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PseudoBob Delightus

How hard can writing novels be, anyway?

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Various Updates · 6:30pm Jan 15th, 2016

Alright, so Cuddling with Twilight has done about as well as I expected it to. I'm glad that it got as much love as it did, and this is definitely helping with motivation to write. I think I should have edited it more before releasing it, but whatever. It's fine.

More developments in ancestry: I discovered the true origin of the Cuddle concept. Aetherpony's Forced Pony Cuddles is where I first saw the idea, and based on personal messages it seems I had been sitting on my own story for nearly three years. Is this normal?

Anyway, speaking of long spans of time and motivation to write, I really should be focusing on my life outside of fanfiction right now. So there probably won't be anything new here for a while.

Stay golden, ponyboys.

Comments ( 2 )

I discovered the true origin of the Cuddle concept. Aetherpony's Forced Pony Cuddles is where I first saw the idea

Oh hey, I knew this felt familiar somehow.

3688238 Yeah, it turns out I wrote it originally as a story submission or something, and wanted Aetherpony to take a look at it. Nothing came of that, though, except a mediocre, twice-derivative piece of fanfiction.

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