• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen February 12th


Chelis' Editor in Chief, and a Horse News writer on the side. I like animu, apparently. Send help.

More Blog Posts57

  • 428 weeks
    Oy Vey

    What year is it? 2016?

    Guess we're all hanging in there. Good, good. Carry on then.

    3 comments · 348 views
  • 439 weeks
    Panel Lineup: Pacific Pony Con

    Why are we on two feet? - Featuring Chelbro, MarineMarksmen and your's truly.
    "Horse News Complaint Box" - HN staffies and what not.

    Sunday Morning:
    Super Trampoline's FanFic Panel - Chelbro, Trampoline, myself, and the Aussie fags Task Force Eclipse.

    That is all.

    10 comments · 310 views
  • 440 weeks
    Progress Report

    Hey guys, just thought I'd give you an update on things.

    PPC is in 4 days! Can you believe it? Best of all, my boy MarineMarksman is gonna be on the panel with me and Chelis! So hype to see him again after BABS,

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  • 440 weeks
    5 Days to Pacific Pony Con

    Meanwhile at Dusty's everyone's place.

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  • 440 weeks
    Remember Where You Came From and New Years Resolution

    I'm terrible at speeches.

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    2 comments · 326 views

Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned... · 9:46am Dec 18th, 2015

... that some people really aren't my friend.

Context: Chelis and I were in call with some friendos and mentioned that he and I are supposed to be on a panel together with this guy. I was skeptical since I haven't done much besides a whole lot of editing and proofreading, and not actual writing, so I shot off a message to ask about the panel itself. What I got back is the reason that this blog exists in the first place.

Real talk, fam. Never do this to your friends and fellow writers. It's unprofessional and does nothing but breed distaste and hate. That's the lesson I want you guys to go out with after seeing this.

And if you're reading this, Chandler, do us all a favor: Do not gauge a person based on how many followers they have or how many stories they've written. Instead, gauge them based upon how much of a human being they are. Your second chance is done, bro.

Report DustyPwny · 809 views ·
Comments ( 40 )

WOW! :rainbowderp: That was pretty fucked up of him!

I'll respond in more depth when it's not 430 in the morning but believe me when I say, without malice, that I know how you feel.

3626170 By your logic, I get priority over you since I have more followers. Thankfully I'm not a retard though, so I don't judge authors by the amount of followers they have.



Well, you had three entire days to think what to reply, leaving a PM for 4:30 in the morning could've been prevented. (if the hour was an excuse of sending such an odd message before)

Well good golly Miss Molly, stick a fork up my butt and call me a lightning rod. I do believe we have ourselves a right and proper feud here! It seems that when our mutual friend Chelis sprung the question upon me of whether you could partake in this here panel, Ah should have thought a might bit longer and a wee bit harder before giving him a yes. I like you Dusty, I really do. But the fact of the matter is, you ain't done too much on the fan fiction scene. Come ta think of it, last time Ah dun really talk a spell with y'all was at the last BABSCon, ya know, the one where mah car engine saw fit to shred itself and 7000 thousand of mah american greenbacks. Y'all appearing outta the woodworks like that, askin' for favors sure does remind me of a certain season 1 episode. Unlike her majesty, however, Ah ain't got no direct line to the princess for more gala tickets. Actually, we be continuing this metaphor, I kinda do, but there ain't no more tickets to sell. Now, maybe none of the people I invite want to show up to our podunk first-year con in the backwater village of San Diego, which I reckon is a quite real possibility. But should that fail to be the case, All Ahm sayin is that you're the lowest fish on the fish ladder, to borrow a phrase from Fluttershy. If it's you versus Penstroke, sugarcube, Ahm afraid Penstroke's gonna win the rodeo.

Now Ah suppose by now you suppose me to be some heartless bastard, and that is an accusation Ah shall make no claim to defend mahself from. Hell, mah last fillyfriend broke up with me 'cause I wouldn't help her sister with some fake pharmacy review racketeering. Mind you, that was the merely the final straw that sipped the cider out, but the point remains, I dun fancy political favors. Shame too, cause she was a mighty ravishing pegasus, if a bit waiflike. But I digress.

This message is getting mighty long in the tooth, so I best be to the point in this next section. This speaking in fancy ain't no good for a simple bat pony like mahself.

I remember my first Babscon (2014), being super excited and submitting a writing panel, only to drop out from it so more people could fit on it. I'll tell you what, six people is too many people on a panel.

I remember EFNW '14, not even getting a panel spot despite a multitude of panels because there were just that many good writers there.

I remember BABSCon 2015, where I built an absolutely killer crew for a panel: Penstroke, Horizon, Regidar, Skywriter, and Myself. Tartarus, I'm a footnote next to those masters. I filled out a detailed application, yet the application was turned down because of simple miscommunication on the part of the con that could have been easily rectified, had those in charge of the fanfiction panels had any desire to do so. Quite a lot of fine writer folks were a might bit upset with the sloppyness ofthat situation, and poor Chelis, supposed writing "guide" sat there as a figurehead within the organization, unable to do diddly squat about it. That one really stung.

For this year's Equestria LA, I again assembled a fine team of writers, this time all SoCal locals: Penstroke, AugieDog, Bradel, Chelis, and myself. Miraculously, we even got the panel. (I made sure to be incredibly specific in the application to avoid a repeat of BABSCon.). I was finally going to have a panel. But good fortune for the con and bad fortune for my panel struck when Lauren Faust was announced in the 11th hour, and apparently, there was nowhere or time to put our panel. cancelled once again.

So you see good sir, I am familiar with your potential grevience. All too familiar. I only wish we could have more than one writing panel, but alas, I am not he who decides that.

But if I am to become the villain, grant me leave to be an honorable one, for like Discord, I am fond of wagers and games. You are correct to declare that the quality of a writer is not to be found in the number of followers or words written. One only needs to visit https://www.fimfiction.net/user/JusSonic page to ascertain that. Let us rather compare writing prowess in a far more objective field. DustyPwny, I challenge you to a writeoff.

Yea, a Writeoff http://writeoff.me, for we are honorable gentlestallions. Were we ruffians of a baser sort, we might condemn ourselves to a pie fight or a pun-off or an arguement in the comments section of a youtube video. But you and I are both civilized ponies, and civilized ponies ought do things in a civilized manner. Enter the writeoff, an annonymous ponywords competition that occurs on the web every few weeks. Your works have no name there until each contest is over, so the great are judged equally to the small: by their writing alone. And lo, what greats indeed partake. Cold in Gardez, Titanium Dragon, Present Perfect, Pascoite, to name but a smattering of the talent that partakes in these events. I myself have been sorely lacking from them for many months on account of forgetting when they are, being busy, or not having a good idea or drive. I am no regular. But just as the stars aligned to aide in Nightmare Moon's escape, so too have they aligned to provide us with a suitable battleground. The FiM minific contest. 400 to 750 pony words to be written between 20 hours from now and 44 hours from now. That's 24 hours to write a tiny story on saturday and sunday morning.

DustyPwny, I propose the following: you and I shall each enter at least one story into the contest, to be judged anonymously by our peers. If any of your entries are voted to be higher ranked than any of mine, I'll shall grant you to be a better writer than I give you credit for, and my seat on the panel. Do we have ourselves a deal?

sorry this isn't super well edited, but you get the gist of what i'm saying.

3627024 First of all, the way you type is dumb. Stop trying to make yourself sound super duper cool by putting accents and stuff into your writing. That is absolutely stupid. So please, just stop with that.

Second, he doesn't have to prove himself to you, and I doubt he'd want to be on a panel with someone as douchey as you. You might have more followers, but I've read your stories and they're mediocre as fuck in my opinion. Followers don't mean shit. If they did, you certainly wouldn't be on the fucking panel with your measly 369 when compared to the greats like Kkat and Pen Stroke.

But hey, you should definitely do that write-off. His stories are already better than yours, so he's already won, and it'll be hilarious to see other people agree.

Personally, Chandler, I've had about enough of your shitty attitude and your shitty singing. I've heard the stories. I've heard it for myself. I've seen it for myself. Stop being a two-bit hack and realize what you're doing is just further diluting both your good image and your mastery of the written language.

I shouldn't have to churn out a story a day to be considered a somewhat-decent writer. In fact, I've probably done a lot more research on the writing process than I have for my own stories. To be a good writer, you have to understand what goes into making a good story. Step One: Be a good human being and do not get flank-flustered when someone calls them out.
Oh hey, I can use PonyPuns too!
You want a write off? I'll give you one.

3627024 How about if you're going to make any sort of comment like that, drop the goddamn accent? It doesn't make you hip or whatever the hell, or make your comment any 'nicer' to look at. It's like when asshats try to write Applejack with her accent, but it's too over the top because "see? she has an accent. I know how to write characters. I REALLY DO." I'm tired as hell, so I got to say, it was obnoxious as balls.

Followers don't mean a damn thing. I don't care what panel you're doing, because I don't go to Cons, but on this site, I think it's become obvious to many people that popularity doesn't make you a good person or a good writer. It's about the experience, and what sort of person you are. It's about the work you put into your writing, not how many stories you have or how high the ratings are (haven't we all read stories that we believed deserved more? The answer is yes, of course). You, my friend, are not making a good impression. Write off because someone calls you out on your bad attitude? What the hell are you on?

for like Discord, I am fond of wagers and games

Discord would laugh at your alleged 'games' and fly the fuck away.

I just... don't take this bullcrap. At all, ever. Even if I've just gotten to know Dusty, I'm going to get pissed, so pardon me if I'm going off a bit. But imagine, Trampoline, being told you're not even considered to be part of something in a con because some higher 'ranked' author told you that you weren't good enough. That it's all about numbers and names, not about what you're actually doing. He has every right to feel upset/annoyed. Get off your high horse, this is My Little Pony fanfiction.

3627528 I eagerly await. Make sure you make an account there; since your user name doesn't have any spaces, it should be fine. Also note that the formatting tags are slightly different.

I'm at a holiday party so I'm goin to say this: I wanted dusty with me because without him wouldn't be as successful as I am today. Other editors came and went and he stuck beside me the whole time. He is much as Chelis as I am.

I bet you'd like that, faggot.

3627653 He really should talk to SR Foxley about putting together an editors panel at EFNW then. Lord knows I can't edit for shit. Well actually I'm a great editor I just hate doing it.

Why would i want to be apart of an editors panel for a con that I don't even like anymore (granted, I don't like some things at BABS either, but I digress)? I don't do panels to be among famous people. I agree to do them because it's always been with my friends at my side teaching other people about the joy of our craft. Isn't that what panels are supposed to be about, and not what you're doing?

I see you're the only one who downvoted my comment. No, I said "Fuck you" because you and people like you are the reason I left this god-forsaken cult of a fandom. You're better off sticking to those obnoxious Wendy's panels (Didn't you go into the girls' bathroom there? There was a girl who was going in and you cut right in front of her). I'm only here for Dusty because he's my brother and I'm supporting him. Matter of fact, everyone here except you happens to be a close friend of mine, and believe me, I do not intend on becoming friends with a piece of shit like you.

I haven't written anything for nearly three years, but I never forgot why I did it. I did it because it was fun and brainstorming with my friends led to some of the funniest memories I can think of. I could give a fuck about being famous or being on a panel, unlike you, which is apparently all you're concerned with.

I could hook up a cat to a car battery and it would sound better than this.

Or eleven cats. Don't quit your day job.

3627804 I downvoted your comment because using Homophobic slurs isn't cool. Notice I haven't resorted to calling people names? And in fact I don't doubt that Dusty is a good writer. What I doubt is whether he is more relevant to the fanfiction community then other authors who may wish to attend Pacific ponycon. And again as I said, maybe no one else wants to show up. But I'm sorry simple Internet disagreements like this prompted you to "leave the fandom". Because you know what, people argue in real life.

And yeah, my choir sounds like crap a lot of the time. But that tenor part isn't me if you want my voice on that track, I'm the bass.

You think I left because of people arguing? I left because of arrogant fucking people who think that popularity is all that matters, idiot. I have a whole blog post on it. Choke on it.

3627889 Bub, you lost this argument a LONG time ago. You're such a lost lamb right now, even Little Bo Peep cannot find you.

3626170 I know how you feel.

No. You honestly cannot make such a claim. If you did have any empathy towards Dusty, you would not have been coming across as an asshat in your comments.

3627676 I'm a great editor I just hate doing it.

Actually, the following is more likely the accurate statement:

3627676 I can't edit for shit

Also, I can personally attest that Dusty is a damn good editor.

3627653 I wanted dusty with me because without him wouldn't be as successful as I am today. Other editors came and went and he stuck beside me the whole time. He is much as Chelis as I am.

THIS is what we refer to as loyalty. I sense none of that from any of your comments.

3627024 Well good golly Miss Molly, stick a fork up my butt and call me a lightning rod. I do believe we have ourselves a right and proper feud here! It seems that when our mutual friend Chelis sprung the question upon me of whether you could partake in this here panel, Ah should have thought a might bit longer and a wee bit harder before giving him a yes. I like you Dusty, I really do. But the fact of the matter is, you ain't done too much on the fan fiction scene. Come ta think of it, last time Ah dun really talk a spell with y'all was at the last BABSCon, ya know, the one where mah car engine saw fit to shred itself and 7000 thousand of mah american greenbacks. Y'all appearing outta the woodworks like that, askin' for favors sure does remind me of a certain season 1 episode. Unlike her majesty, however, Ah ain't got no direct line to the princess for more gala tickets. Actually, we be continuing this metaphor, I kinda do, but there ain't no more tickets to sell. Now, maybe none of the people I invite want to show up to our podunk first-year con in the backwater village of San Diego, which I reckon is a quite real possibility. But should that fail to be the case, All Ahm sayin is that you're the lowest fish on the fish ladder, to borrow a phrase from Fluttershy. If it's you versus Penstroke, sugarcube, Ahm afraid Penstroke's gonna win the rodeo.


3626395 3626894 3627557 3627630 3627653 Thank you, everyone, who has shown your support for my friend.

3627024 3627528
I would like to put on my official Writeoff Association administrator hat and note that the Writeoff Association does not condone use of the Writeoffs to settle personal disputes, nor do we take the position that Writeoff results offer any information as to the objective quality of authors.

We can't stop people from participating based on their own motives, but I would like to urge you both to participate in the Writeoffs in the spirit of community-building — giving and receiving story feedback, enjoying stories from a cross-section of authors, and challenging yourself to push your writing boundaries.

That said, you two are as welcome to submit stories as anyone else! Please feel free to join the contest discussion thread if you'd like to interact with fellow authors (or have questions about the Writeoffs more generally — they can be a bit daunting to new participants). I don't want to see discussion of this personal dispute there, however, and will step in to moderate if necessary.



Nah, I downvoted for homophobic slurs

At this rate, H, the writeoff probably isn't happening. Now that I ain't on three hours of sleep, I can see that Trampoline was just caught by surprise, even myself as well. While this doesn't dismiss the fact that he was a bit prolific in the denouncement of both my ability and the way I carry myself, there's still some room for forgiveness I suppose. But if anything does happen, I'll make sure it's off your guy's site (since it really doesn't need to go that far).

Don't you worry your pretty little head now, ya hear?

It's cool. :twilightsmile: We do hope to see you there, though ideally under less awkward circumstances than the one ST was proposing. There's a new Writeoff every few weeks, alternating between MLP fiction and general fiction, so if the core idea sounds fun please swing on by at your convenience!

Gladly, bro! Might be a good way to shake off the dust and check the bearings after being stagnant for a while. See ya around then!

3629486 We should do a write-off sometime. For fun. Just because it would motivate the both of us!


3627955 we all know that shitposts are what keeps fimfiction in place ;^)

You know what sucks? Not being able to focus for shit off your medication, and hyper focusing on masturbation for some weird reason when you're on your ADHD medication as some weird form of sexual procrastination. Either way I can't focus and what's a fucking rider who can cannot write consistently. A nobody. That's why everyone knows short skirts and explosions because he writes consistently. He doesn't fuck around like I do. For months I've been meaning to message more people to try to get a good writers panel but the truth is I don't think anyone wants to go to war dinky little convention if i'll probably just ask a few local writers. I'm sorry I'm such a fucking asshole. Look at me I'm a fucking hypocrite. Just take my spot I'm going to be transferring responsibility for the panel to Closer To The Sun. I will still running the iron off your competition and will probably need to get some help doing that. Fuck man. I should've just explained it to you better what I was going for but I didn't even have a clear vision. And


Are we really resorting to hate speech? Come on.

It's over, fam. Why even comment?


(Disclaimer: I haven't taken any sides in this whole thing)

Because I'm slow on the uptick with my notifications, and that was an absolutely disgusting comment from someone who in one of their posts goes on about how "If there are any of you who think that talking shit and saying hurtful things over the internet doesn't hurt, then you're a fucking idiot, plain and simple. " (direct quote), and that it's shitty to wish someone death, while they turn around and tell someone else to kill themselves.

While I might not agree with the way Super Trampoline handled himself, there is absolutely no excuse to sink that low. There are better ways to make your point than calling someone the gay equivalent to the N word, and telling them to kill themselves.

Saying shit like that on a public forum that prides itself on "love and tolerance" should be grounds for removal and blacklisting.


I think you should watch this and learn to stop being offended so easily. It's also funny that you replied to the wrong person since Dusty never called him a faggot.

I hate to tell you this, but... welcome to the internet. Pick your fights, pick what to be offended at, etc etc. This is not a good place to start.

Sorry for coming off so bitchy. I'm pissy when I'm tired.

It wasn't as much the hate speech as much as Dancing Dead denouncing those who use hurtful words, then turning around and doing it himself.

There are better ways to express disagreement than personally attacking the person. Like, if we were having a disagreement, I'd rather you point out the reasons why my argument sucks rather than calling me a nigger. You're better than that, and so is he.

3640248 You're fine. It was dumb to denounce the use of those kinds of words and then use them, yeah, but I've never taken much stock in getting offended by words anyways. If you don't let them bother you, then they have no power.


Yeah. It's not the words as much as the blatant hypocrisy and disrespect.

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