• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen April 25th

The Elusive Badgerpony

More Blog Posts114

  • 206 weeks
    vibe check

    who the hell is still alive on this shithole

    throw me a comment here if you live. Also I've got some stuff to say below the break I guess lol

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    43 comments · 1,030 views
  • 243 weeks
    anyways watch g5

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    7 comments · 396 views
  • 262 weeks
    I'm Sponsoring a Contest

    tl;dr I'm giving out prize money for a contest! Details below in the needlessly long and elaborate blog post.

    Hi guys.

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    4 comments · 492 views
  • 267 weeks
    New story out now!

    Hi guys. Figured I'd drop another story into the Incest is Wincest siblings contest, since my first one was (annoyingly) not gonna receive the entry bonus due to being

    1. anthro (gasp!)

    2. non-canon siblings (horror!)

    3. I think there was something else but there was a big sticking point

    Anyhow, here's the link!

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    0 comments · 342 views
  • 269 weeks
    New story, Closer Than You'd Think, is out now!

    I'm super stoked to finally publish something after so long. Give it a read and let me know what you guys think!

    0 comments · 345 views

psa · 4:48am Nov 19th, 2015

Sorry for the supreme lack of any content lately. I know at least one of you is waiting on a commission I was working on cause you lent me money at Bronycon and stuff, and I've a few other stories either in the mind tank or otherwise partially finished.

School has been kicking my ass lately. I've also been cast in a play production we're doing here, and that's been killing my availability in the evenings as well as the time that I have for actually sitting down and goddamn writing something. With the way that my schedule has been lately, I probably won't have a good chance to get anything published until Thanksgiving, maybe even until Christmastime. That sucks. I mean, I know 90% of you guys don't give a shit about the stories that I put out but I know that at least a few of you do, and I myself have been frustrated with my lack of pony-related words output. All of my time and creative energy has been absolutely sucked clean from me, and I don't like that that's happened.

Shit irl has been fucky, too. Dealing with a lot of personal issues as well as a few emotional ones. I'm incredibly grateful to have a whole bunch of supportive friends and things both irl and online, and I've been seeing someone every other week with this stuff. I know that for the most part things have been quiet from me save the occasional episode recap, and even those are often quick and sloppy because I have no time anymore.

I mean, yeah, that's just a part of adulthood, I know, but it really blows because I enjoy writing. I enjoy putting out stories and seeing people react to them and give me feedback. Having more of that would be really, really nice right now, but I've just been so swamped lately and it's been driving me nuts. It doesn't help that my lack of success story-wise lately has kinda made me feel really irrelevant to the general community here, and I also feel like my occasional assholery regarding stories here has turned people away from me. Hell, even reading stories these days is something I have trouble doing, much less writing them.

I know that a lot of people are going to tell me to take a break from FIMfiction and all that other stuff, but the thing is, I have. I have been, to focus on my life in general, and that hurts. I miss all of you. Every single one of you. Even the guys I can talk to on Skype. I've been feeling a little shit in general lately but coming over here just to empty my inboxes just doesn't feel right. I want to be a part of what's going on here again, but I don't have the time or the energy to do it right now and that blows so hard.

I know that I'm pretty close to a thousand followers, and I feel like that by sort of being dead here that I fail every single one of you by not continuing to be a positive and productive force here. Emphasis on positive. I'm sick with fighting with people and being angry at people and being completely disrespectful to people at times. I know I haven't done it here in a while, but again, time...

I want you guys to all know that I appreciate all of you. I appreciate any chance I get to talk to you. I appreciate the support and the comments and stuff. Like, I don't even mind not getting featured so often, I just mind the general silence from you guys, because I don't write for votes, I write for thoughts. I love, love, love seeing people react to what I write. It is downright satisfying to see people pleased with my stuff, and a great learning experience to see people who aren't and to get constructive criticism from them, and a pretty hilarious one to see the dumb shit some of you guys post, but it warms my heart because you guys care enough to say something. Anything.

So I guess that's why I'm writing this, even if it's nowhere near peak hours and absolutely nobody is going to see or care about this. Because I thirst for your guys' feedback. I thirst to hear from my followers again. I thirst to know if anyone wants me to keep writing horsewords instead of fapping or rping or playing video games with all of my limited free time. I miss you guys a whole lot. I wanna talk with you guys a whole lot. I want our conversation to come back again.

If you see this, please consider leaving a comment if you'd like to. I won't demand it even if I have been for the past like six paragraphs. I just want some feedback. Believe me, I've got a bunch of stuff I've been itching to write, I just need to find the time to do it, and thankfully after this weekend I might be able to get back on the horse (nyeh heh heh) again. How many of you guys would be interested in gay rule 63 anthro clopfic? almost none of you Hell I might write other things too, for certain, I just want to spitball stuff.

I dunno. I guess I just wanna say what I've said like three times already. I miss you guys. I want us to start talking again. I'm sorry for all the shit I've said in the past and I'm sorry that I haven't been around. I've neglected this account for far too long. Something's gotta give.

Comments ( 7 )

*Huggles* I'd read anything. You are a great person. Life gets in the way of many things.

We all know how you feel. I can't say we've ever really talked, but if you'd like to, my inbox is always open.

As someone known for quick and reliable updates, I have no idea what any of that is like.

Seriously though, as pretentious and dumb as it might sound coming from one clop writer to another, writing is always hard once you start to really care about doing it well. And as with any hobby that produces stuff rather than consuming it, you only get out what you put in. It's tough to fit writing around a high workload, and not just because of time but because when you've been busy it's much easier to just say "I'm tired, I'll do some tomorrow, it's k." And then tomorrow rolls around and the same thing happens.

That's been one of my biggest issues, anyway. I don't know how applicable it is to you. If if is, then all I can say is that you gotta MAKE time for it. Sometimes it really is impossible, and that's alright, but setting aside a specific half-hour every day helped a ton for me. Once I got back into the habit I actually miss it whenever something comes up and I really don't have time to write anything.

Of course, maybe I'm completely off the mark, in which case I guess disregard all that. Either way, I'll look forward to whatever it is you decide to publish here next, even if it is gay rule 63 anthro horseporn.

3552593 Yeah, I'll block off a bit of time to be in the writing zone for sure. It's a good idea.

I really love your work. Keep fighting the good fight.

Man, do I know those feels. I've been trying to leave more reviews on stories and talk with people more on the site, 'cause I haven't been doing it much for too long and I miss and love having conversations and stuff, and yeah. And man, do I need to read more of your stuff because you're the greatest ever.
But dude, don't feel like you're failing us. Irl obligations and problems are important. Have fun and do awesome in that play, take the time to blow off steam (:rainbowwild:) and play some vidya and whatnot, and write fic if you feel like it and have the time. ('Cause I fuckin' love gay Rule 63; there will never be enough of it in my life.)

Miss you too, Badger. But take care of yourself first. We'll still be here waitin' for you when the time's right for you. Take care!


cast in a play production

You are forgiven and everybody here is happy for you :twilightsmile:

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