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Quick question for Dark Horse, Jewelry · 4:19pm Nov 19th, 2015

What's the actual term for the type of necklaces that Luna, Celestia and Cadance wear?

The style that Celestia wears is basically a stylized, jeweled horse collar (like :eeyup: but ceremonial instead of functional), Luna a torque (like the Elements) with a very thin gap back in the neck instead of at the front, and Cadance's the only one that wears a 'normal' necklace, right?

I think that's the right terms, but I'm just making sure before it shows in the story proper way~ down the line.

Comments ( 19 )

Some people insist they're called peytrals, but that is actually a kind of horse armor analogous to a gorget. They're simply necklaces. Collar might also work.

Torcs are solid single-piece affairs, by the way, which the elements don't seem to be.

That... sounds fine to me... But I'm not really a horse necklace expert. Or a necklace expert period.

Still, if any website does have horse necklace experts, it would be this one.

Yoke. Big Mac pulls plough, alicorns pulls Equestria.

3553179 Thats what I thought they went by for names.

Celestia wears collar. It's just a type of necklace. But there is a cute word carcanet for jeweled collars.
Luna - just collar. That big plate is similar to pectoral, though.
Cadance - just necklace.


Some people insist they're called peytrals, but that is actually a kind of horse armor analogous to a gorget. They're simply necklaces. Collar might also work.




I have to admit, I can see the resemblance. Especially for that big one Celestia wears.

And to be fair, there's a real life precedent. Ceremonial maces as symbols of office, for instance. Holdover from the rather 'Spartan' style society pegasi used to have, perhaps?

I'll have to consider that.

Torcs are solid single-piece affairs, by the way, which the elements don't seem to be.

...What makes you say that?


Much wider than ones made for a human neck, sure, and seemingly at least partially held on by magic, but I think there's a clear resemblance.



Still, if any website does have horse necklace experts, it would be this one.

:rainbowlaugh: True, true...


That's actually a neat idea for ceremonial gear, but yokes are more an oxen thing, and they're usually made to work in pairs.


Horse collars have more padding, although I'm drawing a blank on the exact 'why' for that.



Celestia wears collar. It's just a type of necklace. But there is a cute word carcanet for jeweled collars.
Luna - just collar. That big plate is similar to pectoral, though.
Cadance - just necklace.


That's really interesting, but I'm worried that's one of those instances where unless I'm carefully its going to make half the audience dive for their dictionary.

Still, I'll keep it in mind.

Thanks everybody! :twilightsmile:

When worn, they seem to close solidly in the neck area and are rather flexible. A lot more than that image makes it appear, anyway. Maybe that's just me, but they don't seem to be actual solid torcs to me. They're drawn in a rather ornate and stylized fashion, admittedly, which makes it not quite obvious just by looking.

I'm not too fond of the peytral thing, personally. I think something like a broad chain of office or something like that is a closer analogy. They just don't actually look all that much like they're derived from armor to me.

3553237 I do note that I really liked http://www.fimfiction.net/story/39849/rites-of-ascension take on this.
They are in fact Armor - but they deploy magically into a complete cover.
(Calls them Torcs in that case).

That does raise the perhaps important issue in Dark Horse canon of implying an actually competent Celestia/Luna.

Rites Celestia is rather more competent and lethal, but crippled in combat as her link to the sun means if she lets loose, there is no Canterlot.

My understanding as to why 'horse collars' are padded much more than oxen ones is due to the anatomy differing, asking a horse to push an unpadded collar chokes it out.

I've been meaning to get around to reading that. It looks interesting.

Naturally it would be a rather different matter if they actually were armor, of course, but since we're presumably talking about the regular versions here, I don't think it quite applies.


Seconding that having Rites on the 'to read' list.

They are in fact Armor - but they deploy magically into a complete cover.

I do really enjoy high-magic ideas like that, but I don't think the concept is applicable to Dark Horse. No-where near yet, at any rate.

And I've mentioned it in the comments for Dark Horse proper, but I don't see the Princesses as, or intend to write them as incompetent.

They simply came armed for and expected bear, and instead ran into a hydra, if I remember correctly how I put it.

Its one of those things that's going to make more sense later in the story, I mean, but right now saying anything more detailed would be spoilers.


I do really enjoy high-magic ideas like that, but I don't think the concept is applicable to Dark Horse. No-where near yet, at any rate.

It's an interesting enough idea, but giving the princesses a magical Iron Man suit does sound a bit silly even by MLP standards.

I do enjoy the occasional spite fic that just completely rips into their characters - Cultural Artifacts is a favourite of mine - but I am rather glad you're not planning to do that here. It just really wouldn't work for this story. They kind of need to be competent, if not particularly pleasant, for the plot to really function as it does.


It's an interesting enough idea, but giving the princesses a magical Iron Man suit does sound a bit silly even by MLP standards.

I wouldn't go that far. No magical 'power armor' type stuff, I mean.

But a necklace that's really a transformed if otherwise 'only' high-quality suit of armor, summons one, or anything like that?

Given the whole legally and cheaply available comics with pocket dimensions in them, frog-oranges and other such things, I don't think anything like that would be beyond Equestria's magic/tech level.

3553449 Part of the fun with powered armour is of course ways it can fail.

Given the prevalence of teleportation spells, they probably wouldn't even need any baubles for assistance with that, so I don't doubt it. It's just kind of conceptually silly, if you ask me. That's really more of a videogame or superhero comics kind of thing. I don't think it really meshes well with the setting.



Heck, from what we've seen normal ponies don't really need armor most of the time. Twilight was up and running despite that wheelchair and neck-brace in Pinkie Keen, and RD only took three days after a nasty fracture on a wing she refused to stop moving.

Still, there is such a thing as the cool factor, and I doubt those suits of armor the guard wears are only for a 'uniform' of a sort.

Going by some of the tumbles that Rainbow has survived, I am halfway convinced they must be either indestructible or made of rubber. Under real-world physics, that pone ought to be a chunky red smear on the ground a dozen times over by now.

Still, there is such a thing as the cool factor, and I doubt those suits of armor the guard wears are only for a 'uniform' of a sort.

Looking at the things, I rather doubt they'd be useful for anything else. That stuff ought to be as protective as wrapping yourself in tin foil, not to even speak of all the vital areas that it completely fails to cover in any way whatsoever. If I had to do the whole realism thing, I'd have go with it being purely ceremonial. The only other armor we see is Luna's Nightmare outfit, if I remember correctly, and that isn't really any better either.


To act as devil's advocate, we really don't have any idea what type of enchantments go into the royal guard armor, and its clearly mostly for show. They're more a policing force meant to look good and help the public, rather than monster slayers.

As I mentioned, the castle of the royal sister did have some more 'realistic' suits, after all, so there's clearly a bit more than just ignorance going on.


To act as the double devil's advocate, we also have no reason to believe that any enchantments go into making the things at all. :derpytongue2: It certainly doesn't seem to do anything particularly special during all the numerous occasions the guard gets beaten up by the villain of the week, that's for sure. The "it's a uniform" thing seems actually like the most reasonable answer to me there. Sort of like the Swiss Guard.

And yeah, now those things actually look like they're made to protect someone from harm. Even if they do have a very silly spiky mohawk.

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