’s lips curled into a bittersweet smile. With all the fantasizing about their former foalsitter she’d caught him indulging in, she knew that this must’ve ranked just above flying with the Wonderbolts in Pound’s mind. And yet there was something about watching Sweetie Belle lean in and lay a kiss on her twin’s cheek that left a bitter taste in the voyeuristic unicorn’s mouth; an overwhelming feeling akin to a father giving away his little girl at the altar.

“Okay then, just leave it all to us. We’ll take good care of you,” Sweetie Belle assured.

“Leave it... all to you?” Pound slurred.

“That’s right,” Sweetie Belle cooed, resting Pound’s head against her chest. “We’ll do whatever you want us to until you’re satisfied.”


“Mmmhmm… your wish is our command.”

Pumpkin bit her lower lip. ‘They’re… they’re really gonna do it, huh?’ For an instant, the sudden, instinctive urge to rush in and destroy the seductive atmosphere of the room gripped her, but with grit teeth and a reminder that Sweetie Belle was the perfect mare for Pound, she steeled herself and quietly observed the scene before her… though there wasn’t much of a scene to observe. Pound had passed out against Sweetie Belle’s assumably heavenly bosom, while the soon-to-be-married mares had taken to hushedly bickering between themselves about something Pumpkin couldn’t quite make out.

Closing her eyes once again, Pumpkin began to tune her ears in on the lover’s squabbles when a sudden shudder ran up her spine. She could feel an unnerving sensation like prying eyes boring into her, watching her as she observed. She whipped around to find whatever had her so on edge, but found the hallway to empty save for its sole voyeuristic occupant. ‘Must be imagining things,’ she thought to nopony in particular. Giving the hallway one more visual sweep, she turned back to Pound’s room in time to hear Sweetie Belle breathe out an awestruck, “Oh my…” while Silver Spoon gawked on at…. something in the direction of her brother’s lap.

Raising an eyebrow at the lover’s bewildered expressions Pumpkin followed their gazes, all the while wondering what could have possibly been so astounding that— “Oh, wow...” Considering how many times she’d caught him stroking himself under the sheets, Pumpkin always suspected that Pound might be ‘well-endowed’ but seeing it twitching in the flesh like an angry giraffe with a thyroid problem, she was admittedly at a loss for words.

“Umm...” Pound glanced shyly between the shocked looks of his older suitors. “I-is something wrong?” he asked obliviously.

“N-no, Pound, nothing’s wrong,” Sweetie Belle stammered, “we were just… surprised is all.”

“It’s bigger than our strap-on back home...” Silver Spoon said absently.

“I’ll say,” Sweetie Belle agreed, “I guess your body isn’t the only part of you that really grew up after all this time, huh?”

“Heh, I guess.” Pound chuckled.

“Don’t worry, we’ll take gooood care of this, but first…” Sweetie Belle leaned in close to Pound’s ear and softly purred, “Tell us what you want, and be honest.”

“I want you to…”

Pumpkin bit her lip in giddy anticipation of her brother’s desires. The gears in her mind were already grinding away in ponderance the potential perversions that plagued Pound’s thoughts day in and day out.

“Yes?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“I want you to… to use your mouth on it.”

“Snkt!” Pumpkin had to physically fight to keep herself from sniggering aloud at Pound’s adorkable choice of words. Even when the loss of his ‘V’ card was on the line he still managed to make an absolute goon of himself, but despite Pound’s crippling cringery, Sweetie Belle kept her composure.

“Oh, my, you said it so boldly too.” The older mare leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Mmm… okay, I’ll give you what you want, but this thing looks a little too big for me to take care on my own.” Pumpkin watched her brother shudder with delight as Sweetie Belle drew a hoof along the veiny underside of his throbbing member. “Do you mind if I bring a friend along?”

“S-Sure,” Pound stuttered, as Sweetie Belle brought her hooves up for another pass on his throbbing member.

“Thank you, Pound. Now, why don’t you just lay down...” She gently pushed the colt onto his back and spread his legs, “...and we’ll take care of the rest; sound good?” There was a small pause as Pound nodded his agreeance. “Good boy.” Sweetie Belle gave Pound’s thigh a soft pat before Silver Spoon physically pulled her into another of their hushed lover’s spats.

Pumpkin looked at the timid expression on her blushing brother’s face and felt her own face begin to grow warm as well. She knew that the proper thing to do in this situation was quietly shut the door and leave the trio to their own devices and developments. That would have been the right thing— nay, it would have been the respectable thing to do. And yet, as she laid her hoof on the doorknob to close the curtain on this pivotal scene from her brother’s life, she found herself unable to isolate herself from the events unfolding before her eyes.

Watching Sweetie Belle, freshly parted from a kiss with her fiance, turn her sultry emeralds of eyes towards Pound, Pumpkin urged herself to shut the door, but for some reason her hoof wouldn’t obey her. “I… I should go…” Pumpkin quietly tried to convince herself as she watched Sweetie Belle, mouth curled up in a sultry, scheming grin, draw ever closer to her brother’s stone stiff member, but discovered with horror that her legs had decided to conspire against her as well, keeping the filly glued to the spot.

She urged herself to gallop away to the sanctuary of her room a mere stone’s throw down the hallway. To teleport, to crawl, to roll, but in her stunned state all she could do was watch helplessly as Sweetie Belle’s plump, heart-shaped lips greeted the throbbing head of Pound’s erect cock with a tender kiss and almost immediately engulfed it, earning an almost feminine whimper from the colt.

Pumpkin gave a nervous little swallow and allowed her mouth to hang agape out of shock. “She… she’s really doing it…” the unicorn murmured in disbelief. It was beyond surreal, seeing the very lips that used to sing lullabies and innocently kiss herself and Pound goodnight, now greedily and eagerly wrapping themselves around the latter’s swollen shaft. For a just moment, it proved difficult for Pumpkin to hear her brother’s moaning over the decidedly lewder sounds of Sweetie Belle slurping and slobbering over his girth as she took him midway into her throat.

It was as Silver Spoon, in all her scowling and resentful indignance, joined her lover between the colt’s legs that Pumpkin realized the little voices in her head that had been telling her to turn a blind eye to this whole scenario had suddenly gone stone silent, leaving her helpless and alone in the hallway with only her thoughts for company. She should have been disgusted with the display, she tried to tell herself. An aberration of the flesh it should have been, intently watching her own sibling partake in such a debauched act.

Yet, despite knowing how very taboo everything about this situation was, she came to find that her inability to tear her eyes away from the fast unfolding ménage à trois had very little to do with the lingering effects of initial shock. No, the truth that she couldn’t bear to admit even to herself was far more shameful. She’d engrossed herself so deep in delusion that she never noticed the shield of curiosity she’d been hiding behind till now had shattered exposing her intrigue, enticement and desire.

She wanted to watch this. Wanted to see her little brother ravaged and fucked into rapture by the objective minded couple. To hear him moan and mewl in ecstasy as the first mare he’d ever openly claimed infatuation for guided him by the hoof across the threshold of adulthood. And, shameful as it was to admit, she knew why she wanted to witness every second of Pound’s journey. The truth was Pumpkin had been harboring… feelings for a certain cream-coated colt. Feelings that transcended the blood shared between them and made the bold departure to the realm of romance.

She couldn’t remember exactly when this incestual attraction towards her twin had taken root, but she’d learned to accept it for what it was ages ago and that acceptance made it easier for her to find coping mechanisms for her peculiar desires. The teasing, the constant act of embarrassing him in front of girls that he liked, the all too familiar occurrence of ‘accidentally’ catching him in the act of pleasuring himself, all just a few of the many ways she’d indulged her one-sided interest without letting on her real intentions. However, there were just some circumstances where quenching her desires required more... drastic actions on her behalf.

Casting one last glance around the darkened to hallway to ensure that she was alone, Pumpkin eased herself to a sit on the hallway floor, all the while never once taking her eyes off of Pound’s blissful expression. As though triggered by reflex, her forehooves began to glide down her belly and hips before finally settling on her inner thighs. She began to massage along the tender flesh of her legs, each pass drawing delightfully closer to her swollen little mound of a pussy which had been aching for quite some time.

She imagined for moment that rather than herself, it was her beloved brother caressing her from behind. "Yeah, there you go..." She urged. "Right there... just like that, dweeb... just like that..." A whimper escaped Pumpkin as her hoof brushed across her exposed pink pussy, but thankfully it went unnoticed by the room's occupants who were quite preoccupied with their own affairs. Relieved, the filly was quick to delve back into her fantasies and the pleasures of her flesh.

She enviously watched as Sweetie effortlessly deep-throated Pound to the hilt before pulling off of him with a “Pop!”, a thick strand of saliva trailing from his shaft to her tongue and lips as she went. Silver Spoon was quick to follow up her lover’s efforts brushing her pert lips along the underside of his shaft then ascending to the head where she swirled her tongue in a merciless spiral, forcing Pound’s eyes to roll up into the back of his head in ecstasy.

“Me too…” Pumpkin whined under her breath, “I can make you feel good too… ♥~mmf~♥!” The lewd teenager bit into her lower lip as she began to focus on her sensitive little clit. How she wished it was her in there with him right now, savoring every inch of his thick, hot cock while rendering him a helpless slave to pleasure with her mouth alone. She wanted to take his every breath away and make him cry out her name, to make him beg for her body like a helpless foal. She wanted to make him hers, to be the only mare who he could rely on to fulfill his dirtiest desires which she knew all too well.

Years of snooping and finding all manners of pornography in between his mattress and in his drawer of seldom worn, yet curiously crusty socks had yielded a laundry list of her brother's fetishes that by this point, Pumpkin had committed to memory. Latex, lace, bondage, cosplay, domination and—her personal favorite— foodplay, just to name a few. She often fantasized about a scenario where Pound would wake up only to discover his big sister, clad in a french maid’s costume and a collar, hoofcuffed and helpless in his bed. She practically creamed herself on the spot just imagining the sensation of his swollen morning wood pressed between her thighs and labia, nothing but guilt, confusion and arousal in his drowsy brown eyes as he debated whether or not to commit the ultimate taboo.

“Sw-Sweetie Belle!” Silver Spoon's shout had come so loudly and abruptly that it snapped Pumpkin back to the cruel, monotonous reality of her situation. She was once again just an outsider looking in on her brother's deflowering and she couldn't have been more disappointed with the scene she now found herself audience to. Sweetie Belle had abandoned her post on Pound in the interest of sampling her lover's honey-pot which in-turn resulted in Silver Spoon neglecting her current obligations to the colt they were there to seduce.

Pumpkin sighed and shook her head. 'Such a waste,' she thought with a roll of her eyes. Turning her gaze to her brother's neglected penis, literally dripping with the lover's saliva, she couldn't help but envy the magnificent member Pound's suitors had left unattended. On the plus side at least her brother seemed to be enjoying the show.

Report Your Antagonist · 497 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

The only reason I bothered to post this one despite it being incomplete was because I was especially proud of the intro scene. Otherwise it would've been left to rot in my vast gdocs graveyard.

Why write it as a blog post and not post as a story?

3 reasons
1) It's incomplete
2) I have no intention of completing it anymore.
3) After I finish my 25th story on fimfic (and I'm only going to have 25 posted stories, it's just a solid number to me), I'm moving on and I just want these to be somewhere besides my Gdocs.

3849216 So what are you moving onto?

This is quite excellent. A shame it went unfinished, but it's good all the same. Makes me wonder how different this would be if Pumpkin spied on Pound with Scootaloo or Pinkie.

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