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Distant Gaze

  • MSmoke
    Sombra wasn't destroyed cleanly. When some of his power is inherited, how many ponies will fall under its control?
    Distant Gaze · 192k words  ·  546  41 · 11k views

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  • 282 weeks
    Closure: Full plot spoilers for Smoke here

    Consider yourselves warned: this whole post is a spoiler. We're well past the point that the only realistic thing is that Smoke is done, so for anyone who wanted to know what had been planned, well, may this post provide you some closure. I'm certain to have forgotten things or misremembered them. It's been a while. But Smoke has only relatively recently stopped attracting new

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  • 286 weeks
    Tumblr porn ban

    As most of you know, Tumblr's banning porn on the 17th of this month. Since Smoke is pretty well dead in the water, I won't be bothering to relocate any of the images or other content from the Smoke Tumblr. If you came upon this story after I quit working on it and weren't aware there were images, here's your chance to see them before they're gone. Otherwise, it's your chance to archive them

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  • 361 weeks
    Cut content

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  • 390 weeks
    Still not dead.

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  • 422 weeks

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[Content] From an ordinary notebook. · 9:07pm Nov 29th, 2015

I guess I earned this. After ten minutes of listening, Day handed me this notebook and told me to shoo. Not just like that. That mare can be as tactful as they come when she wants to. “Pirouette, I’m happy to listen, but sort out your thoughts first.” Something like that. I haven’t kept a diary since I was a filly. And mine had ribbons on it. Where are my ribbons, Day?

So the girls found out about the poker game. The dressing room was all giggles as soon as I stepped in. Nopony had to tell me what was going on. Three of the smartplots actually threw confetti at me! Bunch of brats. All in good fun, even if I did work their tails off for it. Two though…

“It’s great you’re back on stage, Pirouette, but don’t you think he’s a little young for you?”
“Aren’t you the one who told us not to even think about Done, Pirouette?”
“Act your age, Pirouette.”

I know I’m too old for him, dammit! I’ve got two decades on him, even if I don’t look it anymore. But they just want to bang the boss. I said it. I actually said that I loved him. And he accepted me just like all the pretty fillies he’s been messing around with lately. All that mattered was us. Where was he in the two years between casinos and here? The things those two would’ve said if they knew about that.

So what now? I can’t take it back. I think it’d hurt him if I tried—other mares or not, the silly colt seemed happy holding me. Maybe he feels… Honestly, get it together, Pirouette. He had a new mare in bed; of course he was happy. But so was I. If he’d kept his big mouth shut, I’d have kissed it all night. Ugh, those confetti-throwing fillies would laugh so hard if they knew their boss was no better than their little sisters.

[Jagged scribbling]

“He calls me a mother hen. So… so fine. I love him and they do too. But I am old. And I am a mare. I’ll play the hen, make sure the little chickies behave for him, keep the foxes out, like those two. Make sure the rooster—that big, dumb cock—keeps behaved, no matter how full the hen house gets. And when he takes time for me, I’ll be the happiest chicken in the yard.

[Jagged scribbling, loopy scribbling on top]

That Peach girl’s got a spine after all. She’ll be perfect for him, if I can teach her how to handle him. Keep his masseuse from eating him alive. Keep his old hen from holding him back. Maybe turn her loose on those two snakes. Maybe leave them en pointe until they fall over.

I wonder where I can get some ribbons for this plain old thing.

Report Distant Gaze · 379 views · Story: Smoke · #Content
Comments ( 7 )

Wait, who are the two that she's talking about? :rainbowhuh:


From Plumbing: "My ears perked as a pair of dancers placed bets on who’d spend it in my bed, and sank flat as Pirouette scolded them for encouraging me."

They haven't gone anywhere. But even if that hadn't been mentioned (Plumbing is PC after all, its events aren't critical to the story), it's just a pair of her dancers who hassled her.

Keep his masseuse from eating him alive? Come on Day, show some support for your sister. And teaching Peach how to “handle” Done? I guess my joke about Day being the true evil mastermind that secretly manipulates Done was true after all.

Interesting insight in Pirouette’s mind. Things between her Done are going to change. I wonder if that means that’s now ok with him going around brainwashing Mares. Her comment about making the little chickies behave reminds me of the first concept of Pirouette aka the backstabbing bitch who cares more about the show than the dancer. Maybe she’s turning into a lighter version of that aka a taskmistress with less backstabbing and more caring.

Why are Day and Pirouette so worried about these two dancers, again? Having two mares willing do have sex with him before getting smoked doesn’t sound that horrible. Besides, he’s going to smoke them anyway so if someone is going to have a bad influence on somepony it’s Done. Unless they’re going to convince him to stop speaking in whole sentences while wearing a cape and a crown.


Come on Day, show some support for your sister. And teaching Peach how to “handle” Done? I guess my joke about Day being the true evil mastermind that secretly manipulates Done was true after all.

I... think you may have misread this. The notebook was blank when Day gave it to Pirouette. Day didn't say anything about anyone; she just gave Pirouette paper and told her to get her thoughts together before wasting more of her time. All of this is from Pirouette's perspective.

I wonder if that means that’s now ok with him going around brainwashing Mares. Her comment about making the little chickies behave reminds me of the first concept of Pirouette aka the backstabbing bitch who cares more about the show than the dancer. Maybe she’s turning into a lighter version of that aka a taskmistress with less backstabbing and more caring.

She wouldn't approve of Done just going around doing as he pleases, but from her perspective right now, his girls are useful, cared for, given a "family" of sorts, and so on. When he's adding to the family, within reason, Pirouette isn't going to be angry. I wouldn't say she's going to become a taskmistress, but she sees her role as experienced mother figure expanding from just her dancers to all the girls Done brings home. Making them behave is more about keeping them from becoming a bunch of squabbling shrews who make Done and each other miserable than brainwashing anyone.

Why are Day and Pirouette so worried about these two dancers, again? Having two mares willing do have sex with him before getting smoked doesn’t sound that horrible. Besides, he’s going to smoke them anyway so if someone is going to have a bad influence on somepony it’s Done.

Again, not Day, just Pirouette. She was just writing why she suddenly had a diary again at the beginning. And she's concerned because those two are out to advance by sleeping with the boss. It speaks poorly of them, and smoke or not, Pirouette doesn't want Done taken advantage of. Also, Done's never laid a hoof on any of his dancers before Pirouette. She wouldn't stand for it; she's protective of them, and thought Done was becoming a skirt chaser. Done was fine with it because hey, he's got more sex than he knows what to do with. Why piss off his best friend when he could just have Deep spend the night? Pirouette would probably be more okay with it now, but she'd still rather see him care for the girls he has than add more for no reason.

I thought that last part was an addition ("Keep his old hen from holding him back. Maybe turn her loose on those two snakes.") from Day, because I assuemd that Pirouette wouldn't write about herself in the third person. So yeah that was a mistake on my part.

I really enjoyed this and while I Don't really have any questions I can't wait to find out how this will tie in to the next chapter : )


Glad you enjoyed it. I'm afraid it won't tie in all that much. Right now, I'm thinking it's been so long since a chapter with heavy smoking that I'm going with one more smoke-and-sex focused chapter. Not PC, but it's going to seem like it's PC for a very long time, before it becomes relevant. This post needed to happen, though. Pirouette is important, and will continue to be, but she gets relatively little "screen time." I felt like showing the effects of her night with Done needed to happen, more immediately and less abstractly than just having her cheer Peach on, or keep the peace.

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