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Bad Horse

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Minion Test #1 · 2:40am Jan 16th, 2016

Spoiler your answers.
Reading spoilered text is cheating.
Cheating is required for full credit.

This post took 4 hours to write.

Report Bad Horse · 1,173 views · #test
Comments ( 60 )

Um... I'm going to say... Angry Fetus Bomb.


Yeah, that seems like a reasonable answer.

The panda.

The panda passes the test.

The answer is Books! :twilightsmile:

Celestia's lugguage
Fox Squirrel

Colour me confused.

your answers.

Kill them all? I'm pretty sure it's kill them all. Except maybe the leaves, because nature already has a incredibly slow and complex death trap for them.

Bad Horse is clearly trying to see how many people will waste their Friday night trying to find a non-existent hidden meaning in a random series of images. :trollestia:

Ahhh. I have an idea about this. Unfortunately, I need to head out a get some exercise. Hopefully I'll get a chance to give my idea a shot later.

1) Bellow "You have FAILED me for the LAST TIME!"

2) See who quivers like a leaf (leaves provide for reference).

That's how you determine who's a proper minion.

I think the correct answer is 'Kidnap Bad Horse and coerce the answers out of him'. That would be the right move for a Bad Horse Minion, right? Maybe a little circular...

something to do with color shift...

Bad Horse, you're weird

3689575 Y-Yeah! Me too! Totally know what's going on, I'm just... busy now. Right. Busy. Gotta see a man about a horse. Gotta go iron my dog.

Well, I'm a little annoyed that I apparently correlate to wrenches and valve clamps. If I looked at more people's avatars, I might try to go farther, but I hate 'guess what I'm thinking of' games.

Unless inspiration strikes me, have fun, 'yall! I'll check back when a brighter mind unlocks the answer.

What's a minion?

Is that your self-portrait on the first row?


Answer: Anyone who follows Bad Horse's directions, like a good little minion would do.

Me? Fellow overlord or bust.


At first, I assumed that this was just a selection of "search for image like" results. It might still be, but I'm struck by the fact that, aside from a few caricatures, every character shown in them seems to be animated—not a feature I would expect in a wholly random selection of related images.

Similarly, I looked at the file names, though they don't mean much to me: Caedmon, Celestia's luggage, border, pollution, Andromeda, superseded, fox squirrel. Including the later ones, we have: all of them victorious, indiscriminate, antimillinistic, cyan Templar, enzyme, exodus. These aren't random strings, which make me suspect that they're intended to carry meaning, but it's not clear what it is.

A central part of the story of Caedmon seems to be his caring for the animals at his monastery, which puts one in mind of Fluttershy. The color scheme here is not at all a match for Fluttershy, though. Perhaps this is meant to be a RariShy (or Flarity if you're Steel Resolve) reference?

The color scheme for the second set of images seems to follow a black-and-gray theme, suggesting Octavia. Celestia's luggage seems like it must either be a direct show reference or a coded mythological reference. Or... ah! Possibly Celestia's baggage rather than Celestia's luggage, which would seem to be a coded reference for Luna. So is this suggesting an OctaLuna pairing?

The color scheme for the third image is overwhelmingly yellow-orange with a blue background. It's hard for me to decide whether that blue background is a chance occurrence or not, though—should it actually represent a foreground color element? If not, this seems likely to be an Applejack or Golden Harvest signifier. If so, perhaps somepony I'm not thinking of. The phrase "border" is more difficult, and perhaps open to a few interpretations. What it reminds me of, though, is the terminator—the line demarcating sunrise and sunset on the surface of a planet. So I'm going to peg this one as AppleShimmer.

Obviously I could continue, but I think it's perhaps more likely that Bad Horse is intentionally trying to encourage a tendency toward de Clérambault's syndrome among his followers.

3690109 You are way overthinking it.

And I am in love with you. :pinkiehappy::heart:

I'm changing the post to make it easier and a little more interesting.

I was starting to wonder if I had the answer search space wrong. I guess that clears it up! Now I have to try to figure out the ones I don't know.

Also, "Black from Brooklyn" appears twice.


all of them victorious, indiscriminate, antimillinistic, cyan Templar, enzyme, exodus

These, at least, seem to have a clear meaning - they correspond to the people he's replied to here. Exodus is an anagram of Doseux, enzyme is the 'catalyst' in Catalysts Cradle, Cyan Templar is Blue Paladin, I'm Antimillinistic (a milliner is a hat-maker, although you likely knew that) and 'all of them victorious' is a bit of a stretch, but Yalwin is near enough to "Y'all Win" that, along with the rest, I'm confident in my conclusion.

More than that, compare Doseux's and Yalwin's avatars to the image-blocks corresponding to their names, and see the strong similarities. My best guess is that he's searching avatars along with some other criteria - possibly faces, to get so many characters. The other choice, I guess, would be story-art, but... eh, I dunno. One's as likely as the other, to my mind. (Yalwin has no stories, so BH might have defaulted to his avatar.)

And that's as far as I can be bothered to go. I never claimed to be a good minion. In fact, independent thinking and a strong sense of morality would probably make me a rather bad one.

And of course he updates just as I reply. :P

Well, the rocks are obvious. Pascoite is a Vanadate.

EDIT: Unless I just skipped to the bottom and missed the changes. But I'll go out on a limb, and guess a few more, based on pure speculation and bullshittery.

Estee = setee
RBDash47 = prismatic74
InquistorM = curious Scott


EverfreeNorthwest = Fox Squirrel EDIT: I'll go with Kitsune Risu here, because it's closer to his avatar, and it seems close enough to Fox Squirrel. since that one white feather in the green circle is a dead ringer for their logo. (Dunno if RedSquirrel is involved with them or not.)


Also, "Black from Brooklyn" appears twice.

Indeed. And air_polluter appears 3 times.


A bunch of the new images seem to correspond to fimfic users; Pascoite, Kitsune Risu, Estee, Eakin, RBDash47 etc.


So we have, so far:

Celestia's Lugguage = Titanium Dragon
Black from Brooklyn = ?????
Air Polluter = Skywriter
Superseded = Obselescence
Andromeda = Blueshift
Skyline = horizon
Curious Scott = InquistorM
Prismatic74 = RBDash4
Butterflies = Estee
Cyan Templar = Blue Paladin
A Nike = Eakin
Vandante = Pascoite
antimillinistic = Not_A_HAT
All_of_you_victorious = Yalwin
enzyme = Catalyst's Cradle
Exodus = Doseux


'all of them victorious' is a bit of a stretch,

Oops. Fixing that now.

I'm surprised nobody's gotten Border yet. It's bloody obvious.

3690147 ...well, it's more obvious now; I just changed the filename.

And it's funny how all those pictures come from the 80's, isn't it? I guess those were the hip cartoon colors then.

It seemed like a simple thing. Not something that would keep me up for hours tweaking it. :facehoof:


Oh, and I'm up there too, along with Yalwin. Dunno how I missed Eakin = A_Nike, since his avatar is actually straight-up in the collage. Another anagram, besides.

By the way, your EverfreeNorthwest guess was wrong. :raritywink: 3690144 picked that one up.

Ahh, luggage gave me quite a bit of trouble. The new hint made it much easier, though, and I verified the answer straight-up.

Four left.

3690144 And one more guess - Superceeded for Obselesence, because it's close enough to his avatar, and... yeah.
3690152 Yeah, I saw that, actually, right after posting. >.<

3690144 Work smarter, not harder. You're not supposed to figure out all the names by trying to figure out all the names, and figuring out the ones left won't get you any closer to the answer.

Yep, that sounds right.
So Celestia's favourite luggage material, black from brooklyn, and air polluter to go.

Oh, damn, good call. I'd been wanting to use that one, probably there, but I kept thinking of the other direction on the word. LHS/RHS confusion.

I suspect polluter is pretty easy (I think I just got it), though it makes me wary of how BH is doing his image searching, because all I get for that one is Doraemon.

Well, Bradel apparently knows about Celestia's luggage.

It would be nice if he would share.

3690170 <.<

Ah, I kept thinking that air polluter ought to be familiar - it's Imploding Colon.

I'd like to match Black from Brooklyn to Aquaman, but, yeah, I just dunno.

Two to go!
Still, the goal's apparently not to determine all the names; perhaps to determine the rationale behind the selection? Or some other pattern? Because Skywriter appearing three times can't be an accident.
We know some of them were the people BH replied to on a previous comment...

I suspect that's wrong for polluter, especially if Imploding Colon's avatar didn't change within the last three hours. That said, my guess may be wrong—but it fits Bad Horse's MO, and it fits the clues, even if the images aren't satisfactory for me.

Also check the name on luggage again. It's easier than you might think.

3690180 Wait, no, brain, what are you doing. I was looking at the wrong one. :P Oh well. Whatever.

3690180 3690176 I'm going to sleep. Impressive job. Spoiler to read if you think you're finished: You don't need to know all the usernames.

Oh, Bradel, polluter => air polluter.

Oh jeez. Brooklyn is a TOTAL misdirect. Nice work, BH.
Nope, just turns out I suck.

List of guesses incoming.

Andromeda (has this) --> Blueshift
Superseded --> Obselesence
Black in Brooklyn --> Cold in Gardez OnyxJew, apparently
Fox Squirrel --> Kitsune Risu
Border / Skyline --> horizon
Prismatic74 --> RBDash47
(Air) Polluter --> Skywriter
Settee --> Estee
Curious Scott --> Inquisitor M
Cyan Templar --> Blue Paladin
A Nike --> Eakin
Celestia's (favorite) luggage (material) --> Titanium Dragon
Vanadate --> Pascoite
Antimillinistic --> Not a Hat
All of you victorious --> Yalwin Khales

That leaves us a few from the original set, though.
Caedmon --> Cynewulf?
Indiscriminate --> FanOfMostEverything
Enzyme --> Catalysts Cradle
Exodus --> Doseux

First letter from each username in order.

So, are you running people's avatars through a search algorithm that tries to identify the subject and return more images it has also identified as depicting that subject? Is there something more to it? I suggest 'Byzantine Historian' if you're planning on running one on me. :derpytongue2:

Damn. Yeah. That's it, which means I'm wrong about Brooklyn.


...good grief.

Was he counting on me replying, and did he have that already made up? Or was that a spur of the moment thing, to go along with his 'tweaks'? Did he have several other 'N' users pinned, just in case?

Clever - and rather diabolical, whichever way he did it.


Quick! Change your username! Ruin his plans!

3690281 Hmm... I wonder how many people I could get in on this...

BH SMELLS LIKE FEET has about the same number of letters, right?

Got a possible candidate for Black From Brooklyn. Onyxjew has an avatar of Vinyl Scratch with a Santa hat on. If you look at the name, onyx is a black stone, and Brooklyn has some deep Jewish roots. Wikipedia says that Jewish populations can be found centered in neighborhoods like Borough Park, Williamsburg, and Flatbush, and that many of Brooklyn's hospitals were founded by Jewish charities. It might be a connection worth looking into further.

> See weird, quasi-Skirtsian blog.
> Answer with semi-random Magic card.
> Go to sleep.
> Next morning, see Bad Horse replied.
> Dig through a bunch of people trying to puzzle out crossword puzzle logic.
> See potential solution.

I'm pretty sure I win this by virtue of not getting nerd sniped. Though that probably means I'd make a terrible minion.

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