• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
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A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.

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  • 89 weeks
    Droppin' By

    Hello, I was in the neighborhood and had just realized that my last blog post was a bit of a downer, given that it was around the time of my Grandma's passing and funeral. I think I oughta leave you folks with something a bit more upbeat or at least something neutral.

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  • 116 weeks

    Thanks to those who gave condolences on my last blog post.

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  • 117 weeks

    Been dealing with a lot of stress and heartache the past couple of weeks.

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  • 119 weeks
    Who Wants to See Babies?

    I'm just poppin' in to talk about our livestock.

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  • 128 weeks
    And Now, A Newsletter

    Huh, back in July I said I oughta talk more around here. It's now the day after Christmas and I have not, in fact, talked more around here.

    So, I'll give you the rundown on what I've been up to since then. Warning, it gets a little long in talking about last summer's vacation and about a new fixation I have.

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Birthday Bios: Sedimentary Rock · 8:51am Feb 14th, 2016

When writing The Rock Farmer's Daughters, I didn't initially plan for this character to pop up. But then Igneous mentioned his sister in a chapter, and I decided, "Imma make that sister." And she was a well-received character, both on this site and FanFiction.net.

Now, let's get to Seddie's history!

Born on Hearts and Hooves Day to Feldspar Granite Pie and Petra Pinkamena Primrose Pie, Sedimentary came out a happy and mischievous baby. Once she got up on her hooves, she was ready to use them, and use them she did. Zipping and weaving around rocks on her father's rock farm, she frequently got into trouble, and it was always her older brother Igneous getting her out of it.

In contrast to Iggy's reserved and traditional nature, Sedimentary was outgoing and always wanting to try new things. In their trips to the nearby town of Nickerlite, Seddie would be zipping along the street, greeting everypony she came across. Most of the adults found her charming, with her shining golden eyes, big smile, and bouncy pigtails. She was eager to spill the details on the rocks on the farm and her Papa's job, her Mama's endless legends and tales, and some of her brother's secrets (Igneous was not happy with her).

Though she frequently drove him nuts, Igneous was more than happy to play some games with her in between work. Using various rocks and dirt around the area, they often built forts and castles, traveled down to a downstream lake to skip rocks, and to roleplay some of their mothers' tales. At times, they would hold their own little weight-lifting contests, with Igneous (being older and stronger) purposefully losing so as not to hurt his sister's feelings.

When sent off to school, Sedimentary quickly made new friends. One such friend was a shy and matter-of-fact filly named Cloudy Quartz, who she bonded with on account of both having fathers working with rocks (though Cloudy's was more of a builder than a farmer). When visiting Cloudy's house, she discovered that she was a distant cousin, due to Cloudy's mother being 'Surprise Pie.' Even though Surprise was a pegasus, she could trace back from one of her parents to a Pie, and Seddie was eager to call her friend her 'cousin', though Cloudy was not as eager to say it.

Whenever Seddie would bring a friend home, Igneous was always working out of the way, learning tricks of the trade from his father. A fair number of Seddie's friends thought he was cute, with his dark hair, golden eyes, and fair amount of muscle. They all wanted to marry him, though Seddie had told them that the Choosing Stone would decide who he'd marry.

During her friends' visits, she put forth every effort to make them feel at home. She often beat her mother and father in making dinner and cleaning up so that the house was presentable, and her constant efforts to welcome visitors were what earned her her cutie mark when she was eleven. It was appropriate that she earned her hearth cutie mark in hosting a Hearth's Warming Dinner with her friends and family.

When Seddie was in her early teens, tragedy struck when a landslide hit in the quarry that Feldspar was working in. The family recruited several stallions to dig out Feldspar's body so that they could have a proper funeral. Along with his father's trademark hat, Igneous had inherited the burden of being the stallion of the farm, just shy of reaching stallionhood himself.

While Igneous had been spending more time alone in his grief, Seddie often went to town to visit friends in order to handle hers. She was always doing favors for some of her mother's friends, bringing gifts and condolences back home. She was always giving her mother and brother news on what's going on in town, whether it be a new family moving in, a new building being erected, or whether there was a birth or death. Sometimes she bring friends over, whether they be friends from fillyhood or new ones that had just moved in.

A few more years passed, and while they had managed to go through their grief, Igneous was still not interested in going to town, relying on his eighteen-year-old sister to bring him whatever news about what's going on in town. Seddie brought her mother from time to time, making sure that she kept on socializing with her friends. Both were ever-annoyed with the gossipy hens that were in town, young and old, and starting a few things about their family.

Seddie found herself infatuated with local pretty boy Windswept Goldenmane. A young stallion with a sleek, white coat, blue eyes, and a beautifully coiffed mane that matched his name, Seddie felt the butterflies in her stomach whenever she talked to him, and nearly faltered at his velvety voice, gentle touches, and graceful stride. She would annoy her brother with her ramblings on Windswept, even when Igneous just asked for the weather report. At one point, it got so far as for Igneous to openly scoff at the idea of love, thinking that it was a waste of time when he had work to do.

So, naturally, their mother realized it was high time for Igneous to use the Choosing Stone. She whipped it out, placed it in Igneous' hooves, and told him to go find the one that the Choosing Stone pointed to. Seddie instantly recognized the cutie mark that appeared in the Stone, and dragged him all the way to Cloudy Quartz's home. She watched as a flustered Igneous told a surprised Cloudy about the Stone and how it worked. She thought that they'd take it slow; however, it wasn't even two weeks before they were engaged, with Igneous explaining that "he always liked her best out of your friends."

At first, she was elated that her old friend (and distant cousin) was going to be her sister-in-law, and that she may be an aunt within a few years. She even joked to Igneous that they might have a foal that'll come out pink like his mother and sister. However, as time passed, she found herself jealous of the bond that Igneous and Cloudy were having. She was especially offended when her mother expressed hope that Seddie would know love as Igneous did.

Thinking that her crush on Windswept was true love, she got all huffy, and marched up to Windswept, gave him a big kiss, and outright demanded that he court her. A moment's hesitation from an embarrassed Windswept later, she was proudly showing her family and friends her new stallion. She was convinced that she had shown her family that she did know true love, and that Igneous was only getting married because a rock told him to.

Naturally, neither Mama Pinkamena or Igneous were happy about it. He tried to warn her that basing "love" on looks alone was a bad idea, and that she didn't really know Windswept. Seddie rolled her eyes every time he went on that speech, and when her mother told her that she should wait her turn to consult the Choosing Stone. Cloudy also tried to talk sense into her, but it fell on deaf ears. Oftentimes, she'd sneak out of the house in order to go out and have fun with Windswept.

One evening, there was a carnival, and she and Windswept went together. Whenever they passed by Igneous and Cloudy, she would spite them by being suggestive around Windswept, with him doing it back. She was having fun doing it, up until he started going down to uncomfortable and explicit territory. She tried to get him to stop, citing the fact that there were children around, but he didn't listen. Then, one by one, Windswept's friends all popped in, repeating all the dirty jokes and the suggestions of certain activities to be done, pressuring her to give in and backing her out of the fairgrounds where nopony could see.

When she refused, they quickly swarmed her and gagged her, covering her in various carnival food and drinks, throwing dirt and grass on her, and a few other things that she found disgusting. Fed up with the circle of lewdness, she bucked somepony in the face, and then dashed back out into the carnival grounds, hoping to find her brother. However, she came across a crowd of ponies, who upon seeing how much of a mess she was, immediately assumed the worst. There came several cries, horrified whispers, and disgusted looks that had no clue how to react to her. As humiliated as she was, the look that hurt the most was the mix of disappointment and shock that was engraved on Igneous' face. Overwhelmed, she fled the fairgrounds in tears, buying a train ticket to anywhere.

Her first months out of the Nickerlite area inched day by day, her heart hallow. She aimlessly wandered around whatever small towns she came across, earning money through odd jobs and scraping around. Numbness filled her soul, with the humiliating event replaying in her mind over and over. She feared going back home, afraid of being disowned by her family for being 'tainted'. She wondered if they thought she had gotten pregnant, though she could say with the upmost honesty that she didn't.

She explored several of Equestria's major cities, having always wondered what they were like. She found herself disliking Manehattan because she feared the skyscrapers would topple over, and Las Haygas for reminding her of that awful night of the carnival with its more loose morals. Los Pegasus was fine at first due to visits to the beach, but after she learned of Windswept Goldenmane becoming famous there, she could only be angry at it for rewarding that scumbag. She felt out of place in Canterlot as well. However, she was okay with visiting places like Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Vanhoover, and many other cities. All the while, she built up her strength, needing it in order to survive encounters with monsters and bandits.

It took her thirty years, having reached her late forties, but she was drawn back to the Nickerlite area. However, still fearing her brother's anger, she opted to settle in the woods, and built a house that was closer to Ponyville than Nickerlite. Soon enough, she was providing shelter for lost hikers and campers, and leading them back to Ponyville. She often shopped in that town, with frequent run-ins with the Apples, and the local party pony, Pinkie Pie. She always wondered if that bouncy mare was distantly related to her, since she had 'Pie' in her name.

It wasn't long before she found herself face to face with a giant, feral horse with abnormally large hooves. While the monster equine tried to kill her, she fought back, proving herself too much for the horse, Bighoof, to handle. Her strength and the fact that she fed him after earned his respect, and they formed an odd friendship. She still has to keep him from killing other ponies from time to time.

She continued her activities in the woods, in gathering firewood, collecting rocks, watching the train, checking up on Bighoof, and of course, letting the lost stay for the night and refresh themselves. She was content with her life, though she did still regret leaving her family.

One night, she rescued a pair of brothers from Bighoof, and let them stay the night. She let them go on their merry way, not knowing that they--Cheese and Tomato Sandwich--would ultimately inform Igneous of Seddie's whereabouts. And thus, one night had a tan, gray-haired stallion at her door, and the pair of siblings reunited with a warm embrace and a fair amount of tears.

He led her back to the rock farm, where she greeted her old friend Cloudy, and got to meet her nieces Limestone and Marble, who were only two out of the four Pie Sisters. Seddie was surprised to learn that Pinkie was another of Igneous' daughters, and she soon got to meet Maud. She loves all four of her nieces, and they at one point got to visit her home. They met Bighoof, and Pinkie calls him her 'big, scary, adoptive cousin!'

She still lives in those woods, but she's happy to visit her brother and sister-in-law anytime. And with their eldest daughter, Limestone, nearing the age for the Choosing Stone, Seddie figured that if she couldn't attend her brother's wedding, then her nieces' weddings will do. She especially wonders what Pinkie's wedding would be like.

Report Sketcha-Holic · 809 views · #birthday bio
Comments ( 3 )

Ah, the folly of youth. At least this story has a happy ending eventually, courtesy of the Sandwich brothers.

Also, you seem to make a lot of rambunctious younger siblings who the older ones have to keep rescuing. Tommy, Comedy Gold, Seddie, it's definitely a theme. Drawing from your own experience?

I admit, my youngest sister is rather rambunctious and gets herself into some situations from time to time. She hasn't dabbled in anything as dangerous as those three did, though, especially not Goldie (who is closest to her in personality).

For a pony as gregarious and social as Seddie, it must be tough to live out in a cabin in the woods, even if she goes into town frequently. I wonder if, now that she's resolved her issues with her brother, Seddie will either move to Ponyville or Nickerlite.

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