• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm here to read fics and chew bubble gum... And Pinkie stole all my gum.

More Blog Posts8

  • 446 weeks
    I am still alive

    Hey guys.
    It's been... Wow, over 6 months of silence since my last comment, post or chapter...
    This is really embarrassing...

    I am so sorry for the lack of updates on my story.

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    13 comments · 1,022 views
  • 482 weeks
    Chapter 8 & Featured

    Just so you know, I've already started on the next chapter.
    Don't know how long it will be (who am I kidding, I never do), but it will mark the beginning of the involvement of a character who's yet to appear in this story... I'm thinking green and purple.

    Also, you might have noticed me mentioning this, but I actually got featured on March 2nd.

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    8 comments · 424 views
  • 485 weeks
    Coming Soon

    Hey, just posting this to let you know that "Chapter 7 - On Tiny Wings" of No More Nightmares will be out next week, as long as nothing gets in my way.

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    4 comments · 288 views
  • 490 weeks
    Obligatory Update

    Hi all!

    Just wanted to let you know that the next chapter of No More Nightmares (NMN? Naah...) is coming along quite nicely.

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    2 comments · 390 views
  • 494 weeks

    Well, in case you have missed it: The next chapter of No More Nightmares will be coming out this Sunday!
    About frickin' time, right? Even I was starting to get seriously tired of this long-ass delay.
    I'm going to be working triple time to have it done by then, because seriously, this wait has gotten ridiculous.

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    1 comments · 349 views

I am still alive · 8:47pm Nov 21st, 2015

Hey guys.
It's been... Wow, over 6 months of silence since my last comment, post or chapter...
This is really embarrassing...

I am so sorry for the lack of updates on my story.
Over the last months, I've lost my job (I wasn't fired or let go, it's more like my job ceased to exist, at least the department I worked in did) and not long after, my family lost the last of our dogs, only a little over a year after we had lost another one.
He was still young and it had come so suddenly, and losing two friends and family only a year apart from each other really hit me hard.
These things really put a damper on my writing, but it wasn't just that...
Day in and day out I would sit and stare at the latest chapter I'm working on, knowing what I wanted to write, but for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to type out anything.
I just sat and stared for hours and nothing would come.

I tried taking some time away and gather my thoughts and get myself psyched up for writing, but it didn't help, and the more I put it off, the less I wanted to write.
Before I knew it, months had passed.

The only moderately good news I have on this is that I might have finally gotten a little of the spark back.
I started looking around other sites, mostly greentexts on /mlp/, believe it or not, just reading other peoples' stories.
It made me a little inspired again, and I started writing little stories on this and that, just for my own amusement.
And I finally manage to write on my latest chapter.
It's still far from finished and it's still been going slowly, but this at least gives me fresh hope that I'll be able to keep my promise about not giving up on my story and that it'll be completed one day.
I hate to ask this of you, after leaving you hanging for so long, but I hope you will be patient with me and still be there once it's done.

But if there is one thing I'm even more sorry for, it's the complete silence and lack of response from me during these past months.
I didn't mean to go AWOL on you, and I hope it didn't seem like I've turned my back on you all.
The reason for it is so dumb, I almost don't want to admit it.

I was ashamed.
Days, weeks and months of nothing to show you, no matter how much I tried to get it done.
You were all so patient with me, eagerly waiting for the next chapter. I kept telling myself that I would work hard and get the chapter out quickly, then I could answer your comments without having to tell you to wait longer until the chapter was finished.
But it never got finished, and the wait just got longer and longer, but I still convinced myself to wait until I had something to give before I would answer you.
By the time I realized how much time had passed, I just felt so rotten that I didn't know what to say.
Even as your comments grew more concerned, I still couldn't bring myself to come out of what had practically become my self-imposed exile, if I may be a little dramatic.
It is so stupid and childish, but I had always felt a sense of pride over the fact that I had made it a personal mission to always respond to each and everyone of you, and I had managed to uphold that mission, until these past months.

You mean so much to me, the fact that you take the time out of your day to read MY story, and then gracing me with the honor of giving feedback and sharing your thoughts and opinions with me afterwards, there is no greater gift I could ask for.
Answering your comments is a courtesy that is the least I could do, even if it doesn't come close to showing the tremendous gratitude I have for you, but it is something I did with pride.
And I let you down. Neglected you and started to feel like I was taking you for granted.
And I am so, so sorry.

I realize that my apologies are probably silly and unnecessary, but I still feel like I have to.
Because you still mean the world to me, and I will treasure your words forever.

I'm sorry (see, still doing it) for seeming so morose. I'm still in good health and taking care of myself, so you don't have to worry about that.
I can't promise a full return soon, and I probably shouldn't either, but I haven't abandoned you.
I'm still here, and I'm here to stay.

Just remember that I love you guys, and I hope you've been well while I was gone.

One day, I will be back in full force. Just wait for me.

~Red Angel

Report red_angel · 1,022 views · Story: No More Nightmares ·
Comments ( 13 )

I understand, I also lost my job and my dog had also died as 21 years and a succession of other tragedies

deprecion causes us to lose the perception of time and sometimes fall into a state of apathy strong

the important thing is trying to get ahead, talking to our families, friends

or try to clear our mind with our hobbies, enclosed it is not very healthy to say and not be forced

I am glad you are well

and fuerze not write, do not need this pastime becomes bitter

I'll be frank and admit, the whole dog thing doesn't mean much to me. My family has always had pets. They come and go rather a lot like mobile, furry furniture to me. As much as I'd like to, I can't really empathize a whole lot about that. Sorry for this.

I certainly sympathize with you for your job and other issues, however. That is the kind of thing that would probably throw anyone for a bit of a loop. You might remember me commenting on it or you might not, but I liked your story enough to have it on my Follow list even today. I certainly hope you'll get your legs back under yourself.

Wishing you all the best.

You have my sympathy, I lost my dog back in April, had him nearly 14 years, I'm twenty and still couldn't come to grips with losing him. Got rather drunk, listened to Drink a Beer over and over and over, stopped reading fanfics and comics for almost a week. Loved that dog.

Other than that, I got nothing to say about you losing your job, I don't even know what it was. But I'm very happy to see that a story that many people said was abandoned is still being written. It's just, so many great stories will never get finished because of reasons, good reasons, bad reasons, simply not wanting to write a great sad fic. And while I may have not been following this story from the beginning, I'll be just as eager and patient as all of your dedicated readers.

Good luck and may the stars shine upon your wishes.

I'm sorry about all that happened, but I'm also glad you're ok

How do I keep missing these blog posts by my favorite authors?!

I am beyond happy you're alright I was actually beginning to think the worst had happened, thank goodness it was a needless worry, and had been wandering around your story (which is still amazing on the 6th read through) and noticed a blog post on your account I didn't recognize. I am so relieved that you're ok, but I'm so very sorry for what you've gone through. You really have no reason to feel ashamed we all still love your face and understand completely why you've been gone. Please know that you owe us nothing and that you shouldn't feel ashamed for not wanting/being able to do something you were doing for fun.

I am so glad you're ok and I hope you get back to a stable and comfortable life soon.

Oh. Well the long heartfelt comment I made and posted wasn't posted... That's...upsetting. Well the gist of it was that we love you, you have no reason to feel ashamed for not wanting/being able to continue doing something you do for fun, you don't owe us anything so you shouldn't feel pressured to continue if you can't or don't feel like it. I am very sorry for what you've gone through and I can sympathize heavily with losing your dog and can understand losing your job (even though I have yet to be able to get one in my town because I'm still not 17) and I hope you get back into a stable and comfortable living soon. I will patiently wait for a continue, if there will be one, and if not that will be fine but what there is of this story is still wonderfully sad and amazing the 6th read through:pinkiehappy:

Oh. My Fimfiction on my phone was glitched... My bad.

Hope everything evens out for you. Hope you have a Happy New Year.

I hope you come back soon because I really enjoy reading your story. And I notice that alot of stories in here become "deadfics", and I will be super upset this become one of them, but hopefully it won't.

Dammit, I am so sorry to hear! Rough damned year for you guys!

Anyway, when you do make your triumphant return, I hope you know you have plenty of fans waiting for you. We're bronies. We're here to support eachother :)

Its been 5 years. Hope you are better.

Hey man you ok hope covid didn't get you we miss you over here

Hey you still there hope nothing bad happened to you

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